What is Hypersomnia? Symptoms, types, treatments, causes and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is hypersomnia?

Hypersomnia is a very rare sleep disorder, and that is why many people can suffer from it without even knowing about it. In general, one of the most apparent symptoms that can indicate that there is a problem to be solved is the excess of sleepiness during the day.

It is worth pointing out, this constant sleep can happen even if the person affected by hypersomnia has had a complete night of sleep, without intercurrences and other problems. Other consequences of hypersomnia are felt by extreme tiredness, lack of energy and little concentration, which can also trigger a much greater facility to get irritated with situations even if they are everyday ones. Readfollowing more details and understand!

Types of Hypersomnia

There are some types of hypersomnia that can simplify the actions and consequences of this disorder. They differ not only by the effects, but also by the causes and reasons why the patient started to present this type of behavior caused by hypersomnia.

There are several factors and they can be understood as genetic or from other health problems that need to be identified, examined and evaluated in order to understand the best treatment and care that should be taken. See what are the types of hypersomnia below!

Primary idiopathic prolonged sleep

The hypersomnia called idiopathic or also primary, does not have all its causes solved and understood by science at this time, despite efforts to achieve actually understand everything that encompasses this disorder.

But studies point out that this type of hypersomnia can be linked to disturbances in the chemical substances that make up the brain and have a direct relationship with the functions of sleep. In this case, prologic sleep is identified as the ones that cause consequences such as a sleep that lasts for more than 24 hours straight.

Primary idiopathic without prolonged sleep

Primary idiopathic hypersomnia, but which does not have prolonged sleep, acts in a similar way to the other type, because it also happens due to problems with the chemical substances of the brain which act relative to the functions of sleep. However, in this case, because it is not prolonged, what characterizes this type is the fact that the individual will have, on average, a 10-hour sleep.

However, another important detail to be taken into consideration for this identification is that this person will need to take some naps throughout the day to feel really tired, and even then may still feel very tired.

Secondary hypersomnia

Secondary hypersomnia acts in a different way, because in this case it can be caused by other diseases. Thus, these disorders and diseases that cause excessive sleep is present in most of the day of affected patients.

Some of the diseases that can cause this type of disturbance are: sleep apnea, hypothyroidism, Parkinson's disease, depression and iron deficiency. For those who take medicines, such as anxiolytics, it is common that they also end up being affected by hypersomnia, because this is an expected side effect of this type of medicine.

Symptoms of hypersomnia

The symptoms of hypersomnia appear in a very clear way, however, as they bring with them extreme tiredness and sleepiness, many people may end up confusing and believing that it is only the effects of a disturbed routine of a lot of work and several tasks to be accomplished.

But some signs can favor the understanding that is in fact the disorder, so that it is treated in the correct way with the monitoring of a professional who will perform this diagnosis. Below, see some of the symptoms!


People facing hypersomnia may be affected by a great lethargy. This is a clear consequence of the disease, and it is shown through weaker vital signs, breathing and heartbeat start to be demonstrated in a different way than normal.

There is also a feeling of constant tiredness, even after sleeping for a few hours. Thus, the patient affected by hypersomnia ends up always feeling as if he needs to lie down or sit up because he lacks even control of the muscles, which are more relaxed than normal.


The disturbances that affect sleep in general, can also cause anxiety in the affected patients, because there is a lack of control over their own body and even though they do not want to sleep rationally, they will inevitably have to give in, because extreme tiredness will make them need to take a few naps during the day in order to keep well.

All the restlessness caused by the disorder causes the patient to become increasingly anxious and this can become a loop.


Any type of problem related to sleep, whether it is excess or lack of it, as it is also something noticed in patients with insomnia, ends up generating a certain irritability in the person. This, once again, is due to the lack of control of the body itself and even due to not being able to choose to actually stay awake, because tiredness makes it unfeasible.

Thus, one of the symptoms easy to notice in patients who are suffering from hypersomnia is this much greater irritability with everything that happens around them.

Lack of concentration

In order to have concentration to perform their daily activities, it is recommended that all people have a good night's sleep. In this case, even if the patient has had it, it will not be enough to placate the excess of sleep and tiredness presented by hypersomnia.

Therefore, the concentration of patients affected by this disorder is compromised, because throughout the day it is possible that they feel very sleepy, and this makes it difficult for them to perform their routine activities, even the simplest of them.

Difficulty waking up

Patients who suffer from hypersomnia, no matter how much they want to, cannot wake up easily. This is because even after long hours of sleep they still feel tired and need to sleep longer.

As in the case of hypersomnia of prolonged sleep, where the patient can sleep for more than 24 hours in a row, and yet when he wakes up he has great difficulty in carrying on with his day without feeling the need to lie down again to take a nap or sleep a few more hours.

Excessive sleep during the day

The biggest difficulty of hypersomnia is dealing with this issue of sleep throughout the day, because affected people can not get rid of the need to sleep to placate at least some of this excess sleep felt at various times of their routines.

Therefore, it is of great importance to identify this disorder so that it can be evaluated and the necessary measures can be taken, because for many people there is no possibility of taking the required naps that the disease puts in their daily lives.

