32 verses to build up the family: know the Bible passages!

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Jennifer Sherman

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Do you know any verses to build up your family?

The bible, the greatest christian book, is full of teachings, including those concerning families. So, reading the bible is also instructing your family to be united, protected and strengthened. After all, god created it to be the foundation of our values and of ourselves.

In other words, the family is the oldest human institution and it accompanies us throughout our lives. Therefore, it is necessary to fill it with love and values that are found in God and in the Bible. Therefore, in the Bible there are several verses to build up the family.

Thus, the reading of these verses will cause the entire family to mature in faith. As well as the construction of values to strengthen all family members. Thus, know in our article 32 verses to build the family in God. In order to make a safe harbor full of love and to help us in times of happiness and difficulties.

Verse Ecclesiastes 4:12

The book of Ecclesiastes is the third book of the Old Testament of the Bible. Thus, this book is characterized by talking about the meaning of life and the vulnerabilities of human beings. Therefore, know the verse Ecclesiastes 4:12 that helps to build your family.

Indications and meaning

The verse Ecclesiastes 4:12 concerns the unity and strength a couple has to overcome life's difficulties. However, at the end of the verse, it talks about a triple rope that will never break. In this way, the triple rope shows that one more person has been added to the couple.

But this reference is not to a new life, such as a child that may be born. The threefold cord is made up of the couple plus God. In other words, the couple needs to cultivate the presence of God in their relationship so that he is a model and a reference, as well as intervening and being part of the marriage.


"One man alone can be defeated, but two can resist together because they add their strength, the triple rope will never break easily."

Verse Mark 10:9

The second book of the New Testament is the Gospel of St. Mark. St. Mark was one of St. Peter's disciples and in his book he tells the story and ministry of Jesus Christ. Thus, his book has many teachings of Jesus. See more about the verse Mark 10:9.

Indications and meaning

The verse Mark 10:9 is short and objective. However, even though it is succinct, it carries a great lesson and meaning. After all, this verse shows that when a marriage takes place, God blesses and unites the couple for the rest of their lives.

In other words, God condemns divorce, even if a person divorces and remarries.

Therefore, the teaching of this verse is that one must be sure before getting married and base the relationship on God. For it to flourish and not end up in a divorce.


The passage in Mark 10:9 says it shows whether there is acceptance into the kingdom of heaven among the divorced:

"What God has joined together, no man can separate"

Verse Ecclesiastes 9:9

The third book of the Old Testament, Ecclesiastes, shows questions and answers about the meaning of life and its purpose. Among these questions are those that talk about love relationships. Therefore, discover information about the verse Ecclesiastes 9:9.

Indications and meaning

The meaning of Ecclesiastes 9:9 is that we all go through bad or good times in our lives. This is because, even though the works of men are not preserved, God's are eternal. In other words, everything in our lives is temporary.

However, God provides us contentment and a reward for the hardness of our lives. And that reward is the love of the beloved woman who will strengthen you and support you at all times. So, enjoy the gifts of God that are life and your love, they are what make it all worthwhile.


In the passage from Ecclesiastes 9:9 there is a great message about life's difficulties, but also about how to overcome them. And the answer will always be God's love and a woman who will strengthen you. Check out the passage in its entirety:

"Enjoy your life with your beloved wife and in all the days that God grants you under the sun-all your meaningless days! For that is your reward in life for your hard work under the sun."

Verse Deuteronomy 6:6,7

The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth and last book of the Old Testament. As such, this book is about Moses and his exodus from Egypt to the promised land. Therefore, to obtain blessings, it is necessary to have obedience and love for God as well as for your peers. Discover the verse Deuteronomy 6:6,7.

Indications and meaning

The indication and meaning of the verse Deuteronomy 6:6,7 shows the relationship between parents and children and the word of God. That is, all generations are to fear and obey God. However, the responsibility of teaching and passing the divine teachings to the children is the parents' own.

Therefore, parents should build their family based on what God says, but more than that, they are responsible for transmitting God's love and learning to their children. For they will not learn on their own if the seed of divine love is not planted by their family members.


