Mars in the 7th house: retrograde, solar revolution and synastry. Check it out!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Mars in the 7th House

The presence of Mars in the 7th house makes natives generally have healthy relationships, especially marriages. However, due to the planet's characteristics, such as aggressiveness and impulsiveness, natives have the tendency to want to give orders to their partners.

In addition, they are prone to outbursts with greater regularity than other people because they need to find a way to express their emotions. For the most part, they cannot control their anger.

Throughout the article, the characteristics of Mars in the 7th house will be commented on. To know more about it, read on!

Meaning of Mars

Mars is a planet associated with male sexuality. It is the ruler of the sign of Aries and co-ruler of Scorpio. Therefore, it possesses outstanding characteristics such as strength and courage. In the realm of mythology, it is often associated with war and aggressiveness due to its history.

Therefore, leadership and competition are common themes of Mars. More details about the meanings of Mars in both astrology and mythology will be explored below, so if you want to know more about it, read on!

Mars in mythology

In Greek mythology, Mars is the son of Jupiter and Juno. He possesses characteristics that contrast with his sister, Minerva. Although both are gods of war, while Minerva adopts a conciliatory and just attitude, being considered a diplomat, Mars is the god of bloody conflict.

In this way, he is remembered for his violence and aggressiveness. Thanks to his disagreement with his sister, the two ended up acting on opposite sides during the Trojan War. So, while Minerva protected the Greeks, Mars allied himself with the Trojans.

Mars in astrology

When talking about astrology, Mars is the ruler of the sign of Aries and the co-ruler of Scorpio. It is directly linked to male sexuality and is considered a kind of hero and symbol of virility. In addition, the planet can be interpreted as a symbol of courage and strength.

Their energy makes them always want to seek autonomy, so they become competitive and have a very strong sense of leadership. The strength of Mars makes them constantly on the move and always in search of victories.

Mars in the 7th House

The presence of Mars in the 7th house highlights people with a strong need for self-assertion, especially in relation to others. This can happen either through direct confrontation or milder questioning. As the 7th house is about love, there is a tendency for natives to get involved in arguments with their partners.

However, the position favors good marriages. Below, more details about the fundamentals of Mars in the 7th house will be commented on. To know more about this, continue reading the article!

How to find my Mars

In order to find out where Mars was positioned at the time of your birth, it is necessary to make a complete calculation of the birth chart. Only in this way, it is possible to determine which space the planet occupied at that time. This calculation is quite simple and depends on little information. All you need is the date, place and time of birth.

Meaning of the 7th House

The 7th house is the first one above the horizon. This means that it is the first one which talks about relationships and the way the native places himself in society. Thus its main theme is love. However it also deals with partnerships and the way people fit into groups.

In this way, any shared experience appears in the themes of the 7th house, which highlights commitment and the way natives look at this issue. It is a space that aims at self-knowledge and understanding the personality.

What Mars reveals in the Birth Chart

The presence of Mars in the birth chart serves to highlight how people deal with challenges. Because of the planet's association with strength, this characteristic also appears to highlight what motivates people to move forward and stand up to the world. Mars therefore also speaks to the expression of point of view.

Thus, the power expressed by the planet is also linked to health. Therefore, when Mars appears unbalanced in the birth chart, it can reveal individuals who constantly go through health problems, either by the excesses they commit or by lack of care.

Mars in 7th House

The presence of Mars in the 7th house reveals people who have a lot of energy. They are naturally courageous and capable of brave attitudes. Moreover, the presence of the sign in this space of the horoscope highlights intense and passionate people in their relationships.

In general, natives are very direct and are always willing to defend what they think tooth and nail. They are temperamental people and may end up getting into some fights. But they will never run away from them or any other kind of challenge that life puts in their way.

Mars in 7th House Natal

Mars in the 7th house of the birth chart reveals people who have a great power of decision, so when they want something, they run after it until they get it and do not rest until their goal is realized. Once they have decided that they want something, nobody can make them change their mind.

These characteristics can have a positive and a negative side. It all depends on how the native decides to channel them. For example, when thinking about marriage, this posture can bring negative impacts and make those who have Mars in the 7th house make all the decisions alone.

Mars in the 7th House in the Annual Chart

In the annual chart, the presence of Mars in the 7th house highlights a good professional life. People who have this astrological sign have the necessary determination to reach management positions in their respective areas.

Even when they do not reach these positions, they succeed in their careers. Therefore the energy of motion of the planet is high with this placement, and the native seems to know no limits to his or her ability to go further and further.

Mars in the 7th House in Transit

The transit of Mars in the 7th house does not tend to be very positive for natives. When it happens, people get involved in fights and easily fall into provocations, especially with their partners. Thus they have the idea that they are under constant threat and perceive enmities even where they do not exist.

This period generates a lot of conflict because the native cannot get along with other people, but does not want to be alone at all. Therefore this brings a lot of stress into his life.

Personality traits of those who have Mars in 7th house

People with Mars in the 7th house are determined and focused, so they tend to do well in their careers and make it far in this area of life. However they can get into arguments or become overbearing.

This can lead to problems in your love relationships. Below, more details about the position of Mars in the 7th house will be discussed. If you want to know more about this, continue reading this article!

Positive features

Courage, energy and bravery are the main characteristics of people who have Mars in the 7th house, so they are intense people who carry this characteristic into their love relationships, making them marked by a lot of passion. They are sincere and full of willingness, characteristics that put them in motion.

In addition, Mars in the 7th house highlights people who have great decision power. They are determined and have clear goals. When they want something, they go all the way and nobody can make them give up.

