Gypsy cards for Love: Know the meanings!

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Jennifer Sherman

Know the meaning of gypsy love cards

The gypsy love cards are known as "gossip cards" and can bring you all the information you want to know about this field. Thus, it is possible to find out if a new love will come your way or even if the relationship you are already in will work out or not.

In this way, the Gypsy love deck is considered a cosmic world with the ability to reveal the most hidden surprises, such as the forces that guide your relationship. Thus, by discovering the interpretation of these cards you can determine the path of your relationship and even understand certain confusing points of this relationship.

If you really want to understand the full meaning of each of these letters, continue reading and stay on top of everything.

Love Gypsy cards

The gypsy love deck consists of 36 cards. If you are truly interested in this topic, it is essential that you understand a few things, such as how the deck is read, as well as what the cards have in store when you are single or dating. See below.

How is the reading of the gypsy card of love

The essence of Gypsies is in love, and therefore, when it comes to this topic, the connection with the deck is even deeper. Thus, it is known that in a card draw you can discover something related to your past life, such as predestination and fate, which would give an answer as to why you are acting in a certain way in your current relationship.

The turn of the card can still allow you to find out whether your partner is a karmic or dermic encounter in your life. An important piece of advice is that during the reading you should indulge in wisdom, for it is known that you will not always be able to hear what you wanted, and so it will be necessary to have discernment.

Gypsy love cards for lovers

For those who are in a relationship, it is possible to discover the future of your romance through the gypsy love deck. Thus, during the reading process the cards can reveal future events and thus point to what would be the best way to act during certain disagreements.

That is, if you, for example, have any doubts about your partner, you can better understand whether or not to continue investing in this relationship. The cards can go even further, pointing out whether your partner is your true soul mate or not.

Gypsy love cards for singles

For singles, the gypsy deck can bring some answers you are looking for, such as whether a new love will come into your life. Also, if you have already met someone who interests you, the reading can reveal if this person is indeed worthy of your feelings or has bad intentions.

The gypsy card can also show you if this is a time to dedicate yourself to yourself instead of waiting for a new passion. Remember that sometimes the messages of the cards appear enigmatic, so you will need a sharp intuition to interpret them.

Meaning of the cards of the Gypsy cards of love

As you have already discovered during this article, the gypsy deck consists of 36 cards, and therefore its meanings are diverse. From the first card, "The Knight", to the last, called "The Cross", the revelations for your life can be as surprising as possible.

Thus, it is essential that you understand the meaning of each of them.

Card 1 - The Knight

The first card of the deck, entitled "The Knight", shows a handsome, dark and attractive suitor. But don't get excited, because it indicates someone who doesn't want anything serious, and so it will be just a passing in your life.

Because of this, according to experts, this letter may indicate a visit, someone who is passing through your life. This "visit" may also represent news about a love relationship that you are already in. In this case, you will need to do a personalized reading to discover the message.

Card 2 - The Clover

The Clover is the second card of the gypsy deck, and if it appears in your reading, be happy, because this card represents luck in love. So, you can interpret that probably something new and positive will arise in your life related to this area.

However, to understand the real surprise that she has in store for you, it will be necessary to observe the cards that come along with her in your reading. Thus, at first you can reassure yourself that luck is on your side, but be sure to understand the meanings of the other cards in your reading.

Card 3 - The Ship

The third card, called "The Ship", comes into your reading to show you some twists and turns in love. It can indicate either an outing, a dinner party or even a romantic weekend with a new fling.

Moreover, this letter can go even further. According to this reading, there is a possibility that your suitor is a foreigner, so keep an eye out for news that may come soon.

Card 4 - The House

The card "The House" indicates that your family or that of your suitor may have some kind of involvement in your relationship. This may have to do with either positive or negative opinions or attitudes.

With the interpretation of only this card it is not possible to identify the message completely, so it will be necessary to draw new cards during the reading and interpret them together. However, you already know that it will hold surprises for you involving the family.

