Mocking spirits: meaning, symptoms, how to ward it off and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are mocking spirits?

There are on Earth people of inconsequent character and attitudes, who take life in joking, but with no intention of causing harm to anyone. Well, these people when leaving this world will go to the group of mocking spirits. This happens because death does not make a man a saint or a devil, as he continues with the same virtues and defects as when he was incarnated.

However, just as when they were incarnated, they end up causing some inconveniences and even some kind of harm. The mocking spirits are in an intermediary category, for if they do not wish to do evil, neither do they occupy themselves with good nor seek to improve themselves.

The mocking spirits are limited in their capacities, needing a vibration syntony with those whom they intend to disturb. They are spirits that when disenchanted, remain close to their old circle of relations to continue with their tricks.

Meaning of mocking spirits

Mocking spirits are the same men and women who when incarnated refused to take on the responsibilities of life. Although there is no evil intent in their actions, the presence of one or more of them in an environment can become very inconvenient. Read on and understand all about mocking spirits.

What are Quiumbas

The quiumbas are in Umbanda the equivalent to the mocking spirits in Kardecist spiritism, but they are not limited only to passing scares or inconsequent acts. In fact, the quiumbas are entities that ally themselves in phalanxes that refuse to enter the path of light, remaining in a lower vibrational state, and can also do evil.

A kiumba has some energetic mastery over matter and can shape objects by force of will, being also dominated by another stronger than him and induced into the practice of evil.

The activity of the quiumbas is monitored by the higher spirituality which allows their action when the person to be affected needs to go through a test or atonement. Thus, even without knowing it, the quiumbas fulfill a mission as one of the forces of nature.

Vibrating bands

Everything in the universe has life and everything that has life vibrates at a certain frequency. Thus, atoms vibrate even in their divisions like protons and electrons, and thoughts and feelings also have their vibratory range. Thus, a vibratory range will gather all beings and things that may vibrate in the same frequency range.

Starting from this principle, the spirits group themselves according to a similar vibration, which is formed by the similarity of feelings, thoughts and emotions, and the set of these factors will influence in the personality and character of the spirit, whether he is incarnated or not.

People you get close to

An esoteric law states that what is above is like what is below. Thus, just as among incarnate people, excessively playful and irresponsible people do not fit in an environment of serious people, in the same way it happens in the spiritual world.

Therefore, the mocking spirits can only act in environments whose vibratory range is propitious and similar to them. Although they can manipulate some forms in the spiritual world, their action in the material world depends on connecting the energies of the people who will be their targets. Therefore, they can only approach people who somehow allow this approach.

Difference between mocker and obsessor

According to the Kardecist spiritist doctrine there is not only a spiritist scale, but this scale works as a hierarchy, where the spirits that are above have authority over the ones that are below in the scale. The mocking spirits, as well as the obsessors are both outside the range of light, but there are some very clear differences between them.

The mocking spirits don't have a malignant instinct, being their intention to provoke confusion among the incarnate, but only as amusement. On the other hand, the obsessor spirits act with premeditation and planning of the act, generally motivated by hatred or revenge for the victim, that most of the times kept some relation with his obsessor.

How the scoffers act

The performance of the mocking spirits is limited to non-intentionally harmful acts, although they can cause considerable disturbances in the life of the person who becomes their target. It is important to understand this difference to better deal with them. The premeditated intention to do evil belongs to the evil spirits and to the obsessor spirits, which are in another level in the spiritual hierarchy.

Only people with some level of mediumship can perceive the action of these spirits and identify them. Most people understand their actions as accidents, forgetfulness or chance. They can hide objects, knock them over, cause inexplicable noises. In addition, they like to pretend to be other people so they can give wrong advice, and they get a kick out of it.

The gravity of this pretense

One of the forms of attack by mocking spirits is to pretend to be spirits of a higher hierarchy, so as to facilitate contact with incarnates. When they are accepted in their false personality it becomes more difficult to get rid of them afterwards.

This relationship can cause the person to show signs of changing behavior, since they are being influenced in this regard. In addition, after the call is made, bad jokes begin that can include a lot of false information passed to the victim.

Symptoms of mocking spirits

Mocking spirits may act directly in matter to frighten their victims, but also indirectly through psychic influences in which they try to expose the victim to ridicule. See in the following some signs that may indicate the action of these spirits.

Increased negativity

Spirits act over incarnates through energetic attunement, that is, in order to bother someone it is necessary that the victim somehow accepts and participates, even if unconsciously, without knowing that he is suffering an external influence. Everything happens in the area of thought, where the victim's thoughts are altered by the suggestion of the spirit.

With the progression of the relationship the spirit gains strength and power over the victim, who feels the effects and attributes them to other things, without imagining that he is suffering an interference that leads him to expose his negative side, which many times he himself did not even know he had.

Willingness to mock

The interference of the mocking spirits in the life of their target can happen in many different ways, since they can either manipulate matter or make mental suggestions. In the case of mental influence, the fact can happen slowly and progressively so that the victim does not notice.

Thus, without realizing it, the victim accepts the spirit's ideas as if they were her own, changing her behaviour and feeling strange desires, such as making fun of other people, for example. The spirit's amusement consists in exposing the victim to ridicule and shame.

