What is Solarized Water? Benefits, energizing, the colors and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of solarized water

Solarized water helps to balance the chakras as well as relieving anxiety symptoms. With the help of sunlight it can be made renewing and purifying. If you also want to rid your mind of disturbing thoughts, it is a great ally when it comes to building courage.

From the moment one ingests this water it is possible to allow the sun's rays to be extremely renewing for the body and the organism. Sunlight has enormous power and can collaborate in the revitalization of life. Solarized water allows the energies distributed along the spine to be harnessed through the main chakra centers.

When talking about colors it is possible to work with them before the Chromotherapy. This process consists in giving harmony and balance to the body, besides helping a lot the mind and emotions. To understand the process and the consumption of solarized water, read the article!

Solarized water, what it is used for and consumption

The purpose of solarized water is to keep the state of mind light and invigorated. Better than that, it gives the human body the possibility to be renewed through solar energies. Ingesting it is a way to combat discouragement and other negative thoughts.

The recommended is to drink the water for a period of 15 to 30 days, to really make effect and understand the benefits that it will bring. Moreover, it is necessary to start with the green color because it will serve to balance the body. Soon after the period that has been followed correctly, it is already possible to choose another color according to what you want. Continue reading the article to learn more!

What is Solarized Water

Being able to serve as an energizer, solarized water and the sun's rays collaborate to revitalize the body. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the indicated is to ingest one color at a time. With the need to maintain the therapeutic process, it is necessary to focus on a certain point at a time. Therefore, the recommended is to solve the problem that is most affecting at the moment.

Soon after the first consumption, other issues can be worked on separately and with the necessary performance. To have more information, look for a professional therapist is indicated.

What is solarized water used for

The benefit of solarized water consists of the sun rays and the conduction of the emanating of revitalizing energy. The chakras help to balance everything that is disordered within someone and the process can be very well used. Through Chromotherapy it is also possible to unite all the benefits in the first absorption. There are no contraindications.

To serve and be efficient it is necessary to follow some recommendations. Taking a glass of the solarized water in the morning and another one in the afternoon or evening will be of a good result.

The consumption of solar water

To ingest the solarized water you need to pay attention to a few things. The consumption should be done with one color at a time, because it is recommended to focus on one problem depending on the need. Therefore, the indicated is to start with what is being more complicated and worrying.

The period for consumption can be from 15 to 30 days, depending on the accuracy and personal choices. Therefore, the therapy should be done with much focus and attention to internalize the necessary benefits. From this the other processes can be easier with well-defined and elaborated goals.

The meaning of colors

As everything in life depends on a purpose or meaning, colors are important for solarized water. They all pass waves that serve as an influence for vibrations, feelings and energies. As well as it can be used to balance a specific area of human life.

To avoid certain feelings and energies that do not serve as a benefit, you can attract what you want from each color. Using the example of colors by categories, the cold ones can serve to keep the rational side aware.

When talking about warm colors, they can stimulate the affections and emotional side. Continue reading the article to understand what each color means for this process!


The symbolism behind solarized water yellow means that this particular color serves as a wake-up call. If you are down and need something to lift your mood, this color will benefit to ward off negative thoughts. Creativity is also sparked and is great for professional and student life.

The dynamism of this color also helps in the capacity of logical reasoning and in the removal of outdated beliefs that only serve to delay life.


Red in solarized water also has the same meaning as yellow. It serves to externalize and send away all negative thoughts. But, the power of red is stronger because it can ease many other problems. Thus, tiredness and discouragement can disappear more easily.

Being linked also to the sector of conquests, it can be very well used for passions and sexuality.


The color orange for solarized water serves as courage to face challenges, as well as giving self-esteem and self-confidence. It may have some similarity with red, but should be used sparingly. It has great power in relation to appetite.

Yellow is about the sun, joy and strength, red is about love and passion. When you put the two together, you get orange, which is a color that will result in rest, peace and happiness.


