To dream of aunt: smiling, crying, pregnant, sick, deceased and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of aunt

You will know one more among the countless ways that dreams find to pass on their messages, and that is to dream of an aunt. Since the aunt is often a second mother, this type of dream connects with the unity of the family, with each helping the other to move forward.

In this sense, dreaming of an aunt has positive meanings, suggesting most often that you should focus on staying close to your family, paying special attention to the children, as well as to your uncles and aunts who are your closest relatives, and who often share or have shared the same home.

In order to cooperate in your understanding about this important channel of communication between you and your subconscious, this article brings a wide variety of meanings of dreaming of aunt, involving several distinct situations, which always generates a change of meaning for the dream.

To dream that you are interacting with an aunt

Once you have aroused interest in knowing the meaning of dreaming about aunt, also know that you need to consider every detail of the dream in order to get a result closer to the real thing. So, start by knowing some examples where you appear in the dream.

To dream that you see your aunt

When you dream of seeing your aunt it means that you recognize her importance in your life and that you feel her absence. However, this meaning can extend to any of your aunts and not just the person you saw in the dream. Some additional information from the dream can make the message more specific to one person.

Aunts are usually present in the lives of their nephews and nieces from birth, helping their sister in the days immediately after birth. This close relationship grows stronger as the child develops. Thus, dreaming of the aunt means that you should not let these emotional ties be forgotten.

To dream that you are talking to your aunt

A dream in which you appear in conversation with your aunt means that you have doubts about how to resolve a certain situation, and brings a message that you should seek someone you trust to give you advice, or that you should proceed in a calm manner without emotional pressure.

The aunt, in this case, represents your need and symbolizes the person of trust, even if it is not she who helps in solving the problem, because she has already helped with the inspiration of how to solve by participating in the dream. Thus, after dreaming of the aunt, a matter that seemed difficult to solve can be finalized without further inconvenience.

To dream that you hug your aunt

Hugging your aunt during a dream sends information of emotional need on your part, as you think you are being forgotten, or put in the background by those you love. It may also mean a jealousy situation in relation to other family members.

Certainly, giving in to a jealousy crisis within the family indicates a situation of insecurity, which is not very good for you. However, such issues are most often transient and resolved with banter between family members, and are therefore not a cause for concern.

To dream that you kiss your aunt

A dream in which you kiss your aunt symbolizes the purity and authenticity that exists in you, thus showing your importance within the family group. In addition, to dream of kissing your aunt means the approval of your family, and also of your subconscious, as to your attitudes that always prove to be coherent and lucid.

Thus, to dream that you kiss your aunt is an incentive for you to never stray from the just and wise path, which promotes understanding and harmony within the family. For sure, it is a dream that provides a calm awakening with a great sense of comfort and well-being.

To dream that you are holding your aunt's hands

To hold your aunt's hands during a dream may indicate that you will soon meet a person who will awaken love within you. This may translate into a new phase in your life, with the blossoming of new and as yet unknown emotions that you will experience in this relationship.

Although the dream brings good news, relationships to be successful require renunciations and responsibilities, as well as mutual respect between the partners. Therefore, control the euphoria and enthusiasm to not end up scaring the person and making it impossible to predict your dream.

To dream that your aunt is taking care of you

When you dream of your aunt caring for you, it indicates a nostalgic memory of when she used to do this frequently. In addition, it shows that you miss her presence in your life, since she was always willing to support and encourage your projects.

Dreams have paths that are not always properly understood by the dreamer. So be sure that you are not showing ingratitude to your aunt, and try to rebuild the bond of trust that has always existed between you. Thus, the ideal is to call and visit as much as possible.

To dream that you argue with your aunt

A dream in which you appear to be arguing with your aunt would need a better description of the argument, as well as the emotional state of both of you during the dream. However, in the absence of this information you can take it as a warning about unthinking attitudes in important decisions.

Thus, you may have made some decision that your aunt would not agree with, or you may be in need of guidance in deciding on some relevant matter. A more precise examination of the dream, as well as your current situation, will put you on the right track to deciphering the dream more accurately.

To dream that you miss your aunt

To dream that you miss your aunt may indicate a need for someone to talk to that you are experiencing at this time in your life. You may be going through a time when you need shelter and protection, and your aunt appears to symbolize this need.

It is a dream that highlights the importance of the aunt in the family structure, since many of them acted as caregivers of their nephews and nieces during the first years of life. However, do not rule out the hypothesis that the aunt's image represents another person who performed the same function in her life.

To dream of aunt in different forms

The symbolic language that dreams use is one of their main characteristics, so rarely does a dream send a message without the use of this artifice. In this sense, the most evident way to prove this fact are the details that cause the modifications of meanings. Thus, see some more examples.

To dream of a smiling aunt

To see your aunt smiling at you during a dream signifies the approval of your good conduct, and that results are coming. It is a sign of positive changes that will occur soon, and which will bring about improvements in every way in your life as a result of your dedication.

It is certainly a dream with a very stimulating and symbolic content, where a simple smile from someone you both like and trust, symbolizes your own self-confidence. In this sense, see to it that things continue at the right pace and in the right direction, so that you can build a solid and exemplary future.

To Dream of an Aunt Crying

The aunt who cries during your dream sends a message about a situation that is unresolved because you insist on putting it off. This situation is causing suffering and relates to matters from the past that you do not want to touch, although you know you must resolve it once and for all.

The dream symbolizes that other people are being affected, and suffer together with you, which justifies the sending of the message and the urgency to erase the hurts, forgive the mistakes and remove the weight of the past, so that you can continue life in a more peaceful and productive way.

