Scorpio Man: how to conquer, passionate, sex and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who is Scorpio?

Scorpio is traditionally one of the strongest Signs of the zodiac. Its striking and vibrant characteristics infect any environment. Seen as someone with a strong personality, fearless, daring and courageous, the Scorpio holds many feelings.

Many Scorpios have in themselves the habit of leaving for later what they could have got off their chest today. They are sentimentalists, but their strong temperament speaks louder. Eager for revenge, they can't stand being betrayed, but there are many who betray. In many cases, the Scorpian plays dumb and, when you least expect it, he throws his sting.

Although known as a dangerous Sign, it is not so. They know how to be docile, they are loyal friends and give their clothes if necessary. They know where to get involved and honesty is their strongest principle. Come and know more about this mysterious and versatile Sign.

Personality and characteristics of Scorpio

The Scorpio's main characteristic is their determination. It is a sign full of mysteries, secrets and always watchful eyes. They usually see what is going on well. Distrustful by nature, they doubt even their own shadow. But they get hurt very easily. They are sensitive, but also very rude when they want to be.

They are aware of reality and do everything to maintain friendships and not hurt anyone. Often, they say whatever comes to mind, without measuring consequences. And, when they realize, they have done a huge damage. Read on to learn more details about this imposing Sign.

General features of Scorpio

With Pluto as their ruler, Scorpios are shrouded in mystery. They are determined and hold many cards up their sleeve to get what they want. One of their great qualities is to persist. They are very loving and sensual to spare, but can't handle possessiveness and jealousy.

They are loyal, faithful and attractively sexual, but they don't accept just any sex. Sex is fundamental for their love life. Scorpios may seem like cold people, but they are highly emotional and they are in tears. When they are hurt or wounded, they come out from underneath, because lead is coming.

Scorpio's strengths

Scorpios have outstanding characteristics and qualities, but they also have their faults like any human being. They are versatile and very intuitive, they seem to predict the future, intelligent, knowing how to keep a great sense of organization and planning.

They are very committed to their tasks and obligations. They seek perfection with their details. Responsibility is their surname. Through strategies, they go after until they achieve their goals. They are hardworking and very committed to their duties.

Scorpio's weaknesses

Like all human beings, Scorpios have visible defects. One of their difficulties is to control their anxiety. When they are euphoric, they do not measure how bad they can feel.

Many people think he is a pessimist, but the Scorpio is down to earth and a companion of reality. When he puts something in his head, there is no one to make him give it up. His biggest fault is jealousy. His feeling of possessiveness ruins everything.

Advice for the Scorpio

We need tips or advice in life. They can teach us how to live better and understand aspects of life. It never hurts to stop, think and reflect.

A good piece of advice for Scorpios is to learn to deal with their emotions. Their impulsiveness creates disconcerting situations. Since they are confident, if something goes wrong, Scorpios can become leaders in selfishness. Just as their politeness and honesty can turn into rudeness. Calm down, take a deep breath and count to ten.

Relations with the Scorpio man

The Scorpio man is formal in his relationships. He only opens intimacy when he is sure he can get involved. He is attentive and observes who is around him and who can join his company. When he feels confident and the "match" is reached, he takes his friendships for life.

You are fearless and dedicated, and you are happy to get involved in your duties while maintaining organization. You are impeccable at work with your professionalism. At home, you maintain stable relationships with your family. You know how to divide things up, you are demanding when you need to be and you don't like to be put off for later what can be done now.

Friendship with Scorpio

Scorpians are very friendly. They know how to choose friendships. They are sincere and companions. They are cautious in choosing friends. They can smell bad company. It is not easy to convince Scorpians.

Despite the strong shyness that embodies some Scorpios, when they feel determination, they get involved in relationships. They are very nice, attentive and do everything to please. They are very careful to keep their friends, because they know how to value loved ones.

The Scorpio man at work

At work, the Scorpio man does his job well and stands out with discipline, intelligence and determination. He is envied by his colleagues, but this does not affect his relationships, unless he feels wronged and fights for justice.

The Scorpio man, at work, has great leadership skills. He can lead indeterminate numbers of people. He knows how to distribute the tasks. They do not mind helping or teaching, and offer all the support.

The Scorpio father

The Scorpio father maintains the care and attention to his family at home. Without appearing tyrannical, he shows everyone the value of things and demands collaboration. He knows how to be strict when he needs to be, and he puts his hand in when he needs to help.

