Apple Tea: what is it good for? Benefits, properties and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why drink apple tea?

The apple besides being an excellent fruit, very healthy and accessible to most people because it is common in several regions, also has important properties that can promote health in other ways, not only through food in fact.

This is because it can also be used through the preparation of a tea, which has several benefits and can be used for different purposes. This is one of the most common teas around the world, and is quite simple as to its preparation, and helps in the treatment of various health problems. Learn a little more about apple tea!

More about apple tea

Apple tea is well known around the world, and can be made in different ways. But besides being a tasty and refreshing drink, it also has some important properties that can promote the health of its consumers.

It is interesting to note that, unlike some substances, this tea can be used both in its iced and hot form, without losing any of its properties and nutrients, which happens with some foods. Below, learn a little more about this powerful tea!

Properties of apple tea

The apple tea has several amazing properties that can be acquired through its consumption without major efforts, because it is a drink with a very pleasant taste to the palate.

Some of the positive functions of this tea for health are the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, because it decreases the chances of problems in this sector. It is also excellent for preventing some types of cancer and treatment of some diseases such as asthma and diabetes. In addition, it can also be an excellent helper in weight loss.

Origin of the apple

The apple is one of the most well-known fruits around the world, as it is used for several purposes. Consumed "in natura", for sweets and cakes, and also, in this case, for teas. In addition, there are several symbolisms behind this delicious fruit, which highlight it as a fruit that exposes goodness and health.

Its origin, however, is attributed to Asia and today in these locations can be found huge and entire forests completely dominated by apple trees. There are also some more recent discoveries that point to the origin of wild apple trees, known as Malus Sylbestris was in Kazakhstan.

Side effects

Although it has several positive attributes, apple tea can cause some minor side effects if used incorrectly. This is because you need to be very careful with the amounts of tea to be consumed on a daily basis.

High doses of tea can cause some hormonal problems, because they cause a certain lack of control of the endocrine system, which, over time, brings many bad consequences for health. When you feel any symptom that may indicate these problems, stop consuming the tea immediately and seek the help of a specialist.


Apple tea is only contraindicated in cases of allergies to the components of the fruit. There is also an important warning to be made, because it is necessary to be careful with apple seeds, since they have cyanide in their composition and this component can cause discomfort when ingested.

In cases of allergies, apple should also not be consumed in any way. Some people have allergic reactions to fruits of the Rosacea species, such as peach, plum and apricot and also in this case, apple.

Benefits of apple tea

If well used, in correct levels and controlled quantities, apple tea brings many benefits to people's lives. This, because its properties are vast and cover various aspects of health.

This powerful fruit, when used in tea form, can help fight diseases like diabetes, protects the arteries and is also very beneficial for the functioning of the nervous system. There are several ways to consume and applications of this fruit and its tea. See more below!


There are many properties found in the apple, and depending on how it is used, this can be amplified.

In the case of tea, it can be used as an antioxidant, because in its pulp is found quercetin, which is a powerful antioxidant that is part of the class of flavonoids. Thus, this is an excellent component to ensure that your body will be free of impurities that can cause harm to health in general.


The anti-inflammatory qualities of apple tea are very important, as they can be used to aid in the healing process. Even as apple can also be used for the production of vinegar, in this sense this is an excellent product to be used for this anti-inflammatory purpose.

There is also the possibility that it is used for conditions such as gastritis and other stomach diseases, relieving these inflammations that can be very uncomfortable.

Increases immunity

For having many vitamins, such as C that is present in abundance in its composition, the apple is powerful for immunity and its tea can even be used at times when you feel the need for greater consumption of this vitamin, such as colds and flu.

Not only that, vitamin C is also excellent for the prevention of other diseases, even like cancer. There is a huge potential also in using this tea to increase the protection of the respiratory system and lung.

Helps to lose weight

For those who are in a weight loss process and need a powerful ally that is healthy at the same time, apple tea can be used without fear for these moments.

Because it is an all-natural drink, there are no dangers in its use to help you lose weight, mainly because the apple has a lot of fiber, such as pectin, which gives a greater feeling of satiety. But it should be noted that excessive use of tea can be harmful, so be careful and use wisely.

Prevents cancer

With a large amount of antioxidants in its composition, in addition to vitamin and C and fiber, the apple is an incredible ally to prevent cancer.

Even though it is an aggressive disease in many cases, it is important to consume certain types of food that can favor your immune system and thus ensure more health for your life in general, keeping away opportunistic diseases. In this case, the use of apple tea and the consumption of this fruit can greatly assist in the removal of cancers such as breast, prostate and colon.

