What is the meaning of the chakra colors? Learn how to balance and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the importance of the chakra colors?

Each chakra has a different color and each color has its meaning and different impacts on the physical and spiritual bodies. Each one takes care of a part of the body, always keeping in motion, to flow the vital energy.

The main energy centers are located in the spine. The colors have their own vibrations and indicate the areas in which these centers act. For example, the closer to the material, the more the color is strong and vibrant.

The colors also indicate what needs to be in balance and what can be used to keep the chakras balanced or perform maintenance on them when they are out of balance. Some of the best known ways to keep the chakras in harmony are Reiki sessions, meditation, and crystal therapy. Check out everything about each color of the chakras in this article!

About Chakras

The chakras are part of every living being and it is important to keep them in balance and harmony in order not to trigger serious problems in life and in the body itself. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of each chakra, their respective colors and how to keep them in balance. Follow!

What are chakras?

According to the sacred scriptures of Hinduism, in Sanskrit, the chakras are wheels in constant movement, energy centers throughout the body, through which the vital energy passes. When they are out of balance, they bring problems in health, emotional and behavior.

The chakras take care of the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental body. There are over 80,000 energy centers scattered throughout the body, according to Vedic texts. But the 7 main ones in the human body are: basic, umbilical, solar plexus, cardiac, laryngeal, frontal and coronary. Each one "governs" a major organ, which connects to the others, resonating at the same frequency as the chakra.

History and origin

A long time ago, before the appearance of technologies and modern science, in several ancient cultures, mainly in Hinduism, there were already studies and knowledge that all living beings carry vital energy. So, these were called chakras.

The first records appeared in ancient Hindu scriptures, around 600 B.C. However, it is hypothesized that the Hindu culture already had knowledge about the chakras before the first record, with the help of clairvoyants who could see these energy centers.

How can the chakras benefit us?

Performing chakra alignment is essential for maintaining good health, happiness and being in harmony with yourself. When they are out of balance, problems or diseases appear in the organs and places that "govern" the chakra and can also bring emotional and mental confusion.

Thus, the meditation for the chakras, done for a week, brings the feeling of love with one's own life and to make better use of the day, making stress decrease. Besides seeing life with more positivity, it also helps to have more strength to solve the obstacles of everyday life.

Red basic chakra

The first chakra in the West is called the base or root chakra, and in India it is called the Muladhara. Its color is red and it connects the energy body with the earth plane. Read on and find out the details about the first chakra in the following topics!

Meaning of red and how to use it

According to chromotherapy, the color red is intense, vibrant and stimulating. It helps combat discouragement and brings more motivation to the individual. In addition, it represents action, movement, blood and passion.

Thus, colors are also used to maintain the balance of the chakras, according to the color they vibrate. According to their characteristics they can be used to maintain willpower and action, in order to complete goals and have more grounding, if the person is more disconnected from life.

Location of the base chakra

The base chakra is located at the end of the spine, in the perineum, between the anus and genitals. This chakra opens downward, connecting the energy body to the Earth, or physical plane, and is associated with safety, survival and prosperity.

Regarding the genital organs, it is linked to the ovaries and testicles. Estrogen and progesterone are hormones produced by the ovaries and, while estrogen is associated with the menstrual cycle, progesterone prepares the uterus to receive the fertilized egg. The testicles produce testosterone, the hormone responsible for sperm.

Basic chakra in imbalance

In unbalance, or lack of connection with the Earth, the basic chakra brings problems in physical, mental and emotional health. In the physical body, it affects feet, ankles and knees, because they are the parts of the body that are more in contact with the earth and it is through where the energies pass in their upward movement. They can also affect the lumbar region and genitals.

At the mental and emotional level, if the confidence in oneself is not worked, life ends up being affected by the most negative experiences or traumas. Addictions, fears, aggressiveness and compulsions also appear, when the chakra is unbalanced, for example, making the individual have obsession with sex and excessive materialism.

Basic Chakra balanced

When the basic chakra is balanced, it brings more energy and disposition to the body. People love their bodies more and there is no obsession with everything that involves sex, because they become more conscious and enjoy the present moment. In the physical body, the genital organs and the region of the legs work harmoniously.

