Avocado benefits for hair, skin, heart, recipes and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the benefits of avocado?

We hear a lot that the avocado fruit is a food with high fat content and should not be included in the diet in excess because of its calories. But the truth is that most of this fat is healthy and good for the body.

The inclusion of avocados in diets can help prevent diseases, improve metabolism and also contribute to aesthetics, bringing vitality and health to hair and skin. Thus, to enjoy all the benefits that this food can offer, you need to be careful when choosing the fruit and how to prepare it.

Thus, knowing good recipes and the correct way to introduce this food in your diet as the first steps to make your life healthier. Learn more about how the avocado should be introduced in the diet, aesthetic treatments, recipes and more! Check it out!

The benefits of avocados

The inclusion of avocados in diets to decrease weight or increase muscle mass is becoming common. For diabetics, avocados have dietary fiber, helping to increase satisfaction and organize the consumption of sugars by the intestine.

However, it is a food that needs to be eaten in small quantities due to its caloric content. Read on and get to know a selection of benefits that this fruit can offer.

Helps in weight loss

In diets for weight reduction, the avocado is present because it has a good amount of fiber and helps to increase satisfaction and contribute to reduce the desire to eat. In metabolism, decreases the glycemic load of the meal, and this causes a reduction in cell inflammation and, as a consequence less fat generation in the body.

The intake of the fruit also before physical activities is beneficial because it conditions the formation of muscle mass. It is a food full of good fats and that delivers energy to the body for the practice of exercises. It also provides proteins that help in the recovery of muscles and remove fatigue. The presence of magnesium makes the fruit also helps to avoid cramps during and afterexercises.

Fights osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by the progressive and accelerated loss of bone mass. It occurs more frequently in adults and in the aging phase. Osteoporosis makes the bones weakened and predisposed to fractures.

In the avocado is the presence of minerals such as zinc, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, which help increase bone mineral density, so if consumed regularly, can help contribute to the fight against osteoporosis.

Bowel function

The consumption of foods that are rich in fiber in conjunction with good amounts of water, help in the functioning of the intestine and also relieve constipation. Avocado is a source of soluble fiber, ie, which help in regularizing the action of the intestine.

In addition, avocados contain monounsaturated fats, which help to lubricate the stool. Thus, eating avocados daily helps to improve constipation and facilitates bowel movements.

Good for the eyes

In its composition, there is the presence of antioxidants such as carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important components and promote the well-being of the eyes.

The consumption of these substances prevents diseases such as cataract (which affects the lens of the eye, making it opaque) and macular degeneration (related to progressive loss of vision). Eating avocados regularly helps, in the long term, eye health.

Lowers blood pressure

Due to the presence of potassium, avocado consumption can help in reducing blood pressure. This is because potassium is a nutrient that aids in controlling hypertension. Many studies show that having a high intake of potassium reduces blood pressure and aids in vascular tone.

Avocado is made up of three times more potassium than banana. Potassium is also responsible for leveling the presence of sodium in the body and thereby also influence for the reduction of blood pressure.

Fights cholesterol

Even classified as a food rich in fat, avocados fight bad cholesterol in the body. This happens because the fruit has unsaturated fats that act in reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and, consequently, in its synthesis in the liver.

With this, avocados help control LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol, in addition to reducing the levels of triglycerides in the body.

Good for the heart

Besides contributing to the reduction of bad cholesterol, it is a food that has a high content of monounsaturated fat, which makes it a great friend of the heart. It contributes to the reduction of bad cholesterol in the body and to reduce the pressure exerted by the blood against the artery walls.

These two factors are the main risks for cardiovascular diseases. The oil extracted from avocado pulp helps to combat lesions of the arteries and also has phytosterols, which are in its composition, similar to cholesterol absorbed by the body.

Decreases the stress hormone

The substance glutathione is also present in the composition of avocado. It is an antioxidant substance that reduces cortisol which is the hormone known as "stress hormone". In addition, the fruit can help control anxiety, due to the presence of potassium and lithium.

The quality of sleep is also improved with these nutrients. Vitamin B3, found in avocado, acts on the nervous system and contributes to the maintenance of the production of hormones that produce the condition of relaxation of the body. The constant consumption of avocado provides physical and mental relaxation.

Possible aid in the fight against cancer

In cancer treatments with chemotherapy, laboratory studies have shown that avocado has action against the side effects of this application. Avocado extract also fights the growth of prostate cancer cells. These studies have not been finalized yet, but the tendency is that they show positive results in fighting the disease.

