To dream of candle: lit, unlit, white, red, black, blue and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of a candle

Generally, dreaming of a candle means connection with the immaterial, probably a message from the spiritual plane for the issues that are distressing you, or guidance for next steps.

The meaning of dreaming of a candle can vary according to the condition in which it is found: if lit, extinguished or even in relation to the intensity of the flame. Another factor that can influence is the color of the candle or where it is found.

Therefore, it is essential to understand what each characteristic represents, so as not to be mistaken in the interpretation. These are common mistakes, but they can lead you to a totally wrong interpretation. To understand what your dream of candles means, check out the meanings of each type, color and condition.

To dream of candle in different conditions

To correctly interpret your dream, you need to remember not only the color or where it was, but also the condition of the candle. To dream of a lit candle has a different meaning than when it was out, likewise, the intensity of the flame or if it was melting or not, can influence its interpretation. Take a closer look at each of these cases.

To Dream of a Lighted Candle

To dream of a lighted candle, with the flame in moderate intensity, means that you are connected to your essence, the immaterial. It is the fire of life that vibrates in you and protects you, transmuting any negative energy that tries to reach you.

There are also many chances that you are making the right decision when facing some issue that is currently consuming you. In this case, the candle flame is in balance, neither weak nor too intense, representing the middle path.

To dream of an extinguished candle

The flame is fire, heat, light. To dream of an extinguished candle may represent the end of a cycle, which burned out and will no longer return. It is the closure of something that is no longer useful or necessary in your life. Let it pass and seek to find new ways and projects to feed your flame.

This dream is also related to a lack of connection with your own self. Have you stopped, in silence and with a quiet mind, to listen to what your essence is trying to say? This is a good time to reconnect with your guardian angel, protector, guide or whatever you want to call it.

To dream of a broken candle

The candle is an instrument of connection between the material and immaterial. To dream of a broken candle can represent this rupture in your life. Perhaps you are too attached to matter, focusing only on aspects of survival and pleasure. On the other hand, you may be ignoring this important part of your life, focusing only on the spiritual. It is, then, a warning that there is a need for greater balance in thisfield.

This dream has another meaning that should also not be ignored. It is a symbolic representation that some aspect of your life is weakening, and not only in the spiritual field. You may be giving little attention to an important project, or relationship, and should turn your focus to it.

To dream of a melted candle

To dream of a melted candle represents difficulties along the way. When the candle burns, it usually does not leave a large amount of paraffin. However, when there is an external factor to it that influences the burning - which may be energy or wind, for example - it can spill a good amount of wax.

Usually, this is called 'crying candle', and it is not a good sign. It is worth meditating and try to evaluate what factors may be hindering your plans. Remember to ask for guidance from your guides/guardian angels and be attentive to the signs given in the coming days.

To dream of a candle with a strong flame

A great omen, to dream of a candle with a strong flame means that your plans are going well and that a request made will soon come true. It is the spirituality converging efforts for the realization of something very good in your life, which will manifest at the right time.

This dream may also be the answer to some question that has been consuming you lately, whose answer is yes or no. The lit and intense flame, burning in an atypical way, is a sign of confirmation, an expressive 'yes' to your doubt.

To dream of a candle with a weak flame

There are two ways to interpret the dream of a candle with a weak flame. First, it may be a sign that your spiritual life is in need of more attention, a reconnection. It is a message from your guardian angel that you should look more inward than in other people's lives.

On the other hand, this dream also represents difficulties in achieving your goal, but that it will still be possible. This is because the flame is weak, wavering - maybe even giving small bursts - but it is still burning. Persist, find new paths. There will be no barriers to hold you back.

To dream of a candle of different colors

Since ancient times, colours have been used in rituals, or even in clothing, to convey some message or represent something specific. For example, purple is the colour of power, and in ancient Greece only the emperor could wear it. Similarly, black is standard in mourning in the West, while white in some places in the East.

When it comes to dreaming about candles of different colors, it is important to interpret not only the meaning of the color itself, but also how these candles have been used. See what each color represents and how it can impact your day to day life.

To dream with white candle

To dream of white candle means elevation, growth. And do not think that this is related only to spiritual or religious, but in any area of your life. It is a sign that you are on the right path, whether in the affective, financial or even immaterial field.

The white candle is universal and can adapt to any situation. It can be used for a prayer to the guardian angel or to make a request. So, if you had a dream with a candle of this color, it may be that your subconscious is reinforcing your desire, making a request. It can also be a sign that you should focus on what is really important at this stage of your life.