To balance the Muladhara, or basic chakra, one can use color therapy, eat red fruits or vegetables, walk on the earth barefoot, dance or chant the Lam mantra, listen to the musical note C or use red crystals where this energy center is located when meditating.


The element associated with the base chakra is the earth. Activities such as gardening, walking barefoot or others that involve touching the earth are good options to maintain the balance and alignment of this energy center and to maintain the connection with the planet.

In addition, other activities that can be done to keep the chakra balanced are spending time sitting on the grass in a garden, a field or a park, and tending a small garden, if you can afford one, with small herbs or flowers. Besides being an activity considered therapeutic, plants bring inspiration and protection.


Crystals are powerful natural tools to keep the chakras balanced and are easily found in esoteric shops, religious articles stores, hippie markets and on the internet. There are meditations that use them for chakra alignment and crystal therapy, which makes the therapeutic use of these stones.

The crystals and stones used to align the Muladhara are Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Carnelian, Smoky Quartz, Granada, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Onyx and other black and red crystals. These stones and their respective colors vibrate at the same frequency as the chakra, bringing balance and other benefits to the body, mind and spirit.

Umbilical chakra orange

The second chakra has three names: umbilical, sacral and, in India, Svadisthana. It is associated with instinct and sexual energy, however it is not meditated for sexual activities, but for life maintenance and creativity. Learn more details about this chakra in the following topics!

Meaning of Orange and how to use it

Orange is associated with courage, strength, determination, joy, vitality, prosperity and success. This warm color is a mixture of the primary colors red and yellow. It stimulates creativity, awakening the mind to process new ideas.

These more creative characteristics can be stimulated for the creation of art, new projects and problem solving. So, to activate these energies, you can paint pictures, draw, light an orange candle to meditate, eat orange fruits and vegetables and wear orange clothes or crystals.

Location of the umbilical chakra

The umbilical chakra, or sacrum, is located just below the navel, in the pelvic region, a little above the base chakra. It is responsible for the production and maintenance of the reproductive glands, the urinary system and for the formation of healthier emotional and sexual relationships, although it is more sensitive because it picks up negative energies.

One way to protect this chakra from negative energies and prevent them from entering your body is to cover the navel with some adhesive tape, with your hands, with a symbol of protection or a crystal necklace. This act of covering the navel is a millennial symbolic act, and if you want to do it, do it with the intention of protection in your mind, because everything begins with thought.

Umbilical chakra out of balance

When in unbalance, the umbilical chakra brings emotional and, consequently, physical problems, mainly in the pelvic region and urinary system. With the increase of anxiety and more negative emotions, it can also affect part of the digestive system, an area more sensitive to astral influences and attacks.

Thus, the misalignment of this chakra results in the difficulty of receiving love and relating to people in which you have a sexual interest. Sex can also be unsatisfactory, because the sexual energies do not pass through this chakra, due to its blockage.

Balanced umbilical chakra

The balanced umbilical chakra makes the person feel more enthusiasm and joy for life, besides being more creative, which helps when working in the artistic area. The energy of this chakra impels the individual to move and go after realizing his goals.

Therefore, to rebalance this chakra, work on your body awareness and open yourself up to explore the pleasures of sex and seduction in a healthy way, without feelings of guilt or shame. You can also wear orange clothes and accessories, dance, chant the mantra Vam, listen to the musical note Ré or scent the environment with essential oil of ylang ylang and marjoram.


The element of the umbilical chakra is water, which cleanses and purifies toxins and emotions, and is also associated with the urinary and emotional systems. Thus, on the physical level, it eliminates toxins from the body, while on the mental and emotional level, it cleanses negative thoughts and feelings, such as anger, fear, resentment, and others.

In addition, other activities that use the element of water and benefit in the alignment and balance of this chakra are herbal baths for cleansing and re-energizing, bathing with water energized by the full moon or the ingestion of juices that use orange, papaya, carrot and other orange-colored vegetables.