He is an excellent companion and sees his children as the greatest gift. He knows how to win the love of everyone. But, do not do things that leave a mess, because they are very demanding with the cleanliness of the house, almost obsessive.

The Scorpio son

Having a Scorpio child may seem like a difficult task. Due to the strength of the Sign, they have the same characteristics and, from a young age, they already show what they came for. When they feel loved and understood, they are incredible.

They value their family, but when they feel they have been wronged, they don't put it off. They say what they want to say and get into a heated argument. They also regret easily and always beg for forgiveness, even making certain dramas.

How to win over the Scorpio guy

The Scorpio is not very easy to win over. To feel safe and comfortable, he needs to know all the details about his next suitor. After all, he wants to know where and with whom he is getting involved. His mistrust may even be exaggerated, but it is a prerequisite that makes him feel safe.

Now, if you manage to win a Scorpio, thank the universe. He is able to give the world to his beloved. He does not measure efforts to please you and will always be present. The only problem that can hinder your relationship is his unbridled jealousy. If you don't hold back, there is no relationship that can resist.

The Scorpio man's kiss

The Scorpio man's kiss is ardent, the kind that is "hot on top and hot underneath". His kisses are full of love, affection and are the true answer of his feelings, not just a "bitoquinha".

It has to be a provocative kiss, hot and with all the evidence of your sincere love. Even if it is an uncompromising kiss, it is full of energy. Who kisses a Scorpio man, never forget. The Scorpio kiss is one of his great weapons of seduction and conquest.

Sex with the Scorpio man

The bed will catch fire if you have sex with the Scorpio man. Seductive, sensual, involving, ardent and very daring, the Scorpio man knows how to dominate without his partner noticing. It is the certainty of moments of great pleasure, horny, conquest, ardor and truth.

Sex with the Scorpio man is "guaranteed satisfaction, or your money back". To get involved with them is to ask the universe for a great chance of memorable hours. The Scorpio man, in bed, not only dominates. He likes to be dominated, besides respecting the partner's wishes and limits.

What to do to win the Scorpio guy

If you're on the lookout for a Scorpio, take it easy. Scorpios are not the type to get involved with just anyone. Their mistrust is their main thermometer. To get close to someone, you need to know how to talk to them first.

Through daily contact, the Scorpio will be sure that he can trust you and get involved. One important detail: don't force the Scorpio to do anything. He needs to feel at ease to explore the field.

What not to do to conquer the Scorpio

The Scorpio can't stand being pressured or demanded, and because he is very fond of his freedom, making demands is not for him. Another very important detail is not to get to him with second intentions. Because he is very intuitive and has a very keen sense, he will realize it on the spot and give you an out.

Don't appear vulgar and don't try to convince him with meaningless conversations. Either he'll realize you're joking, which they won't tolerate, or he'll think you're being disrespectful, something they value highly. So be restrained, polite, kind, nice and loving. And don't be invasive.

Scorpio in Love

The Scorpio, in love, is what many people would ask God for. They are incredible beings to have by your side. They are extremely docile, kind, loving, respectful and delicate in love. They are perfect company for those cold afternoons or to watch a good movie with your partner.

The Scorpio values his freedom and hates to have his privacy invaded. He doesn't like to be charged if it is not necessary. Therefore, the Scorpio is an excellent boyfriend and will give full attention and will not measure efforts to please.

How to know if the Scorpio is in love?

Known as a discreet Sign that doesn't usually open up too much, he only seeks to talk to those he can trust and who are his real friends. But if he is in love, it is not difficult to tell. He becomes more docile, affable, affectionate and keeps a smile on his face.

Discreetly, he won't tell you the reasons why he is so well and happy, but the sparkle in his eyes will reveal the secret. A Scorpio in love is like a sunny summer day. The brighter it shines, the more it attracts the attention of everyone around him.

Gift for the Scorpio

If you want to surprise a Scorpio with a gift, take this tip. Scorpio likes to dress well and always look elegant. Clothes are his favorite gift, and if they are designer, even better. He will certainly thank you for the rest of his life.

Other gifts that Scorpios will love are perfumes, books about mystery, massages, decorative objects like figurines, shoes (another great addiction), wallets and something very peculiar. Also, Scorpios love chocolates. Pleasing them by taste will be a great tip.

