The magical properties of Mugwort: Where it comes from, teas, baths and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations on the magical properties of Artemisia

Native to Europe, Asia and the northern part of Africa, this powerful bitter-tasting herb is closely related to psychic powers, dream magic and psychic development.

Although a powerful magical herb employed in rituals, its use is not restricted to spiritual practices alone. Mugwort has also been employed for millennia in folk medicine, as well as being used as a spice in some parts of Asia.

In this article, we present the magic and medicinal power of this powerful herb. In addition to describing its properties, we give tips on how to find it, how to make spells using Artemisia, and present how to incorporate it into your life through teas, baths and compresses.

Grab your wicker basket, for we will enter the secrets of the forest, awakening the ancestral knowledge of this powerful herb to harvest it and benefit from it.

General information, medicinal and magical properties of Artemisia

The Artemisia is one of the essential herbs for the life of a witch. For this reason, we have separated in this section information about its medicinal and magical properties, so that you can understand its healing and ritualistic energies. Check it out.

Where it comes from and general information about Artemisia

Much of the information about Artemisia comes from ancient treaties, many of which were written in Classical Antiquity. Artemisia was an herb already cultivated in Ancient Egypt and its name originates from the goddess Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon, due to the fact that this herb was burned in rituals in her honor.

Many medieval treatises also contain the secrets of this herb. From them, it is possible both to understand its operation in magic, and especially its medicinal effects in healing processes.

The medicinal properties of Artemisia

The medicinal use of Artemisia was already known in Ancient Greece. Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, applied the healing properties of Artemisia to treat cases of anaemia, asthma, menstrual cramps, stomach pain and rheumatism.

Other medicinal properties of Artemisia include: treatment of depression, liver disease, gall bladder disease, muscle pain, intestinal spasms, fever, infection caused by worms, loss of appetite, memory loss, digestion problems, regulation of the menstrual cycle.

ATTENTION: the Artemisia should not be used by pregnant women or people with suspected pregnancy! Its properties can cause miscarriage. Remember: the herbal treatment should only be used with medical monitoring, because the ingestion of teas, even natural, can have serious consequences.

The magical properties of Mugwort

Mugwort is a feminine plant, ruled by the Earth element and the planet Venus. Its magical properties are related to protection, healing, astral projection, as well as psychic powers and prophetic dreams.

It has been used to banish evil, simply by smoking its incense indoors or even hanging its branches in the place that needs more protection.

Because it is associated with psychic powers, it is commonly used in rituals to develop clairvoyance or to provoke prophetic dreams. To dream about the future, leave a sprig of Artemisia under your bed.

Where to find Artemisia

Because it's an herb introduced to Brazil, Artemisia will hardly be found naturally born. Therefore, you should look for it in natural products houses, esoteric stores, open fairs, besides specialized herbs houses.

If you have any witch friends, they will probably have Artemisia planted in their home, so you can turn to them.

Tea, bath, spell and simple amulets with Artemisia

Mugwort can have its powers channeled in a variety of ways. Whether it's through teas, energy baths or even spells and amulets, find out how to use it and benefit from its magic below.

Mugwort tea

Mugwort tea is excellent for awakening clairvoyance and working on psychic energies. In addition, it has excellent medicinal properties, as described above. To prepare this powerful tea, you should use 1 tablespoon of Mugwort for every cup of hot water you wish to prepare.

Drink it little by little, to best take advantage of its energizing properties. Artemisia has a very bitter taste, and although many people are tempted to sweeten it, its powers are most effective without the addition of any kind of sugar or sweetener.

WARNING: Mugwort tea should not be taken by pregnant women or in cases of suspected pregnancy.

The Mugwort bath

You can enjoy the benefits of Mugwort through this bath.To make it, you will need:

- 2 liters of water;

- 1 handful of dried Artemisia leaves.

How to make:

- Put the water on to boil;

- when it boils, turn off the heat and add the handful of Artemisia;

- Cover the pan and leave to infuse for approximately 13 minutes.

- Then strain the herb, reserving it, and transfer the infusion to a bucket.

If desired, add more water until it reaches a pleasant temperature. Then, take your hygienic bath as usual. Finally, after bathing, use the infusion to bathe your body from the neck down, asking for protection. Dispose of the remains of the Artemisia in your garden.

Simple spell for energization and intuition

To energize your body and awaken your intuition, you will need a handful of Mugwort and a purple candle. When it is the first night of the full moon, rub your purple candle with fresh Mugwort leaves.

Write your name on the candle wax, then light the candle. While the candle burns, look into the flame and take some Artemisia and leave it in your hands. Then rub them together quickly until the herb releases its aroma. Breathe it in. Let the candle burn all the way down.

Simple amulet to help dream

To have more vivid dreams and remember them when you wake up, when the moon is full, fill a small cloth bag with Artemisia until it forms a kind of little bag. If you prefer, you can put inside this bag a small quartz crystal, associated with the mind and extrasensory perception.

Then leave the little bag under your pillow all night and sleep on it. The dreams will come to you. Do not forget to write them down, for they will bring important messages.

Other ways to use Artemisia

Besides its uses in spells, tea or even aromatic baths, Artemisia is also popularly used in other ways. Among them, we highlight the 5 most important: the ointment, the rub, compress, the poultice and the incense. Learn their use and how to make them below.

Mugwort ointment

The unguent is an herbal ointment. Made in a homemade way from the mixture of herbs in vegetable fat, it should be applied so that the effects of Artemisia are felt topically, ie applied directly to the skin. To make it, you will need:

- 3 tablespoons coconut oil;

- 1 tablespoon of crushed fresh Artemisia.