One way to keep the chakras balanced is to use crystals where it is located. It is possible to do this in a 15 to 20 minute meditation or by crystal therapy, a therapeutic activity that uses crystals to realign the chakras and purify people's energies.

Thus, the crystals and stones that can be used to balance the umbilical chakra are Cornaline, Orange Agate, Citrine, Golden Yellow Topaz, Fire Opal, Jasper, Sun Stone, Orange Selenite, Orange Calcite and Tangerine Quartz. Selenite and Orange Calcite have a deeper connection to the umbilical chakra, bringing immediate relief.

Yellow from the solar plexus chakra

The third chakra is the solar plexus, or Manipura, and is associated with the sun, vitality, and how people relate to the world. It is linked to personal power and is where people feel nervous when they are in a stressful situation or have anxiety. Learn more about this chakra in the next topics!

The meaning of yellow and how to use it

The color yellow brings inspiration, joy, happiness, creativity, optimism, relaxation, prosperity and is associated with the sun, heat, summer and light. Its meanings are similar to the color orange, since it is a basic color that, together with the color red, forms the orange.

Thus, yellow can be used in candles, clothes, food and crystals, to activate the most positive energies of the solar plexus chakra and live with more joy and lightness. Through this, it is possible to bring a sense of peace and acceptance of oneself, no longer caring what other people think.

Location of the solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra is located in the physical solar plexus, in the stomach region, right in the center of the body and below the rib cage. It is with this chakra and in this region that one feels the nervousness, when experiencing stressful, threatening or exciting situations.

In addition, it "governs" the organs of the digestive system: stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder, vegetative nervous system. It is also related to the production of insulin, to lower blood sugar levels and increase glycogen, as well as absorbing solar energy and moving energies throughout the physical body.

Solar plexus chakra out of balance

When the solar plexus chakra is imbalanced, people tend to have a more pessimistic outlook and thinking about life. They may become more selfish and arrogant and feel less attractive. In a worse situation, they become more depressed, lack motivation to do basic, pleasurable activities, and become dependent on others and their affections.

In physical health, it affects the entire digestive system, which arises from stress and other more intense negative emotions. Emotions affect the physical body, and can be positive or negative. Diabetes and hypoglycemia are also results of this imbalance.

Balanced solar plexus chakra

In balance, the solar plexus chakra brings more vitality, feeling of joy and a more optimistic outlook and thoughts for life. Emotions dominate less the individual, which brings more clarity of thoughts and tranquility, when going through the various situations of everyday life, besides bringing more understanding.

To rebalance and align this chakra, it is recommended to practice reiki, light yellow candles, wear yellow clothes and accessories, listen to the musical note Mi, chant the mantra Ram and eat yellow food. It is also good to take a sun bath for a few minutes, absorbing vitamin D, which reduces the feeling of discouragement.


The solar plexus chakra is connected to the element of fire, which is associated with vitality, movement, action, passion, a sense of eagerness to live life, warmth and power. The use of the element of fire in candles to meditate or simply to observe the flames and feel their heat increases the energies and the will to move.

In addition, other activities that can be done to rebalance and align the chakra are getting together with friends around a campfire. It is also possible to cook tasty food, have a good laugh, chant the RAM mantra, recite ho'oponopono, practice reiki, go for a walk or perform observational exercises.


The crystals and stones that can be used to rebalance the solar plexus chakra are transparent, which can be used in any chakra: Citrine, Tangerine Quartz, Orange Selenite, Tiger's Eye, Carnelian, Yellow Calcite, Falcon's Eye, Amber, Sun Stone and Golden Labradorite.

So, just place one of them on the chakra region during a 15 to 20 minutes meditation or do crystallotherapy session.

Heart chakra green

The fourth chakra is the heart chakra, or Anahata, and is connected to the emotional level, being associated with unconditional love, affections, passion and devotion, besides being related to hope. Find out more about the heart chakra in the following topics!

Meaning of Green and how to use it

The color green is associated with nature and health, as well as representing money, youth, hope, renewal and vitality. The color pink is also used in the heart chakra, due to the fact that it is the energy center linked to the heart and unconditional love.