The passage responsible for showing the responsibility of parents in transmitting divine teachings to their children is Deuteronomy 6:6,7. Know these verses:

"And the words which I command thee shall be in thy heart always; and thou shalt teach them unto thy children, and shalt speak of them in thy house, walking thy way, and when thou liest down, or when thou risest up."

Verse Genesis 2:24

The Bible begins with the book of Genesis, which is the first book of the Old Testament. Thus, the book of Genesis is responsible for telling about the origins of the world and humanity.

However, that is not why this book does not have verses to edify the family, so find out the verse Genesis 2:24.

Indications and meaning

Adam, in saying the words of the verse Genesis 2:24, shows the importance and unity that comes from marriage. That is, God instructed him to say that there is nothing that comes close to marriage. After all, it is marriage that turns two people into just one.

Thus, the connections between man and woman are more intimate than between parent and child. However, neither will ever replace the other, for both connections will form the family of the individual. But with marriage, the couple becomes one flesh by forming one body.


The passage that represents the verse Genesis 2:24 shows that marriage is the formation of a new family. That is, no family replaces the other, but it is only for this reason that a man can leave his father and mother. So, check out this passage in full:

"And for this reason every man shall leave his father and mother and then shall be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh."

Verse Exodus 20:12

Through studies, it is known that the word "exodus" means departure or exit. Thus, the book of Exodus, in the Bible, is the second book of the Old Testament, and is characterized by the liberation of the Israelite people, who left Egypt and got rid of their slavery.

However, this book also has verse to build up the family. Find out more about the verse Exodus 20:12.

Indications and meaning

In chapter 20 of the book of Exodus, the Ten Commandments that God gave to the people of Israel are presented. Thus, the verse Exodus 20:12 shows the fifth commandment which is about family and parents. That is, the indications of this verse is to honor your parents to meet any need.

Therefore, God's conditions for Israel were that they should follow his commandments. And the Israelite people promised to keep them, so that the family and the love and respect for it should be in effect. Thus, a family blessed by God needs its children to honor father and mother to have a long and prosperous life.


The verse Exodus 20:12 presents how children should act towards their parents to obtain a full and blessed life. In this way, the passage is characterized by:

"Honor your father and mother, that you may have long life in the land which the Lord your God gives you."

Verse Joshua 24:14

Part of the Old Testament, the book of Joshua shows how the Israelites conquered the land of Canaan. Thus, this book presents how the Israelites succeeded by their obedience to God and failed by disobedience.

So, know the verse Joshua 24:14 and how this verse will edify your family through its meaning and directions.

Indications and meaning

In asking his people to fear the Lord, Joshua is not asking them to fear God. But to worship, respect, honor, and be loyal to the Lord and with faithfulness. In other words, fear and faithfulness are for God alone and not for others.

In this way, we are instructed to forsake and not idolize persons, objects, or beings other than God. That is, in worshiping the ancient gods, the Israelite people were not faithful and fearful of God. In the same way we need to fear and be faithful to God alone to be able to build up and unite our family.


The passage in the verse Joshua 24:14 is characterized by him, before his death, inspiring the people to follow God's teachings. In this way, they both choose to serve and love the Lord. Therefore, the passage in its entirety is:

"Now fear the Lord and serve him with integrity and faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshipped beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt and serve the Lord."

Verse Psalm 103:17,18

The psalms are hymns and songs of worship and cry to the Lord. Thus, they have several messages and teachings from several authors and from several times in the Old Testament. Thus, one of the teachings of its verses is about how to build up the family.

Thus, see more about the verse Psalms 103:17,18 and find out what it can show to strengthen your family.

Indications and meaning

The verse Psalms 103:17,18 presents that the goodness of Jesus is eternal. After all, one should transmit the teachings of the Lord, as well as the love and fear of Him, from generation to generation.

In this way, God will always be merciful to us, but for that our children need to learn about. And this learning is passed on from father to son. That is, who learns and who transmits the messages of Jesus Christ will always be blessed.

However, it is not only passing on the teachings but also professing and fulfilling them. Therefore, to build up a family with God's love, there needs to be learning. But also reproducing and passing them on.