Brain function

A greater use of memory is a benefit that avocados can bring to brain functions. This happens because avocados contemplate omega 3, a nutrient that encourages blood movement and increases concentration conditions. Avocado intake also aids in the brain's ability to self-motivate.

Hair hydration and shine

Aesthetic applications, such as creams and masks containing avocado pulp are responsible for increasing hair hydration and promotes the growth of new strands. This happens because the fruit contains fats, vitamins present in the B complex and E complex. Thus, the appearance of the hair will be healthier and with luminosity.

Folic acid

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is part of the group of B vitamins. It participates in various functions in the body, especially in the formation of cells responsible for human growth and development.

Avocado has the presence of folic acid stimulating the appearance of cells in the blood, such as red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells. With this, anemia is fought.

It is recommended that folic acid is present in the female diet, when the woman is planning to become pregnant or that, already pregnant, are in the first three months of pregnancy. It is necessary because the presence of this acid contributes to the construction of the nervous complex of the children in gestation. Therefore, avocados are highly recommended for pregnant women.

Beautiful and moisturized skin

The use of avocado pulp in aesthetics is becoming increasingly constant for the treatment of stretch marks, wrinkles and cellulite. This happens because the fruit has a high concentration of vitamin C, which helps in the transformation of various substances in collagen, which is the active basis for skin support.

The fruit also has properties that prevent or delay oxidation and thus help fight the weakening of skin cells. This delivers more suppleness and leaves the skin presentation more velvety and looking hydrated and healthy.

About Avocado

The avocado fruit is the edible part of the avocado tree. Its tree is native to Mexico or South America, today it is extensively cultivated in tropical regions, especially in Brazil. It is harvested from January to December, with greater emphasis in May and April. For consumption, the fruit should be firm and heavy, soft and yield when the peel is lightly pressed.

Besides the nutritional value, the fruit is a good accompaniment to main dishes, salads and even in snacks. If combined with sugar, it can be served with dessert recipes, but if it is salted can also compose unique recipes. Learn how to preserve, what are the main vitamins, recipes and more. Check it out!

How to store

In street markets or supermarkets, avocados are usually sold very firm, so they are usually not consumed as soon as they are bought. The fruit, when cut, quickly takes on a dark appearance if not consumed. Therefore, cutting needs to be done close to the moment of consumption.

If the fruit is not completely consumed, keep the leftovers in the refrigerator, if possible still with the stone, wrapping them in plastic film. It is also recommended to rub a little lemon on the pulp to prevent total darkening. The ideal is not to buy the fruit too ripe, because it tends to spoil very quickly.

Avocado Vitamins

In the fruit there is the presence of vitamins A, C, E, K and vitamins also of the B complex in its conception. Besides the minerals potassium, magnesium and magnesium. It still contemplates unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, it is the case of omega-3. The green pulp has anti-inflammatory properties with flavonoids and beta carotenes in its composition.

The calories of the avocado depend on the size of the fruit, but on average (in a 100g serving) there are around 96 to 100 calories and 8.4 of fat. It also contains fiber that varies according to the species or type and its variation in size, shape and color. To ensure the benefits of the fruit, it must be present in a balanced way in the diet.


Despite presenting several benefits, it is a highly caloric fruit. But this does not come to be a contraindication, just an indication that it should be eaten in moderation. Some people may be allergic to the fruit, but according to data, it is rare to happen.

The avocado needs to be avoided in diets where there is a restriction of fat and calories or consumed sporadically. The ideal amount can vary between a small avocado or half of the fruit. The recommendation of the amount to be consumed, should always be evaluated by a nutritional expert and according to the caloric expenditure of each person.

Recipes with avocado

The fruit goes with both sweet and salty recipes. As it is versatile, it won in Brazil several versions in recipes ranging from drinks, salads or main dishes. Many people consume the fruit at breakfast, mashed and with sugar and lemon. Its salty version has Mexican influence, with the guacamole recipe.

At high temperatures, the fruit becomes part of salads or as an accompaniment to toast and appetizer canapés. Without a doubt, the use of avocado pulp in cooking is bold and susceptible to innovation. Check out the selection of recipes with avocado and enjoy all this flavor!

