Scorpio with Scorpio: see if two people of this sign match!

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Jennifer Sherman

Scorpio and Scorpio differences and compatibilities

Scorpio is a sign ruled by Mars and Pluto, planets that have the characteristic of war. Because of this it is common that the relationship between two people of this sign is full of intensity, either positive or negative.

The partnership between two Scorpios is usually full of truth, intensity and depth, be it in love, friendship, work, or in general coexistence. However, as not everything is flowers, you should always be careful with the negative side of this sign.

When they feel threatened, Scorpios tend to show their negative side, which has a certain aggressiveness. So, for them to get along well, it will always take a lot of maturity on both sides. Read on and find out more details about this zodiac relationship.

Scorpio and Scorpio combination characteristics

When they are together, whether in a love relationship, professional or any other, Scorpios tend to help each other a lot. Some say that they even understand each other by telepathy.

The secret to a good relationship may lie in the fact that they know how to respect each other's space, so that they always help each other grow. But of course not everything is perfect, and so this relationship will also have its differences. To better understand about this, follow below.

A Scorpio tends to be extremely intense and deep. He brings with him a pinch of power and mystery. Besides being a jealous, possessive, manipulative and vengeful person when he wants to be. The Scorpio also has a very strong sexual desire. Besides having formed opinions, and being a fan of independence.

Despite being temperamental, vindictive and even arrogant at times, the Scorpian also has positive tendencies. He is a very motivated, determined and passionate being. In addition, he still carries with him doses of investigation, with a gift for being a great explorer of the beauties of the world.

Scorpio and Scorpio Affinities

As you have already seen in this article, the Scorpio-Scorpio encounter is marked by depth and passion, so whatever kind of relationship you have between them, it will always be explosive.

Scorpios are very fond of emotion, fidelity, affection, sensuality, physical contact and loyalty. Therefore, these affinities between them will be extremely positive in their relationship. Besides, they have a lot of love for their family and friends, and cherish the good times shared between them.

Disagreements between Scorpio and Scorpio

Because they are driven by a lot of intensity, the relationship between Scorpio and Scorpio needs to have some limits because if they are crossed, this relationship can become dangerous. Scorpios are jealous, possessive and have a controlling nature. So, if there is no patience and understanding in the partnership between the two, this relationship can become extremely stressful.

Scorpios are also usually vindictive and blackmailers, so these characteristics should be controlled as soon as possible, otherwise the relationship between them will be full of unhappiness.

Scorpio and Scorpio Combination in different areas of life

Scorpios can meet each other in different areas of their lives, whether at work, in love, in friendship, or in living together in general. If you are of this sign of the zodiac, have met another Scorpio like you, and want to know more about how this relationship between you can be, follow the reading below and find out all the details.

In living together

Scorpio is by nature very jealous, so two Scorpios together is synonymous of jealousy in double. Therefore, this is a factor that will need to be well managed, if not, could hinder the coexistence between them.

In their social environment, the Scorpion usually has few friends, however, despite the small number, they are usually faithful. The Scorpion is still a very suspicious being, and sometimes prefers to stay within his private world, before opening up to other people. Thus, in their coexistence, the Scorpio person often appears mysterious.

In love

In love, the relationship between two Scorpios will be one of ups and downs. This is because the relationship will be full of much love and also possession, which can bring some fights to the relationship.

Therefore, in a relationship between two Scorpios, it is essential that they control their jealousy and their possessive and manipulative nature. Besides, whenever a Scorpio feels that he is being changed, he tends to take unexpected actions. Although he is romantic and very attached to his partner, he also knows how to be vindictive when he wants to be and won't let anything go.

In friendship

The friendship between two Scorpios tends to be very special. This is because this relationship is always very true and deep, and tends to last for life. Thus, Scorpio friends help each other, support each other, and are happy for each other's conquests.

Besides that, they respect each other's space, so this is a friendship without invading "territories", and they understand each other perfectly, almost like telepathy. It can also be said that Scorpio friends help each other to grow more and more in their lives.

At work

Some say that a Scorpio duo in the professional space can be very dangerous. This is because people of this sign usually like to have control of the situation, so in a work environment, this duo can clash head on.

