What does it mean to dream of hand? bruised, given, severed and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the meaning of dreaming of hand?

Dreaming of a hand can be a peaceful dream or dreaming of a severed hand can have chilling, it all depends on the type of dream you have and understand that each type of hand you encounter in a dream has its own meaning and indication.

Sometimes the dream can be a consequence of the way you have been acting lately, not only with others, but with yourself. Think about how you have been treating yourself lately.

The meaning of dreaming of hands will depend on the type of hand, hands, but in general it means the meaning that you nurture between people around you and the world. Thus, hands represent the power of communication with the outside world.

For more specific dreams, hold that you read the listing below where there are dreams about tied hands, hands that hold you, the difference between left hand and right hand, among others. Each one with an indication, which would be interesting for you to take a look at.

To dream of hand of different types

It is possible to dream about different types of hands, some examples of this are left hand or right hand, black hand, small or big hand, your own hand or someone else's. But you should read further to find out their respective meanings and advice about the situations.Check it out.

To dream of a left hand

If you dreamed of your left hand, know that it symbolizes your gracefulness and feminine qualities - it's a propitious time to embrace your femininity, which is there somewhere inside. It may not be part of your everyday life to wear more feminine clothing, but try it and know that you can feel great wearing it.

It's also a great time for vanity, not in the sense of makeup - but to appreciate your own beauty more, maybe try to dress more elegantly, or propitious for the moment.

It's also a great time to embrace your more sentimental side and not only does this mean watching a sad movie and crying while eating chocolate, it may also require you to have serious and difficult conversations, which you will have to get out of your comfort zone, but will be essential for you to share your feelings, stored there. You will feel relieved after this venting of emotions.

To dream of a right hand

To dream of the right hand indicates masculine and active attributes - a right time to try to embrace your less girly and more "boygirl" side. That is, to be more active and wear more comfortable and more adjustable clothes to your size - not worrying so much about the approval of the opposite sex and allowing yourself certain fatties, but without exaggeration.

Also a good time to start physical activities, in case you don't like gym, try outdoor activities, like walking - if it is more intense or intense, running - trail, sports that can be practiced in group, with the proper precautions, volleyball is suggested, because it keeps the social distance or soccer, a more Brazilian case.

To dream of the right hand can also mean to be right, so if you have been in an argument or wheel of conversation, it is common to have this type of dream, because you have conviction of your ideas and certainty of your arguments - you are determined and when you put something in your head is difficult to take away. Which has its positive side, because you have more chances to achieve your goals in life.

To dream of a black hand

If you dreamed of a black hand, know that this indicates that you need to be more refined in your behavior and speech - it is possible that your natural acting is making other people uncomfortable in certain situations, you do not do it for evil, but perhaps you were brought up not to receive certain manners at home.

In this case, learn through repetition how to behave better - imitate your friends in social situations and learn certain strokes, this will lessen your embarrassment and make everyone much more at ease.

You are seeking guidance from a higher power - not always the best indication comes from a church, although it is possible that you may find the desired instruction from a pastor. But as the saying goes "when the pupil is ready, the master appears". That master may very well be the books.

Search to know more about religions near you like catholic or protestant, maybe even the spiritism will enlighten you - a good tip would be the Buddhism that has millions of followers around the world and is still little followed here in Brazil - and after you know, you can look for centers or churches that seem more appropriate for you.

To dream of a small hand

To dream of a small hand symbolizes that you are nervous about what you are saying - it is likely that you feel insecure or do not believe the veracity of your words, trying to be someone you are not, or may the opposite. You are just saying what is going on in your mind and so you get nervous. About this, a good way out is to avoid looking directly into the eyes of the person.

Avoiding eye contact does not give the impression of confidence, but it does prevent nervousness, because you do not look at what frightens you: the audience. You fear being judged for your words, and it is normal, because in this world not everyone will agree with you. But the most important thing is confidence that what you say is true and real to you.

To dream of a big hand

If you dream of big hands, it means that you are a very generous person who gives help and support without regard to whom - which is great, because the best way to get away from problems is to help someone else. It seems that the negative thoughts escape from the mind and go to a very long and distant place.

