How to rest your mind: meditation, tea, thoughts and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

How to rest your mind?

Stress can affect your mind and cause reactions in your body as powerful as a muscle tension, headaches and even hair loss. And the most surprising, it can manifest in anyone and at any age. Therefore, it is very important to rest your mind to prevent the advancement of these symptoms.

There are some relaxation techniques that will help you in this process, preventing symptoms or worsening of diseases. Meditation, physical activity and listening to relaxing music are some positive practices to calm the mind. They will help you relax the body and mind, and provide invigorating nights sleep.

There are also some foods and natural remedies that you can turn to in order to deal with this problem. The way to a less stressful life is a quest for healthy living. Learn all the techniques and rest your mind to have a lighter life!

Daily Meditation

Meditation is an activity capable of making people calmer, the biggest advantage of this practice is that it can be practiced from anywhere and at any time. The practice of meditation enables an improvement in your concentration, undoes negative thoughts and promotes physical and emotional well-being.

Thus, you will restore your balance, but before you start your practice it is important to know some important points to get the most out of this activity. Like choosing a quiet place, understanding the positions and having a positive attitude. Learn more about meditation in the reading below.

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is a method where you work on mental images of environments and situations that are considered relaxing. Generally, the senses of smell, sight, hearing and touch are stimulated, these stimuli encourage you to be mindful. To do this, it is important to focus on your breathing and be present.

This type of meditation can be guided by a professional. But, you also have other options such as apps and social media channels that instruct the practice of guided meditation.


Mantra is a method of meditation that uses positive words, phrases or thoughts. You should repeat them slowly, this will help you calm down and prevent your mind from getting distracted. It works as a kind of therapy, reducing tension and helping you face the difficulties of your day.

The exercise of patience in mantra is what will keep your mind disciplined. The practice of mantras can be done daily and its results are long lasting. A good start is to look for mantras that reflect the state of mind you want to achieve, this will motivate you to maintain a daily practice of this activity.


There is a type of meditation where you exercise mindfulness, Mindfulness. It allows you to have a greater awareness of your present, as well as improve your focus on your routine. This method enables you to have better control of your thoughts.

It should be practiced in a comfortable position so that you feel relaxed. This will avoid some physical distractions and help you to be present. In the moments that distracting thoughts or feelings arise, let them flow. Avoiding them will help you focus on the activity and allow you to feel lighter.

QI Gong

Qi Gong is of Chinese origin, this term refers to the exercise of cultivating your energy field. You must follow a series of exercises that have the purpose of stimulating a better circulation of Qi through your body.

This is an ancient Chinese technique based on light, flexible and fluid movements. Qi Gong usually combines exercises from other methods, such as breathing exercises, meditation and physical movements, always with the objective of calming the mind and restoring the balance of your energies.

Tai chi chuan

Tai chi chuan practice is capable of stimulating both the physical and mental parts. It is a type of meditation that uses Chinese martial arts as reference, using its postures and movements. Unlike a fight, you should perform slow, harmonious movements and remain silent.

It is common to see people practicing this type of meditation outdoors. Tai chi chuan can be practiced by anyone and the ideal is to wear comfortable shoes and light clothes. The movement of your body will generate energy and stimulate your body awareness, concentration and work on your patience.


In Yoga you will perform postures and breathing exercises with the aim of making your body more flexible and calming your mind. The positions require balance and concentration, you should always be aware of your breathing to try to harmonize your energies.

These exercises will help you control your emotions and deal with the stress of your daily life, as well as ensuring a sense of well-being. It can be practiced by everyone, regardless of age.

It is advisable that you practice Yoga for up to 3 months to feel the first effects, because as you practice this meditation, you will have a better body awareness and will have a greater control of your mind, which will provide a calmer routine and a lighter mind.

Evaluating thoughts

Thoughts are nothing more than an internal dialogue. Our mental processes that condition our feelings and the way we act in the world. Through our thoughts we analyze events and interpret our reality.

Our reality is shaped by our interpretations, generating feelings and behaviors that may or may not be appropriate. It all depends on how we perceive ourselves as individuals and directly influences our spiritual state.

Identify negative thoughts

Immersed in our routines we tend to think in an automatic way, so our thoughts seem distorted and we can't deal with our reality. This state of stupor can generate many negative thoughts, because we start to live in a way disassociated from our reality.

Thoughts are spontaneous, they assault us all the time, often passing unnoticed, without giving the necessary attention to what we are thinking at that moment. Especially when we are under pressure or within a work routine.

To identify these negative thoughts it is necessary to exercise the breathing. This exercise transports us to the present, it is at this moment that we begin to realize what is happening to us. Then, we begin to deal with the thoughts in a rational way and we begin to discover what is best for us.

Identify the trigger of pessimism

Mental triggers can be varied, they usually trigger emotions in us depending on our thoughts and what is happening around us. The pessimism trigger is often generated by a situation we can't handle. When we relive our traumas, for example.

We experience a part of our life that we want to ignore and this makes us angry and pessimistic about our reality. One of the ways to deal with the trigger of pessimism is in the confrontation, it is important that you fight these thoughts with positivity to thus find the balance and calm your mind.

Positive people

People are like magnets, we tend to pull to us the energy of the environment and the people around us. We tend to attract their energies and it directly affects our energetic state. Observing the energetic vibrations of each one will be a fundamental step in this process.

Surrounding yourself with people of high spirits will preserve that positive energy in you, and you will soon realize that there are uplifting friendships in your life. And knowing this, you will deal with them in a way that brings out the best for you. By doing this you will realize that your quality of life will improve and you will feel good about yourself.

