Can pregnant women drink mint tea? Check out other forbidden teas during pregnancy!

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Jennifer Sherman

After all, can pregnant women drink mint tea?

Teas are usually a good alternative during pregnancy. However, some herbs are not recommended during this period because, although natural, many of the substances found in the plants are harmful, leading to complications and even abortion.

In the case of mint tea, there are numerous medicinal properties that are beneficial to health. However, its consumption is not recommended for pregnant women, since it can bring some risks. Therefore, it is very important that the doctor or nutritionist indicates the best herbs and the correct amount in this very special phase.

Throughout this article, you will understand why mint tea should be avoided during and after pregnancy.

Understanding more about mint tea and pregnancy

With a pleasant and very aromatic flavor, mint is present all over the world: in cooking and in several hygiene and cosmetic products. However, the tea from this medicinal plant poses some risks during pregnancy. Below, learn about its origin, properties, and understand why mint tea is not recommended for pregnant women!

Mint tea origin and properties

Native to Europe and the Mediterranean, mint (Mentha spicata), also known as mint, is a medicinal herb that is easily confused with peppermint (Mentha piperita) because both are part of the same genus and have similar characteristics, such as shape and strong aroma.

The plant is rich in flavonoids, vitamins A, B6, C, K, folic acid, and menthol. Thus, mint has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antigastatic, decongestant, bactericidal, antioxidant, and digestive properties.

Therefore, it is a very versatile plant, ideal to treat different comorbidities and, due to its effectiveness, is present in the food and cosmetic industries.

During pregnancy, mint tea should be avoided, as some studies show that drinking the plant can lead to uterine contractions, inducing miscarriage or premature birth. Also, drinking the tea in excess can cause malformation, compromising the baby's health.

During the breastfeeding phase, it is also not recommended to drink mint tea, because, besides decreasing the production of milk, it tends to transfer the smell and taste to the child. Therefore, the ideal is to ingest medicinal herbs that do not offer health risks and should always be prescribed by a doctor.

Possible side effects of mint tea for pregnant women

The side effects of mint tea, in most cases, are associated with continuous consumption and in large quantities. For pregnant women, the drink can cause miscarriage and stomach pain, and intensify vomiting, nausea, heartburn, and poor digestion.

Furthermore, if the woman is predisposed to develop allergies, ingestion of the plant can cause skin reactions such as itching, hives, redness, and burning sensations.

Other contraindications of mint tea

Besides pregnant and lactating women, mint tea is contraindicated in the following cases:

- Children under 9 years old;

- People with gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis, ulcers, and bile duct obstruction;

- People with anemia;

- People with allergies to mint essential oil.

Danger of tea in pregnancy

Although infusions with medicinal herbs are healthy and beneficial to health, during pregnancy, especially in the first three months, their consumption is very dangerous. This happens because, besides the period being very delicate, the plants tend to cause contractions in the uterus, bleeding, malformation of the fetus, and even abortion.

Are all teas forbidden?

Even with restrictions, not all teas are forbidden during pregnancy. Medicinal plants with calming and digestive action are the most indicated, since they relax both mother and baby, reduce nausea, heartburn, and poor digestion, and stimulate milk production.

However, as a safety measure, even the permitted teas must be administered with caution and with guidance from the obstetrician, nutritionist, or phytotherapist. It is also important to alternate the herbs, in order to avoid frequent consumption of the same plant. This ensures that there is no risk to mother or child.

Prohibited teas for pregnant women

Everyone knows that teas are good for your health, but despite being natural and homemade, they can become a real danger, especially for pregnant women.

Rue Tea

Although rue tea is used for medicinal purposes, it is considered toxic, causing undesirable effects in the body. However, its consumption has become popular due to its emenagogic action, i.e., to accelerate menstruation or cause bleeding.

This is because the leaf contains substances, such as rutin, which stimulate muscle fibers and cause strong contractions in the uterus. Therefore, the plant is highly abortifacient and should not be consumed by pregnant women. Even if an abortion does not occur, there are great chances of fetal malformation.