What demonstrates a great strength of character on your part, because you don't care about the past of the person you are helping - it's a great lesson to apply in life: the past must be left behind, without exceptions. This is valid for you as well as for others. And you have no prejudices in yourself to help others, which is another point to make.

Feeling slighted is a horrible feeling and no one should feel that way, but you are more confident than you think, believe that you can have the power in your hands to achieve your own self-esteem without needing "pats on the back" from strangers, compliments from strangers. Even those closest to you will notice your mistakes and redeem themselves with you. Or walk away.

To dream of your own hand

If the hand in the dream is your own, it is a sign that you should feel grateful. This is because you use your hand for everything and rarely even realize that they exist and have great importance - you apply this to several things in your life, small details to which you should feel gratitude, but as it counts for granted, you do not.

A helpful tip from Rhonda Byrne, author of the book The Magic, create a gratitude list: every day make a list of ten items you are grateful for, it may seem like a lot, but little by little, as you think about it, you will write it down. And also complete with the reason why you are grateful for that, you will see that a magnificent feeling will fill you. And you will feel full.

So many things pass through your life, events that will never return, or people present who are so precious to you, that you, until now, never knew how to value. Ask yourself if you cherish the moments of pleasure spent with yourself or with loved ones, or if you have ever thanked for your life today, for one more opportunity to live and see this beautiful world.

When this happens, you can notice how the things at hand influence your life. Often you act this way with many people or things around you. Therefore, it is important to be grateful for everything that is part of your life and helps you to be a better person.

To dream of another person's hand

It is important to consider that dreaming of another person's hand is something quite intimate. It can be linked to the concept of "lending a hand" - in other words there are two possibilities for a dream like this: either someone close to you needs help or you need the help of someone close.

In the first case, try to be alert, because the person may be embarrassed to ask for support - after all, society expects one to deal with the problem alone. So try to be vigilant and offer help to those who seem to need it, it won't cost you anything but time - if the problem is money, be alert to the fact that the individual in question is honest and will repay you in due time.

In the second case, you need support, don't be ashamed to ask the closest and most prepared relative or the most trusted friend - it's important to be a person of value as you will keep this secret. You don't want someone spreading around that you requested help from him or her, as it may be something you want to keep secret.

It can also be a message about opening up to someone else, letting them give you love and help costs nothing and you may be needing it more than you think - there's no point in being a victim of pride as it won't do you any good. If you're in need of a little love from your neighbour then gladly accept it and pass it on to those who need it too.

To dream of baby hands

Baby hands represent innocence and purity. To dream of baby hands means that you are doing things from the heart without expecting anything in return - this is a very good thing for your heart, as it keeps it clean, as well as your mind from negative and harmful thoughts that may come to harm you.

Doing what you love is one of the greatest pleasures in this world, because it's priceless - you could even do it for free, although you won't, because you deserve a fair payment for your efforts. It gives you a warm feeling in your chest, the result of an inner inspiration: you were born to do it. You feel you were created to do this great little thing every day of your life.

And you will live happily so. This dream usually occurs at times when you think of charities or that you are very close to the career of your dreams.

To dream of rough hands

The roughness of your hands may be a reflection of how hard you are on others - if you are so hard on others, you should be even harder on yourself. Other people don't charge themselves as much as you charge yourself and reach high heights of near perfection, you don't have to be so demanding on yourself and others around you.

Everyone is trying to be the best they can with the conscience they have, which is hard enough, not to slip and stand firm on their own values. Not even blinking when the world comes to challenge you with something that might make you step out of line - and you come along and make them feel even more guilty.

Give yourself a break, don't be so hard on yourself - you deserve it after carrying the world on your back, this perfect and flawless world. Take some time off, you've been too hard on yourself and when you learn that everyone has flaws, including you, you'll treat others better.

Reconsider the way you treat people and try to be a little more delicate in your day to day life.

To dream of hairy hands

To dream of hairy hands usually has the same meaning as rough hands. However there is another interpretation that refers to a change of address that will occur soon, so be prepared for whatever may happen in your home.

Moving is always complicated, besides the material involvement, of having to pack everything and schedule with moving companies, there is the emotional aspect, because a big part of your life was lived there. Even if it's been "only" one year, it's already 365 days of your existence that you spent under the same roof.