Card 5 - The Tree

The fifth card of the deck, "The Tree", has a surprising message. It indicates that an old love could appear soon. It could be that first passion of your childhood or adolescence, or even someone who has marked you deeply in your adult life.

Moreover, this card still represents that you may embark on a lasting and solid romance. Keep an eye out for opportunities that may arise around you in the love sphere.

Card 6 - The Clouds

If the card "The Cloud" appears in your reading, this indicates that some confusion is occurring in your current relationship, which may be connected to a man or woman already committed, or even a partner who has not completely disconnected from the past, among other things.

If during the reading this card speaks directly of your partner, this may indicate that he does not yet know what he wants from this relationship. Be calm at this time and use your wisdom to resolve this situation.

Letter 7 - The Serpent

The card "The Serpent" indicates a chance of a betrayal in your relationship. It also shows that your partner's lover may be an older and more experienced person.

Despite being an unpleasant message, be very calm and discerning to face this situation and understand that nervousness will only hinder you. Start to be more aware of what happens around your relationship, but without neurosis.

Letter 8 - The Coffin

The eighth card of the deck, "The Coffin", brings with it the news of a breakup, and this can be for both a marriage and a relationship. As difficult as it is, it is essential that you keep calm.

Analyze if this is a relationship that has really worn out and the end will be the best solution. Understand that this closure may be the best for both. If you believe that the relationship is still worth it, dialogues may help at this time.

Card 9 - The Bouquet

"The Bouquet" shows that a woman you can trust will soon appear in your life. She will bring with her new surprises for your love sphere.

However, there is not much information about her, so it is understood that she may be someone who will help you in a relationship or even guide you to find your ideal match. Either way, be aware of what happens around you.

Letter 10 - The Scythe

Card number 10, "The Scythe" brings with it the news that you will soon have to make an important decision. This choice represents that something needs to end in your life so that a new surprise can arise.

This can be related either to a relationship or to some personal project that has hindered the opening of a new cycle. Thus, the other cards that turn in your reading will be fundamental to interpret this completely.

Card 11 - The Whip

If the card "The Whip" appeared in your reading, this indicates that someone sexy may soon appear in your life. Thus, it is understood that you may find an intimate partner for a sexual relationship.

If that's your goal, great, but if you're looking for a long-term relationship, be careful not to get hurt.

Card 12 - The Birds

The card "The Birds" carries with it the message that it will be a good time to share and have loving conversations. So, if you are in a relationship, it will be a good time to give more of yourself to that relationship and always opt for a good dialogue.

On the other hand, if you are single, sincere and pleasant conversations can help you find your ideal suitor. So, remember that here dialogue will be the best medicine.

Letter 13 - The Child

The thirteenth card of the deck, "The Child" can indicate a few different things. The first of these is that you may find a younger partner, or it may mean new love in your life as a whole.

Finally, "The Child" also brings with it the possibility that a younger "rival" will come your way to get in the way of your relationship. In any case, you will need to keep calm and be aware of everything going on around you.

Card 14 - The Fox

In the Gypsy deck of love, the fox has a meaning of naughtiness, so it is important that you take care. For a deeper meaning, you will need the interpretation of the other cards of the reading.

However, in general, this may represent someone who doesn't want anything serious with you, intending only to have fun, so beware.

Card 15 - The Bear

The card "The Bear" has two main meanings, indicating a protective or domineering partner. So, to be sure of your partner's profile, it will be essential to interpret the other cards that come out in your reading.

If your reading indicates a domineering partner, be aware and be careful not to get into an abusive relationship.

Card 16 - The Star

"The Star" brings with it interesting surprises for your love life. It indicates that someone you've always wanted may soon appear in your life, it could even be someone you met on the internet.

So, you can get excited about the news. However, I cannot ask you enough to be careful, after all, if it is someone from the virtual world, remember that before anything, you need to know them thoroughly.

Letter 17 - The Stork

In general, the card "The Stork" indicates that you are going through changes in the love sphere. This can be related to several things, such as the end or beginning of a relationship, among others.