Best love combinations with Scorpio

In order to relate to a Scorpio, you need to have a good understanding of how to win them over. And not everyone will be lucky enough to have one of them by their side. In the combination between signs, there are those who stand out and form great pairs.

For a match, the Scorpio has many chances in love with Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces, as well as strong interests with Leo and Aquarius. Aries can represent a slight fall, but the important thing is to invest.

The Sign of Scorpio

The Sign of Scorpio is marked by almost special determinations. Being a demanding, determined, daring and very suspicious Sign, it is necessary to understand its characteristics. It has positive and negative points, as in any person. It is surrounded by mysteries. They are considered people with excellent character, since they value honesty.

Your thoughts are agile, but often anxiety transforms the reality of the facts. Emotions circulate with great intensity in Scorpio blood. Learn more details about this impressive Sign.

General features of Scorpio

Scorpio people have a strong temperament, but they know how to balance this turmoil of emotions. As they are warm, they are also easily hurt. They are even considered terrible, but they are delicate when they need to be. They are great appreciators of that old saying: "kindness begets kindness", and do not tolerate injustice.

One of the Scorpio's main substances is his controlling and domineering power. He can often be misunderstood for his authoritarian and bossy ways, but these are only defensive aspects which he has acquired over time through experiences which have marked him.

Positive aspects

Scorpio is very intuitive, he seems to be able to foresee the future. He has the natural gift of seeing events. His mind is sharp and sometimes even he gets scared. A strategist by nature, he knows how to apply his intelligence in matters that most attract his attention, especially in daily tasks or at work.

Sensitive, he is easily moved by the most diverse situations. Humanistic and dedicated, he cares about his fellow man.

Negative aspects

Jealousy is still his greatest problem. This desire to be controlling and possessive mania spoil his daily life and especially his love relationships. He is aware of these problems and always strives to appear better.

Being very suspicious, he easily explodes if betrayed. Another characteristic that marks Scorpio negatively is his contraversion. He often disagrees with what he is told, even if there is truth in the matters.

Related to Greek mythology, one of the Scorpio myths is that of Orion. Son of Poseidon, god of the seas, Orion gained from his father the power to walk on the waters. This power also conferred strong sexual dominance.

Orion tried to rape Artemis, who was a virgin and goddess of war. Even though she escaped and to take revenge, the goddess sent a giant scorpion to bite Orion's heel. After fulfilling her mission, Artemis transformed the giant scorpion into a constellation.

The Scorpio character

Known for his sense of justice, the Scorpio has plenty of character. Honest, truthful, sincere and knowledgeable of what is right and wrong, he never gives in to temptations and hardly allows himself to be corrupted by the exchange of favors or opportunities. Idoneous, he takes care of his obligations and fulfills his tasks with mastery.

Never dare to make a Scorpio a base to get what you want. Not only will you not succeed, you might even end up in jail. Scorpios do not tolerate crime.

The Scorpio mind

Scorpio is a characteristically intelligent, strategic and planned person who knows how to rule his purposes with determination and does everything to go to the fight and achieve his goals. He is seen as a person who battles and gets what he wants through his own efforts.

Impulsive, he often ends up acting in the wrong way without measuring results or consequences. Restless, he can't stand still without putting something into practice. But, what can bring down a Scorpio is his anxiety. Impatient by nature, he needs to control his emotions and not make so much fuss over simpler things.

The sign of Scorpio in relationships

To relate to a Scorpio is not an easy task, but nobody needs to be a master to achieve it. What Scorpio requires is only the respect for his individuality. He likes to stay quiet in his corner when he feels the need. You have to understand that he is not always available. But, it is the relationship that many people dream of having. Dating a Scorpio is a great gift from the universe.

Tips for a good relationship with Scorpio

If you want to have a good relationship with Scorpio, in friendship or lovingly, you should follow important tips for your relationship. In friendship, have respect for Scorpio and value the chance to have a person like him by your side.

Being great pillars in support and helpfulness, Scorpios need to feel grateful and that they are being nice to their friends. Don't break that trust. Once a friendship is wasted, you won't have people like Scorpios in your life.

In love, pay attention. Respect Scorpio's freedom and don't invade their privacy. They don't tolerate imprudence and even less being charged. The important thing in relationships with Scorpio is to understand that they are people who are not always willing to open up. Because they are mysterious, they prefer seclusion to having to expose their most intimate ties.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.