There are the expectations with the new house, which you don't know if they will be fulfilled - because it's possible that the ad promised something that doesn't exist, and there are also inevitable complications. It's a stressful process. And then there's the anxiety of turning that place into a home.

But with dedication and a little effort, this is yes possible. You can create new memories, affective and emotional memories that you will keep forever in the heart, whether good or bad, but know that the change is fleeting and you will live longer there than it will take the days of change.

To dream of a helping hand

If someone else is helping you in your dream, it indicates that you need help - it is quite possible that you are embarrassed to ask for help, but you don't need it, everyone has needed support at least once and probably much more than once, so don't be shy, preferably seek out a close relative or a friend you trust.

It should be someone you trust, as it may be that the help is of monetary value and you want to make sure the person knows that you will pay it back, refund it. Or maybe you need someone to vent to, in which case the most suitable is a friend, as in the family situation there may be feelings involved, and you don't want to create an awkward family moment.

If the problem is at work, ask for help from a trusted but intelligent colleague, someone who understands the subject you're having difficulty with but wouldn't tell the boss about the obstacles you're experiencing.

And don't worry, it's normal to ask for help, in fact it's even healthy - just don't ask for too much, first try to solve your problems by yourself, if you can't then ask for help.

To dream of hand in different conditions

It is possible to dream of the hand in different conditions, such as bruised, severed or broken, for example. It may be that the latter has aroused your curiosity, but you will have to read its meaning to find out.Check it out.

To dream of a bruised hand

To dream of a hand in a diseased or injured condition suggests a need to modify your thought pattern. It is possible that your thoughts have been reaching a very negative pattern for some time, which is harmful because negative thoughts generate negative emotions. Remember: your emotions are your emotional compass.

The worse you feel, the further away you will be from achieving your goals. Other than that, holding harmful thoughts can be quite harmful, as you may give heed to the lies told by it. You must remember that not everything your mind produces as truth, is in fact an absolute truth. You can question it.


It is recommended to apply The Work, which is present in Katie Byron's book, Love Reality, where one should ask 4 questioning questions to their absolute truth, among them "Can you be absolutely sure that this is true?" Most of the time the answer is no. Keep in mind that it is not the fact that upsets you, but the thought about it.

To dream of a severed hand

In fact to dream of a severed hand is an unpleasant dream, especially if it is your hand. To have this kind of dream is connected to the fact that you can not do something, you hold something, but it escapes from your hands.

That "something" can be a love, a job or a valuable opportunity. One should stick to opportunities that don't pass twice as they can change your life, however one should not get attached to an old love, as no matter how long it was while it lasted, it will hardly renew itself to last again.

And if this happens it will not be the same kind of relationship. Remember: a man does not fall into the same river twice, because it is not the same river, neither is it the same man. It would be two different people trying to have the same relationship, it would turn the relationship into something new.

If you really want to try, be prepared for the impasses and possible obstacles and new beginnings that all living together faces. Be patient and understanding with the new and old differences that you will meet or recognize.

The fact is, it is possible to turn it around if you follow the advice given in the interpretations. After all, interpretation is not something that will eminently happen, but rather a way to turn it around when the news is unfavorable.

To dream of a broken hand

To dream of a broken hand shows that you are not afraid to let others know of your position. You have worked hard to achieve the position you currently hold and are not ready to give up your pride for having come so far. Another meaning, is that this "position" may be related to a place held in a romantic or family relationship.

That you occupy after some effort on your part and you do well to make this explicit, but try not to demarcate territory, as this may intimidate others, or even those close to you, whom you may displease with your air of superiority - not that this is your intention.

Or perhaps in the love field, an older and more knowledgeable partner can help you in the relationship, explaining certain things to you and even making you more expert in the sexual area as well, although this is not the focus.

There is also the possibility that you seek a spiritual guide, in which case it is advisable that you read a little about certain religions and variations of these before choosing your "guru", so to speak. Until you select your church, mosque or religious temple. Until you find someone deeply able to guide you to a path of peace and light.

To dream of tied hands

The meaning of dreaming of tied hands represents the feeling of helplessness. Not being able to do what you want can be really frustrating. The feeling of helplessness in the face of a situation is one of the worst there is, you feel able to do something to help yourself or help your neighbor - the one who is in trouble - but you can't move, metaphorically.

