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What does biblical numerology say?
Numerology studies the presence of numbers and their influence on people's lives and behavior. There is a segment in numerology to study the presence of numbers in the sacred text of the Judeo-Christian scriptures, the Bible. Several biblical passages present numbers that are used symbolically, representing the affirmation of a concept.
Biblical numerology has already understood that not all the numerations cited in the Bible have effective symbolic character, but that there are others, in specific passages and occasions, that are important and that, with the understanding of the context employed, can help to elucidate the context of the narrative and understand the life and trajectory of Jesus.
It is important to point out that the biblical numerology is not used as the conventional one, for the practice of forecast and analysis of the present and the future, but as a support point to deepen the knowledge of the Christian scriptures. Continue reading and learn to reflect on the presence of the numerology in the Bible. Check it out!
Meaning of the number 1 in the Bible
The number 1 is referenced in several passages in the Bible to emphasize unity, the one, the first. Also used in some occasions to present the beginning of a cycle or even the conclusion of a first cycle, making it clear that the new one will begin. Understand the details of the meaning and presence of the number 1 in the Bible, below.
One God
The use of the number 1 as a symbol to emphasize that God is one is a constant in the Bible. This vision is present to expose to men that God is one and that all mankind should bow down in praise of him. There is also the representation of the number 1 exposing the singularity between God and the Devil, as well as good and evil, pointing out that good is one and evil is also one.
The first
The numbering 1 also appears with the sense of first, that is, demonstrating that God is the beginning and that everything is initiated by him. There is no previous precedence, therefore the number 1 represents the absolute first. Besides, several other passages use the number 1 as a sense for the concept of first, it is the case of the reference to the firstborn and their family relevance, the first harvests, thefirst fruits, among others.
The only one
The word "unique" has the meaning of the existence of one and that there is no other like it. In the Bible, the reference to the number 1 is also often linked to the meaning of the word unique to express that God is unique and without possibility of comparisons.
There are occasions when the human being in his male version is referred to as Godlike, but never equal, for unique, according to Christian literature, is especially bound to God.
The unit
The presence of God as unity is emphasized in the writings related to the ten commandments. In this passage, the first commandment exposes number 1 as unity: "Worship God and love him above all things.
With this, the first commandment consists of the instruction not to worship other gods. The emphasis that there is no other God and that there is ultimate unity. Another example of this application is in the verse in John 17:21, where Jesus asks that all be one, just as their father God.
Meaning of the number 2 in the Bible
The number 2 appears in several situations in the Bible to represent the confirmation that something is true, affirming the truth of something or something. In other passages, the number 2 is presented with the sense of double management or repetition. Read on and know the details of the presence of the number 2 in the Bible.
Confirmation of the truth
In the scriptures of the Old Testament, the 2 is located with the use of organizing the confirmation of the truth. In the juridical system, for example, it was necessary that there were at least two witnesses to confirm if, in face of the exposed, the fact or the question was true. Also the disciples were sent to their activities in pairs, with the visibility that the testimony in pairs wastrustworthy is true.
The repetition is also related to the number 2 once it presents the same fact twice, so in all passages where there is repetition of facts, ideas, values, the number 2 is present in the Bible. As an example, there is the occasion when Joseph ponders a question presented in a dream to Pharaoh, this has already been decided by God, because the fact that the monarch dreamed the same dream twice, highlightsthat repetition makes information reliable and authentic, with no margin for error.
Dual government
The number 2 is also found in the biblical literature as a reference to the double government. It has as meaning the division and or opposition. This vision is passed on, for example, in the passage in which Daniel announces that the ram of two horns or two horns, that he himself saw represented the two kings, of Media and Persia, divided and with opposing actions.
Meaning of the number 3 in the Bible
The number 3 also appears in Christian literature in order to attest the veracity, however its presence also refers to the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and completeness. Read on and know the details of the presence of the number 3 in the Bible.
The ancient Jewish laws believed that if the evidence of two persons served to attest to the truth of something, the person of number three could be employed to give assurance and emphasize this truth. The use of the number 3 as emphasis is present, for example, in the New Testament, in the prophecy that Peter presented the denial to Jesus for 3 times, even though the latter asked if he loved him, also forthree times, after Judas' betrayal.
