Safflower oil: consumption, contraindications, benefits and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about safflower oil

Safflower oil is taken from the seeds of the Carthamus tinctorius plant, a plant that has orange or yellow flowers, full of branches and with its use little recognized.

Safflower flowers were used in the past for making paint, becoming an important plant for the Greek and Egyptian cultures. Despite this, its use has expanded over time. Today, it is widely used in more than 60 countries, with an average production of 600,000 tons per year.

In its history, the cultivation processes have evolved and so has its use. Before, its main reason for cultivation was in the production of paints. After the observation of its properties and health benefits, its oil has become a reference for the whole world. Read on and discover its potential!

Vegetable safflower oil and essential safflower oil

By extracting safflower oil, a series of studies began which were responsible for its popularization, as its culinary, medical and aesthetic potential was perceived through them, thus inaugurating a series of products with this raw material.

Among these products are vegetable safflower oil and essential safflower oil. Understand the difference between each one and its application in the sequence!

What is safflower oil

Although cultivated by the Greeks and Egyptians, its origin is Chinese. The oil extracted from the seeds of the Carthamus tinctorius plant is rich in omega 6, also known as linoleic acid, besides containing polyphenols and omega 9 in its composition.

You can find it for consumption in 2 forms of vegetable oil used for consumption in cold or hot foods, as well as in capsules. The latter form is the most common and is sold by compounding pharmacies and natural products stores.

Safflower vegetable oil

Although it is widely consumed in capsule form, safflower vegetable oil is one of the best alternatives compared to other cooking oils. However, you need to be aware that there are two varieties of this oil, one being more suitable for cooking and another that should not be heated.

The two varieties are known as high-linoleic and high oleic. The former is known to be rich in polyunsaturated fats which is widely used in non-cooking foods such as in salads, for example. The fact that it has a neutral taste makes it a favorite for many.

While the second, high oleic safflower oil, is rich in monounsaturated fats. Therefore, it must be used at high temperatures. Its function, then, is to cook food, being a rich source of fatty acids, vitamins and polyphenols.

Safflower essential oil

The edible version of safflower oil is in capsules. It is extracted by pressing the seeds to remove their oil and then encapsulated. It has a wide application in medicine for its effects and possible applications in the treatment of diabetes and skin problems, for example.

There is also another way to consume it, which is by ingesting safflower essential oil. This is a distilled or pressed version of the petals and flowers of the plant. It has a different texture to the safflower vegetable oil. Besides ingestion, it can also be applied to the skin.

Consumption of safflower oil and its contraindications

From the moment the benefits of safflower oil became widespread, its products began to be consumed around the world, especially by those seeking to lose weight. Nevertheless, before starting the consumption of this substance, it is good to be aware of its contraindications listed below.

How to take safflower oil

You can consume safflower oil in 4 ways, through high-linoleic or high oleic vegetable safflower oils, which can be used in cold foods or hot foods, respectively.

The other two ways are through safflower oil capsules, commonly taken before meals, as well as safflower essential oil.

Who should consume safflower oil

Due to its properties and benefits for the body, safflower oil is generally consumed by people seeking to lose weight or practitioners of physical activity, which makes it widely spread as a food supplement.

However, there are people with certain clinical conditions that need to avoid its consumption, such as pregnant or breastfeeding women. Therefore, it is important that you seek guidance from a doctor or nutritionist.

The ideal consumption of safflower oil is, at most, 1 gram per day. It is used in the preparation of fried or stewed foods, as well as in salads. Regarding capsules, you should consume a maximum of 2 per day, before or after physical activities.

As for those who consume its essential oil, should ingest a maximum of 2 tablespoons per day, before or after meals. If you are going to apply it on the skin, watch out for possible reactions such as redness or itching. If this happens, clean the region and avoid using this substance.

Contraindications and side effects of safflower oil

No reports or research have been found yet that indicate side effects regarding the consumption of safflower oil. Nevertheless, it is suggested that its consumption should be avoided mainly by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Another case that should also be avoided is by people who have some degree of fat accumulation in the liver.

Health risks

Most people will not have any problems consuming this substance. However, there is a lot of research to be done regarding safflower oil associated with pregnant or lactating women, for example. Therefore, in these cases its consumption should be avoided.

Still, there may be health risks, mainly due to excessive consumption, which is able to cause problems such as arthritis, depression, decreased HDL (or "good cholesterol") and inflammation in the body. This happens because of the high level of omega 6 present in its composition.

Safflower oil benefits

The benefits that safflower oil provides for the body are unbelievable. Being able to act on several fronts of our body, from the treatment of diabetes, in diets for weight loss and in combating cardiovascular problems. Find out why it has so many benefits in the reading below!


One of the biggest advantages of consuming safflower oil is in its concentration of vitamin E.