For there is something holding you back, perhaps a moral impediment or the fear of other people's judgment. Perhaps you don't have the physical capacity - it may have been a moment of incapacity that you've been through where you can't help - or emotional capacity to handle a certain situation.

In this case it is good to know that no matter what has occurred, it was not your fault the lack of action, often people feel paralyzed before intimidating situations or danger, is a "defense system" of the body. This applies both to immediate situations, occurred at the time, as in others that the event follows for days on end. It's okay.

Remember that this dream may also represent that there are repressed feelings that hinder your daily work. When this occurs, you should try to embrace these negative feelings, because everything that you resist persists, so after consoling yourself you will feel better and freer.

Release yourself, it can be stated that it is easier to do than to talk, so if you encounter difficulty it is advisable to seek professional help from a respected therapist.

To dream of intertwined hands

The interpretation of intertwined hands means that there are people by your side who support you and will accompany you everywhere. Which is very good, because the support of friends and family is one of the most important things to grow in this life. Both economically and emotionally. Ask yourself how you could grow spiritually.

They are the ones you turn to in times of distress or confusion, when you can't find a way out, there they are to support you so that you can find yourself or they themselves give you the solution to your problem, which in the end will seem a bit obvious, when in fact it is simple.

If in this dream you can see the person, this indicates that this is the one who will be in those special moments that you spend in life. There are certain moments that stay in memory because they are very unique, not replicable and that is what makes them so special, besides the, of course, company. That is what makes everything so wonderful and meaningful.

Think well if the Christmases would be so good if they were not spent in family, everything depends on the people with whom you spend the important moments of your life. So keep deep in your heart these precious feelings and treat very well those who are by your side, know how to give value to them.

To dream of a severed hand

To dream of a severed hand demonstrates the need to expand your intellectual perceptions through dedication to study and reading. You need to expand your point of view, which may have become limited over time, it is possible that you have lived with closed people and this has influenced you to limit yourself.

But do not be mistaken to see studying as something boring, studying can be liberating, when you choose what you study and you now have this opportunity. Select an area that is of interest to you and deepen yourself in it.

Don't be put down by possible criticism from confused relatives for you suddenly wanting to change course or by unsympathetic friends, they will understand in time. You will find new discoveries about the world and yourself really fascinating and the more you uncover the more you will want to know. It is a circle of knowledge.

Of course, take your breaks. Don't study compulsively, take breaks to absorb what you've learned - the main learning mechanism is reading, which allows you to assimilate more and reflect better on what was read, but you can also use videos on the subject and conversations with people more enlightened than you.

To dream of a closed hand and fist

To dream of closed hands indicates that there is a situation or relationship that you need to resolve. You should not be shy, you must have courage to say the right words, so it is recommended that you think about them and rehearse them before you pronounce them in front of the person who needs to hear them.

It can be a delicate matter, so be patient and communicate in a non-violent way, try not to let emotions overwhelm you at this fragile moment. With the right communication, you are able to resolve any misunderstanding and so the resolution will end in peace in the heart for both parties involved.

You need to be aware of the power and impact of your own words. It is possible that you have said something that hurt someone, which may be related to the statement from above. In this case, apologizing is the most correct route to take, but you must be sincere, if you don't feel really sorry don't ask, the person will notice the deceit in your mouth.

You should be careful about the weight of your words and the impact they may have on others, you may very well hurt them easily without intending to, because you were careless. Know that not everything that is going on in your mind should be spoken aloud, precisely to avoid the situation cited. If you have more lightness in your words, you will please people much more.

To dream of a bitten hand

If you in your dream you suffered a bite on the hand indicates that you are being confronted with a broad issue that affects those around you. It may be that you wish to change jobs and try new experiences in another area, in which case it is a matter that you should discuss with your family, as you will require their support.

You are acting on your emotional desires. It is good to follow your instincts, not if you want to stray too far from them and live in an automatic and unhappy way. But you should be careful not to end up hurting someone around you by doing so, for in following your desires, you may end up preferring one person over another, it is a delicate situation which will require your wisdom.

You are shaping the course of your own life. You are tired of letting others guide you down their own paths, you now want to follow your own and you do it very well. You should not live your life based on other people's dreams, you should discover your own goals and use your own strength to achieve them.

