Meaning of the card Priestess or Papisa: in tarot, love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the priestess card mean in the tarot?

The tarot is an esoteric deck that presents two possibilities of interpretation: it can be divinatory or bring messages from the unconscious of who seeks it. It is composed of 78 cards, and among them there are the 22 major arcana, which reveal spiritual lessons through which everyone will pass, as well as the journey of evolution of the human being.

The second card of the major arcana is The Priestess, also known as The Papist. Discover in this article the meanings of this card, its history, its main aspects, what it says about the fields of love and work, and what challenges and tips it brings to those who draw it.

Priestess in tarot - Basics

All tarot cards have their own history and meanings that can also be analyzed and understood through the archetype it contains, that is, the image it presents. See below what is the origin and meaning of the visual aspects of the card The Priestess.


This card is known by two names, The Priestess or The Papisa. In the Tarot of Marseille, one of the oldest and best known divinatory decks, the card and the image feature a woman of high religious standing, a papisa.

It is believed that she is inspired by Pope Joan, the first and perhaps only woman to hold the highest office in the Catholic Church, that of Pope. She was a woman who, during the Middle Ages, had to pass herself off as a man in order to study theology and philosophy, as formal education at the time was forbidden for women.

Due to her unique intelligence, she became part of the Christian Catholic high clergy, and some time later became Pope, under the name John VIII. According to history, while holding the office, she became involved with a subordinate and became pregnant, and during a procession between St. Clement's Church and the Lateran Palace, after feeling abdominal pain, she gave birth.

That was the end of her cover. Sources to this day differ about her end, whether she was executed or died of complications from childbirth. Supposedly, after that her name was erased from the Church records, which is why there is so much uncertainty about her existence.

For many, Pope Joan is only a legend, since there are no official documents that prove her story. However, her story is still inspiring, and her participation in the tarot is proof of that.


The Priestess card shows a woman in religious robes sitting on a throne holding an open book on her lap. She looks forward, seeking to be able to use the wisdom gained from scripture to better deal with the future. In addition, the triple crown represents her connection to the spiritual realm, and the cross on her chest symbolizes balance.

In some tarot versions she is also presented with the Moon under her left foot, showing her mastery over intuition. Sometimes she is between two columns, one light and the other dark, which represent the dualities of the world, light and darkness, the eastern yin and yang, the feminine and masculine.

She may also have a tapestry behind her, remembering that certain knowledge must be kept as secrets that only the initiated can have access to.

Priestess in tarot - Meaning

The card of the Priestess contains many meanings that can be understood through close observation of its image, but also through further study of the tarot. Read below what are the 8 main messages contained in this card.

The feminine

The Priestess, which is the first card represented by a woman in the major arcana, brings the classic feminine attributes such as patience, introspection, serenity, reflection, intuition, fertility, understanding and empathy.

She symbolizes the wisdom that comes through intuition and listening to others, so it is time to get in touch with your feminine side to develop these qualities in you.


In view of the iconography of the card, The Priestess keeps certain secrets and hides some mysteries. Thus, she tells you that there are things which are not in sight, are not in the open. Therefore, you should not rush, but rather study, gain knowledge about a situation or subject before taking any action.


The main meaning that the Priestess card brings is intuition, as it is the result of the union of the feminine essence with spirituality. It advises you to train more and listen more to your intuition, as it will lead you to the best path for you.

When you feel something within you telling you to do or not to do something, listen, for the sacred is communicating through you.


A priestess or pope is a woman who devotes her whole life to the spiritual or religious world. It is a life whose main point is faith. Thus, the chart indicates that you work more on your spiritual side, so try to study to understand more about spirituality, whether through a religion or not.


In the letter, the woman holds an open book in her lap while looking to the side. This image translates the idea that she has learned from theory, but that wisdom can only be achieved through the union of knowledge and experience. Thus, she intends to put theory into practice through the challenges that will arise in her journey, in order to achieve wisdom in fact.

This is the message that the Priestess brings you: study, reflect on life and spirituality so that when challenges come, you can overcome them in the best possible way, learning and becoming a wiser person.


The Priestess, or the Papaless, is a woman who has turned her life to the study of the sacred and just as many beliefs hold, the sacred lives within us. Therefore, a suitable attitude is to take time for yourself and look within.