Negative characteristics

The position of Mars in the 7th house highlights natives who can easily get into fights. As they are argumentative and believe they are right, whenever they get into conflicts, their arguments become heated very quickly. All this can end up being harmful for their love relationships and partnerships.

So, fights tend to be even more constant when talking about people closer to you. This happens because they end up realizing that the native with Mars in the 7th house is a person who cares more about himself.

Intensity in relationships

The relationships of those who have Mars in the 7th house are marked by passion, which makes them very intense. However this is not always positive. Because of his need for self-assertion in front of others, the native can end up picking fights with his partner, and if he is also argumentative, things can get a little out of hand.

In other types of relationships, those with Mars in the 7th house like to take control. Those represented are assertive people who lead groups and are able to have deep bonds with co-workers.


A native who has Mars in the 7th house of the astrological chart does not mince his words. He is very clear about what he wants and exposes this desire in a very forceful way, leaving no doubts about his positions to others. Therefore, this position represents sincere people who tend to be recognized by others for this characteristic.

Because of this they can end up being perceived as unpleasant by others. They need to learn to contain this side of their personalities a little more, to avoid unwanted and unnecessary problems.


Movement is a constant in the life of natives with Mars in the 7th house. These are people who always need to be doing some activity, especially the most dynamic possible. This makes them create goals and objectives to pursue, especially at work.

Because of this characteristic they can easily become the decision-makers in all their relationships. In love they always look for partners who share this need for movement, because they need to feel challenged and stimulated. They can become competitive if their energy within the relationship is not channelled in the right way.

The influence of Mars in the 7th House

The presence of Mars in the 7th house influences several areas of life. Although love is the main theme of the house and the family is also remembered at times, issues such as health and family are also directly impacted by this astrological positioning.

So, throughout this section of the article, the general influence of Mars in the 7th house will be commented on. If you want to know more about it, read on!

Love and sex

The presence of Mars in the 7th house reveals natives who tend to have positive love relationships. However, to do this they need to find partners who share their dynamism and their desire to be in constant movement. When this happens, they feel stimulated in many different ways and may end up sharing projects with their loved ones.

As Mars is a planet that benefits male sexuality, natives who count on his presence in the 7th house also have a positive sex life marked by the same vigor and energy as other sectors.


In general, people who have Mars in the 7th house are full of vitality and quite healthy. However, depending on the way they decide to channel their energies, they may experience some stress which damages their mental health. This makes them feel constantly stressed.

All this can have repercussions on your physical health and generate some hindrances, especially bodily pains. Moreover, in the case of men, problems related to sexuality can end up arising due to stress.


The 7th house is also a space that speaks to partnerships and bonds outside of love, so how the native conducts his or her family relationships is also present among the house's messages, although this is addressed much more thoroughly by the 4th house.

In this sense, dynamism will also be present in family life and make the native with Mars in the 7th house responsible for making practical decisions in this environment. However, they need to pay attention to their behaviour because when they are contradicted, they can end up being aggressive.


Career is one sector which benefits greatly from the placement of Mars in the 7th house, when the native knows how to channel his energies. Because of his drive for movement and his will to succeed, the native is always seeking new goals and thinking of ways to get even further.

Thus, it is not uncommon to see people who have Mars in the 7th house occupying leadership positions at work, but even when they don't make it to the top, they occupy prominent positions and may have prominent ventures of their own if they decide to start them.

A little more about Mars in the 7th House

There are other factors that influence the meanings of Mars in the 7th house. Among these, it is possible to highlight the retrograde movement of the planet, which brings some challenges to the native with this astrological positioning. In addition, in the solar revolution, Mars in the 7th house also brings some interesting meanings.

The same applies to the question of synastry, which offers more details about love. Below, more details about the position of Mars in the 7th house will be commented on. If you want to know more about it, just continue reading the article!

Mars retrograde in the 7th house

Arguments and fights become part of the native's reality when Mars is positioned in the 7th house, and this is heightened in the love sector. Therefore, the time calls for the native to take a deep breath and avoid getting into conflicts, as it is necessary to evaluate the way he is facing this type of situation in his life.

So controlling emotions becomes especially challenging for natives at this time in their lives. Care must be taken as anger can take over and cause irreparable damage to occur.

Mars in Solar Revolution in the 7th House

When Mars appears in the 7th house of the solar revolution, this anticipates a lot of restlessness in the native's life. His work environment can experience a series of disagreements and also disputes between partners, something which will leave everyone in a state of alert. However it should be noted that these issues depend very much on the details of the individual chart.

The opposite can happen, depending on these details. Given this scenario, the energy of cooperation is high in the work environment and makes the native willing to take risky decisions.

Mars in 7th House Sinastry

The synastry of Mars in the 7th house is somewhat complicated. This highlights the fact that the native can become attractive to people around him/her, as well as being attracted to some people, but relationships will always be marked by conflict and turbulence. Thus one sometimes has the feeling of being on the side of an enemy.

On the other hand, should the planet's urges be tamed, it is possible to have a relationship which gives strength and courage. In this scenario, the partner becomes your incentive to accomplish more and more in your life.

Is Mars in the 7th house a good placement for relationships?

Mars in the 7th house is a favorable position for love relationships. Natives tend to have long attachments, especially marriages. In addition, their intense and passionate attitude greatly favors sexual life, which becomes even more pronounced in the case of men.

The impulses of the native with Mars in the 7th house need to be tamed, so that he does not end up buying unnecessary fights with his partners, something that can happen because of his ability to keep arguing in any situation.

Now that you know more about Mars in the 7th House, you can prepare yourself to use this astrological position in favour of your relationships!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.