This may be a challenging time for you, as it may be a new beginning, but don't worry, you'll get through it. Don't be alarmed by the obstacles along the way, they are only common, not only to you, but all people, you will manage to overcome them.

To dream of a dirty hand

When you dream that you have a dirty hand, you should be very vigilant. This dream represents that there is a negative charge in your life preventing you from achieving what you. This negative charge may come from envious looks from your co-workers targeting your success in business or social, know that you have a promising future, if this is the case.

Another possibility is that yours is with negative energies of your own thoughts that are cultivating it, because you exposed there opinions harmful to their well-being both mentally and spiritually. A good tip would be to apply incense to purify the house or pass cloth with indigo on the floor or walls. Also take a bath with coarse salt.

But above all, stop having these negative thoughts and emotions about the world around you. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world, so what you are not achieving is a representation of your own inner limitations.

To dream of scratching hand

To dream of the palm scratching shows that you are enjoying the good things in life. It is probably someone who has worked hard in life, you have worked hard and reaped the profits of your efforts and now it is time to enjoy and relax.

Or, those "good things in life" might include your job, because you can value it so much because it completes you and fulfills you - it's part of you now, a part of fulfilling you. Something good that you devote yourself to and not just a means of paying the bills for the month.

You need to get away from a situation that will harm you. It is likely that you yourself have provoked this situation, even unintentionally, and have hurt someone, in which case the good thing, before walking away, is to try to ask for forgiveness, honestly and sincerely. But withdrawing is really the best thing, because your presence would only prolong the person's suffering or complicate the situation.

You need to be careful who you associate with. Not all people you think are 'nice' are trustworthy or will help you in a crisis or when you need it, let alone be your support. Also, they may not be a good influence on you, whether you are young or more mature - everyone can be influenced.

Learn to know how to judge the character of people, it's not something you learn firsthand, you will have to live with him or her for a few days at least until you see the first warning signs, which can be good or bad. You may be disappointed, because you wanted to be friends with this person. But the best thing to do in this type of situation is to stay away.

To dream of shaking hands

If you dreamed you were shaking someone's hand it symbolizes a new beginning or end to a situation. It may be that things have been difficult for you, you have been going through a difficult time, but calm down it will pass, just like all the moments that preceded this one. You were strong and you are still strong now.

But rejoice for one this is the end of this bad situation and a new beginning is coming, maybe you will get the job you have been dreaming of or maybe you will get the raise you deserve. A new fellowship can start with your family members or start your own family yourself - it can't promise that it will only bring joy, but it will surely be the reason for a lot of happiness.

You have reached or will reach an agreement or a favorable decision on a problem, which is definitely great news. Even more so if it's a problem that's been plaguing you for a while, a solution that's good for both parties has come or is coming.

To dream of a handshake also means that you are welcoming something new into your life. Especially, if you are shaking hands with someone famous or important.

To Dream of a Waving Hand

To dream of a waving hand says that you are experiencing anxieties in various aspects of your life. Perhaps at work there is a lot of pressure on you, but know that this is only because they trust in your potential. Although it is not fair to have to work daily under the weight of feeling pressured to always do the perfect thing, because you will never achieve it.

The sooner you recognize this and accept it, the more you will relax and thus take a weight off your back, so as to enable you to work better. As for social anxiety, meeting the expectations of friends and family, know that you have no such duty. What they expect of you is their business and no one else's, if they are disappointed, they have no one to blame but themselves.

You have no obligation to please anyone, if you did it is for pure pleasure of knowing that that person is happy with your company, but you must do it by being yourself. Otherwise it would be vain, because you would be cheating that being. Which is the most wrong possible.

There is something unsettling on your mind. Something is drumming into you, something that is making you angry - not in the sense of making you angry, but provoking certain reactions. It could be worries about the old job or the new job, you realize that the job occupies a great deal of space in your life, or about some family disagreement.

As for work, you'll gradually adapt to the new routine, as long as you keep doing your best, respecting your limits. But regarding the family, try to talk, in the most civilized way possible, in order to find an agreement that overcomes the differences between you and your relatives.