This card is still very much linked to pregnancy, however, it is worth noting that the correct intepretation of this will only be possible with the analysis of the other cards that appear in the reading.

Letter 18 - The Dog

The number 18 card of the gypsy deck, entitled "The Dog", shows that a great friend can play a key role in your love life. This can even indicate a colored friendship, depending on the other cards that come out in the reading.

However, according to the deck, if you are a gay man, this card represents your partner. So, to understand the real meaning of it, once again it will be necessary to analyze the other cards in your reading.

Card 19 - The Tower

The nineteenth card of the gypsy deck, "The Tower" indicates the separation from a great love relationship. This could be a stable relationship or even a flirtation in which the situation was moving towards a new relationship.

In any case, this separation will occur because of external situations, but rest assured that everything indicates that this will be temporary.

Letter 20 - The Park

If the card "The Park" came out in your reading, this may indicate that your partner feels like having an open courtship, without a real serious commitment. It may also represent that he wishes to have more than one steady suitor at the same time.

This desire can go beyond, having him the desire to meet new people at parties, concerts or events in general. Therefore, stay alert and analyze the direction that this relationship has taken.

Card 21 - The Mountain

Card number 21 in the gypsy deck, "The Mountain" indicates serious problems in love. However, to know for sure what this divergence will be, it will be necessary to analyze the other adjacent cards in your reading.

Delays and slowness in the love life are also some other possibilities of interpretation of this card. So, it may indicate that there is something that has been holding you back, making it does not allow you to get into a relationship. Therefore, pay close attention to the reading in full and understand in depth what it wants to tell you.

Card 22 - The Crossroads

The card "The Crossroads" marks a moment of indecision in love, which can be related to a doubt between two partners. Thus, the adjacent cards of your reading can show more in depth the characteristics of each of them, as well as which one would be a better choice.

In a moment like this, it is crucial that you stay calm and analyze which of the two suits you more and has similar plans and worldview.

Card 23 - The Rats

"The Rats" carry with them some suspicions, so this can be related to numerous things, such as the suspicion of a betrayal, a frayed relationship, some other lie, among so many things.

In any case, understand that this situation will bring a lot of stress to the life of the couple. Therefore, it will be essential to try to remain calm and use your wisdom to resolve the situation in the best possible way.

Letter 24 - The Heart

The card "The Heart" can bring a few different meanings depending on what accompanies it. In general, it can indicate that your suitor doesn't want anything serious. However, if the card "The Ring" is present in your reading, this could mean a serious relationship.

On the other hand, if instead of "The Ring", "The Whip" is present, this represents a sexual relationship only. Finally, if what accompanies "The Heart", is "The Dog", this means that this love is only platonic.

Letter 25 - The Ring

If you want to take a step further in your relationship, be happy, because the card "The Ring" indicates the chance of a serious commitment or even a prenuptial agreement. So, if you met a flirt and want to raise it to a dating, you can cheer up, because according to the card "The Ring", this has great chances of occurring.

On the other hand, if you're already in a dating relationship but want to go even deeper, this could represent a step towards moving in together or even extending into a conventional marriage.

Letter 26 - The Book

Card number 26, "The Book" brings to the reading some secrets of your love life. However, this secret can only be unraveled by interpreting the meanings of the other cards that come out together.

To quench your curiosity, some of the options could be a secret admirer or even a mysterious suitor. Either way, be sure to get a personalized reading with a professional to find out.

Letter 27 - The Letter

Like a good card, this one represents that certain love news will come into your life. In a broad sense, it can be news about a new love coming soon or even information about your current relationship that you need answers to.

Once again it is worth remembering that for a complete interpretation, it is essential to analyze the other cards of the reading, even to indicate whether the news will be positive or negative. However, either way, you can be sure that your love life will be moved by the message you receive.

Letter 28 - Man

The card "The Man" carries two main representations. The first is that if you are a straight woman, it represents your partner. If you are a man, the card represents you.