The colors green and pink can be used together to align the chakra, such as the use of candles, crystals, clothing, food and accessories. Being in contact with nature, plants and having unconditional love for all beings helps to keep the heart chakra active and balanced.

Heart chakra location

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest. The heart, blood, blood vessels, nerves, circulatory system and lungs are "governed" by it, being responsible for circulating the blood and keeping the body alive.

Besides the ability to love all beings unconditionally, it also shows the need to open oneself to receive love, both unconditional and romantic. Another function this chakra has is to unite and harmonize the three lower chakras, being the mediator between the physical and the spiritual body.

Heart chakra out of balance

When the heart chakra is unbalanced, the individual tends to isolate more from society and avoid social interactions, having difficulties in maintaining and creating new friendships and romantic partners. Heart, circulatory and respiratory problems also tend to appear.

Besides this, the attachment to the past also promotes the unbalance of the heart chakra, making the individual close to the new and to a new love, blocking these feelings and, consequently, several paths in life. Consequently, the individual loses hope in life.

Heart Chakra balanced

If the heart chakra is balanced, it facilitates the process of forgiving other people and seeing them as your fellow man. There is the vision that everyone makes mistakes, everyone has their faults and unity is stronger than the individualistic and competitive vision. It also facilitates the process of surrendering, trust and having more hope and compassion.

To keep the heart chakra in balance, therapies are very effective for learning to open up, deal with what still hurts and relieve stress. For the rest, meditation, self-knowledge and the practice of self-love are essential.


The heart chakra is connected to the air element, which is associated with mentality, ideas, communication, the very act of speaking, words, aromas and the respiratory system. This element helps a person to open up more to love, to speak what they feel and to let go of negative thoughts and feelings from the past.

So, chanting the Yam mantra, listening to the musical note F, listening to relaxing music, meditating, seeking self-knowledge, letting your creativity flow, talking to those you feel more confident with, and lighting incense are other ways to connect to the air element and keep the heart chakra more harmonized.


The crystals and stones that can be used to rebalance the heart chakra and are related to it are: Green quartz, Amazonite, rose quartz, clear quartz, Malachite, green fluorite, Morganite, Heliotropium, Prasiolite, Watermelon Tourmaline, Epidote, green Zoisite, Jade, Peridot, Rhodochrosite, Aquamarine, Emerald, Pink Tourmaline, and Turquoise.

So, just place one of them on the chakra region during a 15 to 20 minute meditation or do a crystallotherapy session.

Blue of the laryngeal chakra

The fifth chakra is the laryngeal, throat or Vishuddha chakra. It is connected with external communication, with how people express their ideas and emotions, with the voice, with the power of using words and with the inner self. Find out more about the laryngeal chakra in the next topics!

Meaning of Blue and how to use it

The color blue is associated with loyalty, security, understanding, tranquility, peace, trust, harmony, serenity, spirituality, studies and cleanliness. Being a cold color, it can also bring the feeling of cold, loneliness, sadness, depression, introspection and something more mystical.

This color can be used in meditations, candles, crystals, chromotherapy, clothing and food, to harmonize the chakra, to socialize, help bring more tranquility and learn to better express all the ideas, thoughts and emotions to people.

Location of the laryngeal chakra

The laryngeal chakra is located between the center of the collarbone and the larynx and "governs" the vocal cords, airways, nose, ears, mouth and throat. It is also related to the thyroid gland, which produces thyroxine and iodothyronine, hormones important for body growth and cell repair.

This chakra connects the spiritual side with the material side, expressing thoughts and emotions, making clear one's position on life and points of view. Communication can also be done through writing, singing and various forms of art. The important thing is for the individual to transmit what is in his mental and emotional field.

Laryngeal chakra out of balance

When the laryngeal chakra is unbalanced, the person tends to be more shy, quiet and introverted, afraid of judgments and afraid of talking to new people and the public. They have difficulties expressing what they think, what they feel and what they desire, creating conflicting situations and misunderstandings.