To dream of a missing hand

If the dream presents missing or non-existent hands, this presents a loss of power or ability to do something. There is the possibility that you have recently lost your job and this has caused you frustration, because it was your ability to earn income, to generate profit. To take care of yourself and now you are dependent on someone else.

Know that this situation is quite common, even more in this day and age. And there is no shame in depending on someone, much less someone you, as should be your case, someone in your family. You can still get back on your feet, you have not stopped being a warrior because of this, just need to change your focus to another.

There are countless jobs available, but you need hope and faith to be able to achieve what you dream of so much.

Another possibility is that your child is already grown up and no longer obeys his parents' orders, which is an authority issue, since you can still claim that "being under my roof" he will follow my orders, if this is the case. If it isn't, imposing your sovereignty over him will only drive him away, since he will see his parents as executioners.

In this case it is good to establish a dialogue with him, adult to adult, start with a "we are family and we miss you", without pressure. Remember to stay calm throughout the conversation and use non-violent communication. To further avoid fighting, damage something precious wanting to fix.

To dream of a burning hand

To dream of hands on fire means that you need attention. You need to have contact and guidance. It is possible that you are feeling quite alone at the moment and perhaps you have become so independent that you have pushed people away over time.

It is possible that along the way of your life, you have avoided socializing due to shyness and now you find yourself isolated. But don't worry, bad times come and go and your moment in the sun will come, but initiatives should come from you. For example, go to new places and try to pull conversations - in case you don't know how, look for tutorials on Youtube and rehearse at home.

Making friends is a new step that seems to be difficult but is actually quite easy, but you have to be open to trying to start that relationship with people from different social circles than your own. You shouldn't be prejudiced. Besides, there is so much you can learn from them, diversifying your range of relationship possibilities.

There is a world of new possibilities outside your little box, you just have to be brave and step outside.

To dream of a hand with a bee sting

If you dreamed of a bee sting on your hand indicates that your financial life will improve greatly. Which is a great sign of prosperity for you, perhaps until now you have been struggling to save or at work and now you are about to reap the laurels of your efforts. You are a smart person.

Spend wisely but be sure to take the time to invest in yourself. You deserve a little pampering and now you can finally relax after days of hard work. And luck is on your side, at least in the financial sector. A propitious time for investments. Better days are ahead of you so plan to make the most of them.

To dream of different interactions with the hand

It is also possible to dream of different interactions with the hand, such as dreaming that you wash your hand, that your hands wash something, dream that your hand embraces you, among others. Their meanings are very interesting if you look deeply, read a little more and stay in the know.

To dream that you wash your hand

When you have a dream where you wash your hands, this is interpreted as the need to get rid of feelings that prevent you from moving forward. You are very attached to feelings from the past, feelings that hurt and hurt you. But realize that this is all they do, they are no longer able to bring you joy.

That is why it is essential that the past stays in the past, where it should be - do not try to prolong memories that could be good, but are now painful to recall, or were so from the beginning. This will not do you any good.

Stop and look around you, try to identify what brings you happiness in the present and hold on to that, the small and lovely things that produce joy. It is recommended that you do the following exercise: try to list 10 things that you love and try to remember why you love them. That way your heart will fill with love.

In the Hawkins vibrational school, a scale that measures the frequency of emotions and feelings, love, gratitude and joy have the highest scale. If you stay in them you will be able to attract everything you want and keep you happy for as long as you want.

To dream that your hands are washing something

If you dream you are washing, pay attention to what you are cleaning. Washing clothes suggests that you are renewing your inner image. This is the image you have about yourself, which in the process you are going through should improve, in order to soften the defects you see in yourself. Treat yourself with more care, you deserve it.

To clean windows with your hands means that you want to have a clearer vision of life. For this you can seek guidance that will grant you some kind of "enlightenment" regarding certain aspects of your daily life or in general or you can discover more about your own existence by reading self-help books, it's a great way.

Washing or cleaning items manually without using other tools indicates that you are taking the bluntest approach in your endeavors, which may not be effective at times. Often the best approach is to be subtle and maybe even a little delicate, to make sure you get what you want, you don't want to risk losing something important.

To dream that hands are holding you

To dream of hands embracing you may represent how someone is holding you back from progress. There is someone outside or within your social circle holding you back, it may be a cheating co-worker, jealous of your progress, it is common to feel envious of someone else's success to try to "pull the rug" is wrong.

