To dream of snake running after me: coral, green, sucuri and others!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of snake running after me

The snake is one of the most feared and respected animals in the world. It's no wonder that its symbolism is so complex: from being revered in ancient Egypt to being blamed for Eve's temptation in the Christian religion, snakes, which change their skin, signify renewal.

The snake appears in the Ouroboros as a snake or dragon biting its own tail, forming a circle, which may represent the eternal cycle of life and death, transformation, self fecundation, among others. In nature, the snake sleeps under the ground in dark burrows.

In dreams, its presence indicates that the dreamer is disturbed by something that escapes the light of his understanding, something buried in his unconscious. Adding the symbolism of persecution, this person is running away from the obscure problem, represented by the snake that causes him fear and insecurity.

There are countless other symbologies for the snake, so it is important to evaluate all the elements of the dream and your life to arrive at its meaning. Below are some variations of this symbol.

To dream of snakes of different species running after me

Each species of snake has its own colors, behaviors and characteristics that greatly influence their symbologies, in addition to the myths and legends that surround them. Below, we list some of the most common species in Brazil, besides the iconic Egyptian cobra. Check out the meanings of this dream.

To dream of coral snake running after me

To dream of a coral snake chasing you warns of rash decisions you have made without much thought. The consequences are coming to you, so be careful. It also warns of betrayal and warns you not to judge a book by its cover.

The coral snake is one of the most poisonous animals in the world and the number one in Brazil. It has a harmless cousin, the false coral, and the confusion between the two generates many accidents that could have been avoided if they had kept their distance. Just like this animal, appearances can be deceiving.

To dream of sucuri snake running after me

Because they are slow snakes, which need proximity to strike, the presence of anacondas in dreams brings messages linked to your closest relationships and the way in which you support yourself in people.

To dream of a sucuri snake chasing after you is a warning that you should be more careful with your trust, without getting neurotic. Just be cautious and select those with whom you share your secrets.

Also known as anacondas, these constrictor snakes do not produce venom, but envelop their prey with their body and suffocate them. So, just like in the dream, you need to be on your guard.

To dream with cobra cobra running after me

Najas are characterized by the "hood" they form on their neck when they become irritated, raising a large part of their body to appear more threatening. Some species are capable of spitting venom from a distance of up to two meters.

In dreams, the cobra speaks about power and manipulation. If she is stalking you, watch out for people trying to manipulate you or abuse you through their goodwill or hierarchy, like a boss or some other kind of bully.

Even if you are no longer in school, bullies still exist outside of it. When dreaming of cobra running after you, rescue your own personal power and learn to say no.

Contrary to what many people think, the cobra is not hypnotized by the sound of the flute, because snakes do not have hearing. It is only attentive to the movement of the flutist who, in some cases, passes rat urine on the instrument to keep their attention.

To dream of boa constrictor snake running after me

The boa constrictor is a constrictor snake that does not produce venom. In a dream, its symbolism speaks about the feeling of being trapped, suffocated by someone or a situation, so that you want to get away from it.

Therefore, if you dream of boa constrictor snake running after you, reevaluate your relationships. See if any of them fit with the symbology of boa constrictor and try to free yourself from this suffocation.

To dream of rattlesnake running after me

When it feels threatened or irritated, the rattlesnake shakes the tip of its tail which has a chalk formed by the remains of its old skins. Its venom can cause blindness, in some cases. Dreams with a rattlesnake chasing you warn of betrayal.

To dream of a rattlesnake chasing you indicates that someone in your life has been thinking about betraying you and you are not seeing it. The rattlesnake has passed the stage of warning you with its rattle and has already started its attack. You ignored the warnings. So think about it, try to find the signs in your memory to prepare yourself.

To dream of jararaca snake running after me

In Brazil, the jararaca is responsible for about 90% of accidents between humans and snakes. Despite its lethality, compounds of its venom are used to compose medicines against hypertension and degenerative diseases. Just like the famous saying, the difference between poison and medicine is the quantity.