The effect of solarized water in green color results in tranquility and invigoration. Acting on body and soul, it is indicated to get the best results. Using this color to paint the house can change the environment and transform it into a place free of negative feelings.

Green is directly in nature and brings a sense of peace, besides giving a lot of health. Therefore, it has the power to restore those cells that are weakened and give a lot of energy.


For solarized water, the blue color is oriented to knowledge. Therefore, it is very effective when it comes to work and study. By stimulating the brain to develop certain activities, it gives the power of concentration and tranquility to make the best possible decision.

When talking about the soul, it is possible to emphasize that this color of solarized water can bring a lot of patience and serenity. It is a great ally in fighting insomnia and stress. Moreover, it is directly linked to order and faith. It brings that pleasant feeling of cleanliness and harmony also enters into this process.


The indigo in solarized water is related to balance, protection and intuition, besides being a strong agent in purifying environments. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that this color besides being a combination between dark blue and red, invigorates the bloodstream.

The water that has been made in this color to ingest can also be used to clean certain places and objects, thus serving in a hygienic way.


Faith, transmutation and sobriety are some of the principles that are turned to water solarized in the color violet. Being able to elevate consciousness, it also speaks about creativity and inspiration. Fighting hatred, fear and anguish, the person who ingests this water will be more tranquil and calm.

If you have a tired nervous system, the water in this color is aimed at the spiritual and religious world. If the problem is a lack of balance, it will put you on the right path of life, besides giving the feeling of peace and inner silence. Therefore, mediumship also comes into question because it is directly linked to personal intuition. It has the necessary effect on people who are extremelynerves.


The pink color of solarized water makes the individual transmit much affection, love and desire. Also giving the necessary power to the professional life, it is great for family relationships. Making the necessary reformulation, restores the mind and evidences youth.

Soothing those in need, it prepares the human body to receive other colors. The mixture that results in this color comes from the junction of red and white. Red is about passion and love, while white is the color that transforms into the cosmic. It gives the possibility to treat melancholy and deep sadness.

How to prepare solarized water

First of all, it is necessary to follow the steps correctly to prepare solarized water. So, the first thing to do is to choose the color. With that, it is worth mentioning that the bottles that will be used cannot be made of plastic. This material cannot offer the necessary benefit to the water because it is toxic and can cause damage.

If you reuse a beer, wine, etc. bottle, wash it with hot water and soap to remove all traces of the liquid and detergent. Now, learn how to color, expose and energize water.

Coloring water

The process to do the coloring is simple. Always use mineral water in a transparent glass bottle and put a colored paper around it. It can be cellophane and the color you prefer. Another option is to buy a bottle that is colored, doing the same process.

The object can be found in any department or decoration store. In addition, it is important to pay attention and not to use water that is frozen or boiled. In order not to lose the effect, the water should be at room temperature.

Expose to sunlight

The next step in the process consists of capping the bottle and exposing it to the sun. When the sun's rays are strong the minimum necessary period is one hour. With weak sun it should be exposed for half the day. If the day is rainy, it can be exposed for a whole period.

The water can be prepared from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. If it is in winter even better. If it is in summer, it is in the afternoon sun and just after 3 p.m. You can also put some ice in the water and as soon as it melts, be ingested.


The solar rays filter the water through the glass and the benefits are acquired according to the color that has been chosen. Conducting good energies it has the high capacity to attract to itself, any property needed. It can also be called an energy accumulator.

When it becomes neutral because of some alteration, it loses its effect completely. Therefore, it should be at room temperature and not overcold or boiling.

Shelf life of solarized water

When solarized water is fully prepared it has a shelf life and this involves the color it was produced. To ingest it the ideal is to take between one and two glasses a day. It benefits the individual in the most diverse possibilities and is a great ally of purification and renewal.

In addition to revitalizing, it goes through all parts of the body and the human organism. Now, learn about its shelf life according to the colors!

