Child psychology: meaning, how it works, benefits and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is child psychology?

Child psychology is a branch of the psychic field that deals exclusively with children. In this first stage of life, the brain modifies more than in any other phase of life and this constant change is analyzed in this area of psychology, so that these processes can be catalogued and even understood more broadly.

Some of its most basic fundamentals can be applied by the parents themselves in conjunction with a psychologist. However, when we talk about some kind of developmental delay, it is strictly necessary that this child is closely monitored by a professional to understand exactly what is happening. Learn all about child psychology, in this article.

Meaning of child psychology

As it is about children and they, usually think between reality and fantasy, since they use their imaginations much of the time, the analysis needs to be done in a different way, making every child symbolism can mean something. Check now how this field of psychoanalysis works and for which children is recommended!

Definition of child psychology

Generally speaking, child psychology helps children deal with and understand their own emotions. Since we are talking about someone who is developing, it is normal for them not to know what they are feeling or why they are acting in such a way. Much may be a normal part of development, but some things are simply atypical.

With the right tools, the child psychologist encourages the child to externalize, in the way he knows how, his feelings and thus outline an action plan. This externalization is usually done in a playful way, with drawings, collages and even in small theatrics. This is the easiest way to access the subconscious of the little ones.

How child psychology works

By making the child talk, sing, interpret or draw what he/she is feeling, the psychologist will, little by little, outline a diagnosis and, depending on which one it is, a specific treatment. The child, in most cases, stays only with the professional in the enclosure.

The idea is for the child to feel safe and, unfortunately, in many cases, the adults themselves are the cause of the child's insecurities. When the psychologist can get some substantial information, he tries to talk about it, pulling the child to reality. This professional is trained to understand the signs that the child may externalize.

How the child psychologist works

Unlike an adult psychologist, who reserves the fact that he is not a friend to his patient, just someone who is able to help; child psychologists take the totally opposite stance, trying to stay as close to that child as possible, encouraging him to do what he likes so that he speaks more openly.

The posture that this professional assumes is that of a confidant and is usually chosen by the child. Of course, the strongest bonds are avoided. But, for the child to speak, he/she needs to be in an environment that he/she considers fun and likes to go to. The idea is to never act forcefully with the little ones.

Performance of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

A technique widely used by child psychologists is cognitive-behavioral therapy, which consists of creating scenarios and feelings, so that the child expresses himself in the way he likes best: fantasizing and playing, even if talking about real habits and attitudes.

The technique in adults is done by pointing out behaviors that are repeated and that are harmful. The psychologist promotes the policing of these habits, making them change little by little. However, with children, with these fictional situations, he will stimulate the child to talk about their behaviors and how interesting it would be to do a little differently. Or even, they seek together a solution.

Benefits of child psychology

The benefits of this type of treatment are many, since it helps in the understanding of this child as a thinking being, in addition to resolving many of the issues created in childhood. Child psychology can be very important in some follow-ups, such as in cases of adoption or loss of a loved one.

Check now the main benefits of child therapy and how they can help in the adult life of that child!

Relief of suffering in the child

Many times, a child starts going through psychological treatment because they have had some sudden change in temperament or a break in development. The family may know the cause, such as a bereavement, a change in family structure or even abuse. However, in many cases, parents have no idea what happened.

In this case, therapy comes in to help the child deal with this traumatic moment and take him/her out of this space of agony, since the child responds differently to each situation. This characteristic is part of the developing brain. Therapy, for parents, can be the light at the end of the tunnel.

Causes of atypical behavior

Some children tend, as they develop, to acquire atypical habits and manias that were not part of the things they used to do and, in general, tend to be harmful as time goes by. Some tics, aggressive crises and even the habit of hurting themselves.

In these cases, the psychologist tries to draw a bigger picture around the child, since the causes for this can be the most varied, such as bullying or the rejection felt by the arrival of a new family member, for example. Many times, it is an arduous task to get to the cause, since it can be the combination of several elements.

Support in the child's learning

In each country, a child's level of development is preconceived. In Brazil, for example, a child is expected to start the literacy process at age 6. However, each child has a unique "functioning" and this notion of the right age to learn such things is a bit complicated.

And to correct this deficit, child psychologists work to help children who cannot keep up with average performance. Often, it is just a matter of time. However, there are cases that require close monitoring, since the deficit is caused by something greater.

Reinforcement for professionals who work with children

Also used as a reinforcement in learning, there is still a specific field within child psychology, called psychopedagogy, aimed exclusively at meeting teaching demands in the formation of children. A psychopedagogue can often be a teacher in schools or special rooms.

These classrooms are present in most schools and help in the development of students who have some difficulty or delay in learning. The techniques used for teaching are more playful and created individually for each student, thus adapting to the educational level of each child. Always, of course, respecting their individual time.

Developing strategies for dealing with yourself

Understanding and dealing with one's own feelings, especially during this period of development, can be a great challenge for children. Many of the atypical behaviors developed in early childhood can and are directly related to not knowing how to deal with oneself.

For children, it is very complicated to deal with emotions because they don't know their names yet and it is very abstract to explain a feeling to someone. How would you explain anger to someone who has never felt it? This is a considerable challenge that child psychologists face.

Guidance for parents

It is wrong to think that this process is passed only by children, since parents should be guided, also, on how to deal with and continue the evolution of the child's condition. This is because many behaviors externalized by the child are just a reflection of a dysfunctional upbringing, making the solution is another one.

In addition, parents need to be working closely with child psychologists to continue at home the techniques used with the child and, of course, observe the progress of treatment. Parents and guardians, in general, are an indispensable part of treatment and future medical discharge.

Resources for the child and family members

In the treatment, the child psychologist inserts a series of elements in the child's daily life that, until that moment, were not known. In this way, the family and all the child's surroundings need to get used to new activities, which can be very useful to be done with the family.