Therefore, to dream with jararaca snake running after you warns of possible excesses. Notice your eating habits, use of drink or smoke and even what you do in your free time. But remember that overwork is also harmful.

To dream of snakes of different colors running after me

There are several studies on the energy that each color brings, besides the cultural meanings that can change from one region to another. The color yellow, for example, is usually linked to prosperity in the Western world, sometimes sharing this meaning with green. In India, yellow is a symbol of peace and spiritual progress.

See below some color variations and their influence on the symbolism of dreaming of a snake chasing you, always remembering to adapt the meanings to your reality or experience.

To dream of green snake running after me

Green is linked to renewal, to the freshness of new beginnings. And that is precisely what dreaming of green snake running after you brings. It is coming to you, but do not be afraid of the new, resist the reflex to run away.

If you dream you are running from a green snake, pay attention to the decisions you have been making: have they been keeping you from your goals and the opportunities that arise? The green snake symbolizes positive changes, which can go from a new romance to news at work, but you still need to know how to act to seize the moment.

In other cases, if it is a dark shade of green, the interpretation is of the conventional symbolism of the snake, being necessary a greater attention to the other elements of the dream for a better understanding.

To dream of yellow snake running after me

The color yellow symbolizes optimism and prosperity. The yellow snake crawling behind you brings issues related to money. As where there is money there are usually interested parties, be careful with people who resurface in your life by getting a lot of money. The intentions will not always be sincere.

On the other hand, the color yellow is also linked to cowardice, hence the popular expression that someone "yellowed" in the face of some situation. If you have been cowardly in the face of some obstacle in recent days, do not be ashamed, but fight against what made you afraid.

To dream of brown snake running after me

Referring to the earth element, the color brown and its meanings involve stability, grounding, simplicity and organization. It is the color of the wood of trees, also referring to their roots and, by analogy, to traditions.

To dream of brown snake running after you concerns some tradition that you have abandoned or that has prevented you from doing something you desire.

Remember that some ancient traditions would not be morally accepted today, maybe even banned by laws. Don't be afraid to abandon something that prevents you from being happy. If you prefer, adapt that tradition to your reality.

To dream of black snake running after me

The color black is usually linked to mourning. Not just the mourning of death, but also of little things in life that will never be the same. Therefore, the black snake speaks about the coming of cycles that are closing.

To dream of a black snake chasing you means that you are somehow running away from the end of cycles, either by not seeing the end or by clinging to things that are already over. Just like the snake in the dream, understand and accept the end: however painful it may be, change your skin.

To dream of white snake running after me

In the study of colors, white is related to peace, growth, and recovery. One of the symbologies of the serpent is healing, so it is common to find serpents in health emblems.

Uniting these two symbols, it is understood that dreaming of white snake running after you refers to the healing of some negative aspect inside the dreamer. But be aware, you may be refusing healing, insisting on destructive behavior patterns that hurt yourself and others around you.

If this is not your case, just as albino or white snakes are rare in nature, something unique is about to happen in your life. From an unforeseen event that will change your routine to the realization of your dream, the white snake brings the message of great changes, from which you are or will have the impulse to flee.

To dream of red snake running after me

When we think of the color red, we immediately associate it with passion, but it is also linked to blood, anger and anger. For this reason, to dream of a red snake running after you has ambiguous meanings, and it is necessary for the dreamer to reflect on his emotions and the way he expresses himself.

It is likely that you are harboring dangerous feelings that will end up hurting you. Hatred is the poison that you take, while waiting for the other to die. If not, the dream with a red snake points to the arrival of a new love, those breathtaking ones.

But since too much is dangerous, be aware of why you are running from this symbol in your dream: you may feel afraid of giving yourself away too much, and it is a warning to stay sane and grounded while living this new love.

To dream of gray snake running after me

The symbolism of the color gray is linked to neutrality and to liminal spaces or moments: between day and night, white and black, outside and inside, above and below. To dream that you are running from a gray snake alerts you to the feeling of being out of place and stagnant.

