The benefits of pineapple: for immunity, cholesterol, flu and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about the benefits of pineapple

Do you love pineapple? The fruit is synonymous with several health benefits, improving from immunity to hydration of the body. Versatile, pineapple is an alternative for desserts, drinks and can be consumed in many ways, which facilitates its inclusion in the diet.

For those seeking a healthier lifestyle, the fruit is a great ally in various practices. In addition to acting in the prevention of health problems, the pineapple helps in the recovery and maintenance of organs and systems, bringing more comfort and well-being.

Rich in vitamins, pineapple is an option to combine flavor, lightness and more health on a daily basis. Throughout the article, you will learn more about the benefits of this fruit, which is produced on a large scale in the national territory. Who knows the pineapple does not enter your shopping list once and for all?

The nutritional profile of pineapple

We already know that pineapple is beneficial for health, but the positive points of its consumption are numerous. Its nutritional profile is a unique combination of positive aspects for the body, since the fruit acts in the prevention and recovery of different health problems. Below, learn what components make the pineapple a viable and tasty alternative as part of a more healthy lifestyle.healthy.


Pineapple is a fruit full of vitamins in its composition. From the nutritional point of view, being rich in vitamin A, it is an ally to prevent acne, periodontitis and improve immunity. In addition, it is a compound that interferes in cell renewal and impacts eye health.

Vitamin C strengthens the defense mechanisms of the body, is antioxidant and improves the healing process of the skin. Some vitamins of the B complex are also present in pineapple: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9.

Together, they are instrumental in healthy cell production, proper brain function and red blood cell production. Such vitamins improve skin health, induce healthy hormone levels and maintain proper cellular flow, especially in the nervous system.

Mineral salts

Mineral salts are compounds that influence how well the body is able to fight diseases and conduct healing processes. Inorganic, they are directly related to the proper functioning of the metabolism of the individual. In pineapple, manganese, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus are present.

The fruit brings healthier teeth and bones, improves blood circulation, energy metabolism, nutrient absorption and muscle structure.


Bromelain is an enzyme well known for its therapeutic purposes. It helps the body to recover from inflammation, especially respiratory inflammation. Thus, the fruit helps to eliminate mucus and phlegm, and is powerful against pain caused by muscle strains and injuries from physical exercise.

In post-operative periods or for those who practice physical activities frequently, the consumption of pineapple contributes to a healthier body due to bromelain. It also facilitates digestion, being ideally consumed after meals to break down the proteins absorbed by the body.

An interesting detail about the enzyme is its presence in all parts of the fruit, which expands the possibilities in daily life.


Pineapple is a fruit that has fiber in its nutritional composition. Although it is light, it brings a feeling of satiety and helps the functioning of the intestine. By increasing the amount of water in the intestine, the pineapple facilitates the elimination of stool and prevents constipation.

The fiber of the fruit also favors the reduction of bad cholesterol levels in the body, which greatly benefits heart health. In 100g of pineapple, are found 1.4g of fiber, soluble and insoluble, which corresponds to 4% of the average consumption of the nutrient.

The health benefits of pineapple

The fruit is full of nutrients, such as manganese, magnesium, potassium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and C. The result is a list of benefits for various parts and systems of the body, promoting more health and well-being to those who consume the fruit frequently. Want to put the citrus and tropical fruit in your diet? Meet the main positive impacts that the fruit brings to the body:

Promotes the strengthening of immunity

The pineapple is one of the fruits most remembered by those seeking to strengthen the body's immunity, an aspect more important than ever. The amount of vitamin C present in it helps keep immunity high, since even a slice of the fruit corresponds to approximately 20% of the daily needs of the vitamin in the body.

With a composition full of minerals, vitamins, enzymes and bromelain itself, pineapple enhances the immune system of the individual and increases the white blood cells in the blood. In addition, the fruit is an ally to eliminate inflammation in the body.

Helps the digestive process

Inserting pineapple in the diet contributes to good digestion. Bromelain, an enzyme present in the fruit, promotes improvement in the functions of the enzymes trypsin and pepsin, which facilitates the absorption of food by the small intestine.

In addition, pineapple is rich in water: its composition helps keep the body hydrated, detail that positively impacts the entire digestive process. The fruit also contains large amounts of fiber, which stimulate proper bowel function. Thus, the gastric system remains healthier.