To dream of an angry aunt

A dream in which an aunt is angry with you symbolizes wrongdoing and irresponsible behavior of any kind. Therefore, you may be being careless with your health, work or even your family. All of these actions would be condemned by your mother and your aunt.

Thus, your unconscious mind chooses the figure that symbolizes authority and respect over you and sends the message. It is up to you to understand your dream and change the course of your actions before it causes greater problems, and so that you do not dream about your angry aunt again.

To dream of a pregnant aunt

When you dream of a pregnant aunt the indication is for a possible pregnancy in the family, but not necessarily your aunt. This is because the aunt may just be a symbol of motherhood or motherly care that is closer to you. A quick search will indicate who the dream refers to if it is not an aunt.

This dream may also reveal a secret fear that you could not even think of having, which is the fear of losing your aunt's love to another person who is important to her, whether through pregnancy or not. So, make an unbiased analysis and see which meaning corresponds to your dream about pregnant aunt.

To dream of an aunt dating someone

A dream about an aunt dating can signal a possessive feeling that makes you want exclusivity over the people you live with. Especially if you were sad during the dream in question. It is a warning dream since jealousy and possessiveness are considered negative and even dangerous feelings.

It is an old problem that seems to have no solution, but that is no excuse for its practice. You must understand that to love does not mean to have ownership over someone, but just the opposite. So, try to correct your understanding so that you can truly discover love in your heart.

To dream of aunt gossiping

A dream which shows an aunt gossiping signals family discord which, however, does not cause serious disagreements. Thus, the dream indicates that some issues need to be resolved in consensus with all family members in order to promote harmony and unity.

A type of dream of neutral meaning caused more by the consequences that arise from routine concerns about the family, unless other details such as the behavior or emotions of the dream participants change its meaning.

To dream of a sick aunt

A sick aunt seen in a dream may indicate your estrangement and lack of attention to your family. The family group, with few exceptions, is your main point of support in difficult times and should be valued above all else.

However, many people only remember their family when they are in a pinch, and this is what you have been doing frequently, thus causing the dream about the sick aunt. The dream warns you to change your attitude and participate more in family activities, before they get tired of you and your selfishness.

To Dream of an Aunt Dying

To see your aunt dying in your dream signals a loss of attention and care that you think you are feeling. A sense of isolation from your family and friends, but which is actually a consequence of a camouflaged selfishness that makes you want to be the center of attention.

The dream calls for an inner reformation to favor a friendlier relationship with your relatives which includes greater collaboration on your part. Thus you need to give more of yourself instead of always wanting to receive. Begin by approaching people in a more spontaneous and unselfish way.

To dream of an aunt in a coffin

A dream with an aunt still in the coffin means that you that you find yourself disoriented in relation to your friendships, involving yourself with people of negative attitude and energies. Certainly such behavior is very risky and can harm not only you, but other family members.

Now you have to think of the people who love and care for you and are always willing to help you. In this sense, resume the normal course of your life so that you don't dream again about the aunt in the coffin.

Other meanings of dreaming of aunt

In this article you are getting access to the most well-known meanings for when to dream of an aunt, since it is not possible to list all the variants that are formed with the addition of the infinite details. So, continue reading, see some more examples and increase your knowledge about this dream.

To dream of a dead aunt

To dream of a dead aunt sends a message to the direction your life is going, with the participation of false friends that you do not want or can not get away. Perhaps you are lacking people who can support you at this time and the image of an aunt came to give the warning.

You need to beware of the pitfalls of bad friendships, which always have a hidden interest behind their closeness. So try to establish more constructive friendships, as well as reconnecting with family members who may have drifted apart because of your new attitudes.

To dream of a visit from an aunt

A dream in which you receive a visit from an aunt means the need to remake the family union, which may be being shaken by an influence of people outside your family group. The aunt symbolizes an intervention of someone who enjoys the respect and admiration of all, or most of the members.

Harmony within your family is a decisive factor for the individual development of each member, which is why it is so important that the group unites. Therefore, you who dreamed of a visit from your aunt, may have been chosen to promote this harmony.

To dream of aunt and uncle

A dream with uncles without any other details being significant, refers to the care of keeping the family always united and strong, where the interests of the group are above the goals of each member of the group, following the old adage: one for all and all for one.

In this model, the main objective is to strengthen the group in the first place, and then go on to help each member in their objectives. It is certainly not an easy practice and the proof is the growing separation of the family, where each one takes a different course and acts isolated from the group.

To dream with aunt of ex

A dream about your ex's aunt is difficult to interpret, since neither your ex nor his aunt is related to you, unless there are some details that have not been remembered. Thus, most likely it is just a memory that remained from the old relationship.

It is important that you understand that dreams occur every day without your remembering, and therefore not all of them bring messages of a moral nature or prediction of events. In fact, the vast majority are just a reflection of your concerns or issues that are part of everyday life, and this may be the case in dreaming about your ex's aunt.

Can dreaming of an aunt indicate a need to give attention to the family?

The importance that aunts, who are often also godmothers of the nephew, exercise in the family environment leaves no doubt that this meaning of giving attention to the family is one of the main messages of dreaming of the aunt. This fact is proven through several examples cited in this article.

However, it is never too much to remember that no dream has the same meaning when dreamed by different people, because the emotions and the current situation of the dreamer's life directly influence the objective of the message, which acquires a personal and non-transferable nature.

The logic that regulates the meanings of dreams is still unknown, but some reveries are so obvious that they can never be disregarded. So, when you dream try to keep as much of the images exposed in the dream, so that you have more elements to understand the meaning of dreaming about the aunt or another subject.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.