Each process is documented and passed to the responsible tutor, as well as each element. For example, a game helps in the memorization of the child, the parents are advised of the usefulness and how it should be played. They provide one and follow the process at home. A kind of homework.

In more serious cases, such as abuse, for example, the family is oriented on how to proceed in how, for example, they should talk about the subject with the child.

Signs that point to the need for child psychology

Children are often indifferent to how they feel, so it is essential that they are closely observed. There are some signs that show that the child is not well psychologically and being aware of this can be decisive when it comes time to treat, since the earlier the diagnosis, the faster qualified assistance is given.

Check now the main signs that children show when they are not well and how to identify them!

Introspection and Isolation

For many children, the first sign that something is not right is withdrawal and even complete isolation. Because they don't know how to deal with their feelings, isolation is used to get away from something that is hurtful or that they can't fully verbalize. It can be caused by many factors, and each case is unique.

A divorce, an abrupt change in routine, the loss of a loved one, a change of school or even an aggression suffered can trigger this type of behavior. Rejection can also be a factor in this sum. Watch out if the child is talking less, asking less or becoming evasive when questioned.

Weight changes

Weight loss is not always due to a physical problem. Often, the child is suffering from a psychological disorder that affects their weight. Notice if your child is losing weight and how their eating routine is. Is he eating less? Is he refusing to eat lunch or dinner?

This can be linked to childhood depression or even bullying. Many children suffer from aesthetic pressure by their own peers and, not knowing very well how to talk to their parents, stop eating. It is a dangerous behavior, because a child is a developing being and needs all the nutrients to develop well.

Difficulty in concentrating

Several causes can lead to a significant loss of concentration in a child. It can be, for example, just a change of routine that is still being accepted by children. Or, in more serious cases, it can be some syndrome or psychological illness that requires treatment with medication and therapy.

Either way, it's important to notice this behavior and always be aware of what's going on with your child. Go back to simple lessons that he enjoys doing and does quickly. Does he show the same performance as before? Does he take longer to answer questions or has homework time increased? These are signs that something may not be going so well.

Problems with sleep

Children with a routine sleep well. At least, that's the idea. And, when something affects them psychologically, one of the first signs is through sleep. The child starts sleeping less or having a troubled sleep filled with nightmares. This is an important sign that it is necessary to seek a professional.

There are also cases of children who triple the hours of sleep or who spend the day sleepy, even though they have slept the recommended hours for each age group. This can be a sign of depression, for example. It is essential to talk to and understand the child's feelings, in addition to seeking, together with a professional, what the causes of this are.


It is not normal for a child to be or become aggressive. Many times, the little ones start to show this aggressiveness by playing with their peers, parents and even pets. This is a dangerous behavior and, almost always, it is linked to some atypical situation in the child's daily life.

The child may, for example, be bullied at school or by a family member; he or she may be exposed to violence in the home or even suffer from this violence. Each child acts differently to similar situations, so investigation is very necessary to establish a diagnosis.

Compulsions and obsessions

Compulsions and obsessions can indicate that something is not right and requires attention. It is normal, for example, for a child to develop phases, where she falls in love with a certain cartoon and wants her birthday party themed on it, for example. However, when she becomes obsessive about unusual things, such as an object, it is a warning sign.

In addition, children can develop compulsions, either eating or cognitive, such as doing the same thing repetitively, exhaustively and in a looping manner. Given this scenario, it is essential that parents seek the assistance of a professional, because this new "habit" can be a leak of something bigger.


Violence in a child is an indication that something is very wrong. Unlike aggressiveness, which shows itself in a milder way, either in bad jokes or even in 'rude' responses, violence is really worrying because it causes several problems in a chain.

A violent child is a child who is no longer liked in social spaces by peers, teachers and even family members. This causes isolation of the child, generating rebellion, which leads to more violence, making an eternal circle of dysfunctionality, which compromises the child's development.


Sadness can also be a sign that something is not right with that child. Usually, a child is talkative and happy, although he/she cries more often than an adult. When a child assumes a posture of sadness in the face of any situation, it is important to seek professional help.

The causes can be many, such as loss, abandonment or even worrying about things that affect adults. It is important to make sure that children are children, no matter what. Childhood depression is more common than you think and, unfortunately, it is very present among Brazilian children.

Difficulty making friends

When a child has difficulty making friends, it is important to seek professional help, as this is that child's whole social structure and how they behave in the world. First friends are something important for that child to develop safely.

Normally, the causes of this difficulty are more related to the family structure. The little contact with other children in the first years of life can be a factor, for example. A child that lives with 4 other children of the same age group since the beginning of his life is more predisposed to make friendships than one that lived surrounded by adults.

Excessive fear

Fear is very important for a child's development, since, in the absence of discernment about things, fear helps them not to get into situations that put them at risk, such as going down a ladder or touching the vacuum cleaner. This is normal fear.

However, when the child begins to present fear of many things, always depending on parents or guardians to perform simple tasks, it is a warning sign to seek professional help from a child psychologist. Too much fear can be the externalization of several things, including sexual abuse.

Is there an age limit for seeking child psychology?

Each case is a case, but after the age of 18, the psychologist will usually refer you to a conventional therapist. However, it is worth saying that the mind does not always accompany the age of the body, so there are cases that a psychologist accompanies the child until he enters adulthood.

When in doubt, consult a child therapist and, if he/she says that this is not your child's age group or need, he/she will make a referral to a professional who meets this demand.

There is not, also, a minimum age for the beginning of the treatment. There are children that start their accompaniment with months of life and it lasts until adolescence. The important thing is to look for the accompaniment, the rest is done after the psychologists already understand the case.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.