Helps control cholesterol

Fruits are usually beneficial for the diet of those who have problems related to high cholesterol levels. In these cases, the pineapple helps the absorption of nutrients by the intestine and its fibers have the ability to minimize the absorption of fat.

For best results, the ideal is to consume the fruit juice with no added sugar and without straining, since the eliminated parts are usually rich in nutrients.

Acts in the protection of the vocal cords

Being a citrus fruit, pineapple increases the production of saliva of those who consume it. Thus, the person ends up relaxing the muscles of the throat, besides keeping the vocal cords properly hydrated. The water present in the fruit also prevents excessive friction in the region, being part of the necessary care with the voice.

The saliva also becomes thinner, which prevents hawking. The result of the benefits of pineapple is the reduction of irritation and inflammation, ensuring more vocal comfort. The consumption of the fruit also prevents hoarseness.

Relieves the discomfort caused by arthritis

Those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis know: the inflamed joints swell and become quite painful. Pineapple, with its anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, helps patients feel relief from the discomfort caused by the disease.

The fruit has beneficial composition to reduce and treat inflammation in the body, since it is rich in bromelain, especially in the stalk. A healthy diet with balanced nutrients helps prevent pain and limitations, common to those who suffer from arthritis. One way to consume pineapple in these cases is to beat the fruit with water.

Acts in the prevention of colds and flu

Amidst the infectious agents that circulate in the cities nowadays, the pineapple helps prevent colds and flu. Rich in vitamin C, the fruit is responsible for keeping the body healthy and stronger against the famous viral infections.

Bromelin also helps to stop coughs caused by respiratory diseases, very common at certain times of the year. In all seasons of the year, pineapple is ideal for those seeking a healthier lifestyle and free of health problems.

Accelerates recovery after exercise

Those who train daily may encounter pain, swelling and muscle damage, which can be minimized with the consumption of pineapple and its many benefits. In addition to the effects of bromelain against inflammation and discomfort, the fruit offers valuable assistance for immediate muscle recovery after physical practice.

Because it has carbohydrates in its composition, pineapple stimulates the health of muscles when the body consumes glycogen and can initiate the consumption of muscle mass as a source of energy.

Contributes to the weight loss process

Rich in fiber, pineapple is powerful in the diet of those who want to lose weight. The fruit, when consumed, brings a feeling of satiety by forming a gel in the stomach. As a result, the digestive process becomes slower, which eliminates the constant urge to eat.

Pineapple is also a diuretic, so it helps to eliminate excess fluid in the body, which can cause swelling and weight gain.

Prevents premature aging of the skin

The consumption of pineapple contributes directly to the health and appearance of the skin. The composition of the fruit, especially its vitamins and bromelain, stimulates the production of collagen and has antioxidant action, delaying skin aging.

As a result, its appearance and texture improve, as do the signs of aging, which diminish as free radicals are eliminated. The fruit also minimizes inflammation, aiding acne treatments and reducing inflammation and irritation of the skin and scalp.

It is beneficial for eye health

When thinking about eye health, pineapple is a strong ally of quality of life. The fruit is a source of vitamins A and C, which ophthalmologists consider indispensable to maintain a healthy eye structure.

Beta-carotene, also present in pineapple, is a compound that protects the retina, part of the eyes that interferes directly in vision. There are studies that relate beta-carotene to the prevention of diseases such as ocular degeneration, which occurs due to damage to the retina with aging.

It is effective in combating asthma

During asthma attacks, the patient's airways become inflamed and swollen, causing difficulty breathing. Pineapple, for its anti-inflammatory power, is an option for the diet of those who have the condition. Vitamin C present in the fruit is also an ally of those who suffer from asthma, since it improves immunity and reduces the body's allergic response, which manifests itself through histamines.

Balanced diet, good habits and stress reduction are measures that contribute to minimize the crises and discomfort caused by asthma. Therefore, pineapple can be combined with a healthy lifestyle to avoid the problem.

Prevents infertility

The healthier the body, the greater the chances that the couple has of having children. For women who are in the process of trying to get pregnant, the pineapple has proven to be an ally, according to studies. Being antioxidant, the fruit improves the quality of eggs, preventing infertility. In addition, bromelain improves the blood flow that reaches the uterus.