In the physical body, it brings thyroid problems (hypothyroidism), affects the respiratory tract, the region of the mouth and throat. The difficulty or blockage of communication to express what you feel also brings sore throat and blocked energies end up affecting the physical body.

Balanced laryngeal chakra

If the laryngeal chakra is in balance, communication becomes more fluid and clear. The person tends to open up more with others, being more communicative and less shy, becoming a good listener and knowing the best words to use in a delicate situation. This favors artists and the way they express themselves through the arts, because creativity flows more easily.

To harmonize the laryngeal chakra, you can do meditation, sing, express your feelings and ideas through art and journals, speak honestly, be kind to yourself, express gratitude, have a good laugh, wear accessories that have crystals corresponding to this chakra, listen to the musical note Sun and chant the mantra Ham.


The laryngeal chakra is connected to the element ether, or space, which is associated with spirit and the manifestation of wills, communication and emotions to the outside and the physical plane. The idea of speaking and listening serves not only in the simple sense, but in how it will be expressed and how other people will interpret it.

As this chakra is a bridge between the spiritual and the physical, when unblocked, it facilitates the development of mediumship, such as clairaudience, in which the medium hears the spirits and can tell other people what they are trying to tell them.

In addition, inspiration in the arts, through intuition, is also a form of communication through mediumship.


The crystals and stones that can be used to rebalance the heart chakra and are related to it are: Lapis Lazuli, Angelite, Blue Apatite, Blue Calcite, Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Blue Tourmaline, Azurite, Blue Topaz, Celestite, Blue Cyanite, Blue Quartz, Sapphire, Dumortierite and Sodalite.

So, just place one of them on the chakra region during a 15 to 20 minutes meditation or do one session of crystal therapy.

Front chakra indigo

The sixth chakra is the frontal, third eye or Ajna. It is related to consciousness and the intellectual, creative and mental level in all forms. It is activated, when the individual practices meditation, and is linked to intuitive and psychic abilities. Learn more about the frontal chakra in the following topics!

Meaning of Indigo and how to use

Indigo is a darker, more intense shade of blue. It improves memory, expands and evolves consciousness, bringing better understanding of life and more points of view, and increases intuitive, artistic and imaginative capacity.

Thus, the color indigo can be used in chromotherapy, meditation, candles, crystals, accessories, clothing and visualization, to work empathy and intuition, expand the mental and psychic field, have new perceptions about life and stimulate creativity through the arts.

Frontal chakra location

The frontal chakra is located in the center of the forehead, between the two eyebrows, and "governs" the eyes, the ears, the head and the pineal gland, which opens the mediumship and makes the connection with the spiritual side. In addition, the pineal gland secretes serotonin and melatonin, responsible for maintaining sleep and regulating mood.

Besides mental, intuitive and creative activities, the frontal chakra opens and awakens mediumship, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, sensitivity, psychophony and astral smelling. When you notice that some mediumship is manifesting in your life, seek guidance from a person or a reliable spiritual home, so that it can be worked on safely.

Frontal chakra out of balance

When the frontal chakra is unbalanced, it can cause mental confusion, excessive negative thoughts, manipulation, depression, addictions, difficulty in reasoning and having creative processes, skepticism, believing only what you can see, and fanaticism.

In the physical body, there are sleep alterations, memory loss, indecision, with difficulties in performing simple activities, and problems in the pineal gland. The individual can also become hyperactive, having an excess of random thoughts and overloading mental energy, leading to fatigue and difficulty in concentrating.

Balanced frontal chakra

If the frontal chakra is in balance, it sharpens all the senses and makes people believe more in intuition, being a mediumistic faculty essential to guide life. It increases confidence in oneself and in spirituality, expands knowledge and the intellect becomes more active.

So, to balance the frontal chakra, you can do meditations, reflections on life, have more self-love and empathy, observe more and talk less, learn to listen to intuition, chant the mantra Om, listen to the musical note A, write and eat foods rich in omega 3.


The element of the frontal chakra is ether, which, for the ancient Greeks, was the fifth element that formed a celestial sphere around the planet Earth. It can also be called the quintessence, and in paganism in general, along with Wicca and witchcraft, ether is the fifth element that represents the spirit.