The passage, in full, which shows the verse Psalms 103:17,18 shows that God is always merciful, loving and kind. Especially to those who follow and fear him. In this way, the passage is:

"But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness upon the children's children; upon them that keep his covenant, and upon them that remember his commandments to do them."

Verse Proverbs 11:29

The book of Proverbs, or Book of Solomon, belongs to the old testament. Therefore, in this book you will find several questions about values, morals, conduct and meaning of life. For this reason, its verses edify the family. Know the verse of Proverbs 11:29.

Indications and meaning

Love and respect for family and for God are the basis of a prosperous and happy life. Thus, there are family relationships that are based on foolishness, immaturity, aggressiveness and disrespect. That is, these relationships do not have God in them.

Therefore, if a family does not put God as always and guide of their lives, they condemn themselves to failure. That is, when a family does not build a foundation that is based on the teachings of Jesus, they do harm to their family. As well as to themselves. So as to build nothing and also reap nothing.


A verse to build up the family is the verse from Proverbs 11:29. After all, it shows the importance of loving, honoring, and respecting your family. For if you do not honor your family, you will not be able to reap any positive fruit in your life. Thus, the passage is:

"He who is able to cause trouble to his own family will inherit only the wind; the foolish will always be servant to the wise."

Verse Proverbs 15:27

Even though the Israelites wrote the Book of Proverbs in ancient times, its messages are still valid today. That is, each verse has real wisdom from experience and faithfulness to God.

Therefore, knowing these verses brings your family closer to God and will build them up. Thus, learn about the verse Proverbs 15:27 and its application.

Indications and meaning

In the world in which we live, many values are inverted. That is, more importance is given to money, riches and worldly values than to family and God. Thus, those who are excessively attached to money place it as a god and as the most important thing in their lives.

Therefore, the desire for wealth compromises the wisdom and holiness of God's children. That is, to build up the family and God in it, besides prospering, it is necessary to resist worldly temptations.


The passage that characterizes the verse in Proverbs 15:27 shows how negative actions of family members harm the family, especially one who puts futile values such as possessions and money ahead of love for God and family. Therefore, the verse Proverbs 15:27 is, in its entirety:

"The miser is capable of putting his own family in trouble, but he who repudiates the practice of bribery, he shall live."

Verse Ephesians 4:32

The Book of Ephesians is part of the New Testament and is characterized by letters from the apostle Paul to the citizens. Those who are from the city of Ephesians and needed inspiration to understand and follow the word of God.

Therefore, knowing the verse Ephesians 4:32 is important for building up the family. So, find out about this verse with this reading.

Indications and meaning

It is common in our lives to suffer injustices or to be hurt by someone's wrongdoing. Therefore, when a situation that hurts us occurs, our reactions can be diverse. That is, we can react in a vengeful, aggressive way or even with a lot of hurt and sadness.

So, the hurt gets worse when the one who hurt us is part of our family. However, we need to follow the example of Jesus and forgive one another. That is, we should be cautious and wise about how to act with our abusers. But we should never take revenge or wish harm on that person.


Even if we cultivate negative or even aggressive feelings towards someone, we need to profess forgiveness. After all, God loves and forgives all His children, so it is not up to us to judge or have a contrary attitude. Especially if the situation is concerning our family. Therefore, the verse Ephesians 4:32 is:

"Always be kind and compassionate to one another, forgive one another, just as God was able to forgive you in Christ"

Verse Ephesians 6:1-3

The Book of Ephesians has many teachings that are based on God's love for us. Thus, this epistle has many teachings about the family and how to build it up. Learn more about this subject in Ephesians 6:1-3.

Indications and meaning

The verse Ephesians 4:32 presents the fifth commandment, which is to honor father and mother. Thus, the apostle Paul presents this commandment to the faithful in an educational and emphatic way. In this way, this verse shows how children should act towards their parents. But also that respect should be mutual.

In other words, the parents are priests of the home who cannot extrapolate their authority. In the same way, the children in the role of apprentices need to respect the spiritual hierarchy. After all, it is the children's obligation the duty of obedience and morality.


Although it is short, the passage in Ephesians 6:1-3 is very strong for building up the family. After all, it is a teaching for the children. Thus, it consists of:

"Children, see to it that you obey your parents, for this is what is right. Honor your father and honor your hand. This is God's first commandment. So that all may go well with you and you may have a long life on this earth."

