Bath popcorn: Obaluaiê, for love, unloading, health and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Benefits of popcorn bath

For those who do not know in depth the popcorn bath, at first, the practice may cause strangeness. However, the food has very strong energies and provides cleansing and protection for people.

The source of energy for this type of bath comes from the action of the Orixá Obaluaiê. There are several benefits of the popcorn bath, but one of its central points is its ability to absorb all the bad energies in excess.

Therefore, the practice is done as a way to perform a spiritual cleansing. The popcorn, as surprising as it may seem, has the power to combat the known encostas, because it purifies the environment and improves people's lives. Keep reading to learn more about the popcorn bath!

Understanding more about the popcorn bath

To understand a little more about the popcorn bath, it is necessary to understand everything that is involved in the practice, such as the Orixás related to it and the meaning that the food has for them, who are sources of infinite energies.

Obaluaiê is the Orixá who has the greatest connection with popcorn, something present in his history. In this way, the Orixá has a connection with a food that, in Umbanda, for example, became a great symbol of him and of spiritual cleansing.

Thus, the popcorn came to be used in various purification rituals, because it has a great power to eliminate negative energies from environments and people who go through the process. Learn more about the history of the bath of popcorn and how it is done below!

Origin and history

The history and origin of the practice of the popcorn bath are related to the orixá Obaluaiê and come from a time when a celebration with all the orixás was taking place. Obaluaiê, as much as he wanted to participate, was ashamed of his skin disease.

Then he began to look at the party from afar. Ogum was the one who noticed his distress and offered him a straw garment so that he could cover himself and enjoy the party. Curious about the figure, Iansã cast her winds and, in the moment of enchantment, the Orixá's wounds jumped from his body and turned into popcorn, which spread all over the place.

What's it for?

The bath of popcorn is a powerful work done to protect and eliminate negative energies. It is done through the line of the Orixá Obaluaiê, due to the connection in its history with this food.

In this way, the bath is done with the purpose of ending negative energies around some place or person and can ensure that they have protection in their health. The bath can also provide improvements in the life of another person, someone to whom the work will be dedicated.

Ingredients used together

The ingredients used for the popcorn bath, in general, are: cold water, rock salt and popped popcorn kernels. All of them should be mixed together in a container and then it is necessary that they remain for two days resting for use.

On the third day, the mixture can be used for bathing. Just pour it all over your body, keeping in mind that this will purify your body. Thus, you will feel all the negative energies leaving you and the evil that oppresses you will be expelled from your life.

Tips to potentiate the effects of the bath

The popcorn baths have a very great strength and, by itself, can purify and eliminate negative energies from a person's life. However, some other practices are usually used to enhance them.

In some cases, palm oil can be used, which should be heated in the pot. In addition, before the popcorn is placed, a handful of beach sand can also be poured, in order to enhance the bath, which, in this case, is done to discharge.

Cautions with the procedure of the sympathy

Some care should be taken when performing the popcorn bath, because, as there are specific baths for certain situations, some actions can hinder the process and have an unexpected achievement.

For the protection baths, for example, it is recommended not to use palm oil to prepare the popcorn. Another important fact is that you should not, under any circumstances, use microwave popcorn for this type of procedure. Everything should be done with natural corn and with specific measurements for one or more people.

Obaluaiê popcorn bath for protection

The bath for the protection of Obaluiaê serves to eliminate from people's lives all the evil that surrounds them. With the strength of this Orixá and popcorn, the procedure aims to bring more peace and quiet to the life of each individual.

Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful when performing all these procedures, because it is something very serious and connected to the Orixá of protection. Thus, following the measures and indications is ideal for the procedure to occur correctly and for the bath to have its purpose fulfilled.

For the bath to work, it is also indicated that everything is done in a suitable place and calm, that provides for the person the necessary peace to focus on their requests. See more about the popcorn bath for protection below!

Who is the Orixá Obaluaiê?

Obaluaiê is the most feared Orixá of all. He can be called by several other names, like Omolu. Responsible for the earth, fire and death, this Orixá's power is greatly feared by humans because he has a very great strength and is able to see all the deepest details of people.

In addition, another characteristic of Obaluaiê is that he is seen as the protector of the poorest, because he knows the suffering of having an illness and does not want people to suffer for whatever pain they carry in their lives.

Importance of popcorn for Omulú

The popcorn is of great importance to Omulú because of his history. It is no wonder that he became the Orixá of misfortunes. Due to his own illness, this Omulú hid himself from others.

But, when he was helped by Ogum to hide his wounds and approach the others, a magic moment happened through the winds of Iansã: his wounds turned into popcorn. The symbolism, therefore, shows the strength that this Orixá has in relation to healing and, therefore, the popcorn is used in Umbanda in this way.

