What does sleep and waking up tired mean for Spiritism? Understand!

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Jennifer Sherman

Does going to sleep and waking up tired have any spiritual meaning?

The number of hours of sleep doesn't necessarily mean quality, so what really makes a good night's sleep is waking up rested and energetically recovered. Therefore, people who wake up tired or can't sleep through the night need to pay attention to these issues.

This is because they can represent sleep disorders, which can appear and disappear depending on a number of factors, including spiritual ones. However, in most cases, these disorders are considered chronic, regardless of these lulls.

Below, we'll comment on some aspects of the meaning of sleep and waking up tired for Spiritism, as well as some issues relating to sleep disorders themselves. If you want to know more, read on!

Understanding sleep disorders

According to Spiritism, there are a few distinct types of sleep disorders, and they have physical, emotional and spiritual causes. In addition, the way someone wakes up also has a particular meaning for this doctrine. All of these meanings will be explored in greater detail in the next section of the article. See more below!

What are sleep disorders according to Spiritism?

According to Spiritism, sleep disorders can be caused by physical, emotional and spiritual factors. As the first two are directly related to science, it is more interesting to go into more detail about spiritual issues, which are related to the doctrine in question.

So, when a certain person has trouble sleeping, it's linked to an energetic impediment. There's something on another plane causing interference, so the pineal gland is affected, since it's responsible for receiving astral stimuli.

Main causes of sleep disorders

In the Spiritist view, the physical, emotional and spiritual causes of sleep disturbances are connected, thanks to the pineal gland, which is understood by the doctrine to be responsible for receiving astral stimuli. There is a lot of scientific research into this gland, and some doctors point to a connection between it and the dimensions.

In addition, according to spiritism, sleep disturbances caused by the dynamics of this gland happen when a certain spirit influences the insomniac's energies. Therefore, their production of melatonin is altered and their closeness to this spirit causes sleep disturbances.

Physical causes

The physical causes of sleep disorders are linked to a number of factors, all of which are recognized by both religion and science. Thus, issues such as weight can influence the quality of someone's sleep, and hormonal factors, especially in the case of women facing the menopause, also play a key role.

Other aspects that influence sleep disorders are respiratory problems and psychiatric illnesses such as anxiety and depression.

Emotional causes

As far as the emotional causes of sleep disorders are concerned, it can be said that they are related to each person's routine. Given these factors, they must be assessed individually for an accurate diagnosis. However, some common denominators are present in the lives of people who experience this type of situation.

In addition, if you have recently experienced a bereavement, this can influence the quality of your sleep, as the emotions associated with the loss can cause you to lose sleep.

Spiritual causes

According to Spiritism, sleep disorders are never associated solely with physical and emotional causes, so it is necessary to take the spiritual component into account. Thus, energies need to be considered, as intruding spirits and even karma from past lives can influence these issues.

When no physical or emotional symptoms are found, the person who has trouble sleeping needs to undergo an energy cleanse. In addition, they need to find ways of taking care of the energies they expose themselves to.

The meaning of sleeping and waking up tired according to Spiritism

According to Spiritism, all people are spirits clothed in a body, so when we sleep, the spirit detaches itself and returns to its plane. The purpose of this is to learn and receive guidance about the future. However, some people can't get too far away from matter and hover close to it, which causes fatigue.

In addition, there are people whose spirits are unable to fall asleep due to the absorption of negative energies, whether they come from the workplace or any other space where the person is subjected to stressful conditions.

Meaning of feeling very sleepy according to Spiritism

People have two different types of energy: physical and spiritual. According to Spiritism, when we sleep, our energies are restored and if this doesn't happen and we're still sleepy, there's something that's getting in the way and needs to be looked at more closely.

The first step is to rule out physical issues. If there is nothing on the material plane preventing a particular person from sleeping, they need to check for potential imbalances in their spiritual energy. This is because they may be influenced by spirits and they are responsible for their constant sleep.

The meaning of sleeping a lot and waking up with body aches for Spiritism

When a person is tuned into positive vibrations and falls asleep, their spirit passes through the midst of other beings of light on the spiritual plane. However, when their vibrations are negative, it is possible to be obsessed by dark spirits and other incarnate beings in astral projection.