Verse Ephesians 6:4

Paul wrote the epistle of Ephesians to guide the people of this city. So that they had left aside the doctrines and teachings of Jesus. And without this, humanity is lost, especially the institution of the family. Therefore, know about the verse to build up the family Ephesians 6:4.

Indications and meaning

The meaning of the verse Ephesians 6:4 shows that leadership within a home is the responsibility of the parents. Therefore, children are to obey and respect their parents, just as they are to obey and follow God's commandments.

Therefore, for this, parents should not provoke the anger of their children. But this does not mean that they should not impose limits on their children. Rather, authority should not be violent or unbalanced. For this is what will generate conflict among the family and move it away from the teachings of Jesus Christ.


The passage from Ephesians 6:4 shows a verse to build up the family. And this especially concerning the raising of children. Therefore, parents should heed these words to build a blessed and united family:

"And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."

Verse 1 Corinthians 7:3

In the book 1 Corinthians, the church in that city was divided over immoralities, false idols, and wrong teachings. Among them, they were mistaken about the teachings of Jesus and how to follow them.

In this way, we also need to observe and follow the commandments and law of Christ to build our family. Just as the verse 1 Corinthians 7:3 presents. So, find out about this verse with the following reading.

Indications and meaning

Throughout the book 1 Corinthians, Paul shows the importance of unity among believers, as well as the existence of sexual immorality. In this way, the verse 1 Corinthians 7:3 shows that those who stray from the path of Christ fall into temptations. And these temptations should not occur within any family.

After all, one's body is a sacred temple of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, marriage is the union before God that no one can separate. Therefore, a couple who commune with the divine way cannot subjugate themselves to what is of the enemy, such as infidelity.


The passage in verse 1 Corinthians presents information about marital unfaithfulness. That is, it shows the pursuit of immoralities in a way that totally contradicts the teachings of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the passage, in its entirety, is:

"The husband must always fulfill his marital duties before his wife, and in that same way the wife must fulfill her duties to her husband."

Verse 1 Peter 4:8

The apostle Peter has two epistles in the Holy Book of the Bible, so both belong to the New Testament, but they have their own characteristics.

Thus, the first letter shows that only with faith can the disciples endure suffering. Therefore, see more about the verse 1 Peter 4:8 and how this verse helps to build up the family.

Indications and meaning

Through Peter's letters, specifically through the verse 1 Peter 4:8, we see that we are all susceptible to persecutions. Including the apostles and the saints. Therefore, to overcome all difficulties we must follow the example of Jesus Christ. Mainly about love.

In other words, we must be humble and profess the Lord's teachings of love. So what we need most is to cultivate love among equals, especially among our family. For this is the only way we can take care of each other and overcome problems and not succumb to sins.


Verse 1 Peter 4:8 preaches that we should cultivate love for our fellow man. After all, it is love more than anything else that can save us from sin. First, we must love God and then all our fellow man, including ourselves. Thus, this passage is characterized by being:

"Above all things cultivate love for one another, for love is able to cover a multitude of sins."

Verse 1 Corinthians 10:13

In the Book of Corinthians, Paul emphasizes the importance of following the teachings of Jesus Christ and this to earn salvation. Thus, an important attitude is to possess unity and respect within the family so that it will be blessed. Learn more about how to build up the family with the verse 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Indications and meaning

The indications that the verse 1 Corinthians 10:13 presents is that we always believe to be steadfast in our purpose. However, the enemy is always lurking with his temptations to lead us astray from God's ways. Therefore, we always need to strengthen ourselves in Christ and in his teachings.

So when we seem to be lost or in trouble, the enemy tempts us with promises, but only God and the strength of our family will get us through the difficulties. Therefore, we need to resist temptations in order to build up our family.


To build up your family, know the verse 1 Corinthians 10:13:

"The temptations besetting you have had the measure of men. God is always faithful, he will not allow you to be tempted above your strength. But through temptation he will offer you the means to escape from it and the necessary strength to endure it."

