Rue tea: what it is for, properties, benefits, how to make and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the rue tea?

When we talk about a more natural life, teas are commonly inserted in the list of products to consume. However, some of these natural drinks, such as rue tea, for example, have the potential to cause some damage to the body if used in excess or ingested by people in special conditions.

Although little known, the rue tea has many health benefits. On the other hand, some people, such as pregnant women, can not use the drink for presenting potential abortion risk. But don't worry, because in this text we will tell you all about this tea and the care that you should have when taking it.

If you are not pregnant or using anticoagulants, we already said that the rue is totally free for you. Moreover, even if the plant is more consumed in tea, it can be used in other interesting ways. So, continue reading the text to know everything about this powerful tea.

Understanding more about rue tea

Presenting several benefits and many advantageous properties for human health, the rue is a very interesting plant, with peculiar characteristics and history. See in the topics below some particularities of this plant, including the uses of rue tea.

Origin and history of the rue plant

Originally European, the rue plant has its roots in the Mediterranean region of Europe. The name "rue" comes from the Greek word "Ruta" which is actually a derivation of the word "Reuo", whose meaning points to the term "to leave free" in reference to the plant's many medicinal properties.

Due to these properties, rue tea is widely used to treat some health problems. In aromatherapy, the tea is indicated for people who feel emotionally or physically defeated.

In addition, the plant is popularly known for having some magical virtues, such as the ability to ward off the evil eye, remove witchcraft from newborn babies and attract luck.

Characteristics of Rue

The leaves of the plant are widely used to make rue tea. This is because it is precisely in this part where most of the properties of the plant are concentrated. The leaves are fleshy and petiolated, with a change in color. When the rue is young, the leaves are in light green color, but when it is old, the leaves turn grayish.

The flowers are small, yellowish and arranged in inflorescences. The fruit have brownish and rough seeds formed in loculicide type. The leaves and fruit together form a well branched plant which can reach 1,5m high.

What is rue tea used for?

Rue tea can be used as a complementary element to treat various clinical conditions, such as: rheumatic, head and stomach pains, ulcers, excessive gas, cysts, varicose veins, menstrual cramps, among others.

This happens because the leaves of the plant have healing properties, antirheumatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and soothing. In addition, the rue also has vermifuge properties that end up helping in the fight against fleas, worms, lice and scabies.

The tea made from the leaves of the plant increases the immunity of the body, because the drink facilitates the absorption of vitamin C. That is, in addition to treatment, the tea serves to strengthen the immune system as well.

Properties of the rue plant

The rue plant has elements called bioflavonoids that have in its composition anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Together, these properties act on blood circulation, preventing the formation of blood clots.

In addition, rue tea helps in increasing and strengthening the flexibility of blood vessels. The plant also has calming and analgesic properties that can be used for the purpose of relaxation.

On the other hand, the rue presents in its composition graveolin, furoquinolina and rutamine alkaloids, which are compounds capable of causing abortion. Therefore, pregnant women can not consume the drink.

Benefits of rue tea

The benefits of rue tea are so many that describing them all here would be a mission practically impossible. For this reason, we have separated below the main advantages of the tea for your health. Check it out!

Acts against varicose veins

The rue tea is very powerful to treat varicose veins and even relieve fatigue in the legs. For this, you should prepare the tea as usual and drink the preparation at least twice a day. The rue has properties that improve blood circulation, contributing to the reduction of varicose veins.

Besides tea, rue can be made into scalding feet, which basically consists of a dip of the legs in a bucket with water and chopped leaves of rue. After soaking the legs, you should wash the region with cold water. The method also acts against varicose veins.

Helps in the treatment of rheumatic pains

It is important to understand that rue tea does not cure certain medical conditions, but it does help treat or ease the pain caused by the disease. This is the case for those who suffer from rheumatic pains. Due to the properties in the leaves of rue, the tea has the potential to relieve these pains, bringing a sense of relief and calm.

In addition, the drink can also be inserted in the treatment of those with rheumatism. For this, you need to consult your doctor and report that you want to include rue tea in your treatment. This way, he will assess your situation and pass the dose indicated for your case. For best results, the phytotherapist is most recommended.

Relieves headaches

Among many properties and functions, the rue tea has calming, antispasmodic and analgesic action, which immediately relieves headaches. The plant presents in its composition a compound called quercetin, which is a flavonoid with antioxidant and analgesic action. Few doses are sufficient to combat this type of pain.

