What does it mean to dream of passion? Matched, platonic and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of Dreaming of Passion

The ancient Greeks always considered dreams to be prophetic. In these dreams, our imagination tends to be symbolic, for they would be our subconscious sending messages and warnings, representing incidents, problems of the present, and events yet to be.

To dream of passion can mean the purest and most sincere things in your life. But as everything has another side, this type of dream can also indicate a great need for attention or a lack of it.

Therefore, it is important to remember that some symbols can mean one thing to one person and another thing to another person. It all depends on how the dream was, so pay close attention to the details of your dream so that you can get a better interpretation. Check out more about the meanings of dreaming of passion in this article!

Meaning of dreaming of passion, correspondent, platonic and others

Our unconscious mind usually sends some messages through our dreams, so it is important that you pay attention to the small details in them, in order to have a better understanding of their meaning and to understand the message that is being passed on.

Dreams can indicate confusions, problems we don't want to see, and possible future situations, even more so when it comes to the love field, which often leaves us confused. Seeking to understand more about these visions, we have separated some dream meanings that may contain a message for your life. Follow along!

To dream of passion

To dream of passion is a warning sign about possible problems that are about to happen in your life, these problems can be either in the work environment or within the domestic environment. So keep alert to what happens around you.

If you are in a relationship, be very careful, especially if you are already living together. Try to keep your home in harmony and watch out for the small signs or situations that may trigger something much bigger.

To dream about the passion of your life

When you dream of the passion of your life, rest assured that this type of dream foreshadows something good and is the same as hearing the bells of the chapel announcing your marital bliss. If you are looking for a partner who truly loves you, this is the sign you have been waiting for. She will come, so be smart.

But if you are married or have someone you consider your great love, thank the universe and always take care of them. This love is pure, sincere, and true, and nothing and no one will be able to hinder or destroy your plans if you cherish it.

To Dream of Your Passion's Kiss

To dream of your crush kissing you means that you are very sure of your life choices, but that you are still looking for a support, someone with whom you can share your victories.

Pay attention to the details of your dream, because the person you are kissing in your dream, even if you are not yet emotionally involved, is the one who will provide you with that support you so desire.

To dream of a new passion

To dream of a new passion indicates that, even if you don't believe it, you are ready to get rid of past hurts and live new experiences, not only in the sentimental realm.

If you are undecided about something or someone, try to think about what you want in your life and what you are looking for in someone. You need to clear your mind, getting rid of negative thoughts, so that you can find the answers you need.

To Dream of Passion in the Beginning

If you dreamed of a crush in the beginning, it means that a good message is coming. This type of dream is a sign of great luck and prosperity in your life and can also indicate a spiritual upliftment.

If you are at the beginning of a relationship, be reassured. To dream of passion at the beginning means that this love relationship that is beginning is true and will have constant happiness, continuing in harmony for a long time.

To dream of reciprocated passion

To dream of a passionate relationship is an indication of security and stability in your life. This type of dream reflects the security you have when you are in the company of your friends and loved ones.

Furthermore, this type of dream shows that you are surrounded by the good, sincere, and faithful people who fill your being and who truly love you. Therefore, take advantage of these friendships and keep your friends close at all times.

To dream of platonic passion

Be careful when dreaming of platonic passion, as it is tied to an idealized affectionate relationship. This dream brings out your weakness, as it shows your neediness and need to receive love and attention from others, which can lead you into emotional dependence.

So it is important that you love yourself first, because when we love ourselves the way we would like to be loved, everything around us changes and we feel happier. So the tip here is for you to invest in yourself, spend more time with your company and do everything you like. Take care of yourself and love yourself more.

To dream of unrequited passion

To dream of unrequited passion brings a strong relationship with fear of surrender and rejection. This indicates that you need to give yourself wholeheartedly in whatever you start. Whether in a relationship, in a job, or in a project, always do your best for you.

Therefore, try to listen and understand your inner self and see what it is missing, try to understand what its needs are that are not being nurtured. You are your best love and your best company, always.

To dream of a failed crush

If you dream that you are facing a failed crush, this is a sign that an important decision will need to be made as soon as possible. This dream does not necessarily indicate that it will be a decision in your sentimental life, but somehow this decision to be made may influence your relationships.

Try to stay calm, be patient, and reflect on everything that has been going on in your life and on what led you to need to make such an important decision, and decide wisely.

Meaning of dreaming of crushes from different past times

Described as an intense and overwhelming feeling, passion is a term often used to define the intense feeling of love that couples usually feel for each other, especially at the beginning of a relationship.

