How to achieve spiritual growth? Evolution, pitfalls and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations on spiritual growth

When coming across the term spiritual growth, some people tend to associate it with some religious practice. But the process doesn't necessarily have to be related to some kind of religion. However, many people use dogmatic beliefs as tools to discover their life purpose.

In general, the growth of spirituality, also called spiritual awakening, is the means by which the human being can connect with himself. It is through this awakening that the individual looks to his essence, recognizing principles, values, feelings and many other interesting points.

Spiritual evolution amplifies the person's consciousness, leading him to a state of recognition of the illusion of reality. The human being becomes someone better, finding meaning of his existence in a chaotic world.

The path of awakening is enchanting and brings many benefits, but you need to beware of several traps that sabotage growth. Learn all about this process in the topics below.

Spiritual growth, spirituality and spiritual laws

There are some important points that you need to know about spiritual awakening so that your evolution is done efficiently and wisely. Therefore, see below information about spiritual growth, spirituality and some spiritual laws.

What is spiritual growth

Spiritual growth is the process by which any person has the opportunity to connect with himself, with his essence. Through this connection, the individual is able to discover his life purpose, values and mission, as he ends up accessing his higher consciousness that illuminates his path.

Consequently, this whole process generates in the human being a great feeling of satisfaction and self-realization. After all, the person discovers his mission on this earth and, with this, he can walk toward his life purpose. Therefore, seeking to grow spiritually is fundamental to live fully on this earth and make wiser choices in this life.

Learning to exercise spirituality

To go through the process of spiritual growth, you need to learn to exercise your spirituality. To do this, the first thing you must do is recognize that there is a higher power in the universe. Then, you need to put a little more love into things, be receptive and contemplate what is beautiful.

In addition, it is important that you release forgiveness, be more receptive to the people in your life, recognize that you also make mistakes, see the positivity in others, give the best of your essence in relationships, think about your words and actions and bless the world. With these attitudes, you will become someone better and more spiritual.

The spiritual laws of success

There are some spiritual laws that guarantee the success of spiritual growth. The main ones are:

- Law of pure potentiality: basically consists of the perception of the potential of one's own essence, something that is achieved through meditation, non-judgment and silence;

- Law of giving: The more you give, the more you receive;

- Law of cause and effect or karma: You attract exactly what you emanate into the world;

- Law of minimum effort: Your actions need to be based on good feelings, such as joy, harmony and love, for example;

- Law of intention and desire: Intention has the ability to eliminate the process of energy transformation;

- Law of detachment: Wisdom comes from detachment from uncertainty;

- Law of life purpose or dharma: Everyone has a purpose to fulfill.

Benefits of spiritual growth

Every human being who goes through the process of spiritual growth experiences benefits beyond his inner side. The main advantage of going through this process is to discover his purpose in life. But beyond that, the individual acquires emotional balance, motivation and improvement in health and well-being. To learn more, check out the topics below.

Achievement of emotional balance

Spiritual growth involves self-knowledge. During the process, the person gets to know him/herself better and expands his/her awareness. In this way, emotions become more controlled and the individual does not give way to impulsive behavior. Especially for those who suffer from stress and anxiety, spiritual awakening is highly beneficial.

However, you should only be careful with perfection. Controlling your emotions does not mean you will get into a state of disaffection. On the contrary, anger, sadness, joy, fear, among other feelings, are part of every human being's life. But the great benefit you will get from spiritual evolution is the balance of all emotions.

Obtaining motivation

The definition of motivation is basically a reason for action and this reason is very much linked to life purpose. When you discover your purpose, your attitudes become more intentional, because there is a reason for it. All this is only possible through spiritual growth that provides the look directed towards yourself.

Obtaining motivation completely changes the life of the human being. Your professional field will have a meaning, there will be a reason for the existence of certain people by your side and your choices will be more assertive. So, do not stop enjoying this great benefit and start your awakening process now.

Discovery of life purpose

One of the greatest benefits that spiritual growth can provide is the discovery of your life purpose. When your attention is turned inward, in a process of expanding consciousness, you begin to discover what you were born for. That is, your mission on this earth becomes clearer and everything begins to make sense.