Loss of control easily

The main victims of the attacks of mocking spirits are weak-minded people, who are easier to influence. Moreover, these people have a morality on the same level as that of the spirit, for only under such conditions can he succeed in his harmful onslaughts.

A person who is being targeted by a spirit will assimilate its suggestions, which are passed on in such a way that the person does not notice the influence, which, however, begins to modify the victim's way of being, even provoking an emotional lack of control because of nonsense.

Physical and mental problems

The continuity of the relationship between the mocking spirit and the target can undermine the person's ability to react, and although from time to time he may be surprised by unusual things, he does not relate these events to an outside influence.

The victim's reaction to the spirit's attacks can manifest through physical and mental problems, as his perception registers the mistakes he makes, even without understanding why he does it. These contradictions, as well as the reprimands he receives from other people, generate mental confusion that can progress to more serious problems.

Move objects

The spirit has many faculties when disincarnated, once it is free from the limitations imposed by the heavy matter of the physical body. By the way, the same heavy matter becomes light for a spirit who masters volition, levitation and transposition of physical objects between dimensions.

So, all the spirit needs is a person who tunes the same mental range, giving energy so that the spirit can promote physical effects such as making someone hear voices, displacement of objects, apparitions and other facts that become inexplicable to the common reason.

Disguised as other entities

The capacity of induction of the spirit is related to the degree of resistance of the victim, as well as to a good combination of energies between both. Thus, the spirit may choose a line of thought or of images that cause a strong impression on the victim, thus facilitating the communication.

Nevertheless, in such communications a spirit may disguise both his ideas and his forms, and amuse himself with the success which his performances obtain among men who are ignorant of his existence, or, if they are aware of it, it is not sufficient to sketch an adequate reaction.

How to ward off mocking spirits

Spirits are subject to the laws of hierarchy, which prevents a lower level spirit from causing harm to a higher level spirit. Knowledge of the law of hierarchy can be used to ward off entities, but there are other means as you will see below.

Make a deal

Some spiritualist traditions practice agreement as a possible solution to ward off the influence of an entity over an incarnate, but the efficiency of this method is doubtful. In the first place because it is not wise to trust those who act in disguise to deceive.

Moreover, the agreement can give a feeling of power to the spirit, leaving him inspired for new and stronger onslaughts, since his nature does not change only according to the agreement. If you do not bother one will act against another, until you evolve and better understand your spiritual position.

Stop addictions

The vices are open doors for the action of inferior spirits, who motivated by different causes, remain in the terrestrial sphere interacting with the incarnated having or not the consciousness that they left the physical body. The mocking spirits use the vices to dominate their victim.

The spirits absorb the existing energy in dense and tense atmosphere environments and thus become stronger in relation to the victims. Therefore, the abandonment of any vice is a path that will enable to know others, which together will lead to freedom from the influence of the mocking spirit.

Keeping thoughts high

The spirits are beings that vibrate and the vibrations vary according to the quality, the purity of the thoughts, which also reveal in what approximate degree of evolution the spirit finds himself. Thus, the relationship between beings is established by the communion of the same types of thoughts and energies.

In this sense, man should strive for his moral evolution through charity and love for his fellow man. These activities will keep the thoughts elevated for good, forming a barrier that inferior spirits cannot cross. At the same time, it is possible to work on the re-education of those who show themselves ready for it.

Light a candle

The spirits are thinking beings that feel free when disincarnated, increasing their reasoning capacity. Lighting a candle can be a solution for some cases of spiritual manifestation, but of little efficiency in the case of mocking spirits, if not when they enter as a proof of faith in God that attracts the superior spirituality, modifying the energy of the environment.

Indeed, the mocking entities give little importance to religious demonstrations, which are usually used as a target for their mockery. The most certain way to avoid these entities is the acquisition of virtues, as well as moral elevation, which together promote a hierarchical authority over the spirit.

Much prayer and compassion

The feeling of brotherhood that exists in a spirit of superior order leaves him free from any entity below his position in the spiritist hierarchy. Thus, a spirit proves moral superiority by understanding his brother's situation, developing compassion and the will to help.

In this sense, a prayer made from a sincere heart which is joined with others and others, forms a current of energy which can induce the troubled spirit to recognise his errors and take a new course. This should be the minimum aim to be achieved by prayer.

Are mocking spirits dangerous?

Mocking spirit is a term that the spiritist doctrine created to designate a group of spirits that act in groups or not, having the purpose of preaching scares, pranks and other forms of importuning. Thus, although these spirits are not intentionally dangerous, they are potentially dangerous.

The knowledge of the doctrine teaches the ways to obtain supremacy over those entities, even with measures that aim to bring the spirit to a new system, teaching him the moral laws with their sublime justice, not through words, but through examples, as Christ did so.

The mocking spirits only represent danger for those who even in the inner, sometimes without realizing, bring an energy that favors the action of these entities. Therefore, those who walk with a clean conscience and a tranquil heart are immune to the attacks, seeking to contribute for the evolution of the brother, who is also a sufferer.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.