- In a bowl, mix the coconut oil with Artemisia until it forms a kind of paste;

- then place it in a water bath so that the Artemisia releases its aromatic oils into the coconut oil;

- when the oil changes colour, turn off the heat and transfer to a glass.

If you live in a hot city, leave your ointment in the fridge, taking it out before use. Rub it on your body like a moisturizing ointment to benefit from its properties.

Friction with Artemisia

To do the rubbing, you should cut the fresh Artemisia in small pieces. Then, simply rub it on your body, so that it releases its juice on the skin. If you prefer, use a vegetable scrub or damp towel to facilitate the process. This application technique is great for relieving rheumatic pains.

Compress with Artemisia

To prepare the compress of Artemisia, it is important that you make a very concentrated tea with the herb. To do this, always use the following concentration:

- 2 tablespoons of Artemisia leaves for each cup of water;

- Then, heat the water and when it boils, add the desired amount of herb;

- Cover the pan and leave to infuse until the water is warm.

Then, with the tea still warm, soak a cloth with it and use it to apply over your body. This technique is excellent for relieving cramps.

Cataplasm with Artemisia

Poultice is the form of application with the highest concentration of essential oils from plants. To do this, you can use one of the following two techniques, depending on the condition of the herb you have. If you have fresh Artemisia, you will need:

- Boil in a saucepan 1 cup of water with half a cup of chopped fresh herbs for 3 minutes;

- After the time, transfer the concentrated mixture to a pestle and knead it until it forms a paste;

- then apply to the desired area.

If your Artemisia is dry, it is important that you reduce it to powder using an herb grinder or a pestle and mortar. Then add enough warm water to form a paste. Then use it to apply to the skin.

Artemisia incense

To make natural Artemisia incense, you will need to gather branches of this herb and let them dry. Once dry, tie them with some natural cord like cotton, and light it in the flame of a candle.

Its aroma is not very pleasant to smell, but believe me: it is even worse for negative energies and spirits of low vibration. Therefore, this incense is very powerful for banishments and astral cleansing. Burn it during the waning moon for this purpose.

The four other essential plants of "The Natural Witch"

Mugwort is one of the 5 essential plants according to the book 'The Natural Witch', released in Brazil in 2021. Besides it, rosemary, mint, sage and lavender are among the most popular herbs among the so-called 'natural witches', and we present why, below. In addition, we present a brief description about the book 'The Natural Witch', so loved worldwide.

The Natural Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

The Natural Witch is a bestselling book written by Arin Murphy-Hiscock, an author with over 20 years experience in matters related to herbal medicine and magic. Originally published under the title 'Green Witch', this book is a compendium of practical recipes aimed at awakening magic through techniques such as herbalism.

With a beautiful graphic finish, 'The Natural Witch' is one of the essential books for the new generation of witches. In it, you will find tips on the use of herbs, essential oils and various techniques aimed at relaxation and self-knowledge.


Rosemary is an indispensable herb in the kitchen garden and in the magical kitchen of any witch. Of Mediterranean origin, rosemary has as its rulers the Sun and the Fire element and, therefore, is considered the herb of happiness.

It is commonly burned as incense to bring wisdom, protection, happiness, warding off all evil and purifying people and environments. Due to its high protective power, rosemary is commonly planted to suck and filter negativity, bringing more balance and harmony.

If tea is a natural diuretic and is also used to combat stress, regulate blood pressure and even treat hemorrhoids. It is one of the favorite herbs for students because it stimulates concentration, so always have a sprig of rosemary with you while studying.

The Sage

Salvia is undoubtedly one of the beloved herbs of every witch. Governed by Jupiter and the Air element, Salvia promotes a powerful astral cleansing. In addition, it fights the evil eye and bad luck, breaks spells and annuls the effects of envy, since it is an excellent herb for your protection.

Burn it as incense whenever you wish to cleanse charged environments. As it is sacred to the gods Zeus and Jupiter, it is most powerful when used on Thursdays.

Its tea has been used to promote healing for millennia and its properties are recognized by current medicine as effective for increasing immunity, treating colds and flu, besides having an intense anti-inflammatory and antioxidant function.

The Mint

Mint is an herb ruled by Mercury and the Air element. Its powers are connected to money, protection, purification and healing. If you want to attract more money into your life, try putting some mint leaves in your wallet.

In addition, when burned as incense, mint wards off negative spirits and brings more protection. Its tea is excellent for combating indigestion and nausea. Pregnant people should avoid taking mint tea, as it can disrupt the flow of menstruation and have an abortifacient effect.

The Lavender

Lavender is one of the most popular herbs used in magic. Ruled by Mercury and the Air element, its flowers in purplish blue tones calm the mind, bringing peace, harmony. Its tea is excellent to combat stress, insomnia and anxiety, bringing a comforting night's sleep.

In magic, lavender is burned to honor the sacred feminine, in dream magic, protection and love rituals. You can burn lavender incense in your bedroom before bed to have more vivid dreams. Also, if you wish, to attract peace to your home, lavender is the most suitable herb.

Are there any contraindications to Mugwort and its magical properties?

Yes. As with the use of any herb or medicine, care must be taken with the use of Artemisia, as there are contraindications to both its magical and therapeutic use.

From its magical use, Artemisia is known to develop psychic powers. Therefore, if you already have a heightened sensitivity to the supernatural, its use is not recommended, as you will be more susceptible to contact with energies and entities.

In the case of therapeutic use, remember that it should never be ingested or used topically by people who are hypersensitive to the plant, especially because it has thujone in its composition.

This chemical compound, when ingested in high concentrations, can cause problems in the central nervous system and result in conditions such as vasodilatation, kidney and liver problems, in addition to causing convulsions.

Therefore, use this herb with caution as it is very powerful. Upon experiencing any discomfort, contact an appropriate health care professional.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.