However, it is essential to evaluate the cause of these headaches, because you may have to seek other resources. If it is a one-time pain, the tea can solve your problem. But if the pain is intense and frequent, seek the help of a doctor and do not increase the consumption of tea.

Fights ulcers and cysts

Ulcers and cysts can also be fought with the ingestion of rue tea. Generally, it takes a few days for these elements to disappear completely from the body. But if they are small, within a few days the tea dissolves the cysts and even ulcers.

However, as the tea is made from a medicinal plant with a high content of properties, it is indicated that you seek a doctor or herbalist to recommend the ideal dose for your case. After all, cysts and ulcers may have different characteristics. Seek the help of a professional and say that you want to treat yourself with natural remedies, such as rue tea.

Relieves menstrual cramps

One of the benefits of rue tea is associated with the relief of menstrual cramps, which is provided thanks to the antispasmodic action of rue. This action has the function of relieving menstrual and muscular pain as well. The plant causes the muscle fibers of the uterus to contract, eliminating the cramping and making menstruation go down.

For this reason, pregnant women, nursing mothers or women who intend to become pregnant, can not in any way consume the tea of this plant. In addition, it is essential to pay attention to the menstrual cycle, because as soon as the cycle regularizes and the pain decreases, the consumption of rue tea should be stopped.

Acts against excess gases

People who suffer from excessive gas can also benefit from the rue tea. The properties of the plant have a tonic effect that acts directly on the digestive system, relieving the embarrassing gas and even uncomfortable cramps. It is ideal to take 1 cup of tea, twice a day to ensure results.

Since gases are generally formed from food eaten at lunch and dinner, it is recommended that you take the tea before meals, that is, in the morning and afternoon. Do not take more than that, because the action of the plant can bring negative consequences for your body.

Relieves stomach pain

For those who suffer from stomach pain, the rue tea is an excellent natural painkiller. As it is a tea, the action of the plant in the body usually takes a little longer. Therefore, you should consume the tea for a few days until the properties take effect. But do not exceed the limit of 1 week.

However, in case of intense pain, be sure to seek a doctor. Sometimes, the pain in some area of the body is just a sign of something bigger. Also, if you have gastritis or any stomach disease, evaluate with your doctor the possibility of making use of rue tea.

Fights lice, fleas, scabies and worms

The rue tea is excellent to combat lice, fleas, scabies and worms. This is due to vermifuge properties present in the leaves of the plant. In this case, just prepare the tea normally and drink the drink at least twice a day. But do not stay more than a week taking the tea.

In addition to tea, the rue can also be used in essential oil form to ward off lice, fleas and scabies. These oils are found in specialty stores or even in some store on the Internet. You need to add 6 drops of oil in a bucket of water, bathe the region and then wash with cold water.

Facilitates the absorption of vitamin C

Vitamin C is highly important for strengthening the immune system. When immunity is strong, many health problems can be avoided. Rue tea is excellent for this performance, because the plant helps the body to absorb vitamin C, besides containing this nutrient in its composition.

This function is performed by rutin, a powerful element also called vitamin P, which aids in the absorption of vitamin C. This in turn, in addition to strengthening immunity, also helps in the production of collagen, iron absorption and the production of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for improving mood and reducing stress.

Improves sleep quality

If you suffer from insomnia or have trouble sleeping, the rue tea is one of the best options. This is because the drink has calming and relaxing properties that act on the central nervous system, generating the desire to sleep. For this case, it is ideal to take the tea at night to have a good quality of sleep.

It is important that you observe your body. It is always recommended to consume only 1 cup of tea twice a day. If you feel that it did not work, do not increase the dose. Instead, seek a doctor, because it may be that your difficulty to sleep has other causes.

Rue tea recipe

The recipe for rue tea is quite simple. If you already have the habit of making this type of preparation, you will not face any difficulty. But if it is your first time preparing a tea, check below the ingredients and how to make the drink.


The main ingredient of rue tea is the rue plant. Some people like to put all parts in the preparation of the drink. However, as the properties of the plant are in greater concentration in the leaves, it is indicated to make tea only with the dried leaves.

Besides them, you'll need 1 cup of water and a container, such as a milk jug or pot, for example, to bring the ingredients to fire. You can find the rue in any natural products store or even in compounding pharmacies. The water needs to be filtered to ensure the best absorption of the plant nutrients by the body.