Scorpio is a sign with a commanding spirit, so when they are involved in some kind of work, they go all the way to deliver the best possible result. This zodiac sign also tends to do very well with investigative work, so they don't leave anything half done.

Scorpio and Scorpio combination in different areas of the relationship

The coexistence between two Scorpios can happen in different situations in life, such as kissing, bed, conquest, communication, among other things.

Also, if you are of this sign and are looking to deepen your relationship with another Scorpio, below you can understand more about what loyalty, and even marriage can look like for this zodiac mix.Check it out.

The relationship

As you may have already noticed in this article, the relationship between two Scorpios will always be very intense, full of emotions, passion and fights. Therefore, in order to have a pleasant relationship, you will have to learn to leave aside the craze of wanting to have everything at your reach and in your own way.

Scorpios should also examine their conscience and be less vindictive and spiteful. Understand once and for all that this kind of behavior won't get anyone anywhere. On the contrary, it will only make this relationship wear down and you'll drift apart.

The kiss

The attraction between two Scorpios is always very powerful and almost irresistible. Because of this, the relationship between the two will always be marked by seduction and desire. These are factors that make this couple's kiss extremely special.

The kiss between two Scorpios goes beyond the physical, being almost an emotional encounter. Being extremely intense, both are not afraid to surrender, which makes the kiss always very energetic.

In bed

It can be said that in bed, two Scorpios have a special magnetism and full of mysteries. This connection goes far beyond pleasure, and also involves heart and soul. Thus, when they come together with this carnal purpose, they end up having a different harmony.

Because they are very deep and sensitive in their relationships, sex between them creates a very strong bond. This makes the sexual compatibility of the couple to be maximum. Moreover, it is known that for the Scorpio sex is something very important. So, it has an extremely important role in the relationship of both.


For the Scorpio, everything is 8 or 80, there is no middle ground, so if you know how to keep certain points of your personality in mind, you can have a privileged communication. However, if you take everything by storm, it will be difficult for you to understand each other.

Scorpios have a great loyalty and are very focused people. However, they also have a domineering nature and like to be in control. If these last mentioned characteristics stand out in your relationship, you will certainly have communication difficulties. Therefore, the key word for a good dialogue between Scorpios is balance.

The conquest

A Scorpio always feels the need to be in control, so during the conquest he doesn't accept games, and lack of truth. He values honesty, affection and affection. Always a fan of mysteries, at the time of conquest it's always good that you don't reveal everything at once.

Besides, Scorpios have a great sex drive, and of course they would also use that to conquer. They always bet on an irresistible kiss, and a good night of lust.


Scorpios are known for their reputation of being loyal, so they have a certain difficulty trusting someone. However, when they trust and become attached to that person, they are capable of getting into fights and trouble to defend them.

On the other hand, if the people around them are not loyal in the same way, the Scorpio tends to put their vengeful nature into play. Because they are still very intense, this ends up potentiating the Scorpio's attitudes.

The wedding

This couple can get along very well, with so much that they don't upset each other, after all, as you've already learned throughout this article, Scorpios tend to be very vengeful. Also, even if on the outside he doesn't get revenge when someone hurts him, know that he has a great memory, and he won't forget so soon what you did.

So, within a marriage, as a Scorpio is hurt, he tends to lose confidence in his partner, and this can shake the relationship. But on the other hand, people of this sign also tend to be full of passion, so, with a little help, they can be won back.

If you know how to balance your strong characteristics, you can be an example to many. Together you have the ability to achieve great things, after all you are both full of strength and energy.

A little more about Scorpio and Scorpio

A good Scorpio is always full of mysteries, so there is still a lot to talk about this zodiac sign. Below you will be able to understand better about what are the best or worst pairings for someone from Scorpio.

Also, it is essential that you stay on top of the tips to make the relationship with your Scorpio work. See the details below.

Scorpio woman with Scorpio woman

First of all, you need to know that superficiality is something that bothers a Scorpio woman. They don't like and don't tend to do anything that doesn't add something to their life. So, this is also true for relationships. If both of you feel that this is an empty relationship, you will soon leave.