In this case stay alert so you can protect yourself from the intrusions he or she may commit at work.

At this moment it would be good to have a good conversation with him about maturing and personal growth and how it is necessary to have a certain freedom for this, without imposing or accusing anything, because this can put the person on the defensive and make things worse, something that you don't want.

This dream is common when parents overprotect their children and don't let them move on to a better future without them.

To dream that a hand is holding you back

To dream of a hand that grabs you means that someone is preventing your professional and personal progress, someone in your life does not allow you to grow. It may be a jealous colleague, who secretly, or not so secretly, wants to "pull your rug" or, perhaps, is already doing so.

In this case you should be alert to possible damage he or she may have generated to your career and try to get away from this person as quickly as you can, as well as guard against future "incidents".

Or it could be a parent or close relative of yours who still isn't used to the idea that you're a grown adult capable of making your own decisions and imprisons you in some way by not treating you as an independent being. If this is the case, a good frank talk can help, but without making accusations, because he or she may end up getting defensive,

Which would only cause more family problems and arguments.

To dream that you burn your hands

To dream of a burned hand symbolizes that you are looking at things from a new perspective. Which is a good sign, it is always good to get out of your mold box and face a the world with new eyes, take a little weight off the prejudices.

This can open up new opportunities to meet interesting people, as well as new areas of study which are of interest to you. Taking a new direction in life is also a consequence of this, if you decide to choose a career which is a bit alternative or perhaps a classical one, but different from the one you chose at first. The world is your oyster and you can make of it what you will.

Your inhibitions are hindering your creativity. Perhaps you are holding back because of certain prejudices that are already ingrained within, but if you want to renew and release your creativity, which is useful not only at work, but in various aspects of life, you'll need to let go of the restraints that are holding you back.

You lack discipline and you are demonstrating this in some struggles in your life. Discipline is important to order your daily efforts to achieve your victory, which may not be easy - plus you need to challenge yourself to do so, to demonstrate that you can follow an acceptable standard of behavior to get where you want to go, this is necessary, not optional.

So maybe you should rethink your choices.

To dream that you are holding hands with someone

To dream that you are holding hands with someone, usually means that someone of the opposite sex will give you attention in the future period. Which means that your investment in relationship is not unfounded, that special person likes you - has a feeling that goes beyond affection or friendship, something closer to passion or love.

You were right to insist on keeping your feelings intact - you may have heard from friends to give up and move on. But now that you recognize it's mutual, you have a reason to keep enduring, because that long-dreamed-of person will return your affection.

If you're holding hands with someone you don't know, it's possible that you're feeling lonely at the moment or you're looking for a relationship. There's nothing wrong with being single, but if this isn't your goal, you should make an effort: show your friends that you're available and they spread the word to the singles they know.

Using dating apps is also a good idea, many long-lasting couples have met this way. But don't let yourself value appearances too much, without having any content in the descriptions, and don't feel offended if the person simply stops talking to you - many individuals don't know how to give the famous "out" or simply lack tact.

To dream of things in your hands

It is possible that in your dream there are things in your hands, it is perfectly normal and even common. But know that this interferes with the meaning of dreams in a very profound way. Some of the things that can be in your hands include money, dirt and even feces. Do not feel offended if your case the latter, dreams are messages from your subconscious and can and are subjective.

To learn more, just reading the topics just below.

To dream of dirt on your hands

If you dream that you have dirt on your hands, you are focusing on the time that is passing and the things that you are missing out on while this is happening. It is a good reflection regarding time, but it passes for everyone, while you are reflecting, it is passing and passing and still you miss the wonderful things that happen and only once.

The focus of life should be to enjoy it to the fullest because those unique moments will not come back, of course you can remember them or try to copy them in the future, it won't be the same, it makes them unforgettable. One piece of advice would be, stop thinking so much and live in the present moment because it is all we have.

It is recommended to read the book The Power of Now by the famous Eckart Tolle, which will make you meditate more on the contemporaneities of time and the importance and give focus to the present.

Generally, this dream also means that you are not satisfied with what you have at the moment. If you dream that you hold earth and it becomes cloudy, it means that you are afraid of sudden changes in your life and want to maintain the sense of stability that solid earth provides. You are also afraid of receiving news that you do not want to accept.