The anti-inflammatory benefits of pineapple, added to uterine health that favors the attachment of the embryo, makes the fruit a darling of those who want children. It is essential to combine the consumption of pineapple habits and a healthy lifestyle, since fertility is related to various hormonal levels, stress, anxiety and diet.

Promotes the absorption of iron by the body

The absorption of iron takes place, under more adequate conditions, in acidic environments. For this reason, a balanced diet with little use of antacids favors the absorption of this component so important to prevent anemia.

The acidity present in pineapple, therefore, creates satisfactory levels for the body to be able to absorb higher amounts of iron, as well as the vitamin C present in it. Pineapple also helps in maintaining a healthy intestinal flora.

It is beneficial for bone health

Did you know that pineapple helps the body to absorb calcium? Thus, the regular consumption of the fruit directly benefits the health of bones, which can stay healthier and stronger. Manganese, also present in pineapple, is a mineral that strengthens the bones. This detail makes all the difference to avoid bone diseases or even fractures.

How to consume pineapple and contraindications

Very popular in Brazil, the variations of pineapple are part of a wide variety of consumption options. For those who like the fruit itself and even for those who prefer preparations, there is no shortage of ideas for consuming pineapple more or less sweet. Below, check out how to use the fruit in cooking and everyday life to make the most of its nutrients.

In natura

The pineapple is a fruit rich in nutrients, and its consumption in natura, as the name suggests, comprises the possibilities not industrialized. In everyday life, its varieties can be consumed with the natural fruit as dessert or in the preparation of juices and vitamins.

A tip to make the pineapple in natura more refreshing is to refrigerate the slices, which also increases its durability for a few days. To put the pineapple in natura in the diet, other alternatives are fruit salads, savory dishes and even vegetarian barbecues.


The juice made with pineapple is a great way to take advantage of possible leftovers of the fruit, or even consume it when it is not too sweet. To enjoy the consumption of the drink, there are combinations that please the palate and increase the nutrients, such as pineapple with mint, lemon, kale or ginger.

The addition of sugar is totally optional, and the ice helps to give more refreshment to the juice. Smoothies and vitamins are other ways to use pineapple in drinks, ideal for hot days or even reinforce the hydration of the body.


The pineapple is a fruit widely used in recipes for sweets and desserts. It is common to see it in jellies, jellies, cakes, ice cream, puddings, pies and other delicacies. Alone or accompanied by other fruits, it helps to bring sweetness to dishes in a light way. A very popular combination and appreciated by people is pineapple with coconut.

The secret is, in many preparations, to put the fruit on fire with water and sugar so that it does not become bitter in a short time. This measure also prevents the pineapple from releasing water, a tip that increases the shelf life of sweets.

Can you eat the stem of the pineapple?

Often overlooked, the stem of the pineapple can be consumed. In fact, this is a part of the fruit very rich in nutrients, especially bromelain, an enzyme that acts in digestion and inflammatory processes in the body. For people seeking maximum benefits with the consumption of pineapple, use the stem is an excellent idea.


The pineapple is a fruit full of health benefits. However, for people with unbalanced diet or health problems, its consumption should be conscious. When in excess in the routine, the fruit can cause bleeding, heart palpitations in hypertensives or nausea, due to bromelain.

Patients with issues related to bone or stomach health should also consume pineapple in moderation. If in doubt, seek medical advice before including the fruit in the diet.

Add the fruit to your routine and enjoy all the benefits of pineapple!

Putting the pineapple in your day to day is a simple task. Who is a fan of the fruit can consume it pure or in sweets, for example, with pieces of it. If this is not your case, do not worry. How about using the pineapple in juices or cakes with another fruit, such as coconut? Thus, the benefits are still present, but with another texture or different flavor.

The great advantage of pineapple is its lightness, so it is ideal to be eaten as dessert, without bringing the feeling of stuffiness. Bought pineapple and the fruit is not very tasty? There are several ways to use it in preparations that help intensify the flavor and take advantage of the nutrients, such as fruit salads.

Adding pineapple in the routine brings numerous benefits for the skin, immune system, bones and favors the digestive process. The fruit is easy to be found and is very good for health.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.