Completeness is the quality, state or property of all that is whole. The numbering 3 in the Bible is also related to the sense of complete and referring to God as triune, that is, three that make up only one. The vision of man, is also described in several passages, as conceived like the image and also similar to God. Thus, he is also triune in spirit, soul andessence of the body.
The reference to number 3 as trinity in the biblical text appears in situations that describe the family circle, with information that it needs to be composed of the relationship of a father, a mother and a child, but also in all passages related to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In baptism, for example, the child is baptized under the blessings of the three in the Trinity. The numbering 3 also references the resurrection, according to this passage, Jesus Christ was resurrected on the third day after the death of the body.
Meaning of the number 4 in the Bible
The number 4 is recognized by biblical numerology as the number of creation. All references related to creation are described by four items, four elements or 4 forces. In some other passages, the number 4 also represents strength and stability. Read on and know the details of the presence of the number 4 in the Bible.
Four cardinal points
In the texts of the Bible, the winds of the earth are represented by 4 points. They are the cardinals (north point, south point, east point and west point). This indication did not mean that the winds were only four, but that they blew at the four corners and throughout creation. The winds also interfere in the 4 seasons that make up the year (spring, summer, autumn and winter). In addition, the number itself4 is made up of four strokes that support each other firmly and directly.
Four elements
The basic elements that built creation were 4: earth, air, water and fire. Therefore, in general, the number four behaves in the Bible passages as the one that presents God's creation and the totality of things. The number 4 is a symbol of rationality, order, organization and of everything that is concrete or that is used to make the possible concrete.
Four types of heart soils
In the biblical passages, there is a parable of the sower that tells of the journey of a certain worker who, with seeds, went out to sow in four different kinds of soil. One part fell by the wayside, another fell on rocky ground, another fell among thorns, and the fourth fell on good soil.
The detailed explanations of the sower passage were told, according to the Bible, to Jesus' twelve disciples in private. Jesus tells them that the seed is the Voice of God, that sower is the evangelist and or preacher, and the soil is the heart of man.
The sower went out to sow; and as he sowed, some fell by the wayside, and the birds came and ate it up. Some of it fell on stony ground where there was not much earth; and straightway it sprang up, because the earth was not deep. But when the sun came out, the plants were scorched and withered, because they had no root. And some fell among thorns, and they grew up and choked the plants. And some fell among thorns, and choked the plants.fell on good ground, yielded a good harvest, to an hundred sixty and thirty for one. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
Four aspects of Revelation
The book of Revelation in the Bible is full of indications oriented to the number four. This passage indicates the idea of universality of the number four, especially in the following aspects: there are 4 horsemen bringing the 4 major plagues; there are 4 destroying angels occupying places in the 4 quants of the earth and finally, there are 4 fields of the twelve tribes of Israel
Meaning of number 6 in the Bible
Different from number 4, which is the numbering of perfection, number 6 is represented as an incomplete number, therefore, synonym of imperfect. Because of this correlation, frequently, in passages and occasions in the Bible, it's associated to the one who is contrary to God, His enemy. Read on and know the details of the presence of number 6 in the Bible.
The number of imperfection
In Christian literature besides being recognized as the numbering of imperfection, the number 6 is also commented on as a reference to man. This is because it is said that man was conceived on the sixth day within the space of seven days of creation. In other passages the number six is, several times, cited as the imperfect number and antagonistic to good. The fact that it is repeated three times means thefullness.
The devil's number
The numbering of the devil or mark of the beast, as it is referenced in some Christian literature, is quoted in the book of Revelation in the following passage: "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of men, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six" (Revelation 13:18). Since the number "666" represents a human trinity imitating the divine trinity oryet, man tricked by the devil to take the power of creation.
The mark of the antichrist
The book of Revelation speaks of two beasts that will rise. One of them will emerge from the sea, the Antichrist, who, in the Great Tribulation, will rise against all the Christian remnant, those who do not believe in Christ. The other beast will rise from the earth and "be a common man," but he will have the covering of the Antichrist, who will empower this man to work wonders and miracles. Because the opposite isrelated to the devil and the imperfect number 6.