Sleep more than 8 hours a day and still be sleepy

Throughout the day, even if people affected by hypersomnia disorder have slept at least 8 hours, which is common for most people, they still end up feeling very sleepy. As is shown through the types of hypersomnia, patients who suffer from the one of prolonged effect sleep for 24 hours or more and do not feel satisfied.

And in the non-extended one they can sleep up to 10 hours and will still feel very sleepy throughout the day. This way, this tiredness and extreme sleepiness during the day has nothing to do with the amount of time, but with the disorder, which needs to be identified. When noticing this kind of situation, it is important to look for a doctor.

How hypersomnia is diagnosed

As hypersomnia can be noticed by patients in a very easy way, as long periods facing the feeling of extreme sleepiness clearly shows that something is indeed wrong.

Therefore, when noticing this type of situation, it is important that people look for a qualified professional. This is how the diagnosis will be made and he can prescribe medication or practices that help control this extreme sleep, so that the patients have a better quality of life to perform their daily tasks. See below how the diagnosis is made!

neurological specialist

When feeling any type of lack of control regarding sleep, the patient should look for a professional, because he/she will be able to evaluate and understand what is happening and if, in fact, this person has hypersomnia and what type it is.

The professional qualified to understand this in a broader and clearer way is the neurologist, and with this specialist who will start the diagnosis of the patient potentially affected by hypersomnia. Neurologists have specializations so that they clearly understand sleep disorders and are able to evaluate what can be done to guarantee better health for their patients.

Blood Tests

The specialist will then ask the patient to undergo some specific exams, which have the purpose of evaluating the patient's health in order to rule out other diseases, which can be the agents that caused hypersomnia in the patient.

Therefore, the exams vistam detect this cause, because there is a type of hypersomnia, as mentioned, that can be caused by other disturbances, even hormonal, such as hypothyroidism and also anemia, which can be treated.


Another test that may also be ordered by the neurologist is polysomnography, which is a non-invasive test that aims to evaluate the patient's respiratory activity, as well as muscle and brain activity.

Through this type of examination it is possible to detect patterns or strange behaviour during sleep, so that the doctor in charge can evaluate if the patient is really suffering from hypersomnia or any other sleep disorder. Thus, the examinations are very complementary because they show several areas in order to have a complete diagnosis.

Behavioral questionnaire

One of the main starting points for the doctor to understand what is really happening with the patient is the behavioral questionnaire. From this it is possible to get an idea of what other tests and evaluations can be done.

In this case, the physician will ask the patient about his sleep behaviors and how he feels during the day, about his sleepiness and other aspects. One tactic used for this is the Epworth sleepiness scale, which helps to determine these issues.

Other examinations

Some other tests can be ordered by the doctor to verify what the patient has been feeling in relation to the disorder. In this case, a multiple sleep latency test can also be done.

This will be done to evaluate and monitor the patient's entire sleep time, so that the doctor can follow his brain activity during this period. Thus, several aspects are evaluated, such as eye and leg movements, oxygen levels and also respiratory functions.

Treatment of hypersomnia

After the doctor performs a complete diagnosis and verifies that, in fact, the patient suffers from hypersomnia, regardless of the type, some treatments can be done in order to ensure a better quality of life. Because, in general, these people suffer a lot from excessive sleepiness that can impair their studies, work and several other areas of life.

The treatments can be done with medication and also behavioral, but it is worth noting, all these procedures need to be accompanied by a neurologist. Read more below!

Guidance from a neurologist

The treatment must be followed up by the professional who made the diagnosis, in this case the neurologist. This way, he/she will be able to guide the patient on the best way to deal with the disorder, by using medication or other practices which can be used to control the excess of sleep.

It is necessary to take this care, because as there is more than one type of hypersomnia, each one should be taken into consideration, because according to this the treatments can be defined.

Drug treatment

In the case of patients who are diagnosed with idiopathic or primary hypersomnia, it is common for doctors to advise their patients on the use of stimulant medications. These medications that will be recommended will rely on the prescription and medical care, according to the patient's history, always evaluating what will actually be beneficial for the patient's health.

Thus, they will be able to change the medication in case it is necessary because it does not act as expected, change doses and other points to be considered that only the doctor will have the necessary knowledge to do.

Behavioural treatment

In other cases, it is possible that the neurologist will try to find other ways to control the hypersomnia of his patients. Thus, there are behavioral treatments. These are used in cases of secondary hypersomnia.

Medications can also be used in association, but in general, the doctor will propose some changes in the patient's routine, such as scheduled naps and adaptation of their schedules to avoid that they end up performing routines that are not in accordance with their conditions and capacities.

Should I be concerned about hypersomnia at work?

It is important that when you notice the symptoms described in a constant way in your life, that you seek the help of a professional. Because, in fact, hypersomnia is something worrying in relation to important daily activities, such as work and studies.

It can impair productivity, because the patient tends to be more inattentive and cannot have the necessary concentration to perform his activities, because he feels very sleepy all the time.

Therefore, it is worth worrying about these issues, because hypersomnia can greatly hinder the development of your work if it is not treated in the right way with medical monitoring.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.