Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria: characteristics, work, offerings and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria?

A woman of faith, powerful and a messenger for the Orixás Iansã, Obá and Oxum, Maria Quitéria is a pomba gira who commands a phalanx of women and has the pomba gira Maria Navalha as her subordinate. With a strong and hard-working personality, she is one of the best known in the Umbanda milieu.

Maria Quitéria works in the same legion as Maria Padilha, so it's common for a well-developed medium who has Maria Padilha in her Crown to have the powerful Maria Quitéria as well. When she realizes that the medium is not well prepared, she doesn't incorporate because she refuses to allow any of her work to be harmed.

Her works are performed with intense energetic force when they are performed with souls in places such as hills and cemeteries. In this article, you'll learn all about Maria Quitéria. Read on!

Understanding more about Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria

Like all the other pombas giras, Maria Quitéria had an incarnate life on this planet. Read on to find out more about the history of Maria Quitéria!

Origin and history of Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria

Maria Quiteria's story begins in the middle of the 19th century in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, when she was born into a financially well-off family. There was a big celebration in the family after her birth, as her mother, who was a young Portuguese woman, had been trying to have a child for years with her husband, who was a Brazilian military officer, but had not yet succeeded.


Just as hopes were running out, Maria's mother became pregnant, which was a source of great happiness for everyone, especially the woman, as it was her lifelong dream to have a child. The little newborn, who was not very fair-skinned, was given the name Maria, following family tradition, with the compound Quitéria, because her mother was devout and grateful to Saint Quitéria.

Family tragedy

After seven years, Maria was very bright and communicative, which helped her make many friends in her area. At the same time, the king of Portugal established a law in which all land, including productive land, would become the property of the government.

In other words, the rural workers lost their homes and had nothing to eat, which led to major revolutions and invasions throughout the region. In some invasions, perverse people infiltrated the workers to create confusion and take advantage of the moment.

In the midst of these disturbances, some people robbed the homes of the town's residents, acting cowardly and murdering innocent people. Maria Quitéria's house was also targeted by the killers, who reached her parents. The girl was saved by the housekeeper, who had noticed what was happening.

The two fled through the back of the house unnoticed, finding a place between two trees to hide. While they waited for the killers to leave, they stole everything in the house and assaulted Maria Quitéria's parents and the servants.

New life with the Roma

The brutal violence had not stopped, the bandits used their daggers to murder everyone in the house and set it on fire. Little Maria Quitéria cried as she watched her home and its residents, some of whom were still alive, burn to the ground.

After the killers left the scene, the servant accompanied the girl to a gypsy camp, explained what had happened and begged for help, asking them to take care of the child. Being a welcoming and charitable people, the gypsies took Maria Quitéria in as if she were one of their own.

For ten years, the girl traveled through every town in her country, until the king imposed persecution on the gypsies, forcing the group in which Maria Quitéria was a member to leave for Brazil in search of safety.

Loneliness and death

As time went by, Maria acquired new experiences and knowledge, such as self-defense and gypsy magic, until one day the head of the clan decided to return to Portugal. The young and beautiful Maria decided to stay in Brazil, and the members of the group respected her decision.

Maria Quitéria became a solitary nomad, wandering around different regions, meeting new people and places and looking for a place to spend the night. Among these people, there were prostitutes, farmers, kind and mean people, some of whom sought words of help, comfort and charity.

After several years wandering around the country and bringing help and hope to people, Maria Quitéria disincarnated at the age of thirty, stabbed in the heart by the man she almost murdered to save a young prostitute who was being persecuted.

When she disincarnated, she realized that there were some obsessive spirits around her who wanted to take her into darkness because of her strength, but she was saved and rescued by a legion of seven Exus, received Oxalá's blessing and became an entity of light.

Known names of Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria

There are some phalanxes that are named after Maria Quitéria, depending on the type of work they do. For example, the pomba gira Maria Quitéria das Almas works in cemeteries, supporting and directing spirits to other planes. Other well-known names are Maria Quitéria da Encruzilhada and Maria Quitéria da Estrada.

Demonstrations and action

Maria Quitéria helps people in love affairs and to become stronger, as well as being a companion and a great spiritual friend. Like all dove gira, she can help in the financial area, and her manifestation exudes mystery, and the medium needs to be concentrated in order to incorporate this beautiful entity.

Characteristics of Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria

Like other doves, Maria Quitéria is beautiful, emanating sensuality, mystery and strength. In addition to her brown skin tone, her young and beautiful face enchanted any man. Among other characteristics, Maria Quitéria is a vigilante and likes to sing and dance, especially to the rhythm of gypsy music.

There are other characteristics that make this entity so special, such as empowerment, mystery, self-confidence and affection when helping people who are going through very difficult times. She does not tolerate lies and injustice, and her mediums and the people who worship her must be fair and truthful.

Other information about Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria

After learning about the history and characteristics of Maria Quitéria, there is other information about this entity that is important for you to know. See below the characteristics of Maria's protégés, how she acts, which Exu she works with and more!