Therefore, the physical body only partially relaxes, and the consciousness can't completely free itself. Body aches and pains are therefore the result of situations like this, which prevent the feeling of physical and mental fullness. In this case, you should look for a way to balance the energies, making them more positive.

Meaning of not being able to sleep when tired according to spiritualism

People who can't sleep even when they're tired first need to look at the physical and emotional reasons for this, so they need to reduce their stress levels and learn to respect their own limits, whether they're physical or mental. In addition, they need to adopt a proper routine to encourage sleep.

However, if the causes are of a spiritual nature, the Spiritist doctrine points out that they can be linked to the presence of obsessing spirits: these are less evolved spirits who act in a disturbing way and do not accept going through the evolutionary process that all spirits need to go through.

Meaning of waking up in the middle of the night for spiritism

According to spiritualism, waking up in the middle of the night isn't normal. If it recurs, you need to be even more careful. It doesn't necessarily mean something bad, but rather highlights the need to understand something that is happening to you.

It's also worth noting that there are certain times of day that should be carefully observed. For example, a person who wakes up at 3am on a regular basis is receiving a signal that there are beings from the spiritual plane trying to contact them. This is because there are certain times of day that are more favourable for this type of contact.

Other information about sleeping and waking up tired according to Spiritism

To find out how to determine the causes of sleep disorders, the best thing to do is to go to a professional who specializes in treating these conditions. However, even before taking this step, observation can help you find out which type of treatment is best suited to your case. See more about this below!

How do you know if the cause is physical, emotional or spiritual?

To determine whether the causes of sleep disturbances are physical, emotional or spiritual without the help of a professional, you need to look at your own routine. For example, people who are constantly subjected to stressful situations may find it difficult to sleep because they are unable to distance themselves from the emotions of their daily lives.

In addition, when talking about physical reasons, it's worth mentioning that factors such as weight, respiratory diseases and psychiatric conditions can influence these issues. So, in the case of people who are affected by these diseases, disorders can result.

When neither scenario is appropriate, the most likely cause is spiritual and linked to the energies absorbed by the person.

What is the treatment for people who sleep and wake up tired?

As the causes of sleeping and waking up tired vary, the treatments also vary and are dependent on the nature of the sleep disorder. Therefore, when they are physical, the best thing to do is to see a doctor. In the case of emotional causes, psychotherapy and psychiatry are the most suitable options.

Finally, for disorders of a spiritual nature, it is best to seek treatment of this kind, such as past life regression. More details on these issues will be discussed below.

Spiritual treatment

There are two types of spiritual treatment most suitable for sleep disorders: spiritual cleansing and freedom therapy. In the case of the former, it is carried out by a specialist therapist and aims to cleanse the person's energies, ridding them of the intruding spirits that make it impossible to sleep. The treatment can also result in the end of energetic and emotional blockages.

In the case of freedom therapy, it is possible to say that it consists of a regression to past lives, so it should only take place after spiritual cleansing and needs to be guided by a therapist, who will make the person connect to their "higher self" and unblock the emotions that are stuck in their memory and prevent them from sleeping.

Medical treatment

Medical treatment for insomnia begins with a visit to a neurologist, who will be able to make a correct diagnosis and determine the physical causes of the disorder. This is done through tests and, if necessary, the patient will be properly medicated so that they can sleep satisfactorily.

If a more serious neurological dysfunction is found, there is also the possibility of surgery. However, if no physical causes are found, the patient will be referred to a psychiatrist, so that this professional can assess the emotional causes of the sleep disorder.

How to sleep better according to Spiritism?

Allan Kardec, considered the father of spiritism, has a book called The Hour of Sleep. In this book, he explains that sleep was given to humans so that they could repair their strength. However, the spirit does not need this kind of rest and, while the body regenerates, it goes to its plane to listen to advice from other beings of light.

Therefore, one way to find the peace you need to sleep and to allow your spirit to follow this path during the night is to say the Spiritist night prayer. It serves to bring the peace you need for a peaceful sleep.