Improves the gastrointestinal system

The amount of fiber present in the composition of the apple is very large and as it is common knowledge, these elements are of great importance for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal system, because they favor the transit of food to be digested in the correct way, making it easier for people to feel better.

Therefore, the use of apple tea when noticing intestinal problems such as constipation, for example, can be an excellent aid.

Good for the heart

The presence of compounds known as flavonoids in apples makes them an excellent food, regardless of how they are used, for protecting cardiovascular health.

These elements that are in abundance in the composition of the apple are very important for the proper functioning of the heart in general and the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the use of these teas and the consumption of apple can greatly help to keep these types of diseases away from your life for a longer time.

Protects the liver

The intake of apple tea also helps the liver to be healthier and protected due to its components. This is because in this fruit are found powerful enzymes that are activated in the body and act directly in the protection of this organ.

As it also has antioxidant properties, this tea can also be used to cleanse the liver to eliminate substances that can be harmful to the health of this organ, such as accumulated fat and others.

Helps control cholesterol

Apple tea helps to reduce the so-called bad cholesterol because it is rich in pectin, this powerful soluble fiber, which facilitates the reduction of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream.

And in the process it also causes blood pressure to be reduced, in this case due to the abundant presence of potassium. Therefore, the constant consumption of this tea can be very positive to assist in lowering cholesterol and ensuring a healthier life without risk of potential pressure problems and others.

Apple tea

Pure apple tea, without any other component, is already extremely powerful and brings many health benefits. Besides, of course, being very easy to be prepared, since apple is a very affordable ingredient that can be consumed by most people.

It is only necessary to be careful with issues such as allergies. If you do not have this knowledge, first do a test before consuming this drink or fruit. Below, see how to prepare a good apple tea and some tips!


The apple tea without other components is indicated for everyone who can consume this fruit and does not have any type of allergy to the components of this food. Thus, it will be indicated for various needs, from those who face circulatory and cardiovascular problems to those who seek a powerful aid in the weight loss process.

Everyone can use this tea, in a regulated way and without exaggeration, remembering that the excess can cause hormonal imbalances.


For the preparation of the most basic apple tea, you do not need to use several ingredients, it is quite simple and affordable for everyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of this tea.

- Half a litre of water;

- peels from a whole apple.

Any type of apple can be used in this process, without exception.

How to do

To make the tea, first peel an apple completely and take all this peel for the preparation. Then put in a container that can go to the fire half a liter of water, let it boil.

The moment the water is boiling, take the peels and place them inside the container in question and let this mixture rest for a while, about 15 minutes is enough for the process to be completed. Then, simply remove the peels and drink the tea as you see fit, since it can be ingested both hot and cold.

Apple tea with ginger

Besides the apple being a fruit full of properties and its tea is considered powerful to fight several diseases, it also combines with several other ingredients that also have incredible properties and can add a lot of value to the composition of the tea.

In this case, ginger is a very important root for cooking and for natural medicine, because it can greatly benefit the health with its properties, and when combined with the apple, brings even more flavor to the tea in addition to all the health benefits. See how to prepare!


The apple tea with ginger can be used for weight loss processes, as an aid for those who are fighting against the scale, but want to perform this procedure in a much healthier way making use of natural and efficient foods and products.

In this case, both ingredients have properties that favor weight loss. The apple for having a lot of fiber, ginger for being a powerful thermogenetic that facilitates the metabolic process.


The ingredients for the preparation of apple and ginger tea will also be very simple and easy, this is because both are found in supermarkets and natural products stores very simply.

- Apple;

- ginger;

- boiling water.

With these simple ingredients the tea is very tasty besides bringing many benefits for your health in general.

How to do

To prepare the apple tea with ginger, you only need to remove all the peel of the fruit, and separate it. Then, take some small pieces of ginger, it is not necessary to peel the root, because it has several properties in it that will add even more in tea making it much more efficient.

Next, put the water in a container that can be brought to a boil and let it come to a boil. Once the water is boiling, take the bark and ginger pieces, put them in and turn off. Let this infusion happen for at least about 10 minutes. Then, remove the pieces of bark and ginger and drink the tea.

Apple tea with lemon

When associated with other herbs, fruits and roots, the apple can further enhance its natural properties that are so beneficial to people's health. An equally powerful fruit that has several positive properties for health is the lemon, which can be part of your apple tea giving an extra flavor and bringing more benefits to your health.

A positive point of this drink is that it looks amazing for the hottest days, because they are very refreshing and tasty fruit. Learn how to prepare!


Apple and lemon tea is an excellent combination of flavors and properties. Like the apple, lemon is a fruit that has many vitamins, especially C. But that's not the only benefit it shares with the apple, as both are positive for preventing cancer, protecting blood vessels and blood pressure.

