What does it mean to dream of a wig? Blonde, black, white and more types!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of wigs

Dreaming of a wig can have a wide range of meanings. In general, this category of dreams has a connection to the idea of playing a certain role and therefore may indicate pretending and lying.

In addition, wigs have some historical meanings that also connect to their interpretation in dreams. In earlier contexts, several people of nobility only presented themselves to society wearing wigs.

This happened because it was necessary to mark the social status, and the long and curly wigs fulfilled this function. In a way, the use was linked to representation in the theatrical sense, something still associated with wigs today, as well as with dreams that involve them. Below, we will explore more specific meanings of dreaming of a wig. Check it out!

To dream of a wig of different colors

One of the factors that can influence the meaning of a dream with a wig is the color of the wig. This happens because each color has a specific symbology and, when associated with the wig, forms a new message transmitted by the subconscious mind.

So, if you want to have a really precise meaning, this detail is crucial for the interpretation. An interesting tip is that you write down everything you can remember about your dreams when you wake up, so that, later, the meaning can be researched.

Below, check out some of the main interpretations for dreams with blonde, black, redhead or colored wig.

To dream of a blonde wig

Anyone who dreams of a blond wig has real reason to feel discouraged. The interpretation is that someone close to you is being untrue to you. However, it is not possible to determine exactly who this person is and whether they are in your circle of friends, or even if they are part of your professional life.

Therefore, when dreaming of a blond wig, you need to be alert to all behaviors, forming your suspicions about those who do not treat you in a truthful manner. However, avoid creating direct clashes, as these can be even worse for you.

To dream of a black wig

Be very careful when dreaming of a black wig. This type of dream does not herald good things for your life and is actually trying to warn you of a disappointment down the road. Therefore, this moment will require you to be aware that being frustrated is part of life, and no one is free from experiencing it.

So, the advice is that you don't give in to the temptation of being sad and look for ways to get back on your feet after the hit. A good tip in this sense is a direct dialogue with the person who disappointed you.

To dream of a white wig

White hair is a symbol of maturation. Because of this, those who dream of a white wig are being warned that they will go through a phase that demands greater wisdom. Thus, it will be a period of evolution and learning, in which higher attitudes will be required.

To dream of a white wig also proposes a reflection on postures that may have been seen as childish in the past, as well as asking for them to be reviewed and abandoned. Thus, you will be able to reach the level of maturity that you need.

To dream of a red wig

If you dreamed of a redheaded wig, it is possible that you are missing something that used to be a part of your life. This missingness, in turn, causes you to feel a sense of emptiness. Therefore, your subconscious is trying to warn you that you need to be more open to people and experiences, in general, as a way to fill this gap.

However, remember that trying to solve the problem through material things is not an interesting way. They only work temporarily, so if you dream of red-headed wig focus on finding permanent joy.

To dream of a colored wig

Although the colorful wigs are funny, dreaming about them is an important warning. This happens because, perhaps, you are not taking care of your appearance as it should, much less the people who are close to you. Therefore, you need to look at it with more care and start to act in a more zealous way.

However, dreaming of a colorful wig is not only connected to what is external, and so this care should extend to other areas of your life, such as mental health issues, which may be asking for your attention at the moment.

To dream that you are interacting with a wig

Besides the colorations, other details that modify the interpretation of a dream with a wig are the actions connected to it. Therefore, the way you interact with this object is important to understand the communication that your unconscious is trying to make.

This communication in turn can fluctuate greatly, denoting the need to pay attention to your surroundings, your inner self, your friendships, and even the possibility that new opportunities may come your way.

So, as a way to delve a little deeper into these meanings of dreaming of a wig, the section below will talk about the influence of interactions, such as dreaming that you see, wear, or lose a wig.Check it out.

To dream that you wear a wig

If you appeared wearing a wig in a dream, try to be attentive. This means that somehow you are lying to yourself. In general, to dream that you wear a wig is a warning from the subconscious mind that you are going through a period of confusion and therefore do not see reality with the necessary clarity.

Therefore, this is a phase in which you may end up presenting several mistaken points of view, even lying to get what you want. Try to avoid acting in this way and remember that you may be asked for it later on.

To dream that you see a wig

If you have dreamed that you saw a wig, you may be happy. This dream represents that new professional opportunities will arise in your future soon. In general, wearing wigs in dreams is connected to positions of power and is associated with the past, as judges, for example, wore white wigs before the courts.

Therefore, when you dream you see a wig, regardless of your professional niche, try to earn it and be aware of possible job invitations that may arise.

To dream that you are looking in the mirror with a wig on

In dreaming that you are looking at yourself in the mirror with a wig your unconscious mind is trying to warn you that there are some positive changes coming your way, and they will all bring you benefits.

So, try to act in a confident manner and try not to be anxious. Just keep doing your best in all areas of your life so that the good possibilities really materialize.

To dream of a wig falling off your head

A wig falling off your head can be seen as something embarrassing. In the case of dreaming of a wig falling off your head, it acts as a warning regarding people with whom your relationships are not good. So be on your guard, because these individuals may try to do something against you soon.

So if you notice that you are being provoked, for example, do everything you can to avoid a conflict and just walk away. Try to do whatever you can to keep your peace and don't give in to attempts to destabilize you.

To dream that you lose a wig

Without a doubt, dreaming that you lose a wig demands double attention. This is a warning that your enemies will begin to have even more contempt for you in the future. As a result, you may find yourself involved in a series of difficult situations.

Remember that there are two possibilities of confrontation: in the first one, you ignore the attitudes of your enemies and go on with your life regardless of what they are doing. In the second one, you choose the path of revolt and sink even deeper into trouble.

More ways to dream of a wig

There are several types of dreams with wigs that, although a little more unusual, have interesting meanings and are worth knowing. They bring quite interesting warnings, ranging from your ability to perform tasks dynamically, to good changes that may arise in your future.

So this section is dedicated to exploring these additional meanings. Read on to find out what your subconscious is trying to tell you.

To dream of another person wearing a wig

If another person appeared in your dream wearing a wig, you will soon undergo some kind of change. If you were inserted in some kind of situation that caused you fear and the feeling that you no longer wanted to be in the environment that surrounded you, this change will be connected to exactly that.

In this case, the environment in question may be an oppressive work space. To dream of another person wearing a wig also indicates greater security for your future life and highlights that you will be able to get rid of fear, then realize the path you need to follow.

To dream of a clown wig

Whoever dreams of a clown wig is facing an extremely positive scenario for his life. This type of wig denotes success in several different areas: in love, in financial life and in profession, among several other interesting possibilities for the dreamer.

So, try to work hard and do your best to ease the path of good things into your life. Make sure to work for what you want so that success is complete.

To dream of a wig being burnt

If you had a dream in which a wig was burned, be aware of your ability to be dynamic in the activities you perform throughout your day to day life. This characteristic may be absent from your routine and end up harming a number of aspects, such as your professional life.

In this way, to dream of a wig being burned asks you to try to find ways to perform your tasks in a more agile manner, always keep yourself moving and, of course, try to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks set for the course of the day.

Does dreaming of a wig reveal a personality?

Dreaming about wigs can bring up various aspects of your personality, which have a connection both with the historical symbolism of this accessory, as well as with the details perceived in your dreams. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the specifics in order to form a better overall picture about what your unconscious is trying to communicate to you.

In general, dreams about wigs tend to be associated with characteristics such as lying and hypocrisy. This, however, is not always the case, and this type of dream may be an indication of the need for change or concern with physical appearance.

Therefore, as with other types of dreams, the details are crucial for you to discover what is being revealed about your personality, your current moment and even your future possibilities.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.