Indications of the bath

The popcorn baths made for Omulú are all in search of protection and health, because of the characteristics of this powerful Orixá, who has as his main goal to provide security for people. Therefore, the indication are baths that have simpler ingredients, with corn, olive oil and water.

Besides, no other ingredients used in common Umbanda procedures are necessary, because this is a purer work, which aims to clean energies in a simplified way, in search of good health.

Ingredients and how to make

To make the Omulu popcorn bath, you will need popcorn corn, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 liters of water, and containers in which to place the popcorn. You will also need a bowl in which to prepare the bath.

The popcorn should be prepared with olive oil in the normal way, without salt or any other type of ingredient. It needs to be reserved in a bowl, to cool. Soon after that, put the popcorn in a mug with a liter of water and let it boil.

The popcorn with water should then be strained and reserved in a bucket until it cools down. Once everything is cold, take it to the bath and first, do your usual sanitization. Only then, pour the popcorn bath all over the body.

Popcorn bath to discharge negative energies

The popcorn bath to get rid of negative energies helps people feel better, especially when they feel energetically heavy and believe their lives are being hindered by it.

The procedure is quite simple, but should be done in a respectful way before the entities, especially Obaluaiê. Therefore, follow the instructions correctly and do the whole process based on respect.

All popcorn baths should be made following the specifications and also the highlighted quantities, as any change may not have the desired effect. To understand more, keep reading below!


The popcorn bath is indicated for people who are going through a complicated moment in their lives and feel that the energy around them is being taken by negativity and bad events.

Therefore, it is recommended to follow the guidelines in order to carry out a purification process, whether of the environment or of the person himself. Following all the precautions, there is the guarantee of a correct procedure.

Ingredients and how to make

To perform the bath, you need 1 liter of cold water, 10 tablespoons of coarse salt and 10 kernels of popcorn already popped. All ingredients should be mixed and need to pass through a rest. In addition, it is worth remembering that the popcorn should not be popped with palm oil, but with oil or olive oil.

After three days in which the mixture was left in a pot resting, you can use it in your bath. In this case, you need to clean your body before the process. So, take a bath before applying the popcorn bath. After that, pour the mixture all over your body.

Bath of popcorn with sand for the discharge

The baths considered of discharge can be done in several ways. In Umbanda, for example, there are several baths for this purpose, being prepared with herbs and other items that eliminate negative energies and purify the person or the desired environment.

In this case, the actions of the herbs in these baths are the same as in popcorn: they serve to perform a deep cleansing. Thus, each one will have a specification and a connection with some Orixá or entity present in the religion.

There are several procedures and the order of each one of them has an influence on the final result. Therefore, it is important that you pay attention to the process. See more details below!


The unloading baths serve to cleanse the environment or the people who undergo this procedure. They are ways to release everything negative and relieve tension, sadness and bad thoughts. Therefore, it is indicated that the whole process is done following the specifications.

Therefore, in addition to the recipe and ingredients respecting each of the baths, it is necessary that the person uses lighter clothes, preferably white. Throughout the procedure, she should try to keep your mind focused on positive thoughts.

Ingredients and how to make

For the bath of discharge, you need popcorn, soybean oil or olive oil, a pot and a container. First, the popcorn should be prepared with the oil or olive oil in a separate pot. Once popped, the popcorn should be set aside and should not contain salt.

So, it is necessary that, before the process, the person should take a bath. Then, he/she should take the popcorn and rub it all over the body, from the neck down. Soon after, he/she should remove the excess popcorn, but not rinse. This will cause the positive energy to perform the process of energy discharge.

Popcorn bath for protection and improved health

Obaluaiê is the Orixá responsible for health and protection. Therefore, the popcorn baths can also be done to ask for improvements in this sense. People who are sick or who fear for the diseases of people close to them can perform this process to ask for more health.

In addition, the rituals performed with popcorn ensure protection by the power they exert in absorbing bad energies. Well known for other purposes, popcorn is more than just a food: it is very powerful for healing the body and spirit.

Therefore, the bath is intended to help people who are experiencing some kind of illness. Learn how to prepare a popcorn bath to improve your health below!


The popcorn bath for protection has the purpose of ensuring a deep spiritual cleansing, so that sick people can be cured of their problems or they can improve those that afflict them.

Just as it happened with Obaluiaê, the procedure ensures that people who are going through some difficulty regarding their health can feel lighter. Therefore, following all the steps will benefit the sick from their pain.

Ingredients and how to make

For the popcorn bath, you need to separate 2 liters of water, half a cup of popcorn corn and olive oil. Popcorn should be prepared in olive oil, and then, when choosing them for the procedure, the whitest should be selected.