In this way, the association of these two fruits in the same tea potentiates all its effects. Something that lemon can add in this composition is the fact that it is an excellent helper in the fight against aging.


The ingredients for the preparation of this tea are quite simple, but the difference lies in how they are used. So, pay attention below and separate the ingredients to prepare this delicious and powerful tea.

- Slices and rind of lemon;

- diced apple;

- water.

Even if the tea is drunk iced, it needs to go through the process of heating the water, so you can get ahead of it by letting the water boil to follow through.

How to do

The first step in preparing this tea is to dice the apples. Unlike other teas, this tea will take the whole fruit and not only its peel in the preparation. Then, remove the lemon peel and also some slices, which can be placed in the glass later. Place the apples in the container with water and then the lemon peel.

Let everything boil for at least 5 minutes to release their properties in the water. Then, turn it off and let it stand for another 5 minutes. Remove the apple pieces and lemon peel and if you wish, you can sweeten the tea, which can be drunk either hot or iced. In case of iced, choose to put some lemon slices in the glass to serve.

Apple tea with cinnamon

The combination of apple and cinnamon is well known in various food sectors, because this fruit and this spice complement each other in terms of flavor. That is why it is common to find breads, pies, cakes and other many other foods that have these two incredible and tasty foods.

But for natural medicine they are also very useful, due to their properties, and the association of apple and cinnamon culminates in a delicious tea and full of health benefits. Check out how to prepare, below!


The indication for apple and cinnamon tea is mainly for people who have diabetes or else the tendency to suffer from the disease. This, because both apple and cinnamon have properties that are able to control diabetes and bring more quality of life for people.

This action happens mainly taking into account the cinnamon, because it facilitates to be better directed the use of sugar in the body. Thus, the combination between two elements that favor in this aspect is excellent for those who face this disease daily in their lives.


The preparation of apple tea with cinnamon is very simple and can bring many benefits to the lives of those who use it. Remember that even though the water is hot in this process at the end, the drink can also be consumed cold.

- Apple peel;

- cinnamon stick;

- water.

How to do

To prepare the delicious apple and cinnamon tea, you must first boil the water, even if in the end the drink is consumed cold. This is because the properties of the ingredients are released in the water only when it is hot. Therefore, do this process and then put in the boiling water the apple peel and cinnamon stick.

It is worth noting that it is preferable to use cinnamon sticks, because if prepared with powdered cinnamon, traces may remain even after straining the tea. Let it boil for about 5 minutes and let it rest for about 10 minutes. Then remove the cinnamon stick and apple peel and it is ready to consume. If you want to drink it cold, put some ice cubes in a glass andenjoy.

Apple tea with orange and cinnamon

The combination of apple and cinnamon is already well known and, moreover, powerful and efficient to combat various diseases. When associated with orange bring even more health benefits, because both the apple and the orange have much vitamin C and fiber in their compositions, and can be used for various purposes.

In addition to the delicious flavor that this tea has, it also favors your health and immune system. Learn how it is made and some tips. Read on!


The main indications for the consumption of this tea are dedicated to people are in search of strengthening the immune system. Even, because it has apple and orange, which are full of vitamin C, these teas can also help fight colds and flu, so.

Not forgetting the cinnamon, which has endless properties, including thermogenic. Thus, this is a very valid tea to use to improve the immune system and bring more health to your daily life.


The ingredients for preparing this tea are simple, as well as incredibly affordable and can be found in any supermarket and health food stores.

- Peel of an orange;

- chopped apples;

- boiling water.

For this tea, you can use the desired quality of apple and orange. Some have a more pronounced and stronger flavor than others, but this is at the discretion of the person who is preparing it.

How to do

First, cut the apples in half, remove all the seeds and discard them. Then, cut them in half again and once more, so that 4 parts are formed. Do this with all the apples that will be used in the process. Put the ingredients in a pot with water, in this case the chopped apples and the peel of a whole orange, and let it boil.

Keep it this way for 5 minutes and then assess whether the apples are already soft. Turn off the heat, if they are and let it stay covered for another 5 minutes this way. If you want, strain the apple pieces and also remove the orange peel. It can be served cold or cold, in this second step, some ice cubes can make everything even tastier.

How often can I drink apple tea?

Despite being a fruit full of benefits and important properties for health, apple tea should not be used excessively. It can be taken frequently, but in lower doses. This, because there are some reported cases that the excess consumption of the apple can cause some hormonal problems and generates a certain imbalance to the endocrine system.

Therefore, it is important to have a greater control, but this only applies if the use is being extremely frequent and several times a day. If controlled, the use can be daily in small amounts.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.