Northern Buchinha tea

Very often used by people with respiratory problems, the Northern Burch is a toxic plant and, when administered indiscriminately, brings serious health risks. For pregnant women, the danger is even greater, because the plant contains cucurbitacin, a substance that directly affects the placenta and embryo.

Therefore, the herb is prohibited during pregnancy, as it can cause miscarriage or affect the development of the fetus, which in turn creates deformities or makes it difficult for the baby to gain weight.

Boldo Tea

Boldo tea, both the Brazilian and the Chilean species, is consumed for its various health benefits. However, the plant has ascaridol, a component with high abortifacient power. Therefore, it is not indicated for pregnant women, especially in early pregnancy.

This is because the consumption of the tea tends to cause strong uterine cramps, causing bleeding and leading to miscarriage. It is recommended to avoid the plant during the entire period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, so as not to affect the growth of the baby, before and after birth.

Cinnamon Tea

Because it stimulates contractions in the uterus, cinnamon tea is known to accelerate menstruation and increase the intensity of menstrual flow. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume it during pregnancy due to the high risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

There are still few studies on the spice. However, it is already known that taking the infusion frequently and in excess can cause damage to the embryo and, consequently, terminate pregnancy.

Fennel Tea

Fennel tea has emenagogic properties, and also increases estrogenic activity, causing uterine contractions; therefore, infusion is not recommended during pregnancy due to the tendency of miscarriage or inducing premature labor.

Furthermore, the chemical compounds of the plant, according to research, can cross the placenta, thus affecting the development of the fetus, causing malformation or delay in growth. When breastfeeding, it is also not advisable to drink the tea in order not to transfer the substances to the baby.

Hibiscus Tea

In popular medicine, hibiscus tea is well known for its slimming effect. However, for women who wish to become pregnant or who are already pregnant, the plant can alter hormones, causing infertility or miscarriage.

The herb also has properties that affect the muscles of the uterus and pelvis, increasing the chances of bleeding and, consequently, affecting the formation of the baby. There are still few studies, but in the breastfeeding phase, the consumption of hibiscus tea is not recommended.

Mint Tea

Mint tea promotes contractions in the uterus, causing abortion or inducing labor, depending on the stage of pregnancy. Furthermore, it can affect fetal development, promoting abnormalities or malformation of the baby.

There are also studies that show that mint tea reduces breast milk, so lactating mothers should not consume the plant.

Black, Green or Mate Tea

Extracted from the same species of plant, Camellia sinensis, black, green, and mate teas are considered dangerous for pregnant women. This is because caffeine, one of the main substances present in the plant, can speed up the metabolism, increasing heart rate and blood pressure, and affect the quality of sleep.

Furthermore, the compounds can pass into the placenta, causing the same symptoms for the baby, and also interfering with the production and quality of the mother's milk. Therefore, the ingestion of the tea should be avoided or only done under medical supervision.

Teas allowed for pregnant women

Even with so many restrictions, some teas are allowed for pregnant women. Besides relieving common symptoms such as nausea, nausea, heartburn, and poor digestion, they also act as a natural calming agent.

Chamomile Tea

Because it contains calming, digestive, anxiolytic, and anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile tea is one of the few teas allowed for pregnant women. When consumed in moderation, the medicinal herb relieves nausea, nausea, and poor digestion. In addition, it helps to improve insomnia, stress symptoms, and anxiety.

In principle, chamomile tea is considered safe during pregnancy. However, in case of a high-risk pregnancy, it is best to avoid it or to drink it only under the supervision of an obstetrician or nutritionist.

Lemongrass Tea

The lemon balm tea is an option indicated during pregnancy, because it has a sedative and relaxing action, antispasmodic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory.

However, even though it is natural, the tea should not be consumed in large quantities and frequently. The excess of the herb in the body tends to cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Therefore, the ideal is to alternate with other medicinal plants or drink it up to two cups every two days, preferably under medical supervision.