Meaning of number 7 in the Bible
The number 7 is one of the most repeated numbers in the Bible and it can represent both completion and perfection. It is presented as the numbering of God, the one who is unique and perfect. Keep reading and know the details of the presence of number 7 in biblical numerology.
The number of perfection
The numbering 7 has the same explanation as 3: totality and perfection. Only that, while numbering 3 is recognized as the fullness of God, numbering 7 is the exactness of his activities in the history, space and time of the church. With numbering 7, the other numbers are composed of the previous ones.
The numbering 3 is that of the Triune God, who is joining his work explained by the number 4. All that is said about divine activities in time and during his work is 7. From this reading, 7 is also recognized as the reference of perfection.
The seventh day
The seventh day is commented on in Christian literature constantly and in various passages as the final day or the space of days necessary to fulfill an action or activity. To this day we use this indication for the days of the week.
In other situations, the numeration 7 also appears in: following Noah's entry into the ark, there were 7 days of waiting; Jacob was Laban's slave for 7 years; in Egypt, there were 7 years of bonanza and 7 years of lack of food; the celebration of the tabernacles lasted 7 days, reflecting the glory. The fight of Jericho was carried out with 7 priests, with the use of 7 trumpets and marches of 7days, as a symbolism of perfect victory.
The number of forgiveness
The number 7 is also used by Jesus in one of the passages of the Bible to teach Peter, his disciple, about forgiveness. On that occasion, Jesus would have told Peter to forgive not seven, but up to seventy-seven times his brothers. The use of 7, in this context, suggests that the employment of forgiveness has no limit and should be practiced as many times as necessary.
Meaning of the number 10 in the Bible
The numeration 10 symbolizes the fullness of the world, which is natural. In the words contained in the Bible, the ten, is normally composed of the number five twice or the number six added to the number four. Both refer to double responsibility. It is understood as the complete responsibility of the man before his actions and activities. Read on and know the details of the presence of the number 10 in numerologybiblical.
The commandments
The first appearance of the commandments in the Bible is at the moment when God dictates them directly to Moses, both are on Mount Sinai. In the second, it is when Moses relays the commandments to the Hebrews. According to the biblical narrative, the commandments were written on two tablets of stone by the finger of God. On neither of these occasions is the expression "ten commandments" used; this occurs only inother passages in the Bible
The virgins
In the biblical passages, there is the parable about the ten virgins, also known as the passage about the foolish virgins, is one of Jesus' best known parables. According to the literature, the bride gathers 10 virgins to receive her bridegroom. They are to light his way until his arrival. The five virgins who are prepared for the bridegroom's arrival are rewarded while the five who are notare excluded from your wedding banquet.
The kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. The foolish took their lamps, but took no oil, but the prudent took oil in vessels with their lamps. The bridegroom was late in coming, and they were all sleepy and fell asleep. At midnight a shout was heard: OThe foolish said to the prudent, "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out. They said, "No, there may not be enough for us and for you. Go and buy some oil for yourselves. So they went out to buy oil, and the bridegroom came. The virgins whowere ready, went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut. Later the others also came and said, 'Lord, Lord, open the door for us.' But he answered, 'The truth is, I do not know them; therefore watch, for you know neither the day nor the hour.'"
The plagues in Egypt
In biblical tradition, the plagues of Egypt are commonly referred to as the ten plagues of Egypt. They were ten calamities that, according to the biblical book of Exodus, the God of Israel imposed on Egypt to convince the pharaoh to free the Hebrews mistreated by slavery. Pharaoh accepted God's conditions of deliverance (i.e., gave up) after the tenth plague, causing the exodus of the Hebrew people, whomade their way through the desert on their way to the promised land.
Meaning of the number 12 in the Bible
The number 12 has the same meaning of 7, but with differences of it, once that 7 is the plenitude of God's activities in the register of the human being in time. The number 12, on the other hand, is pure and only the plenitude of its activities contribute for the eternity. Read on and know the details of the presence of the number 6 in the Bible.