Your existence on this earthly plane starts to have a reason, a purpose and this is wonderful, because it fills all the emptiness of the human soul. Believe me, all people have a mission to fulfill and a legacy to leave. After discovering what your ideology of life is, fight for it and become an example to others.

Health and well-being

Spiritual awakening provides a significant inner peace, which generates a feeling of happiness and satisfaction. When you find pleasure in your life, your body becomes more willing to face daily activities. The feeling of well-being is enormous and you feel that you already have everything you need.

In addition, your health is strengthened, minimizing the risk of emotional and physical illnesses. After all, with spiritual growth you will have a keener intuition for what is happening inside. In this sense, negative feelings are eliminated and if you notice that there is something out of balance, you can seek a doctor immediately.

Ways to accelerate spiritual evolution

Spiritual growth is a process that requires patience and humility. However, there are some ways that can accelerate spiritual evolution in a healthy and effective way. Check below some of these ways, such as meditation, contact with nature, reflections and more.

The practice of meditation

Meditation is a practice that has been used by many people to control the mind, mainly to minimize anxious thoughts. As it is an exercise that works the mind, spirit, body and emotions, meditation is able to accelerate spiritual growth, facilitating the connection of the human being with his higher self.

It is worth noting that nowadays there are many ways to meditate. As there are many methods, you need to study about the different ways to practice meditation and find the one that suits you and works for you. It is ideal that you meditate every day, but if you can't, try to perform meditation for a few moments and you will already have results.

Contact with nature

The survival of the human species depends on the energy of nature. This fact alone would be enough for every human being to be in direct contact with nature. But for those who desire a certain speed of spiritual growth, the connection with the environment must be a priority.

Even if you live in large urban centers, it is possible to get closer to the environment. To do so, visit waterfalls, go for a swim in the sea, walk barefoot in the grass, try hugging a tree. The main point is to feel the energy of nature and let it invigorate you from the inside out.

Frequent Reflections

Reflecting about your own life is fundamental to review concepts and change paths when necessary. You should take some time to think about all aspects of your life. See if you are satisfied with your current job, if you are happy in your current relationship and if you love the person who is by your side, if you value and take care of yourself, among other issues.

Questioning yourself about the different fields of life will help you to get out of the automatism of everyday life and discover your true purpose. By thinking about your steps, you will see how spiritual growth will become faster and clearer. So, exercise these questionings and see the spiritual evolution.

Gain general knowledge

The world today lives in the information age. In a practical, fast and simple way it is possible to obtain knowledge about any subject. All this has been made easier with the advent of the internet that brings everything together in one place. Given this scenario, it has become much easier to accelerate spiritual growth within a short time.

However, it is important that you select the content you consume well. Look for altruistic websites and blogs that can help you expand your consciousness and thus broaden your perspective on a variety of topics. Also, don't just stick to the internet. If you have access, go to a library and purchase books to read from the comfort of your home.

Knowledge of different cultures

One of the basic points for spiritual growth is humility, and knowing different cultures helps to exercise this feeling. After all, when you are in front of other realities, you can recognize that there is not only your truth, and with this, many prejudices can be eliminated.

To accelerate your spiritual evolution, it is ideal to get to know different cultures, as this will give you the opportunity to acquire new knowledge. So, try to travel alone, without itineraries, programming or guides. Be open to talk to people along your journey and deconstruct many preconceptions. You will see that there is a world in everyone.

Practicing physical exercises

It is necessary to understand that body and mind are in close relationship. Therefore, there is no point in taking care of your mind and soul and forgetting about your body. After all, one will influence the other. Therefore, you should keep your health up to date by developing healthy eating habits. If you feel the need, seek a professional nutritionist to help you.

Also, practice physical exercises daily, focusing mainly on your well-being. When you care about your health, aesthetics comes as a consequence. Besides, whenever you can, choose natural foods, without preservatives. Taking these cares, your spiritual growth will be faster.

Traps that sabotage an individual's spiritual growth

Spiritual growth is an enchanting process, but one must be careful with certain traps that sabotage the evolution of any individual. Know below the main traps, such as superiority posture, spiritual deviation, among others.