Characteristics of those who have Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria

Mediums who have and incorporate Maria Quitéria as their pomba gira are courageous, face up to any situation and can act coldly from time to time. Those who have Maria Quitéria as their pomba gira tend to be more truthful, saying what needs to be said, even if it hurts, and they also like luxury and money.

Their mediums, whether male or female, also like jewelry, a higher standard of living, balls, parties, music and gambling. Some become good dancers and are interested in dances that belong to other cultures, such as gypsy dancing.

How does Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria act in a person's life?

The way Maria Quitéria acts in a person's life depends on what the person asks for and needs. For example, if a woman is being betrayed, the entity can give a warning. If an individual is experiencing injustice or humiliation and needs help in a legal case, the dove gira can bring the necessary help to the case.

In addition, Maria Quitéria brings light to those who are at rock bottom, experiencing great difficulties and with no hope of life getting better. But she doesn't only deal with material and spiritual matters: she also preaches female empowerment, so that women can be independent and should be respected, just like men.

Which Exu does Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria work with?

The pomba gira Maria Quitéria works with seven Exus, in very firm terreiros and with mediums who are well prepared to bring protection wherever she is. However, there are no details about which Exus work with Maria Quitéria.

Is Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria an evil entity?

As her story goes, Maria Quitéria received blessings from Oxalá, making her an entity of light who fights against darkness and protects those who ask for her help. The idea that pombas giras are evil entities comes from the religious prejudice imposed on their followers many years ago.

How to please Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria

Anyone can worship the pomba gira they feel most affinity with, as long as everything is done correctly and under the guidance of a responsible person. If you want to please the pomba gira Maria Quitéria, read on for more information!

Invocation of Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria

To invoke the pomba gira Maria Quitéria, you need to call her through the umbanda points, but it is not recommended to do this outside of a terreiro and without the guidance of a pai or mãe de santo. Instead of invoking the entity, it is advisable to just ask for help or talk to the pomba gira through your thoughts.

Offering for Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria

If you want or are asked to make an offering to Maria Quitéria, know that she is demanding and wants everything to be in impeccable condition. Her requests are accepted at crossroads and cruises, and she likes champagne in a glass, costume jewelry, perfumes, long cigarillos, red candles and red and black towels.

To find out what kind of offering to prepare for the entity, it is recommended that you go to a trusted terreiro and talk to a pai or mãe de santo for guidance. If you already attend one, talk to the pai or mãe or, if possible, talk directly to Maria Quitéria.

Prayer to Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria

The following prayer is to ask for help from Maria Quitéria and should be shared so that other people in need can seek her help. Check it out:

Maria Quitéria, my powerful queen, help me fix my life now, I need my total financial independence, my human dignity, harmony, peace, love and prosperity now in my life.

My queen Maria Quitéria, I am deserving, I'm sure of it, because I'm on the path. My dear friend, do me justice so that I can now be free of this unworthy situation that I don't deserve.

And may I obtain my fulfillment in life now...

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For you are just, strong, powerful and wise, help me, for I am in urgent need of your help right now!

Free me, guide me, direct me, work so that I can get rid of all this and, if there are any claims against me, my queen, I ask you to dismantle them completely and send them back to whoever sent them.

Powerful Maria Quitéria, I trust in you in your power and justice! I know you have this power, so I trust in your word!

My mighty queen, I thank you for your precious help!

Thank you my queen Maria Quitéria, I'm going to publish this prayer in gratitude because I'm sure that I'm being answered.

And I know I've achieved everything with your help, Laroyê Maria Quitéria!


Point to Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria

The pontos in Umbanda are songs accompanied by percussion instruments, such as the atabaque, and their purpose is to praise, call and bid farewell to the Orixá and entities. Each one has its own rhythm, so it's important to know them all. Here's a ponto of the pomba gira Maria Quitéria, by Juliana D. Passos e Macumbaria:

Oh Quitéria, I came to the crossroads just to call you.

Oh Quitéria, mistress of the night, come and help me.

My path is long and full of thorns, so don't let me walk alone.

If I'm standing on the long journey, it's your axé that sustains me.

Quitéria, I came to the crossroads just to call you.

O Quitéria, mistress of the night, come and help me.

I'm not asking for love or money.

I want to be able to walk in this world without fear.

Your rose perfume is proof of love, I know I'm not alone in the paths I take.

Pomba Gira Maria Quiteria has a number of unique characteristics!

To conclude, Maria Quitéria is a demanding and just dove, who does not tolerate lies and who, when she arrives, demonstrates empowerment. Her work cannot be harmed and, therefore, her mediums must be committed and firm in mind and emotions.

Having grown up in a gypsy clan, she learned different types of magic, including healing. She has a vast knowledge of baths and herbs, using each one for many purposes, such as unloading, protection, prosperity, cleansing, love and opening paths.

She offers support and friendship to people who feel alone and helps those who are being cheated and ask for her help. Finally, she is an entity who, as much as she demonstrates imposing strength and coldness, still has a luxurious, companionable, sensual and cheerful side!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.