To dream with black candle

Contrary to what many people think, dreaming of black candle is not something bad. In fact, it can be considered a sign of deliverance. The black candle burns the negative energies, channeling back to earth and clearing your path. In other words, if you had a dream with black candle, your angels or guides are warning you that something bad, and that was about to happen to you, just changedof route.

The burning of the black candle is also related to a greater clarity in thoughts, so if you dream with this color, it may be a good time to put your ideas on paper. Whether it is a book, music or personal or professional project, this is the ideal time to start planning or writing. Your mind will be cleaner, clearer and more focused in the coming days.

To dream with red candle

To dream of a red candle has a very special meaning: love will overflow in your life in the coming days, if you are attentive to the signs and allow yourself to change. It can come from your current relationship, as a new perspective on things, with a greater focus on the new Self with whom you are relating. However, it can also represent the arrival of a new passion.

On the other hand, it may be the sign that, in the coming days, you have to be with a calm mind and body ready for battle. Difficulties may arise in your path, but you are accompanied and will have the strength to go through them all and come out victorious. The important thing is to keep calm and be persevering, counting on the people you trust.

To dream with yellow candle

Synonymous with prosperity, when you dream of a yellow candle you can expect a good financial result soon. It may be the fruit of some investment already made or even a new job or position, which will guarantee you better income. It also indicates prosperity in the broad sense, with an abundant life of love, tranquility and other blessings.

The yellow candle lit in your dream also indicates a good time to invest your time and energy in a personal project, which asks for the use of your mental capacity, more than in relation to what you are already used to doing. It is a good time to make that old dream come true, through a well-done planning, taking advantage of a clearer and more focused mind.

To dream with blue candle

To dream of a blue candle indicates a good time to start a new course or invest in some field of study that you have been planning for some time. It is a sign that it is time to devote more time to the development of your skills and abilities, either for professional growth or even a hobby, for example, making topiaries or a gastronomy course.

This dream also indicates the need for your self to seek knowledge about your essence. It may be a spiritual call from your guardian angel, guide, or whatever you want to call it, for you to begin to turn more inward and seek personal growth. This may involve developing social skills, better interpersonal skills, or even mediumistic development.

To dream with pink candle

When you dream of a pink candle, you may be sending a message to yourself to be more cautious with the people you trust. Perhaps it is someone you have recently approached or even a long-time acquaintance, who has suddenly become part of your closest circle of friends. Pay attention to the signs and analyze who really deserves your trust.

It is also important to work on your expectations of what to expect from other people, so that you don't get frustrated in the future. The pink candle lit in your dream may be a sign that you should try to resolve a recent disagreement, bringing peace to this relationship. It is a request for more harmony and brotherly love, with an empathic look at the other.

To dream of a purple candle

To dream with a purple candle is a sign that some great transformation is coming in your life, whether in the affective, emotional or financial field. It is the transmutation of something that no longer serves for the new, which must always be worked and reviewed according to their principles and values. Pay attention to the signs of change in the coming days and prepare for the adaptations.

If, during the dream, the purple candle is the highlight, then you may receive good news about your professional field or in non-love relationships. It may be a promotion, recognition of something you have done and are proud of, or the approach of people who will help you achieve your goals more quickly.

To dream with green candle

When you dream of a green candle, get ready to work even harder and achieve the long-awaited prosperity in your life. This is because it is a sign that you will soon have to roll up your sleeves and invest more time in a project or in your current job. The recognition and results will be prosperous, whether in a material or spiritual sense.

If, in your family, there is someone suffering from some disease, the dream may be indicating that soon, she will be free of the problem. It is also a sign of protection in the field of health, as a blessing on you and your loved ones. Accept and give thanks, praying for all and taking due care to maintain good luck in your home.

To dream with brown candle

If you dreamed of a brown candle, it means that you are receiving a message from your guardian angel or guide, so that you rethink your attitudes. In recent times, have you committed an injustice or offended someone? Then it's time to be humble, admit your mistake and ask for forgiveness. This will help you to have lighter days ahead and to be at peace with your conscience.

If your choices have been unusual or different from what's expected by current morals, it could also be a sign that it's time to stop and put your feet on the ground. You don't have to follow the playbook, like everyone else, but it's crucial to find the balance between what you want and what you need to do. Let go of what is an outdated concept, but seek greater stability.

To dream with orange candle

When you dream of an orange candle during the decision-making process, it may be a sign that the business is prosperous and worth the investment. In other words, if you have thoroughly analyzed the opportunity, and it really looks promising, then this is an omen that it is likely to be a success. Trust your analytical skills and don't let go of your intuition.