How to do

Rue tea is made in a similar way to other teas. But unlike most teas, all parts of the plant can be used to prepare the drink. However, if you want to enjoy the benefits of rue for your health, it is recommended to use only the leaves of the plant, because it is in this part where the properties are concentrated.

Take a container suitable for fire and put 1 cup of water along with the leaves. Bring everything to a boil and let it boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Then, let it cool down and strain it so that the leaves don't fall into the glass. That's it, your tea is ready.

Further information about rue tea

Rue tea has some peculiar characteristics. It can, for example, be combined with other ingredients. In addition, you can consume the rue in another way, not via tea. To learn more about these and other points, check out the topics below.

Tips for making your own rue tea

All parts of the rue can be consumed. However, to make the tea is indicated that you use only the dried leaves and preferably ripe. This is because it is precisely in the leaves where most of the medicinal properties of the plant are concentrated.

Another tip to make your rue tea is to use the fresh plant, because this way you ensure the greatest absorption of nutrients. Also, strain the tea so the leaves do not fall into the glass. Also, after preparing the drink, do not add sugar, because it can interfere with the action of medicinal properties in the body, besides causing a number of health hazards.

Main ingredients that go well with rue tea

With a simple preparation of rue tea, you already get a number of benefits. But if you want to enhance the action of the plant, you can combine the tea with other ingredients, such as cinnamon and rosemary, for example. But even if made with other elements, the combination can not be consumed by pregnant women.

To make rue tea with cinnamon, just add 1 tablespoon of rue and 1 dessert spoon of cinnamon powder along with 1 liter of water. Bring everything to a boil and let it infuse for a few minutes, then just strain and drink. With rosemary, you should use 3 tablespoons of the ingredient and 7 more of rue.

Rue tea can be taken how often?

As a medicinal plant, rue tea requires some care. It should be consumed only to treat certain health conditions. However much you need it, you should not take the drink in large doses or for a long time, because in excessive amounts, the tea brings about serious side effects.

In general, the ideal is to ingest 1 cup of tea only twice a day, for a maximum of 1 week. However, as the clinical pictures differ, it is important to be aware of your body and if you feel the need, seek a doctor or herbalist to give you the precise amount of tea.

Possible side effects of rue tea

For pregnant women and people who use anticoagulants, the side effects of rue tea can be irreversible, causing death of the baby and bleeding for those who use the drugs.

But in addition, it is important to note that excessive consumption can also generate a series of side effects. In large doses, rue tea can cause: convulsions, photosensitivity, tremors, abdominal pain, gastroenteritis, salivation and vomiting.

Given this possibility, it is ideal that you seek a phytotherapist or a doctor to indicate the correct dosage for you. Do not forget that despite being a natural tea, each organism is different from the other.

Contraindications to rue tea

Despite being a natural drink, it is necessary to have some care with the rue tea. It should not be consumed by women who are pregnant, because some components of the tea have stimulant action, which increases the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, during pregnancy, the drink can not be ingested.

People undergoing some type of treatment with anticoagulants can also not consume the tea of rue. This is because, the interaction of some components of the tea with anticoagulants can cause severe bleeding. In these cases, the tea can only be ingested after the treatment period.

Other ways to consume the rue

Besides rue tea, the plant can be used in other ways. You can mix the leaves of the plant with water and make a massage on the feet, elbows and ankles to relieve the feeling of fatigue and reduce pain in this region.

To relieve menstrual cramps or speed up delayed menstruation, you can do a foot scald with rue, which is basically a dip of dried leaves of the plant in water and apply to the uterine region.

The rue is also used in essential oils, which can be found on the internet or in specialty stores. The oil of rue serves to reduce pain and remove scabies, ticks, flies, lice, fleas and mites. The ideal dose is 6 drops to a bucket of water.

Rue tea has many benefits!

Just like any other medicinal plant, the rue tea has several benefits for the body. With the drink, you have the possibility to treat some health complications in a natural way, without using medicines produced in laboratories.

However, although it is an element taken directly from nature, rue is a plant that has a lot of properties that, if consumed in excess, can cause damage to the human body. Pregnant women, for example, can not consume the tea under any circumstances, because the plant has abortifacient character.

In addition, to ensure all the benefits of the plant, it is important to use only the leaves to make the tea and not to add sugar. It is also important to respect the consumption time, without exaggerating the dose. Excess of the drink causes side effects. Taking these precautions, you will ensure all the advantages of this plant for the proper functioning of your body.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.