You feel that you are neither there nor here. You can run, run away, but nothing changes: the grey snake is still behind you. Perhaps, then, it is time to change your methods. Don't expect to get a different result if you continue to do things in the same way.

To dream of blue snake running after me

The color blue is linked to different meanings. For some, light tones of this color transmit harmony and tranquility. In the Hindu tradition, blue is linked to the laryngeal chakra, located in the throat and responsible for communication. When unbalanced, it brings difficulty in expressing feelings and ideas.

Therefore, to dream that you are chased by a blue snake indicates problems in the field of communication. It is time to understand your feelings and express them, either verbally or by actions.

If you have no problems with communication, meditate on how harmonious your life, your relationships, or your mind is. There is an imbalance in one of these areas that requires your attention.

To dream of snake of different sizes running after me

The size of the snake that runs after you in your dream is also important, even if it is tiny. Therefore, we have separated a variation of meanings regarding the size of the snake. See more below.

To dream with big snake running after me

In your dream, the snake chasing you, when large, draws your attention to toxic people and situations in your life. This is a good time to identify and move away from what is bad for you or what does not suit you. Differences are usually healthy, but incompatibilities are not always.

Now, if it is a giant snake, multiply your attention in accordance with its size. Unfortunately, the presence of a giant snake in your dream indicates the proximity of bad and difficult events in your life. So try to stay calm and be prepared.

To dream of small snake running after me

A small snake may seem harmless, but it is the smallest vials that contain the worst venoms. It is the mysterious case of the young of poisonous snakes: their venoms are much more powerful than those of adults of the same species. Luckily, because of their size, they have little venom.

Therefore, to dream of a small snake running after you brings the following message: do not underestimate a problem, however small it may be. It can still create painful scars on you and big marks in your life.

In addition to different species, colors, and sizes, other aspects can alter the meaning of dreams about snakes, such as the number of snakes or the presence of other people in the dream. Below are common variations of dreams about snakes that do not fit into the other categories.

To dream of many snakes running after me

To dream of many snakes running after you has many meanings. If you noticed a color or shape that stood out, take it into consideration when analyzing your dream. Were many or all of them large?

In general, a large number of snakes alert you to the envy and malice of people around you. Beware of gossip-mongers as you are in their sights. Running away shows that in a way you already know who these people are, even if unconsciously. So follow your instinct to run away and stay away from them.

To dream of a snake chasing after another person

One of the main symbologies of the snake in dreams is the behavior of a person. When dreaming of snake running after another person you are represented in a dream by the snake.

Your actions and words are affecting the person the snake is chasing, so pay attention to your behavior and try to hold your tongue so you don't hurt someone. Words have power, both destructive and constructive.

To dream of snake running after my son

In your dream, the snake running after your son represents you and your expectations and demands on him and his future. Pay attention to the words you address to him, as they can create deep and lasting scars that will affect your personality.

Be careful also with your expectations, they will hurt both you and him. Remember that, before being your child, he is a human being with personality, wills and skills of his own that, perhaps, are not aligned with your expectations.

To dream of snake running after me is a sign of danger?

In general, to dream that a snake is chasing you is a warning that some aspect of your life is being neglected and ignored. Fears, anxieties and commitments that you refuse to face may be compromising your material, emotional or spiritual evolution. Therefore, it is time to identify and resolve these conflicts.

Also, how you felt during the dream affects the severity of the warning. The more terror and panic, the more serious the situation. There are more than 3,000 species of snakes catalogued in the world, but only about 10% of them produce venom.

This is reflected in the world of dreams: snakes are not always a sign of imminent danger. They do bring warnings, yes, but they also remind us to seek evolution and announce the arrival of the new, making us stop running away or closing our eyes.

Whether in a dream or not, the snake teaches us to face our fears and resolve conflicts. Now that you know the symbolism for what you dreamed, it's time to put these warnings into practice.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.