Posture of superiority

The posture of superiority is a big trap especially for the newly awakened. Some believe they are already at such a high level of spiritual growth that they even despise those who are still asleep. This is a subtle trap that makes the person believe he is better than those who are not yet awakened.

This behavior of superiority shows that the level of spirituality of the individual is still small. Who really is evolved believes that always has something to learn and that each one is in his moment of growth. So, be very careful with the pride and always keep in mind that each person is giving his best.

Spiritual deviation

Spiritual growth aims to help the individual take ownership of their own soul, along with that, connecting with their own emotions and feelings. Without the connection to oneself, it is impossible to evolve spiritually. Therefore, some spiritual diversion practices tend to blur the person's attention from themselves.

There are many types of spiritual deviation that work as real traps for any human being. But the main ones are:

- Placing responsibility for one's own actions on some kind of higher being, such as angels or even spirit guides;

- Use spiritual methods to avoid feeling certain emotions;

- To believe that you are at a highly elevated level of being human;

- Excessive judgment of self and others;

- Among others.

Forcing someone's awakening

Out of concern and care, many awakened beings wish their friends and family members to also awaken and do so by force. However, forcing another person to awaken is a big trap for yourself as well as irritating the other person. Your desire to see special people outside the bubble of illusion is legitimate, but it is important that you respect each person's moment.

Your part is to focus on yourself and continue in your spiritual growth process. When your relatives and colleagues are ready to awaken, it is enough for you to be by their side to give them all the support and provide the necessary information. Just don't force anyone to enter this process.

Hasty attempts to revolutionize the world

With so much injustice in the world it is natural for human beings to want to revolutionize the world and bring about a change in the system. However, this posture generates a feeling of hatred, because it divides people into the population, formed by good people, and the system, which would be the great cause of evil in humanity.

But this mentality creates the false idea that for peace to prosper there must be war and external changes, when in fact the opposite is true. Change must come from the inside out. Spiritual growth is individual and unique. Therefore, it is impossible for the system to change if there is no internal evolution.

Escape from day to day responsibilities

The path of spiritual growth is enchanting. So fascinating that some people tend to believe they are too evolved to get involved with the day-to-day tasks. But this is a dangerous trap that limits spiritual progress. Escaping the responsibilities of everyday life is a big mistake.

Regardless of the spiritual level you are at, it is important to always keep humility in your heart. Pride blinds and prevents growth. Besides, it is in the beauty of the routine that spiritual evolution becomes more efficient. It is precisely in the day to day that creativity is exercised and you get to know inner qualities you never imagined you would have.

Attachment and victimization

When a person enters the process of spiritual growth, they begin to see the chaotic world in which they live. This shock can give rise to two major pitfalls: attachment and victimization. Attachment in the spiritual experiences they experience and victimization by believing that all bad events are due to superior beings or humans.

In order not to fall into these traps, you must seek to live new experiences and not extinguish the initial enlightenment. No matter how good you have been, you must move on and seek to rise to the next level. Also, you must take responsibility for your own actions and not blame others for what you feel or do.

How to get rid of the traps?

The ego is a part of the personality inherent to the human being. It is impossible to get rid of this instance, but it is fully possible to control it. In order not to fall into the traps that sabotage the spiritual growth of any individual, it is necessary to always maintain humility and honesty with one's own feelings.

The recognition of a possible deviation is fundamental to change the route and return to the path of learning. To assume your own responsibilities and believe that you still need to evolve more is of utmost importance to continue growing spiritually. In case you have fallen into one of the traps, don't worry, just recognize and change.

Why is staying connected with yourself important for spiritual growth?

Without connection with yourself there is no way to begin spiritual growth. It is fundamental to understand that awakening is a process that happens internally. Change happens from the inside out. Therefore, you must turn your attention inside yourself and focus on what you can improve.

But of course, in everything there must be a balance. After discovering your purpose, for example, you must broaden your vision to the external world and evaluate in what you can contribute to your mission on earth. Be careful not to restrict yourself to your self and get stuck in your essence.

One of the main goals of awakening is precisely to expand consciousness and get out of the bubble of individualism. So, don't waste any more time and try to start your spiritual growth today. Don't forget to always be humble and recognize that there are still higher levels to be reached. Good luck!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.