Verse Hebrews 13:4

Paul wrote letters to the Hebrews which became one of the books of the New Testament Bible. In this way, the apostle wrote them to exalt Jesus Christ and encourage people's faithfulness to him.

Thus, God's faithfulness must appear in families. So you need to know the verse Hebrews 13:4 to build up your family.

Indications and meaning

Jesus Christ died on the Cross for us and for our sins. In other words, he shed his blood so that we could obtain salvation and atonement for our sins. Therefore, it is by the faith and teachings of Jesus that we remain saved and pure.

However, many times we can stray from the ways of Jesus. So that in a relationship, someone can commit the sin of adultery.

And that is absolutely against everything Jesus preached, for a marriage is made with the blessings and union of the couple into one body. Therefore, to build up the family, marriage must be honored as well as respected.


The verse passage Hebrews 13:4 exposes that virtues must appear in a marriage. After all, if there is unfaithfulness, God will judge all unfaithful people, for this is not a teaching of God. In its entirety, the passage is:

: "Marriage should be honored by all; the marriage bed, kept pure; for God will judge the immoral and the adulterous."

Verse Proverbs 3:5-6

A proverb is known to be a popular saying that is characterized by being simple, concrete, but also metaphorical. However, a proverb is based on people's experiences and common sense. The Book of Proverbs in the Bible refers to the experiences of Solomon and the Israelites.

Thus, this book has many short but important teachings for those who read it. Discover the verse Proverbs 3:5-6.

Indications and meaning

The verse in Proverbs 3:5-6 is extremely important for your life and for your family. That is, in this verse we have the certainty that we must trust in God. As well as in his love for us and in what he has prepared for our lives. That is, it is through the teachings of Jesus that we acquire wisdom.

Thus, it is divine wisdom that leads us through the arduous paths of life. So that in whatever situation we find ourselves, good or bad, we must put God first. And it is with confidence in God and the wisdom that he provides that we will build our family.


Trusting God and his words is the way to salvation and wisdom. Therefore, that is what we should follow in all our life and with our family. In this way, the verse passage Proverbs 3:5-6 shows that:

"Trust always in the Lord with all your heart, and never trust in your own intelligence, for in all your ways you must acknowledge God, and he will make the paths straight."

Verse Joshua 1:9

The book of Joshua presents 24 chapters that show the teachings that provide strength and courage to face adversity. Therefore, the verse Joshua 1:9 is essential to inspire believers and build up the family. Learn more about this verse with this reading.

Indications and meaning

In leading Joshua into the promised land, God made sure that he would guide and be with the man on his journey. So God commanded Joshua to follow his teachings, as well as to be strong and courageous. In this way, that is how we should also proceed, that is, to trust in God and follow him.

Thus, we will find strength and courage to face all the difficulties of life. It is through these feelings toward the Lord that we are able to build up our family. For we need courage and strength to live in harmony. And with the confidence that God will help us to build the best.


The Joshua verse shows that trust and fear for God is what we must possess. After all, no matter what happens, God will be with us. Therefore, the passage is:

"Always be steadfast and courageous, do not be afraid or terrified, for God will be with you wherever you go."

Verse Romans 8:28

Apostle Paul is responsible for writing the letters to the Romans. That is, the sixth book of the New Testament of the bible aims to exalt the glories that Jesus Christ provides. Thus, the verse Romans 8:28 helps to build up the family. And you will find out all about this verse.

Indications and meaning

One of the most famous verses in the Bible, Romans 8:28 says that we can only live through pain and suffering with Jesus. In other words, in this verse, Paul shows us that Christ wants us to be like him, so that he can live in us and help us.

So when we accept Christ and his teachings into our lives, we are able to build up our family. After all, God is shaping us for wholeness and all that he has promised he will fulfill. So love God and trust in him, that way you will be on the right path to achieve our purposes.


Know the passage from the verse Romans 8:28 that presents the goodness of God with his faithful ones:

"Of one thing we know, God cooperates in all things to do good to those who truly love him, to those called according to his purposes."

Verse Jeremiah, 29:11

The prophet Jeremiah put in his book his prophecies, warnings and teachings. Thus, the people who do not listen and follow God, will not be protected by Him. Therefore, to build your family always trust and follow the Lord. So, know the verse Jeremiah 29:11 and how it helps your family.