That which is seen as eternal in the book of Revelation, according to the Bible, is ruled by 12, while everything that has an end is 7. With this, the totality is generated in a part of the space of 7 years, because it is a full activity of God, but this also ends and has an end. The 7 seals and the 7 trumpets are a full activity of God, but only for a time, while everything that is 12 is eternal.
In biblical literature there are several passages with the use of the number twelve: there are 12 gates of the city of Jerusalem, 12 precious stones on the chest and shoulders of the one recognized as high priest, 12 loaves of wheat. Jesus was in Jerusalem at the age of 12. There are 12 squadrons of angels. The city of New Jerusalem had 12 gates, 12 rules, 12 kings' seats, 12 pearls and 12 stonesThe eternal themes in their totality are ruled by the number 12.
The disciples
The 12 disciples of Christ, were the men chosen by him to help spread the voice of God on earth. Even after Judas, one of the disciples, hanged himself due to the weight of guilt for his betrayal of Jesus, he was replaced by Matthias, thus maintaining the numbering of 12 apostles. Some studies interpret the number 12 as representing the authority and government. Therefore, the 12 apostleswould be symbols of authority in ancient Israel and Christian doctrine.
The months of the year
The biblical numerology, from the Christian literature, believes that the biblical calendar appeared more than 3300 years ago and that it was instituted by God when he instructed Moses about the exit of the Hebrew people from Egypt. In the book Exodus, right after the last plague, it was commanded the celebration of the Lord's Passover: "This month will be for you the main month; it will be the first month of the year". With this context, theThe remaining 12 months of the year were counted until the deliverance of the Hebrew people.
Age of Jesus in Jerusalem
According to some passages, every year the first-born sons had the commitment to go to Jerusalem on Passover. After turning 12 years old, each boy became a "son of the law" and so could participate in the festivities. Jesus at 12 years old, after the festivities, spent three days in a temple sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking questions. At 12 years old, in Jerusalem, Jesus soughtenlightenment and understand the good thoughts of the masters.
Meaning of the number 40 in the Bible
The number 40 is part of the numerals that are of good sign in the biblical scriptures. It is usually used in a symbolic way to represent periods of judgment or condemnation. Read on and know the details of the presence of the number 40 in the biblical numerology.
Trial and conviction
In the biblical context, the number 40 signifies achievement, trial and judgment, but it can also refer to completion, as does the number 7. The passages where this number is located show this context, namely: the period when Moses resided on a mountain; the children of Israel ate manna for 40 years until they entered the promised land; while being tempted by Satan, Jesus Christ fastedfor forty days for seeking divine guidance; during Noah's flood it rained for forty days and forty nights; the time of Lent is forty days.
Jesus in the desert
The book of Luke in the Bible, narrates the beginning of the ministry of Jesus who, moved by the Holy Spirit, fasted for 40 days in the desert. He went through human trials. During this time he was tempted by the devil, including starving, for he ate nothing until the end of the fast. Jesus was about 30 years old when he faced these temptations. In all the records, this time in the desert wasright after the baptism of Jesus and just before he began his public ministry.
Do numbers actually have meaning in the Bible?
We can say that there are at least three main uses of biblical numbering. The first is the conventional use of numbers. This is the most general application in the biblical text and concerns their mathematical value. Among the Hebrews, the most common method of counting was the decimal system.
The second use of biblical numbering is rhetorical use. In this type of use, the biblical writers did not apply the numbers for the purpose of expressing their mathematical value, but to express certain concepts or thoughts.
Finally, the third use is the symbolic one. The literature of the ancient peoples, such as the Egyptians and the Babylonians, bring many examples of application of symbolism through the use of the numbers. The same also occurs in Christian literature. Therefore it is expected that in the biblical texts this type of use is also present.
Taking in consideration these three main concepts of the biblical numbers the biblical numerology is employed to try to relate the numbers to the events and to clarify the passages and the occasions where they are mentioned. The numerations are, clearly resources that can help to understand the ways of Jesus and his teachings. Did you like it? Share it now with the guys.