If you are already in a relationship, it could mean strength and a long-lasting relationship, so take a look at the following meanings and see how they apply to your life!

To Dream of Passion from the Past

Be aware that dreaming of a past crush shows that you have the desire to reclaim something that exists in your past and is not present in your current relationship. But this does not mean that your needs within that relationship are not being met, but that you are stuck in your previous relationships, failing to enjoy your current one.

But be careful and remember that the past is left as a lesson, so live today and build your future with the best love you can give, now. Avoid comparisons with previous relationships, because each person is unique and they may have wonderful things to offer you.

To Dream of an Old Passion

To dream of an old crush means that you must and need to let go of your past in order to move on with your life, especially in the realm of love. This attachment to the old may be depriving you of amazing experiences.

Therefore, aim to pick up your pace and work to achieve your goals more quickly and efficiently.

To Dream of an Ex-Lover

To dream of an ex-lover indicates that you are afraid to live alone or to face a new love, and that you are afraid to face life without a certain person by your side. Therefore, this is a sign of emotional dependence, and you should seek to take care of yourself first.

We all have inner fears and insecurities that need to be fought, so that we can achieve our progress. Thus, our well-being and happiness must always be in the foreground, so don't hold on to others to seek your joy.

To dream of a first crush

Having a dream about your first crush is an indication that happiness will soon be reborn in your household. Good things are about to come into your life, so take advantage of this moment.

If you are looking for a special person, she may be coming, so be careful not to miss this chance. But if you are already engaged, harmony and peace between the couple will reign for a long time.

To dream of childhood crush

Our childhood passions are always the most simple and delicate, so dreaming of a childhood passion indicates that your relationship will be like this: sensitive, true, and pure. The innocence of childhood walks with you, and this is good, because then there is no room for evil.

On the other hand, if you have a child in your family, this dream indicates that the child needs your attention and care. Try to be more participative in his life and teach him the good things in life, share good moments with this child, and love in your life will be prosperous.

To Dream of Teenage Passion

To dream of teenage passion indicates that you are feeling particularly aggressive or bold, and this may be affecting your understanding of things. You are seeing only what you want to see, and this may lead you to make an error in judgment.

So you know how to play your cards and you know how to move in the game of love, but try to calm yourself so that you can have a clearer vision about the paths you will follow. Believe firmly in fate and that what happens to you cannot be changed.

Dreaming of passion in various situations can mean many things, so it is important to always stay alert to the signs that the universe is trying to send you, and understanding what these signs mean depends a lot on what kind of dream you had.

So try to remember every detail you can about your dream, so that the answers you seek are as clear and correct as possible. Check out some more of its meanings below.

To dream of friends with your crush

If you dreamed about your crush's friends, this shows that you have great and deep feelings for the people around you. This is something really wonderful, but this kind of dream serves to show that you need to start thinking more about yourself and loving yourself even more.

If you like to help others and feel the need for it, but have doubts, this is a sign that it is the right time to look for volunteer work. This is an excellent opportunity for you to work on this feeling within yourself.

To dream of the man who is your passion

To dream of the man who is your passion means that there is a great chance that this feeling will prosper. If you are not yet together, it is time to try to make this relationship happen in real life. Perhaps, it is time to open your heart to a new romance.

But also keep an eye out, because there are other meanings within this context, and this type of dream also means that there will be changes in other areas of your life. Still, not all of them will be positive, so always keep an eye out for signs, to be prepared for what may happen.

To dream of a crush on a stranger

Be on the lookout for possible changes, because dreaming of passion for a stranger indicates a major transformation in your life. These changes can be both in the family and professional realms.

This may be the sign you have been looking for to get out of your routine and comfort zone, and thus achieve what you want so much. So be aware of what is going on around you, and be prepared for these changes.

To dream of a man in love

If you dream that you are a man in love or that you are in front of one, this is a sign that the coming months will be of intense happiness, either in your sentimental life or in your professional life. So, try to make the most of this moment, because it will be fleeting. It is important that you are aware of this and be prepared.

Can dreaming of passion indicate problems in domestic life?

To dream of passion does not indicate problems in your home life. This type of dream shows that your physical health is excellent, but that you may feel a little sad at times, without knowing why. This is normal, because sometimes attachments from the past prevent us from enjoying our present life, and this ends up affecting some areas of life, but it is nothing that you cannot handle.

Also, always be aware of what is happening around you, because it is certain that some people will feel an irresistible attraction to you, as if a magnet were pulling them. Thus, the messages received through dreams with passion propel you towards new achievements and challenges in your life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.