Because he's sure it will change his life and he doesn't know if it will be for the better.

To dream of money in your hands

To dream of money in your hands symbolizes that your goals may be too high and impossible to achieve. Here is the importance of setting possible and achievable goals that are attainable - not too easy, but not impossible either. Goals should be challenging, they should instigate you to complete them, not discourage you along the way.

You will be recognized and rewarded for your achievements. Which is great, because you've worked hard and given your all to what you've aimed for, it could be a position at work, a family role or a hobby you take seriously. It could even be a community service you're a part of.

Now you will be welcomed for the services rendered to the community you served - this is valid for any of the above options - and you will reap the rewards, it may be through admiration from your fellow members or even in physical profit, if it comes to your job.

To dream of blood on hands

If you dreamed with blood on your hands is because you feel a lot of guilt or regret for something. In this case, if that something involves another person the most correct thing to do is a sincere apology, if you want you can even rehearse at home before talking to the person, if what you did was very serious, it is possible that the individual does not want to see you. So it is good to give a space at first.

For things to calm down and for the two of you to put your heads together and truly understand the situation.

But after that begins a process of self forgiveness, you forgive yourself for what you did. This won't be easy because you carry a lot of guilt and resentment, but over time, day by day, looking in the mirror will become less difficult. And one day you will be able to say that you have forgiven yourself, not entirely, for what happened.

To dream of feces on your hands

A dream with feces on his hands portends a low self-esteem at work. You consider that your work life is in remarkable stagnation and there are few positive things for you. Well, it is the person who decides the pace of work itself. Your work is defined how you face it.

If you're not enjoying it as it is you or have a frank conversation with your superior to be transferred to an area where you can be better utilized or can work harder to beat your personal goals, you can set them if there are no goals at work, and it will excite you to go to work each day.

If you really don't like your job, it may be time to try something new. Something which deeply touches your heart, you can try a freelance career if you wish - knowing that it has its challenges, or prepare yourself, of course, with the help of your family or partner, for a new profession which causes real enthusiasm.

To dream of a gun in your hand

To dream of a gun in your hand shows that you may be moving painfully slowly toward your goal. This slowness is probably killing you. You would like to speed things up. If you want, you can set new and more attainable goals, aim for easier goals, it makes the reward system work faster, because the reward will come more quickly.

But you will have to make an effort, it is believed that this will not be a problem for you, since you are excited to achieve your goals, for this you must do where and be disciplined, do not forget to determine a schedule for daily work - if you want you can exclude the weekends. So you can get in harmony and rest.

Your achievements will soon be recognized. Perhaps thanks to your efforts made in the previous topic, good discipline will always be rewarded if done correctly. You can then be proud of your success and the fruits of your efforts, and to be proud indeed. You deserve every step you have taken.

To dream of broken glass in your hand

If you dream of broken glass in your hand know that this is a warning to review your attitudes and lifestyles. It is possible that you have had certain behaviors of disdain or contempt for the people around you, this is wrong and unethical, everyone has their value, even if you do not see it. And perhaps you are so blind in your pride that you have no vision for others besides yourself.

In kinder words: others also have their own problems and you have no right to diminish them by focusing on your own. It is understood that your complications have their value, but you shouldn't focus on them, otherwise they will only increase in size. Worry about yourself, but also pay a little more attention to others.

You have had certain attitudes that are harmful to yourself and the people around you, think about what you may be doing wrong that may be harming you, analyze carefully and then reflect. Although it is believed that meditation is a state of total mental cleansing it can be used for reflection.

To dream of hand shows where is the focus of the dreamer's attention?

In the case of dreaming of a handful of earth, the dreamer is focused on the present, he fears that his future may be different from the current timeline that presents itself to him, in this case one that pleases him.

There's also the possibility that he's not happy with the way things are going and is obsessing about it.

Usually dream with hands involve the other, as burning hands whose dreamer wants to draw attention because he feels lonely or when hands embrace you: someone is on his way to success, in this case one should find out who it is. If not intentional, it is possible to have a frank conversation with the person, because this dream is common people involved with parents and relatives who do not wish to bedistance yourself from your children or relatives.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.