Guacamole recipe

To make a guacamole, you'll need the following ingredients: pulp from a medium ripe avocado; 2 peeled, seedless tomatoes cut into small cubes; 1 medium onion also diced; 1 crushed garlic clove; 2 tablespoons olive oil; black pepper, lemon, salt, and parsley, as preferred.

To prepare, perform the following steps: mash the avocado pulp and store it in the refrigerator. Saute the tomato, onion, pepper and garlic together with olive oil and add a tablespoon of water. Cook for 2 minutes. Once cooled, add to the avocado and mix to create a paste. To finish, season with salt, lemon and a little green smell.

Vegetable salad recipe

Including avocado in vegetable salad is also a good option. For this recipe, you will use: 1 diced tomato; half an onion chopped; 1 cucumber cut; 1 zucchini cut; avocado pulp in cubes; chopped parsley, salt, olive oil and lemon to taste.

The way to make it is very easy. So, mix all the ingredients slowly, so the avocado will not be crumbled. Season with parsley, salt, olive oil and lemon. Serve it cold.

Brigadeiro recipe

The recipe for brigadeiro made with avocado consists of the following ingredients: pulp of 1 avocado; 1 measure of cocoa powder, preferably unsweetened; 1 spoon (coffee measure) of coconut oil; 1 spoon of honey.

To make everything ready, beat all items in a blender or use a mixer to make it a homogeneous consistency. Leave in the refrigerator to firm up. Serve chilled.

Avocado butter recipe

Avocado butter, though not well known, is simple to make. In this recipe, you will need: 1 ripe avocado; juice of half a lemon; 1 teaspoon salt; seasonings to taste.

To prepare, carry out the following steps: pulse everything in the food processor until you obtain a homogeneous paste. Tip: store in a container along with the stone so that the paste does not darken. Shelf life is 2 days.

Hydration for hair with avocado

The use of avocado pulp for hair moisturizing has been widely used by people who have dry looking hair. As the fruit has a high concentration of B complex, hydration happens in an intense way, bringing much shine to the hair.

The homemade masks contribute to deliver more life to the wires and better, without spending a lot of money. So, know below some suggestions for homemade and natural masks.

Avocado mask with honey

The mixture of avocado and honey helps a lot in controlling the hydration of the hair, bringing a feeling of softness and with a wonderful shine. To make the mask, you will need 1 avocado well ripe and large and 1 tablespoon of honey.

In a bowl, you can mash the avocado and add the honey, forming a paste with consistency. Before applying it, it is important that your hair is damp with warm water. After that, it is time to apply, noting that you should avoid using the mask on the root of the wires.

For the effect to be even better, leave it on for 30 minutes, wrapping the strands in a shower cap. Then, you can wash your hair normally with warm water, using your shampoo.

Avocado mask with carrot

The avocado mask accompanied by carrot contains fats, oils and vitamins that strengthen the hair strands, restoring vitality. To make this mask you will need 1 carrot; half avocado; 1 tablespoon honey; 1 tablespoon almond; 1 natural yogurt and a capsule of vitamin E.

Next, cut the carrot into small pieces and remove the pulp of the fruit. Put all items in a blender and beat well. This application can be done from the roots to the tips of your hair. For the result to be more effective, use a thermal cap and wait 20 minutes. Soon after, wash your hair with cold water and use the shampoo and conditioner you prefer.

Avocado mask with olive oil

The combination of the oils of olive oil and avocado is excellent for bringing nourishment to your hair, leaving it even stronger, without breakage. In addition, the lemon provides cleansing to the scalp and helps to make your hair grow quickly. The ingredients to make this mask are as follows: 1 medium avocado; 1 quart of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

With the ingredients ready, peel the avocado, mash it and then mix it in a bowl with olive oil and lemon juice. Apply the mixture on the hair, but do not pass it on the roots. This mask should act for 20 minutes and, preferably, should be removed with cold water and the use of anti-dandruff shampoo. Do not forget to rinse well, to remove all the lemon.

What is the great benefit of avocado?

There is not only a great benefit linked to avocados. The fruit has several nutrients and vitamins that contribute to the healthy development of our body and also for a better appearance of skin and hair. Inserting avocados in the diet regularly will, along with other foods, its properties are enhanced.

The versatility of the use of the fruit, both with sweet and savory seasonings, is a benefit that gives dynamism to its consumption. Whether at breakfast, with a rich vitamin shaken with milk, at lunch in a salad, or even at night as a starter before the main course, besides flavor, avocado will bring more health and vitality to those who consume it.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.