Warm colours (red, orange and yellow)

The shelf life of a water solarized in warm colors is two days. But, it is important to pay attention and understand that it can only be consumed this way if it is at room temperature. If it stays in the fridge, it should be ingested within a week.

By combining red and yellow, it is possible to eliminate all negative energies from yourself. Orange, in its specifics, speaks of not being afraid to face whatever comes your way during your life journey. Furthermore, it is necessary to emphasize that red has the greatest power among the warm colors.

Cool colors (blue, indigo and violet)

When it comes to blue, indigo and violet, which are cold colors, solarized water should stay in the refrigerator for up to a week when it is consumed. If it is at room temperature, its shelf life is between three to four days. When these colors are combined, it is possible to have benefits in many different ways.

The fact that indigo is a color that only results from the combination of dark blue and red, gives a good intuition, in addition to protecting and giving the necessary balance. Violet in turn speaks about imagination and consciousness. Moreover, it is possible to raise them to a high quality level.

Tranquility is acquired from water solarized in blue. This color also gives the benefits needed to work and study.

Green and pink

Separately, solarized water that is either green or pink in color can stay for up to a week either in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Thus, pink water can be ingested to bring great powers at work and enhance the power of family relationships.

It emanates that which is necessary to make the reformulation that the individual needs. The color green gives much vigor, tranquility and good results. It acts directly and internally on the soul and produces a beneficial effect.

Chromotherapy, benefits and what it is for

Serving as a complementary treatment, chromotherapy makes the intermediary between the waves that are used may be with the red, orange, green, blue or yellow color. Thus, they act directly on the human body to improve also the balance of the mind. Each color has a different effect.

During the therapy it is possible to make the application of some instruments. Whether they are in colored lamps, clothes and even food. There are many benefits of chromotherapy. They cause well-being and alleviate diseases such as depression and high blood pressure. Health centers and hospitals offer this treatment with a medical authorization. Below, learn more about its benefits!

What is chromotherapy

Acting on some organ of the body or a chakra, the colors can result in different benefits. The purpose of color therapy is to restore everything that is not in harmony and needs balance to develop. Disease, malaise, indisposition and other points can be resolved through it.

If you need positive energies in your life, the work should be done with the colors necessary for meditation. Thus, the light will enter the body, the environment or clothes and food. Each color should be assigned to a specific need. Therefore, it can act according to the physical or emotional.

The benefits of chromotherapy

With the purpose of serving as a calming or healing agent, chromotherapy has in itself the necessary vibrations to cause the effect according to the colors of the rainbow. Thus, red, yellow, blue, lilac, green, indigo and orange can assist.

Besides the human body, the vision can also benefit according to the color that was chosen to be internalized. The body has the ability to understand and accept the effects of color therapy. The recommended is that each specification is treated separately and with the color needed for treatment. From this definition the effects may begin to appear naturally.

What is it used for

With the purpose of serving as a treatment for diseases, chromotherapy has been done since 2800 years before Christ. The Chinese, Indians, Greeks and Egyptians used it as a benefit. Moreover, all of them also use some precious stones and flowers to treat the sick.

Today, many places in the world bet on chromotherapy to apply in premature babies with the help of ultraviolet light. The WHO (World Health Organization) recognizes the chromotherapy since 1976, characterizing it as a complementary therapy and necessary for the treatment of many diseases.

Are there any contraindications in the consumption of solar water?

No. Solarized water does not give any side effects, so it really serves to work and assist the internal healing process. Its effect becomes more and more potentiated from the exposure to the sun. With this, it collaborates to unite the necessary benefits for each specific color.

By taking the solarized water the human body moves away everything that does not contribute to its development. With the purpose of bringing vigor and energy to the individual, the mind and body can rely on its natural features. Therefore, both solarized water and chromotherapy can bring many benefits to human life. The only indication is to look for a professional if thesituation is complex.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.