What is the Boiadeiro in Umbanda? Names, history, color, offerings and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of the Boiadeiro in Umbanda

Boiadeiro is a line of Umbanda, a degree of work of Umbanda. Boiadeiros are guides that incorporate and like all guides are evolved and advanced spirits. Boiadeiros are spirit guides that have much wisdom and a much higher evolution than ours (human beings).

In Umbanda, in the terreiro, they come with an archetype, within a line of work. Being a line of cleansing, breaking black magic, unloading, they are good in desobsession. The boiadeiros represent the archetype of a campestre, the one who lives in the countryside, who carries the cattle; he rides a horse. They are more quiet and live more in their world.

Next we will see more information about the boiadeiros, offerings, how they are in the terreiros, what they represent in the Umbanda line, their characteristics and much more.

Information about the Boiadeiro, offerings, in the terreiros and others

The boiadeiros in the terreiros are spirits that are incorporated to clean the place. Besides, when offering an offering to the boiadeiros it is valid to pay attention to the orixá of the boiadeiros. As we will see below.

The history of the spirits represented in the figure of the Boiadeiro

The spirits represented in the figure of the Boiadeiro carry the archetype of the same. That is, they do not come in the terreiro with a pattern of energy, they come with an archetype, of the boiadeiro. Thus, the history of the spirits is similar to that of the boiadeiros because the spirits that manifest themselves in Umbanda have particular characteristics of the boiadeiros.

The boiadeiro is the mystical figure of the cowboy who lives in the backlands and in country life.

Besides knowing how to deal with adversity, precisely because he deals with animals such as horses, goats, oxen. So, these spirits that live a life on earth and went to the spiritual realm are represented in the figure of the ox-driver.

Festivities, day of the week and smoke for offerings

The festivities occur on the 24th and 29th of June, which is the day of Saint John and Saint Peter. Thus, the religious syncretism occurs, in Umbanda with the quality of Xangô. The São Juninas festivities are characterized by being parties with expressions of the country life.

In addition, the day of the week for boiadeiros is Tuesday, so when thinking of offerings, one can think of that day of the week.

Fruit, dishes and drinks for offerings

The boiadeiros like arroz tropeiro, feijão tropeiro, carne seca with dendê. However, it is worth noting that it is valid to add elements of the orixá of that particular boiadeiro. For example, if it is a boiadeiro who has Ogum as his orixá it is important to put elements of this orixá, in this case a black beer.

But in general, the boiadeiros like simple food. And their favorite fruits are the Brazilian ones, such as: banana, papaya, orange, guava, cashew. Fruits that are easy to be found are seen on the sertanejo roads.

How to make offerings

In the energy line of Logunam it is possible to offer offerings to the oxen in the pasture, in the meadow. As for the energy of Ogum or Iansã, the offering needs to be placed on a path, especially a dirt road path, a path where the cattle pass, where the horses pass.

It is important when making the offering to place it in these places, even if it is in the city. It is necessary to find a road or a field to offer the offering to the boiadeiro. The candles used for offerings to the boiadeiros are red candle; bicolor candle - red and white; Royal blue - Ogum and yellow - Iansã.

The boiadeiro in the Terreiros

The boiadeiros in the terreiros are very direct, fearless. They are great at unloading. When the boiadeiro incorporates the terreiro is deeply cleansed, the medium, or consulter, whoever is in the terreiro is deeply cleansed.

From this, the boiadeiros are connected in this energy of cleaning. Boiadeiros are spiritual guides, are evolved human beings who no longer incarnate, but who have much knowledge, much wisdom. Therefore, the boiadeiros in the terreiros serve to clean the environment, in addition, they are spirits who help human life to enter into harmony with flora and fauna, in addition to achieving balancebetween everyone.

Cattleman's name

Common names of boiadeiros in Umbanda: Boiadeiro da Serra da Estrela; Boiadeiro do Chapadão; Boiadeiro do Rio; Boiadeiro Pastoreio; Boiadeiro Pantaneiro; Boiadeiro do Chicote Bravo. Among other names: Boiadeiro Romero; Boiadeiro Mineiro; Boiadeiro Violeiro; Boiadeiro Vaqueiro; Boiadeiro de Chapéu de Couro; Boiadeiro do Iangá; Boiadeiro Mineiro; Boiadeiro Zé do Laço.

Still among the names of boiadeiro are: Boiadeiro da Jurema; Boiadeiros do Laço Nervoso; Boiadeiro Chico da Porteira; Boiadeiro do Rio Carreiro; Boiadeiro do Lajedo; Boiadeiro do Sertão.

From these names, there are many other names of cattlemen, these are just a few.

The cult of the ox-drivers in Umbanda

The cult of the "caboclo boiadeiro" in Umbanda, because they are evolved spirits, brave, humble and with good energies. They are worshipped exactly in this energy. So, the caboclo boiadeiro is the last to appear in a cult in Umbanda. This occurs because it is through him that the environment and the terreiro get clean.

Besides that, they use utensils such as the berrante, horns, leather boots, straw cigarette and are spirits of cleaning, unloading and magic breaking. They are the last to be called in a cult, so when they appear they make a deep cleaning of the place.

Specific words, colours and greetings to the boiadeiros

The colors of the boiadeiros are: yellow; blue; red and white. And their salutation is: Jetuá, Boiadeiro! Which means: Hail to him who has a strong arm, Boiadeiro!

The specific words used by them: boi, which means that the spirit is on the wrong path; boiada, which means that several spirits need to be rescued and conducted; laçar, means that it is necessary to take the spirits into the divine, spiritual law.

Among others: lasso, the instrument of time, which has as its orixá Logunan and horses, which means sons that have much value.