In this way, light, spirit, cosmic energy, quintessence or ether all have a universal and divine origin. This can be worked on to evolve and expand consciousness, observing the world with new points of view, feeling the subtler energies and connecting with higher energies and planes.


The crystals and stones that can be used to rebalance the frontal chakra are: Amethyst, Azurite, Angelite, Lapis lazuli, Sodalite, blue Apatite, crystal with rutile, white onyx, blue tourmaline, Lepidolite, pink Kunzite, blue calcite, blue Lace Agate, blue Topaz, Celestite, blue Cyanite, purple Opal and purple Fluorite.

This way you can place one of them on the chakra region during a 15 to 20 minutes meditation or a crystallotherapy session.

Crown chakra violet

The seventh chakra is the crown chakra, or Sahasrara, and is associated with the connection of the spirit with the material and boosts the connection with the divine, as well as giving access to higher states of consciousness as you let go of materialism. Learn more about the crown chakra in the following topics!

Meaning of Violet and how to use

The color violet is associated with creativity, spirituality, mysticism and calm. When the shade is lighter, it brings energies of tranquility and calm; when it is pinker, it brings more romance, and when it is bluer, it stimulates the study and practice of spirituality.

Thus, the color violet also represents transmutation, so much so that the Amethyst and the violet flame of Saint Germain are used in meditations to cleanse and transmute energies, feelings and emotions more negative, such as sadness, anger, envy, addictions and obsessions.

Location of the crown chakra

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and opens upwards, towards the sky, diametrically opposite to the first chakra, which opens downwards. Unlike the others, the crown chakra should never be closed and, therefore, it is necessary to be extremely careful when working this region.

It is also associated with the pineal and pituitary gland, which coordinates other glands and secretes various hormones. Any problem there is with this gland will affect the entire endocrine system and can also affect the brain region.

Coronary chakra out of balance

When the crown chakra is unbalanced, the individual goes into denial with life, no longer has the will to live, becomes obsessed with someone or something and retains anger and other negative feelings, without allowing the exteriorization and flow of these emotions.

Thus, it generates an excessive fear due to the lack of connection with spirituality and individualism, which ends up blocking all the other chakras. In the physical body, it can result in high blood pressure, headaches, Parkinson's disease, brain dysfunction and paralysis.

Balanced crown chakra

If the crown chakra is balanced, it brings greater connection with spirituality, expansion of consciousness, fullness of Being, tranquility in knowing that everything has a reason to happen and that life is much more than the human being can see and realize.

So, to keep the crown chakra in harmony, practice emotional intelligence, empathy, unconditional love, charity, meditation, honesty and practice spirituality. You can also chant the Aum mantra and listen to the musical note Si. Moreover, it is with this chakra that you increase and develop faith.


The crown chakra is the only one that is not associated with an element, precisely because of the connection with the spiritual and divine. It is in this chakra that enlightenment occurs and, according to yoga, the element is the thought that manifests everything around people.


The crystals and stones that can be used to rebalance the crown chakra are: Amethyst, Angelite, Lepidolite, Cat's Eye, Amethrine, Pink Kunzite, Rutile, Blue Calcite, Howlite, Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, Pyrite, Purple Opal, Transparent Fluorite, Purple Fluorite and Transparent Quartz.

So, place one of them on the chakra region during a 15-20 minute meditation or do a crystallotherapy session.

Can I use chromotherapy to help with the chakras?

Chromotherapy uses colors as a therapeutic means for physical and mental treatments. There are several ways to use colors in chromotherapy, such as light sticks in specific places of the body, baths by immersion, food, lamps and walls of the rooms of a house and crystals.

This type of therapy is used to energize the chakras. Thus, each color has a function that is linked to each chakra and organ of the body. The environments are prepared to activate these energy centers, with little light and a lot of tranquility.

Thus, the use of color therapy benefits in balancing and harmonizing the chakras, keeping them healthy and without affecting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies negatively. In addition, it can also be used to calm, increase or balance certain emotions and bring healing.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.