Patiently evaluate thoughts

You will only be able to evaluate your thoughts when you give them the proper attention. To do this you will need to combat automatic thoughts, which are those thoughts that invade our mind and disturb our emotions.

An efficient method to deal with them is to write them down. Whenever they arise you should put them on paper to try to understand the origin of these thoughts and reflect on the usefulness that this type of thought has for your life.

Seek gratitude within you

Chance bothers us because it often takes us out of our comfort zone. Soon, life gets out of control and we immerse ourselves in a whirlwind of negative emotions making it difficult to get out. The problem lies in how we react to these situations, we need to re-signify these moments.

First we need to accept the fact that we don't have total control over life, so we need to deal with chance in a positive way, it will help you to face it in a lighter way and calm your mind.

Seek gratitude within you, this gesture will bring comfort to your life and prepares the ground for any adversity that will arise in life. Thank the good things that have happened in your life and you will realize that there are many!

Search for natural states of joy

Look for natural states of joy in your life, be it a smile or positive thoughts, they will help you make life lighter. Especially when you are in the difficult times in life. Where you focus expands, positive thoughts will help you get through whatever difficulties you are going through.

Soothing teas

There are several natural remedies that help relieve stress and calm the mind. Teas such as chamomile, valerian, or melissa are one of them. All of them have special properties capable of helping you with your anxiety and stress, as well as providing restful sleep for those who consumed them.

Its properties have already been researched and is scientifically proven! Learn more about the properties of each tea, its functions and how to prepare in the reading below.

Chamomile and cat-herb tea

Chamomile and catnip tea are great relaxants, working even as mild sedatives. They are able to help you sleep, providing more peaceful and restful nights for your mind.

The ingredients needed to make the tea are:

- 250ml of water;

- 1 teaspoon chamomile;

- 1 teaspoon catnip.

First put the water on the fire until it boils. After it starts boiling you should pour the water into the cup over the herbs, then put something to cover the cup and let your solution stand for 10 minutes. After that just strain it and you're done.

Valerian tea

Valerian is a powerful medicinal plant widely used as a sedative and is useful for cases of anxiety and acute stress. To make your Valerian tea you will need 250ml of water and 1 valerian root.

Separating the ingredients, put the water to boil and place the valerian root in a cup. When the water is boiling, pour the hot liquid into the cup and cover it, this will help preserve the properties of the plant. Wait for 10 minutes and after straining it is ready for you to drink.

Melissa tea

The melissa tea is light and aromatic, possessing medicinal properties besides being a great drink to be consumed before bedtime. The melissa plant may be known in some regions as lemon balm, its origin is from Asia and is part of the same family as boldo.

This is why it is widely used in infusions, as it has an impressive calming effect. Its tea is one of the most potent for anxiety and as a stress reducer, ensuring wonderful nights' sleep for those who have difficulty sleeping.

Lime tea

Lime is also considered a medicinal plant and may be called by other names such as: tejo, teja or texa. Its tea is popularly known for treating various health problems, the main ones being anxiety and headaches. It also serves as a great stomach relaxant, improving your digestion.

Some research has been done with this tea and they have shown that its substances act directly on your nervous system. Preventing stress, relieving your anxiety attacks and calming the nerves.

Other techniques to make the mind rest

Other healthy practices are also advisable such as physical activities, massages and going out with friends. The important thing is that you take care of yourself, for that we have separated some tips that will help you calm your mind.

Relaxing massages

Massages are great for achieving a state of physical and mental relaxation. And when done with essential oils like lavender and eucalyptus they enhance the effects of relaxation, managing to relieve stress and tension in your body.

Using oils in massage is quite common, its therapeutic properties are known and everyone who does a relaxing massage is surprised by the result.


It is recommended that you do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. If you set aside just this much time a day you will realize the benefits that exercise such as running, cycling and even a simple walk can provide you.

Exercises stimulate the release of hormones like endorphin, it is able to reduce pain in your body and increases pleasure. Soon you will feel relaxed, thus resulting in a sense of well-being.

Take time for you

Taking time out is essential for you to have a contact with yourself and seek activities that please you. Leisure is an important part of our lives, because through them we can relieve the tensions we feel on a daily basis. Having a time for you is to be free to promote your well-being.

Going out with friends

A social life is having friends and family members who help you and are by your side in any moment, whether you are at leisure or suffering. Friendships allow you to share your experiences and connect with the world.

All kinds of social interaction will help you reduce stress, as well as promote happy and long-lasting relationships. Going out with friends will make your life lighter and more fun, creating unique memories that you will carry with you forever.

Good nutrition

Your diet will define a lot about your life model, because it will determine how much disposition and energy you will have in your day. And through it you can avoid many diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension and even cancer.

Therefore, it is important that you eat in a balanced and healthy way. Your eating habit should be planned and thought in a way to preserve your future. Besides providing more health and energy in your routine, being conducted in a way to provide your comfort and well-being.

What is the advantage of resting the mind?

We need to rethink our habits in order to ensure our well-being. This exercise to calm the mind is fundamental, as it will enable you to reach your state of balance in life. It will also help you avoid the problems caused by anxiety and stress.

Especially nowadays, where we live in a world overstimulated by the internet and advertising, not allowing a minute's rest for the mind, overloading it with information and leading us to mental fatigue, which can affect our decision making and, consequently, generate anxiety.

In practice, it is proven by science that resting your mind is beneficial for your brain and your body. It can even improve your longevity, promoting your well-being in the short and long term.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.