Umbanda points of the boiadeiros

Pontos de Umbanda are melodies and singing that occur in the terreiros. Through the Umbanda points it is possible to obtain a harmonious environment with the spiritual plane. So, the Umbanda points of the boiadeiros are sacred songs of the Umbanda religion itself.

It is also a way to honor an entity and invite it to pay a visit. Ponto de umbanda dos boiadeiros - may have elements such as the countryside, country life, horses, oxen, and the like.

What they represent, line and regency

The boiadeiros represent spirits that once lived on Earth, however when they went to the spiritual realm they became evolved beings. Their line is cleansing. Next we will see more about the boiadeiros, their line and regency.

What the cattlemen represent

The ox-drivers represent all those spirits that in their incarnated life had a life on the back of a horse, as a cowboy, like all the manifestations of that countryside worker, from the countryside of Brazil.

They use the berrante, the rope, the lasso, the scarf. They are the representation of the reality of the cowboy, the one who takes a herd and crosses the pantanal for days taking the herd from one place to another.

They are fearless, courageous. In the spiritual plan, the boiadeiros represent the energy of cleansing. Cleansing, the terreiros and bad and negative energies of the environment and people.

The Caboclo and the Cattleman

The cowboy is the one who takes a herd and crosses the pantanal for days taking a herd from one place to another. The caboclo boiadeiro is a trailblazer. He spends much more time in the field, in contact with the animal, like the ox, horse, with all the cattle, than with his family, than at home.

Both the caboclo boiadeiro and the pedão boiadeiro are brave, fearless, practical. The countryside, the cattle is their life. They use berrantes; bows; ropes; scarves; cattle whips. They live a country life and are spiritual guides.

The line and regency of the boiadeiros

In Umbanda, it is a very strong line of unloading, the boiadeiros are good in cleansing, breaking magic. They are connected to an energy of cleaning, protecting what is outside, cleaning bad thoughts and feelings. Who rules the line of boiadeiros is Logunam because it is related to the time in the pasture, in the open air, touching the cattle.

Logunam rules who is in time and is not inside the house. The line of the boiadeiros is specialized in collecting trembling and suffering obsessors, so it needs a lot this regency of Logunam, that is a very well known orixá in the sacred Umbanda. In other Umbanda houses, he can be ruled by Ogum and Iansã, that is in the path of pastoralism and cattle.

Characteristics of the Boiadeiro in Umbanda

The characteristics of the boiadeiros in Umbanda is the stereotype of the country man, the one who lives a country life, in the countryside. Along with horses, oxen. As we will see below:

Strong and virile entities

The boiadeiros in Umbanda are strong, fearless and virile, precisely because they carry in their spirit the experiences of a country life. They are mestizos - sunburned - because they spent most of their time in the fields, leading oxen, riding horses.

The whip and the lasso are their "spiritual weapons" and they break and send away the bad energies and discharge with their strength and virility those who are near.

Diverse in their manifestations

Cattlemen are a manifestation of spirits that were accustomed to the ground land, to the countryside, touching cattle through the countryside roads. The conditions were complicated and difficult, without any structure.

But this never shook the boiadeiros, they are entities that represent the wild, simple and persistent nature of the Sertão. Besides, they are seen as cowboys, boiadeiros, laçadores, pawnbrokers and guitar players. Therefore, they have several manifestations.

Specificity of his songs

Other characteristics and specificities of the boiadeiros: they are quiet, reserved, have a very particular world that is only theirs. However, they do not open up easily and are more brutal in their way of acting and speaking, they are direct by nature and practical.

On the other hand, they have a good heart and a good and flowing energy. Mainly because they are great for unloading and cleaning the energy of the terreiro and the consulant. Besides being great violeiros and their songs represent the countryside, the backwoods and the man of the backlands.

The role of the Boiadeiro in Umbanda

The function of the boiadeiro in Umbanda is to use its energy to discharge, to break bad energies. As we will see below.

Preparation of mediums and strengthening of mediumship

The preparation of mediums and strengthening of mediumship is important. The boiadeiro is called last and is worshipped as an evolved spirit who possesses great wisdom and knowledge. Thus, when called he performs a cleansing in the terreiro, both in the mediums and in those who are present in this environment.

So, in each religion and house of Umbanda the preparation of mediums is very careful and follows the "rules" of each Umbanda house.

Maintaining discipline in terreiros

Within the Umbanda terreiros, there is maintenance of discipline and there is also organization. For, it is also a form of respect for the divinities, entities, gods and the like.

It is important to keep the terreiro organized to receive its consulters, individuals and the spirits - entities. Without a rigid and serious discipline, the Umbanda house does not carry on its work under superior divinities.

And on the spiritual plane this also occurs, there is an organization and discipline. Thus, both the earthly plane, the Umbandista terreiros and the spiritual plane manage to get in tune through the maintenance of discipline.

Can they work for orixás?

Yes, the boiadeiro can work for the orixás, but only for the orixá that he rules. The orixás are deities that have elements of nature. So, like the boiadeiro, there is a similarity of elements between them. Therefore, it is also possible for them to work for some orixás. Like Ogum, Logunam and Iansã.

It is worth emphasizing the importance of knowing which orixá governs such boiadeiro. On the other hand, boiadeiros work more in terreiros and incorporating to ward off forces that hinder and delay the process of earthly and spiritual beings.

Prayer to the Oxen of Umbanda

Hey, drover!

His bravery is admirable.

I call upon the line of oxen

To protect me from all the bad energies

And that make me feel lost!

Hey, caboclo!

Hey, cattleman!

Collect all suffering spirits

Who are accompanying me or connected to me!

Hey, mister, drover!

Wrap me in your vibe

Rebalancing my mental, emotional and spiritual!

Hey, drover!

In you I see a solution, that your strength may restore me

And drive away from me all that holds me back.

Jatuá, Boiadeiro!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.