This nutrient is well known for its antioxidant action, helping our body fight the inflammatory processes caused by free radicals dispersed in our cells, which ensures greater longevity to our cells and directly combats premature aging, from the preservation of our energy to the elasticity of the skin.

Controls appetite

The fact that you consume the fats present in safflower oil slows the absorption in your body and, consequently, increases the feeling of satiety. By extending the gastric emptying, it becomes a great alternative for those seeking to lose weight, because it directly favors the control of the diet.

Moreover, its consumption stimulates the production of leptin, this hormone is also known as the "satiety hormone". Besides, of course, the presence of Omega 9 in safflower oil, which acts in decreasing the production of cortisol - hormone responsible for stress and is directly related to increased appetite.

Diabetes Control

Consumption of safflower oil, especially the polyunsaturated ones, is able to promote better regulation of blood glucose levels, which aids in insulin secretion and the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Cholesterol reduction

It is clear that a healthy diet is fundamental for you to guarantee a reduction in cholesterol. However, you can use safflower oil to help in this reduction process, because it contains substances that are able to reduce the LDL (or "bad cholesterol") in the body.

Mobilizes fat

One of the fundamental functions of safflower oil is its capacity to act in diets, being extremely efficient in weight control. Tests are being carried out that indicate that the supplementation of this oil facilitates the burning of fats in the body, especially those that are concentrated in the adipose tissue (in the abdomen region), thus provoking the burning of white fat.

This capacity would be associated with linoleic acid, or omega 6, which makes it able to inhibit the production of the enzyme LPL. These characteristics make this oil very famous among women who wish to lose weight, being widely used in diets.

Prevents heart problems

The fact that safflower oil can act to reduce bad cholesterol in the body allows it to also help prevent heart disease, because the regular intake of the oil is able to prevent the formation of blood clots that would be responsible for heart attacks and strokes (strokes).

In addition, this oil is also able to act on the blood vessels, reducing blood pressure and relaxing the vessels so that it prevents other risk factors for the individual's heart.

It is good for the skin

The application of safflower essential oil is also recommended for those with dry or inflamed skin, as it can help soothe it, contributing to a smoother appearance. In this way, the oil ends up becoming a very requested ingredient by the cosmetics industry, using its substance in skin care products.

The direct responsible for this benefit is in its composition that contains vitamin E. This protein has the ability to protect the skin from free radicals, preventing it from damage or loss of elasticity, delaying premature aging of the skin.

Facilitates nutrient input

There are certain nutrients in our organism such as fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, which are difficult to absorb because they need to be associated to the lipids we eat in our diet in order to be absorbed by our body.

In this way, you will need a diet moderate in substances such as fats like HDL, for example, and in fatty acids that are not produced by us and are present only in our food, that is, through your diet, you will determine if you will enjoy the benefits of these vitamins.

Omegas are part of these substances capable of providing antioxidants and fats necessary for you to perform this absorption. Safflower oil has in its composition two of them, which are omega 6 and 9, which act directly in the maintenance of your body and assisting in the contribution of nutrients.

Does not release free radicals when heated

The fact that it does not release free radicals when heated is one of the wonders of using vegetable safflower oil. When heating its oleic-rich oil at high temperatures, the monounsaturated property reacts in the opposite way to cooking oil, for example, which when cooked releases free radicals that are harmful to the body.

Safflower vegetable oil reacts in a way that preserves its properties and the integrity of its cells, so that your body can take full advantage of it.

Safflower oil for hair

Besides all the health benefits, safflower essential oil is also indicated for the treatment of brittle and dry hair because it contains in its composition vitamins E, A and antioxidant fats, which act directly on the maintenance of skin and hair.

To take advantage of this benefit, you should apply safflower oil on the scalp and slowly massage the surface, stimulating the circulation in the region and causing the hair root to absorb the oil gradually. You will feel your strands stronger, in addition to stimulating their growth.

Does safflower oil really lose weight?

There are researches that show the efficiency of safflower oil in relation to weight loss, especially in relation to its ability to reduce fats such as those located in the belly. Other characteristics of the oil that help in weight loss are the reduction of appetite and the feeling of satiety.

In this way, safflower oil stimulates the body to use its fat reserves as an energy source. However, consumption must be accompanied by a balanced diet and exercise.

In addition, it has linoleic acid, a powerful reagent in the function of mobilizing proteins and helping to prevent common problems of obesity such as stroke, or heart attacks. It contains omega 6, which protects against the formation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries, acts in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and against cancer.

That is, its medical potential can ensure a number of health benefits, in addition to helping in weight loss. However, it is necessary that you seek a follow-up from a doctor or nutritionist. Remember that excessive use can bring negative consequences pro your body.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.