Stop being distracted by the outside world and pay attention to what happens inside, because great lessons will come out of this, and the greatest of them is self-knowledge. This card indicates that the answer to your question, to your problem, is inside you.


The card says that you must trust in yourself, because you already have the answer you are looking for. In some cases, you can become a very passive person in front of life's problems, and the Priestess comes to remind you that you have within you everything you need. It is important to think before you act, but don't stop acting out of fear. Take the reins of your life.


The Priestess is holding a book that holds the knowledge of the ancestors, thus indicating that you seek to connect with the wisdom of your ancestors, whether physical or spiritual. Thus, your journey to personal wisdom will be even more complete.

Priestess in tarot - In different areas of life

The card of the Priestess generally calls for more reflection, but for every aspect of life it presents a particularity. Whether in friendship, family, love or work, it calls for caution. Discover below what this card says about matters of the heart and the professional field.

In love

In the field of love, the Priestess card indicates that internal conflicts may arise and that you must deal with them using your intuition and the potential which the feminine energy carries, such as understanding, balance, dialogue and the art of reinventing yourself.

She also talks about difficulties in externalizing your feelings about a relationship, such as a difficulty falling in love or a doubt about your feelings for someone. Reflect on how you feel and, when you really understand, make a decision.

For those who are already in a relationship, the chart reminds you that it can sometimes wear thin. There can be hurt and neediness, but understanding and empathy are extremely necessary tools for a relationship to stay healthy. From this behavior, you will achieve a deep, unconditional and sacred love.

At work

The Priestess card says that in the professional area you should think calmly before acting and, when you do, act wisely, using your intuition to solve problems. At this time it is good to be more discreet and choose the people you trust better until the moment is more favorable for your intentions.

If you are looking for a job, the chance may come from a woman. However, the chart also indicates that before anything else you need to reflect before acting. Analyze your goals and needs to choose the best path to take.

A little more about the priestess card in the tarot

The Priestess also has particular meanings depending on how she appeared in the drawing, whether in its common position or inverted, and also says which are the challenges you will have to deal with and how to solve them. Read below what are these particularities, and even discover its meaning in the mythological tarot.

Inverted Card

In her inverted position, the Priestess indicates that you give more attention to yourself, so take time to relax and take care of yourself. She may also tell you that you don't like your body image, so if this is the case, do something to improve your self-esteem, such as a change of haircut, new clothes, or even exercise.

This position also shows that you may be acting like an over-protective mother in a loving relationship. You must remember that your partner is not your child, and so it is important to review what terms this relationship is on and change them so that it is better for both of you.


The Priestess indicates that certain challenges may arise in your path, such as secret intentions of people around you, concealment and hypocrisy, as well as resentment and indifference which may start from you to another person or vice versa.

She also warns you to beware of fanaticism in any matter, be it religious or in other areas of life. In addition, she warns you to beware of excessive passivity and false intuitions that can lead you down the wrong path.


The letter talks about secrets, as it reminds us that we do not always have all the information we need, so there may be facts that we do not know. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect very carefully before acting.

This card represents passivity and reflection, and therefore guides you to not act on impulse. Take this with you in the coming days so that no surprises will lead you to an explosion or inappropriate behavior. The Priestess advises you to think carefully before acting.

She also says that you need to turn inward, and that you need to use your intuition to deal with a situation or problem in your life. Try to study more about spirituality and self-knowledge techniques.

Keep your plans secret, whether they're at work, in your family, or in your friendships, it's best to wait and try to get to know the essence of those around you before opening up.

In the mythological tarot

In the Mythological Tarot, the Priestess, or Papisa, is represented by Persephone, the Greek goddess of herbs, flowers, fruits and perfumes, who after being kidnapped by Hades, became the queen of the underworld. Persephone is the link between the conscious and the unconscious, she holds the key that opens and reveals the secrets of our inner self.

Here the card symbolizes increased intuition and a call to deal with your hidden side, your unconscious. This will bring an interest in the esoteric world and strong intuitions, as well as revelations through dreams.

Can the priestess card in the tarot indicate the need for internalization?

The main message of the Priestess card is that it is necessary to reflect before acting. Therefore, the time has come when you need to turn inward, seek self-knowledge, reconnect with yourself, awaken your intuition and trust it, so that when you return to the outside world, you are stronger, prepared and wise to face life's challenges.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.