Thus, with the interpretation of the other cards of the reading may be possible to understand the final message. If in your case the card is representing your partner, know that the reading may indicate what in fact he thinks or wants of this relationship. Likewise if it represents you, it may tell you some deeper answers about your wishes, which you can notsee.

Letter 29 - The Woman

The twenty-ninth card of the gypsy deck, "The Woman" has a meaning very similar to the card "The Man" mentioned earlier. However, in this case, if you are a woman, this card represents you. On the other hand, if you are a straight man, it represents your partner.

Once again, it is worth pointing out that the other cards in the reading will make it possible to understand the message conveyed by the card "The Woman". Thus, it will be possible to understand what your partner really expects from this relationship, or even open your eyes to what you really want.

Card 30 - The Lily

In the reading of the gypsy love deck, the card "The Lily" can indicate that an older partner will appear in your life. When you discover that a new passion will arise, it is normal to wonder if it will be a good person or if this relationship will have a future.

However, the card "The Lily" does not give much information about this. With it, all you can be sure of is that this person will be older than you. In order to understand more deeply about this probable new relationship, an analysis of the other cards that come up in your reading will be fundamental.

Card 31 - The Sun

The Sun card represents that some secrets will come to light, and they could be yours or your suitor's. As frightening as this may be, rest assured that this card still indicates that you will be successful in love.

If you have secrets to hide from your partner, it might be a good idea to have a chat and tell them at once what you're hiding, rather than hoping it might burst out through someone else and damage your relationship.

Card 32 - The Moon

Right after "The Sun" we have the card "The Moon", which in general represents a lot of romance in your life together. If you want a healthy relationship, this is already enough to celebrate.

However, if during this reading this card is also accompanied by "The Ship", this may represent that you and your partner have the chance to take a romantic trip. If the relationship is going very well, this is the chance to strengthen it even more. On the other hand, if you are experiencing some problems, you can solve them and live a beautiful love.

Letter 33 - The Key

Card number 33 in the deck, "The Key" carries an encouraging message. This card promises to reveal what you really need to give direction to your love life.

So this news could be either a key partner in your life, a courtship that will be important to you, or even any other solution that you are in need of. Either way, if this letter comes up in your reading, you can be happy.

Letter 34 - The Fish

If the card "The Fish" comes up in your reading, beware, because it indicates a fickle partner in your life. It shows that he can even be a good suitor, because he is someone well-liked and a good person. However, his indecision and oscillation in love can damage this relationship.

So, if this is your case, it will be essential to thoroughly analyze all aspects of this relationship and see if it is really worth it. A sincere and calm conversation with your suitor can also help.

Card 35 - The Anchor

Penultimate card of the gypsy deck, "The Anchor", in general, represents a stable relationship or partner. However, it is worth remembering that this will depend on what you really want, as well as the phase of love in which you find yourself.

Therefore, there is no point in a card with the meaning of a stable relationship coming out for you in your reading, if you are not willing to face it and live it. Thus, it may be a good time to take a deep look at your current moment and what you really want for your life.

Letter 36 - The Cross

The number 36 card in the gypsy deck is "The Cross". The messages it reserves are not so good, indicating karma in love, difficulties and a complicated romance.

However, keep your peace of mind. No matter how negative the news may be, try to look on the bright side. At least you'll already be prepared to face what lies ahead. What's more, it could be what was missing to close a certain cycle in your life.

How can the Gypsy Tarot help in relationships?

Composed of 36 cards that hold numerous messages for your love life, the Gypsy Tarot can help you in many ways, regardless of whether you are single or not. The messages behind each card are very rich and can tell you if you will find a good partner soon or even indicate whether the partner you are currently with is your true soul mate.

It is worth noting that for a complete meaning, it is always essential to interpret the other adjacent cards that come out in your reading. However, anyway, it is known that the Gypsy deck of love can still show you answers to love situations that have been tormenting you or taking away your sleep.

So, it can be said that, in general, one of the main helps that the Gypsy love cards can offer you is to show you the direction in which you should go in love, or even what kind of situation you can expect from now on when the subject is your love life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.