This dream may also mean that soon something very good will happen in your life. You will feel more energetic and your drive to accomplish and learn will be greater than usual, so it is worth investing your time in activities that you consider more difficult or tiring, and probably have been postponed for some time.

To dream of colored candle

In the dream, the colored candle may have several layers of colors or even be more immaterial, with alternation between colors, as if they were lights interleaving. In both cases, this dream symbolizes the greatest need for calm and tranquility. If your life is very hectic and conflicted, take some time - even 5 minutes - to do a meditation or conscious breathing.

Your temperament may not be the best either, oscillating between moods, thus having greater chances of making wrong decisions and causing misunderstandings with loved ones. Aware of this, try to calm down and maintain balance in the coming days, appeasing the moments of extreme euphoria and working in the low moments, with things that bring you back to the axis of your Self.

To dream of candle in different places

Now that you understand what the colors of candles mean and what it means to dream of candles in different conditions, it's time to understand what this dream means in different places. This is because dreaming of a candle in water, in the dark or in the cemetery has different meanings. Then, just join the other interpretations and better understand the message that the dream wants to pass you.

To dream of a candle burning in water

If, when dreaming of a candle burning in water, it was stationary and floating calmly on the surface, it is a sign that something good will happen in the coming days. Some positive change, probably that you did not expect, is coming, but it will not radically change things. It is an addition, something good that you are deserving at this time in your life.

If the candle is lit in a river or moving water, then it is time to make that change that you have been putting off for some time. If the candle is in the center of a swirling portion of water to the left, then it is a sign of deliverance. If it is spiraling or turning clockwise, then something good is coming.

To dream of a candle burning on the ground

It may be that, at this time, your life is a little off track and your goals are further away than you would like. So, if you dream of a candle burning on the ground, it is a sign that you will soon have the support of someone to get through this phase, as long as you are struggling to get through it on your own.

The meaning of a dream with a candle on the ground may also be of purification and protection for you and your family. It is the passage from the immaterial - the flame - to the material, represented by the ground, and the 'burning' of what is negative and unnecessary, being sent back to where it should be, the earth. Thus, you may be going through a process of purification or even banishment.

To dream of a candle burning in a church

When you dream of a candle burning in church, your guardian angel is showing you that there is a very important goal that you are putting aside, and that you must fulfill as soon as possible. Try to analyze and remember what projects or plans you had in mind some time ago and what could be this important goal.

On the other hand, this dream may have a different meaning than the previous one. It is a reminder for you to reconnect with your essence, through your interpretation of the Sacred. Whether through prayer, meditation, offering, or even simple introspection, try to feel this reconnection and understand the reason for the call.

To dream of a candle burning in the dark

If you dream of a candle burning in the dark, it means that the darkness that seems to be engulfing your world will be dissipated by the light. But for this, you need to look inside yourself and manifest your faith, with gratitude for the learning from the last tests and the predisposition for a real and transforming change.

The darkness can also represent aspects of your self that you have not yet wanted to access, in which case it is a call from your soul for you to seek help to deal with past hurts that still mark your heart and do not allow you to open up to the world again. This will help you find what you have been searching for so hard.

To dream of a lighted candle at the crossroads

To dream of a candle burning at the crossroads means active and guided choice. Your guardian angel is showing you that soon you will have to make an important decision, with two really interesting alternatives, but one will override the other. Do not worry, the candle indicates protection and guidance, so that you take the best path.

A crossroads is a point of convergence of energies, a center of power and connection. If in your dream you light or find a lit candle, it is a sign that in the coming days, a major project or change can happen in your life. Prepare yourself for the extra energy that you will receive to handle everything and take advantage of the opportunities that appear.

To dream of a lighted candle in a cemetery

When you dream of a candle burning in the cemetery, you can look forward to profound transitions in the near future, such as the death of something you no longer need, and the birth of something new and different. Like any process of passage, be patient and persist to find the best solutions, and soon everything will be back in place.

This dream can also mean that you will go through the process of mourning, either for someone or something that will happen in the coming days. For example, the loss of a valuable object (affective or material), a change of address or even the death of a loved one. Tranquility and resilience are the key words for the coming days.

To dream of candle in different situations

It is also important to understand what it means to dream of a candle in different situations. It may be that you are simply looking at the candle, lighting it, blowing it out or buying one. See what each of these cases means and unravel the message hidden in your dream.