Understanding spiritism

Spiritism is a doctrine created in the 19th century by Allan Kardec, who began a series of studies into the manifestation of spirits. In this context, Kardec held "giant table" sessions and observed objects moving without any notable intervention. These phenomena then led him to deepen his interest.

From this research, The Spirits' Book was born, which to this day is the basis of the teachings of Spiritism. The book has a strong scientific basis and is not just allied to mysticism, as some people might think.

Tips for sleeping and waking better

In addition to energetic and spiritual issues, there are some simple tips that can be incorporated into anyone's routine and guarantee improvements in sleep quality. We'll discuss them below. If you want to know more, just keep reading!

Establish a routine with bedtimes and wake-up times

Establishing a routine is essential for quality sleep, so people who find it difficult to fall asleep should try to go to bed and get up at the same times until they are able to regulate their sleep. This practice should be maintained even at weekends.

All this will help the body to understand its needs in a natural way, so it will be conditioned to follow good habits, which tends to considerably alleviate the feeling of tiredness when you wake up.

Watch the quality and timing of your food

Food influences every aspect of life, from your ability to carry out activities throughout the day to the quality of your sleep. Therefore, its quality must be carefully monitored at all times. However, this aspect becomes even more important during the night.

Those who have trouble sleeping should therefore take a close look at their dinner choices. Try to opt for lighter foods with a low protein content. When proteins are consumed in excess and close to bedtime, they can end up disturbing sleep.

Avoid stimulating drinks, alcohol and cigarettes

Stimulating drinks, such as coffee, should be avoided in the evening and should be consumed for the last time five hours before bedtime. Alcohol can also impair the effect of sleep thanks to its sedative effect, but once this wears off, it gives way to restlessness.

Finally, it's worth mentioning that smoking is also a practice that impairs the quality of sleep. This is because cigarettes have a similar effect to alcohol and stimulants that impair falling asleep.

Exercise during the day

Establishing a good exercise routine can help improve the quality of your sleep. Ideally, you should do these activities in the morning or afternoon. Although exercise can help you sleep, if you do it at night, it can cause agitation due to the release of hormones linked to pleasure.

Given these facts, it's best to do physical activity up to six hours before bedtime, so that the benefits can really be enjoyed.

Make sure your room is dark and quiet

The environment has an influence on the quality of sleep, so creating a cozy, dark and quiet place can help a lot in this regard. Ideally, you should get rid of any kind of lighting, from TVs and cell phones to alarm clock lights. In addition, noise from the street can get in the way, so an earplug can be interesting.

In the case of lights, especially those from cell phones, it's worth noting that they inhibit the production of melatonin, a hormone without which it's impossible to sleep. Therefore, it's best to leave these devices off until two hours before bedtime.

Say a prayer before going to sleep

Spiritual issues can interfere with the quality of sleep and cause disturbances of this nature. Therefore, seeking peace in this area is fundamental to getting a good night's sleep. Regardless of your religion, it is recommended that you say a prayer of thanks for the day and ask for peace of mind.

In the case of Spiritism, as the moment of sleep is seen differently from other religions, there is a specific prayer for this.

Avoid using electronic devices at least two hours before bedtime

The production of melatonin, a hormone that is essential for sleep, is impaired by the use of electronic devices before bed. This is due to the presence of blue light in these devices, which simulates "daylight" and therefore inhibits the production of the hormone, since melatonin depends on darkness to be manufactured by the body.

Therefore, it is advisable to stay away from any type of electronic device two hours before bedtime. Try to do relaxing activities that help to lower your body temperature and regulate your breathing rhythm, factors that contribute to inducing sleep.

Does going to sleep and waking up tired indicate bad energies according to Spiritism?

According to spiritualism, there are several different causes for sleep disorders, and they can be physical, emotional or spiritual. For the religion, spiritual causes are linked to issues from past lives and also to the energies absorbed by people throughout the day.

Therefore, first of all, you need to check for physical problems by consulting a doctor. If these are not found, emotional factors should be analyzed, as stress affects the quality of sleep. If this is not the case either, the feeling of going to sleep and waking up tired may be caused by spiritual reasons.

It should be conducted by a specialized therapist, who will also be responsible for verifying the need for regression to past lives in order to resolve conflicts that may be impairing the quality of sleep.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.