So, you need to boil the two liters of water and let the popcorn soak in the bowl of water until it cools down. After that and your hygiene bath, apply, from the shoulders down, all the water with popcorn and, throughout the process, ask Obaluiaê to give you health and remove everything that can bring negativity.

Popcorn bath for prosperity

The popcorn baths can be used for various purposes, such as prosperity. This can be in various fields of life, from the financial sphere to good development in functions such as work.

Therefore, the abundance and prosperity to which this bath refers depends on what the person is seeking and the thoughts they will emit, at the moment they perform the bath. So, remember to always keep a positive thought and focused on what you want at this moment and see the step by step of the popcorn bath below!


The indications for the popcorn bath reveal that its purpose is to attract positive energies that can provide a person with prosperity and abundance in various different fields of his life.

Because popcorn acts as a purifying agent, when associated with laurel, it brings prosperity vibrations, something that the ingredient will reinforce, as it is also used in various rituals, such as teas and baths.

Ingredients and how to make

For the bath of unburdening, half a cup of popcorn, a pot, a container in which the popcorn will be placed, 2 liters of water and 1 bay leaf will be used. First, the water must be boiled.

The popcorn should be popped in a pan that can be used without oil or olive oil. Then it should be set aside in a place for the next steps and for it to cool. When the water boils, you should place the popcorn in the container with the bay leaf, as if you were preparing a kind of tea. After that, you can let everything warm up.

The popcorn should be thrown in the garbage along with the bay leaf. The water that remains in the container will be used in the bath. First, it is necessary to take a bath to cleanse the body and only after that will the bath with the popcorn be done.

Popcorn bath for love

The love life, for many people, can be a real challenge. Some have more difficulty than others to develop good relationships and keep them in balance. Therefore, the popcorn baths can also be used for this purpose and to ensure that a relationship thrives, or to attract to your life something related to this.

If you are looking for a loving relationship that makes you happy, try to perform this bath of popcorn, because it can rid you of negative energies that hinder you. Here's how to prepare!


The popcorn bath dedicated to love has a very great power to bring good vibrations to people. Due to its ingredients, this kind of procedure makes someone's life more open, so that love can arrive.

Thus, these baths have in common the fact that they rid the person of all the negativity that is around him, in various areas of life. Therefore, the special ingredients direct the process to what the person wants. In this case, they will be honey and cinnamon.

Ingredients and how to make

To perform the popcorn bath for love, you need to separate 2 liters of water, 2 spoons of corn, 1 spoon of honey and 2 sticks of cinnamon. The popcorn should first be popped alone, and in this case, olive oil can be used for the procedure.

Then, heat the 2 liters of water until it boils. Place the popcorn in the hot water and add the honey and cinnamon. The infusion should remain this way for at least 15 minutes. Then, strain the water, removing the popcorn and cinnamon, and then take a bath to cleanse yourself. At the end, pour the mixture all over the body, from the neck down, mentalizing what you want.

Popcorn bath for kids

Children end up being more sensitive than adults, and can often be affected by the evils of the world in a very intense way. Therefore, popcorn baths can also be applied to them. In this case, the purpose of the bath will be to alleviate the evil eye that children receive, much more than it happens with adults.

This procedure can free children from the evil of the world and protect them, so that they are not affected by these evils. But remember that the process can only be done with children above the age of 5 years. It is not recommended to do it with someone younger than this age. So, see how to prepare the popcorn bath for children!


The indication of the popcorn bath is for children to be freed from all the evil eye of the world. As they are considerably more sensitive and can receive negativity from people more intensely, it is recommended to do this procedure to protect children from the evil views of the world.

Therefore, pay attention to the ingredients and how to prepare the bath. Perform the procedure with all the necessary care for it to be effective.

Ingredients and how to make

To make the popcorn bath for children, you need to separate 1 liter of water and 10 popcorn. Boil the liter of water and then put the popcorn there for five minutes. After that, remove all the popcorn, throwing it away and leaving only the water.

Also, it is recommended that you play right away because the role of popcorn has already been done and there is no need for it to remain in the environment as its powers have been placed in the water.

To bathe children it is necessary that they have first of all cleaned themselves. Then, pour all the water from the shoulder down. Ask them to keep positive thoughts throughout the process.

How can the popcorn bath assist in your life?

The popcorn bath can help in various aspects of life. This is because it has a very great force, coming from Obaluiaê, which provides protection and health, in general. Thus, if these aspects are in harmony in a person's life, they will certainly be able to conquer everything else with their efforts.

As there are several popcorn baths directed to specific areas of life, it is necessary that the person has in mind what he wants to improve in your life, so that, then, direct the procedure to something that will have more results.

Therefore, it is important that all details of the procedures are respected, so that everything goes right. Do not forget that it is necessary, at the end of the bath, use a light-colored clothes, to attract positivity to your life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.