Ginger Tea

Ginger is a popular root for its therapeutic effect, providing several health benefits. For pregnant women, ginger tea is a great alternative to relieve headaches, heartburn, and nausea. The drink helps control cholesterol and activates blood circulation, preventing the formation of blood clots and reducing swelling in the body.

However, it is recommended not to exceed the dosage of 1 gram of the root a day, and to drink the tea for no more than 4 days in a row, because excessive drinking tends to bring risks to the baby, such as malformation and abortion.

Lavender Tea

The sedative and calming action makes lavender tea an excellent option to consume during pregnancy, especially in the final moments. This is because the woman may feel more anxious with the arrival of the baby.

In addition to relaxing and calming, the infusion also fights migraines, strengthens the immune system, and helps you sleep better.

Thyme Tea

As it is a very aromatic herb, it is very common to use thyme in cooking, but the tea made from this plant has several health benefits, especially for pregnant women. With expectorant, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and antioxidant properties, it works especially in cases of colds, flu, and sinusitis episodes.

The drink also has a calming action, relieving the symptoms of anxiety, stress, and nervousness. However, it is not advised to drink thyme tea in the first months of pregnancy, as spasm and contraction in the uterus may occur.

Therefore, to ensure its effectiveness, only the obstetrician can indicate the quantity and frequency of consumption of the drink.

Further information about teas for pregnant women

There are many doubts about the consumption of tea, since in some cases the consumption is allowed, and in others not. But are the forbidden teas allowed after pregnancy? Below, check out this and other information about teas for pregnant women!

After pregnancy, are prohibited teas okay?

Even after pregnancy, forbidden teas are still not indicated. In the breastfeeding phase, it is very important that the woman maintain good eating habits, in addition to drinking healthy beverages.

Everything a woman consumes before and after pregnancy can directly interfere with the quality and production of milk, the only and main food for the baby in the first months of life. Therefore, for the child to develop well and safely, it is best to wait until weaning occurs.

Are there specific teas for pregnant women?

In the market, there are already teas made especially for pregnant women. Generally, they are composed of herbs that are beneficial for the health of pregnant women and their babies. Besides stimulating the production of milk, they keep the body hydrated, return nutrients, and improve the quality of sleep.

However, teas specifically for this purpose should be consumed with caution and with the supervision of the obstetrician, since they can be mixed with dangerous herbs.

Other beverages that pregnant women should avoid

In addition to the forbidden teas, there are other beverages that women should avoid during pregnancy, which are:

Coffee: Caffeine is considered to be a harmful substance for both women and babies. Because it is a natural stimulant, it can affect the quality of sleep, cause palpitations, and also influence the development of the fetus. Some studies show that 200 mg of caffeine per day is a safe amount and offers no risks.

This corresponds to two cups of coffee per day of up to 240 ml. However, this compound is also present in teas, soft drinks, and chocolate. Therefore, the ideal is to avoid or consume as little as possible in order not to exceed the recommended amount.

Alcoholic beverage: Regardless of the amount, alcohol can be easily absorbed by the placenta, affecting the formation of the fetus. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is forbidden to drink any alcoholic beverage, even if it is a small dose.

Soda: rich in chemical additives, such as dyes and sugars, the beverage should be avoided before and after pregnancy. This is because the ingredients in the soft drink can inflame the body of both mother and child.

The light and diet versions, despite being sold as a healthier alternative, contain artificial sugars, and are harmful at any stage of pregnancy.

The pregnancy period is a time of careful eating!

From the beginning to the end of pregnancy, the care must be doubled, especially with food, because a diet rich in nutrients and vitamins ensures that the baby grows healthy and at the correct weight. In addition, it prevents the woman from developing serious diseases such as high blood pressure, anemia, and diabetes.

Furthermore, during pregnancy it is very important to avoid alcoholic beverages, non-prescription drugs, and cigarettes. It seems like obvious information, but changing habits can be a very difficult task for some women.

Therefore, from the moment the pregnancy is discovered, significant changes need to be made, besides doing the prenatal correctly and following the doctor's guidelines to the letter. In the end, a mother's greatest wish is that her child is born and develops in great health!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.