Indications and meaning

When we face difficulties and adversities, the verse Jeremiah 29:11 guides us to victory. After all, this verse shows that Jesus will always be our refuge. However, for this we must trust in God and not worship false prophets and idols. For only the Lord will relieve our suffering.

However, God's time is different from ours. In this way, things do not happen when we want and hope, but when God wants and allows. Therefore, it is with this certainty and by waiting on God that we will know how to build our family.


The passage that represents the trust we should have in Jesus is Jeremiah 29:11. Therefore, this verse edifies the family because it says:

"I know one by one the designs which I have formed concerning you, this is the oracle of the Lord, they are designs of peace and not of misfortune, that I may give you a future and also a hope."

Verse 1 Kings 8:61

The deuteronomic stories of the bible encompass 1 Kings and 2 Kings. Thus, this book shows that God judges the deceased kings according to their faithfulness. So, disobedience and idolatry to false prophets and gods is condemned. Therefore, discover the verse 1 Kings 8:61 and how it will edify your family.

Indications and meaning

To attain eternal salvation, we need to obey and live according to God's commandments. In other words, we need to be sincere with the Lord's purposes and follow them in a serious and faithful way. Then we will be able to build up our family through loyalty and dedication.

Therefore, every day take a moment to pray, and at all times act according to the commandments of Jesus Christ. For it is only in this way that we will achieve the best for ourselves and for those around us. And we should also involve our family with these teachings.


The love and fear of God guides us to wholeness. Therefore, the verse 1 Kings 8:61 is:

"May you always have your hearts upright toward God, so that you may live his decrees and obey his commandments, as it is this day"

Verse Proverbs 19:11

The Book of Proverbs covers all areas and aspects of human life. In this way, people's conduct and values are guided by a relationship between them and God. And, above all, its reading will show verses that build up the family. Therefore, see more about the verse Proverbs 19:11.

Indications and meaning

The verse Proverbs 19:11 presents the values of wisdom and patience. After all, to build and strengthen a family in the love and teachings of Jesus one needs to use these values. In this way, by following in the footsteps of Jesus, one acquires knowledge and wisdom.

Thus, through wisdom, man will acquire patience. And it is with patience that you will not take revenge when you suffer something, such as a wrong or an affront. After all, to give up the feeling of revenge is the same as to oppose the wickedness of men who do not follow God.


The passage that represents the verse Proverbs 19:11 and serves to edify the family speaks about the virtues of wisdom and patience. Therefore, read this verse in its entirety:

"Man's wisdom should give him patience, for his glory is to ignore the offenses directed at him."

Verse 1 Peter 1:15,16

Peter was one of the first apostles whom Jesus chose to be at His side. Thus, this apostle is the author of two epistles in the New Testament, 1 Peter and 2 Peter.

Each has its own peculiarities, the first being a letter from Peter full of perseverance to the faithful. So, learn about the verse 1 Peter 1:15,16 and how it works to edify your family.

Indications and meaning

The verse 1 Peter 1:15,16 presents that we must follow in Peter's footsteps. In other words, we must persist in the hope and teachings of Jesus Christ, no matter how hard the path may be.

In this way, by obediently living these teachings, we will live like the Lord, being a proper reflection of Him. And by living like Jesus Christ, we will be able to build a solid family that is based on love, unity, hope and faithfulness. We just need to nurture and profess our faith daily.


The hope that Peter preached was essential for the believers of that time, just as it is for those of today. In this way, we should always seek the presence and mirror in the teachings of Christ. Even if we are going through problems and battles, whether in our life, with ourselves or in our family. Therefore, the passage of verse 1 Peter 1:15,16 is:

"As he who called you is holy, so be holy also you in all that you do."

Verse Acts 16:31

The Acts of the Apostles, or just Acts, is the fifth historical book of the Bible. Part of the New Testament, this book presents all the actions of the Holy Spirit in society. In other words, it shows how Jesus led his church with the Holy Spirit.

In this way, the verse Acts 16:13 edifies the family by showing the importance of spreading Jesus Christ and his teachings. See more about this verse.