A Scorpio woman will not be satisfied with little. Besides the basic things of a relationship like affection and sex, they look for more, like a partner who really completes them in all areas.

However, they are also more reserved, and therefore take time to have confidence in someone, and consequently enter into a relationship. Therefore, patience should be a great ally.

Scorpio man with Scorpio man

A Scorpio man likes and wants to be taken seriously at all times, so whenever you're in a relationship with him, show yourself to be 100% focused in your conversations. The Scorpio man hates, for example, to be talking to his partner while he's on his cell phone, or distracted with something else.

He looks for deep and lasting relationships. It's not always easy to surrender, but when he lets himself be carried away by the passion, he lives that relationship intensely with his beloved. But pay attention, the Scorpio man tends to be possessive, so this relationship can turn into a great possessiveness on both sides. So at this point you need to have a lot of control.

Scorpio woman with Scorpio man

Because they feel they have found someone so similar, the Scorpio woman and man can be very happy together. They both love to keep things secret and increase even more the intimacy of the couple. So, when they are in a relationship with other signs, they often need to explain about this preference. This does not happen in the presence of another Scorpio man.

They have the ability to recognize each other just by looking at each other. On the other hand, as not everything is flowers, both are suspicious, controlling and possessive. So, they need to learn to control these characteristics, otherwise the relationship could be a failure.

Tips to make the relationship work

For a Scorpio man nothing sounds temporary, so his energy is to make things permanent. When he is with someone, he wants that relationship to be forever. So, a tip for a relationship with a Scorpio man, is to be as intense as him and deepen your relationship more and more.

However, it is worth noting, that when they feel that the relationship has cooled down, they tend to break up. So, if you want to make it work, it is important that you truly give yourself to this relationship.

Best Pairs for Scorpio

Scorpio with Scorpio can be a good zodiac combination in love, however, it also has its complications. As you have already learned a little about their relationship in the course of this article, in this topic we will focus on other signs.

Scorpio with Libra also promises to be a relationship of great rapport, after all, they both tend to devote themselves to each other with sincerity. However, Scorpio tends to be more emotional, while Libra is rational, and at this point they will need a certain understanding.

Scorpio and Taurus, despite being opposite signs, end up completing each other. They are extremely different, but usually love each other unconditionally. Because of this, this relationship can be very happy for both. However, when it comes to money, they usually have differences and certain difficulties.

The relationship between Scorpio and Cancer promises to be very happy and romantic. Both have the desire to start a family and have many children. However, they should be careful with external interferences in the relationship, especially family ones.

In the case of Scorpio and Pisces, the relationship is full of romance. However, they will need to be careful when it comes to financial obligations. The relationship is usually one of great commitment. Just be careful with jealousy and silly fights.

Finally, an unusual combination that can work out well is between Scorpio and Aries. This relationship can be extremely passionate from the very first glance. However, as both are used to giving a lot of themselves, they end up demanding the same from the other.

Both of you have a strong entrepreneurial spirit, so you can build a lot of things together.

Worst Pairs for Scorpio

Scorpio with Leo is certainly one of the most dangerous combinations of the zodiac. This is because both of them do not admit to give up their thirst for control, always wanting to be in charge of the situation. Therefore, this relationship will hardly be calm and easy.

The Scorpio and Sagittarius are very different: while the Scorpio is extremely intense and emotional, Sagittarius tends to be very relaxed. Because of this, the Scorpio tends to want to change his behaviour to please his partner, and this won't be a good idea as it will make him feel uncomfortable.

Scorpio and Scorpio is a combination that can work out?

The relationship between two Scorpios promises to be always very intense and full of mystery. This is certainly a relationship that can match, after all, both will be very similar and therefore will identify with each other.

However, the negative characteristics of this sign can also weigh, such as jealousy, control freak, possessiveness, among other things. So, as in any relationship, as much as there is love and many things in common, there will also be their differences.

These differences cannot be a hindrance to this relationship. However, whenever they come up, it will require a lot of patience and discernment from both of you. Remember that this, along with respect, will always be the basis of any relationship.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.