To dream that you see a candle

If, during the night, you dream that you are seeing a candle - that is, you have no other action, like lighting or blowing it out - then it means that you are with a very passive posture in front of your reality. Maybe what you need is to take that extra step is to go into action and start making things happen.

To dream that you are buying a candle

When you dream you are buying a candle, it may be time to start a course, do the dreamed graduate or post-graduate, or perhaps start learning a new language. After all, you are making an exchange of something with material value, for something else valuable, but non-material.

This can also indicate a visit to a psychologist, to catch up on your thoughts, or even a book, in a quest for self-knowledge.

To dream that you are holding a candle

If, when you dream you are holding a candle, you feel your hand burning from the wax, it means that problems are catching up with you and you need to let go in order to be able to start over. If something is making you unhappy at this time, it is time to change. Even if it is not radical, but firm in the goal of finding victory in this specific area of your life.

But if, when holding the candle, the sensation is one of peace and contemplation - as if you were praying or observing a landscape - then the meaning is completely different. It means that you are connected with your greater Self, but that you should pay more attention to your intuition when making decisions, letting the light manifest in your actions, still in partnership with reason.

To dream that you are lighting a candle

To dream that you are lighting a candle symbolizes that you are with the spiritual and energetic posture active for a particular intention. Then, to understand the full meaning, you should also associate the meaning of the color perceived and associate with this openness and predisposition. That is, if it is an orange candle, it may be that you are open to good luck. Take a look at the meanings of the colorsjust above!

To dream that you are blowing out a candle

The candle flame is action and transformative energy. If you dream that you are blowing out a candle, it means that you are taking the focus off something, or that something is losing momentum in your life. This is not necessarily a bad thing! Again, it is worth making the association with the meaning of candle colors in dreams, which we explained above.

To dream that you are being prevented from lighting a candle

Pay close attention to your surroundings if you dream that you are being prevented from lighting a candle. This is because it is a sign that they are trying to hinder your growth or development. Even worse: it may represent a real threat to some project that you are currently trying to develop. Protect yourself by relying on the support of your guardian angel, guide or guardian.

Other interpretations of dreaming of candle

You can see that dreaming of a candle is much more complex and enlightening than people usually imagine, right? Know that there are other factors that can also be significant when you try to interpret your dreams. Besides those already seen, you can also dream with birthday candle or even the candle of a boat. Understand what they want to tell you!

To dream with birthday candle

This dream marks the beginning of a new cycle. In other words, if you start dreaming of birthday candles, your life is about to take a new direction, more mature and established than before. It may be that your tastes and companies also change with time, so value those who really deserve it and do not stop having contact with important people in your life.

To dream of a scented candle

When you dream of scented candle, you are activating some characteristic in you and need to focus on it in the coming days.

If the scent is cinnamon, then focus on making money. If it's lavender, roses, patchouli or another floral, cultivate love around you. If it's fresh scents like sea breeze, wet earth or even mint, watch out for changes. If it's something woody, it means it's time to let go of what no longer serves your life.

To dream of three candles

The number three is recognized as a mystical number and represents the manifestation of something. So, if you dream of three candles, it means that the element represented will manifest soon in your life. For example, if it is green, it means that someone in your family will be free from some disease, and if it is red, it may be the arrival of a great passion.

To dream of many candles

If you dream with many candles, instead of only three, this is a great omen, especially if they are black. They are a sign of divine protection, and when black, you can also interpret as a deliverance performed by your guardian angel, or banishment of something that was preventing you from growing or living with greater joy and intensity.

To dream of candle wax

To dream of candle wax, without seeing the flame or the melting process, means that you are very negative, focusing only on the problem. It is time to start giving thanks for the good things you have in life, even if it is not yet as you want it to be, and start focusing on growth, not complaining.

To dream of a candle in an offering

To dream of a candle in an offering, whether it is from the African, Greek, Nordic or any other culture, is a very good thing. Usually they are symbols of thanks or requests to the gods, goddesses or saints of each religion. So feel grateful and try to reconnect, because it is a call to look more within.

To dream of sailing

Despite being of a different type, it is common to dream of marine sails, found on boats. They indicate that your life is in need of a goal, so that you can direct your efforts in its direction. After all, what good is having a sail and wind in abundance, if you do not know where you want to go? So, grab the paper and pen and start planning your life!

Can dreaming of candle be a sign of hope?

Dreaming of a candle can be a sign of hope. After all, it is light, purification and protection. It can also be a warning, or even a message from your guardian angel or guide. Regardless of how the dream came to you, it is a good omen. You should be thankful that you can remember what you dreamed and keep your eyes up, with hope for better days ahead.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.