Indications and meaning

The verse Acts 16:31 is simple, objective and clear. That is, it preaches that by believing in Jesus, you will attain your salvation. However, even though salvation is individual, when a person accepts salvation, he influences those around him to accept it as well.

In this way, a man should follow his family, especially when they preach the teachings of Jesus, and vice versa. Thus, Jesus offers salvation in an individual but also a family way, so that all may ensure unity in peace and joy, and redeem themselves before the divine mercy.


In this verse, Paul makes his missions to strengthen and spread the teachings of Jesus Christ. In this way, he shows that only through faith we will be saved and reach our goals. Therefore, this passage is:

"And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, thou and thy house."

Verse 1 Corinthians 1:10

The book of Corinthians is divided into two parts, 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians. In this way, both are letters that the apostle Paul wrote to guide and answer questions about the believers in the church of Corinth.

Therefore, see more about the verse 1 Corinthians 1:10 to learn the meaning of this verse. And in this way build up your family.

Indications and meaning

The verse 1 Corinthians 1:10 shows problems of sharing and division that happened among the church. That is, the believers were worshiping different preachers and declaring allegiance to them, so that splits were occurring among the church members for not following the one true Jesus Christ.

So, who announced these problems to the apostle Paul was Cloe's family, who kept united within the ideals and teachings of Christ. Therefore, just like Cloe's family, our family needs to stay united and follow God, and this to achieve salvation and edification.


In the passage from 1 Corinthians 1:10, the apostle Paul warns Christians about unity among the members. After all, there was no unity among the believers in the church. Just as unity among family members is necessary for building up the church, so check out this verse in its entirety:

"But I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all say the same thing, and that there be no dissensions among you; but be ye united, in one mind and in one mind."

Verse Proverbs 6:20

The verses that belong to the Book of Proverbs in the Bible are brief. However, they are statements that contain great teachings and wisdom. Thus, all the verses show how we should live based on divine principles. Learn about Proverb 6:20 and its application in family life.

Indications and meaning

Proverbs are teachings that are compiled in a book. So, as well as another verse to build up the family, the verse Proverbs 6:20 serves as a form of help. That is, it presents how to become wise and walk one's own path.

In other words, by acquiring wisdom, one will gain the knowledge and meaning of life. Thus, it is through wisdom that one enters into communion with God and His teachings. Therefore, this verse shows that children need to respect, follow and honor the rules and teachings of their parents. And this to attain wisdom and fullness in the ways of God.


The verse Proverbs 6:20 talks about the importance of family, communication, transmission of teachings, and obedience. Thus, parents should guide their children, but children should obey and not abandon what they have been taught. Thus, the passage from the verse Proverbs 6:20 is:

"My son, keep your father's command and do not abandon your mother's teachings."

Verse 1 John 4:20

The verse 1 John 4:20 is part of the book of the Gospel according to John. This book is the last of the four canonical gospels that belong to the New Testament. Therefore, all these verses expose how those who live according to the teachings of Jesus attain many blessings.

In other words, to edify your family, find out about the verse 1 John 4:20. In addition to knowing what it will teach you and your loved ones.

Indications and meaning

It was the apostle John himself who wrote his gospel. In this way, John shows us the divinity of Jesus Christ, as well as that He alone provides the salvation of beings. Therefore, verse 1 John 4:20 shows that no one can truly love God if he does not love his neighbor.

After all, all human beings are portraits and creations of God. That is, it is impossible to love God if you do not love and respect your brothers. After all, if we cannot love the one we know exists and see, it is not possible to love the one we do not see. Which in this case is God.


The passage representing verse 1 John 4:20 shows that it is impossible to love God without loving your family members. Thus, this passage in its entirety is:

"If anyone says, I love God and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?"

Verse Psalm 133:1

The word psalm means praise. In other words, the Book of Psalms is the largest book in the Bible and is part of the Old Testament, just like all the other poetic and wisdom books. Therefore, the psalms are songs of worship, prayer and hymns full of teachings.

So, among these teachings are verses to build up the family. And among them is Psalm 133:1. So, find out all about this Psalm with this reading.

Indications and meaning

Every verse has an indication and a meaning, such as Psalm 133:1. Thus, this psalm shows that a true union is composed of satisfaction and love. That is, a union is characterized by being pleasant and rewarding, so that it is widely blessed.

In this way, the family needs to live in unity and harmony. After all, all those whom Jesus blesses and who follow his teachings live this way. That is, for life to be good and smooth, it is necessary that the whole family be united. Besides always following the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Psalm 133:1 is short, but it has a powerful message that should be used to build up the family. As such, it is characterized by the peace that comes from living together well. After all, in its entirety it is

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in union!".

Verse Isaiah 49:15-16

The book of Isaiah is part of the Old Testament and has a prophetic character. That is, in this book Isaiah wrote prophecies of the present and the future that must be fulfilled.

So, he would like to rebuild Jerusalem, but there was too much sin, lack of faith in God, and disobedience. So, see more about the meaning of verse 46:15-16 and how it can build up your family.

Indications and meaning

By writing verse 46:15-16, Isaiah shows that Jesus Christ is the father and light of all human beings. Thus, even if the mother does not care for her child, Jesus will always be the true deliverer. Besides being the bearer of an eternal, pure and free love that he shares with all his children.

In other words, only Jesus is the Savior who loves us unconditionally. So, only by his presence and teachings, he will end all the suffering of a disunited family, as well as bring unity and build up this family through his teachings.


The passage from the verse Isaiah 46:15-16 shows how parenting parents can forget and not care about their children. However, Jesus Christ will always care for his children and never forget them.

"Can a woman forget her child that she sucketh, that she should not have compassion on him, on the son of her womb? But though she forget, yet will I not forget thee: behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; for thy walls are continually before me."

Verse Proverbs 22:6

Although the Book of Proverbs is attributed to Solomon, this book is a compilation of wisdom from various Israelites. Therefore, among all the wisdom in this book are verses to build up the family. So, see more about the verse Proverbs 22:6.

Indications and meaning

The meaning of the verse to build up the family Proverbs 22:6 is succinct and practical advice for family life. That is, an Israelite sage shows that parents should instruct their children with God's values. As well as guide them in the way of the church and the love of Jesus Christ.

In this way, all the experience and wisdom of the parents will pass on to the children who have learned from these experiences. Thus, the children will never distance themselves from God's ways and teachings even if many things happen and they grow old. After all, they were educated in wisdom.


The verse Proverbs 22:6 is characterized by teachings that you should pass on to your children. Therefore, read this verse in its entirety:

"Instruct the child according to the goals you have for him, and even as the years go by, he will not deviate from them."

Verse 1 Timothy 5:8

Among the characters and books of the New Testament, Timothy is one that people know the most. After all, he has two epistles within the Bible. Thus, one learns respect, faithfulness, and good character from Timothy. Therefore, see more about the verse 1 Timothy 5:8.

Indications and meaning

When reading the verse 1 Timothy 5:8, there is a great hint for our family. After all, the verse talks about the issue of the care we need to have for our loved ones. Thus, it is essential for Christians to care for their family members, as this is common for God's servants to do.

In other words, God neither requires nor obligates you to care for your family members. This is because everyone who has faith is a caring person.

And by not caring for his fellow man, the Christian is denying his faith, so as to be worse than an infidel. Therefore, to edify and unite your family take care of it, and without judgment.


The verse 1 Timothy 5:8 is one of the verses to build up the family. Thus, this passage says that:

"But if any provideth not for his own, and especially for those of his own household, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."

How can knowing verses to build up your family help you in your life?

The Holy Bible is a book that Christians use as a reference for their lives. Therefore, this book is a compilation of several other books that are divided into Old and New Testaments. Thus, each book has chapters and verses.

Each chapter is divided into verses, which are either stretches of lines or just short phrases. Thus, each verse has an interpretation, because they are concise, but endowed with meanings and teachings.

In other words, just as the Bible conveys God's teachings like love and compassion, so do the verses. Therefore, it is essential to know and interpret each verse, for each one is a unique learning experience for various areas of life.

Thus, there are numerous verses that are meant for the family and how to build it up. And knowing these verses will help in family life because they present lessons of values to base the family on. However, the greatest value is love and trust in God and His purposes.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.