Jupiter in 7th house: retrograde, transit, solar revolution and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Jupiter in the 7th House

The planet Jupiter, according to Astrology, is a good omen in any house of the astrological chart. This planet is deeply associated with luck and prosperity. When it is present in the seventh house, this indicates that you will be very lucky with regard to business partnerships.

Also, the placement of Jupiter in the 7th house is a sign that you will be lucky to find someone to marry. Depending on the sign and aspects of Jupiter, the individual can benefit from public relations. People who have the planet Jupiter in the 7th house usually do well in legal matters. Want to know more about the meaning of Jupiter in the 7th house? Check it out in this article!

Meaning of Jupiter

Jupiter is an expanding planet in Astrology. It is the largest planet in the Solar System and is equivalent to growth and abundance in the birth chart. The position of this planet shows where the individual will find abundance in life and where the least resistance to success lies. Learn more about Jupiter below!

Jupiter in Mythology

According to Mythology, Jupiter was an ancient Italic god associated with time, the sky and also lightning. He was also considered the supreme god of the Roman pantheon. Throughout Italy and in the capital Rome, Jupiter was first worshipped atop a hill. Ancient shrines did not have a statue of him, but worshippers associated a stone with Jupiter and it was consideredsacred.

Within Greek Mythology, the counterpart of the god Jupiter is the leader and most powerful of the Greek gods, Zeus. Jupiter is described as possessing noble characteristics such as justice, law, order, righteousness and wisdom. He is believed to have ruled gods and men and created their laws.

Jupiter in Astrology

The planet Jupiter is the one which indicates prosperity, growth and abundance in the birth chart. The position of this planet is also extremely relevant for the individual to know where exactly his life will prosper. Each of the planets of the Solar System rules a sign of the zodiac. Therefore, Jupiter is the planetary ruler of the sign of Sagittarius.

Through this sign, it is associated with the ninth house of the chart wheel, which is the house of the abstract mind and the higher self. The role of this planet is to make the individual connect with the higher self, and from the moment you are aligned with this "I", abundance will recur in your life.

Jupiter's Foundations in the 7th House

With the presence of Jupiter in the 7th house, one is likely to become sociable and be able to attract benefits to oneself, because one will live one's interpersonal relationships in a more optimistic way. In one's life journey, one will have many good opportunities and partnerships. Find out more below!

How to find my Jupiter

The first step to do this is to know the hour, month and year of birth of the person who will make the astrological chart. If you do not know the exact time you were born, you can resort to some time rectification programs, however, it is necessary to know if it was in the morning, afternoon or evening.

The best thing for people who wish to find out which is their Jupiter is to consult an astrologer. In the past, they had great difficulty in doing this work because it was entirely manual. Today, with the help of computers, making an astrological chart has become considerably easier.

Meaning of the 7th House

The seventh house of the astrological chart is considered an angular house, its cusp is called descendant in Astrology, the point exactly opposite to the ascendant. Thus, this is the house responsible for showing how the individual behaves in relation to other people and how he sees them.

Therefore, understanding your own descendant and the seventh house are fundamental to understand why there are certain types of partners in your life. Moreover, the seventh house is directly associated with Libra and Venus. It governs all kinds of partnerships and committed relationships, both in business and in love, because it is where marriages take place, according to Astrology.

What Jupiter reveals in the birth chart

Jupiter is considered the most beneficial planet in Astrology. This is due to the fact that in it spiritual things prevail over material things, although it is commonly associated with material wealth and prosperity, as it is a planet that brings growth and fortune to the individual.

Besides, this is the planet responsible for bringing optimism, hope and fortune into life. It is also the planet of wisdom, learning, philosophy, religion and faith, belief in humanity and goodness in this world. As if all these benefits were not enough, Jupiter is the planet that cannot be hit by misfortunes.

Jupiter in 7th House

People who are native with Jupiter in the 7th house are deeply connected to each other, and have an easy way to establish partnerships and good relationships with everyone, both in the sentimental and professional spheres. In addition, people with Jupiter in the 7th house are always very well accompanied and involved with projects and ideas, as they love to share experiences and points of view.

Therefore, this individual seeks a person with whom he or she can share these experiences and the good moments of life. Jupiter in the 7th house always makes the person seek new learning, worldviews, opportunities and growth, both personal and professional.

Jupiter in 7th House Natal

One of the most striking characteristics of people who have the planet Jupiter in the 7th house of their birth chart is that they are very perceptive. In addition, they have a lot of common sense and would certainly achieve success in a career where they could advise people.

People who have Jupiter in the 7th house in their birth chart can also work with broader issues, in areas that can offer many kinds of opportunities. These people can also motivate others to go in search of a better future.

Jupiter in the 7th House in the Annual Chart

With Jupiter in the 7th house, the individual tends to be a person who can communicate better with others and is able to establish lasting and friendly partnerships. Therefore, the optimism of these people makes them able to attract benefits and be more successful in their interpersonal relationships.

Another important factor for those who have Jupiter in the 7th house is that the relationships between them are very productive, because they are able to awaken the consciousness to new learning.

Jupiter in Transitory 7th House

Jupiter's transit through the 7th house is indicative of a change of hemispheres. He passes through a period of 6 years marked by a greater internalization and focus on structuring and now transits to a phase that lasts another 6 years with Jupiter in the southern hemisphere of the chart, more focused on socialization and the outside world.

From this moment, the individual starts to seek more opportunities in the outside world and starts to take advantage of them better. Thus, this house is an indication of expansion of social life, where in general, the individual ends up meeting several people, including some professional contacts that can boost his career.

Personality traits of those with Jupiter in 7th house

Generally speaking, people who have Jupiter in the 7th house have many positive characteristics, including the ability to be honest, successful and extremely persuasive. Another remarkable characteristic of these people is that they are always in search of knowledge. Learn more about them below!

Positive features

Jupiter in the 7th house is a noble characteristic of benevolence, friendship and receptivity, and these people tend to be very happy in marriage and also in social life, usually marrying partners who have many material goods and a high social status.

These natives also have as one of their characteristics a strong sense of justice, which makes them honest and fair. In addition, people with Jupiter in the 7th house also have a greater propensity for success in business, as they can make good partnerships.

Negative characteristics

Among the negative characteristics of people with Jupiter in the 7th house, one of the main ones is that they do not know how to act under pressure, and expect too much from others. This is not a good point, because acting in difficult situations is a fundamental characteristic for all people.

Also, people who have the planet Jupiter in the 7th house are quite naive in business, which can make them more prone to deception from ill-intentioned people's conversations.


Generosity is one of the strengths of people with Jupiter in the 7th house. In general, people with these characteristics in their birth chart are happy to promote acts of generosity. This fact, combined with the financial and business prosperity that is characteristic of people with Jupiter in the 7th house, makes these individuals promote good in a broad way.

Thus, generosity is a characteristic that is often lacking in many people, so individuals who have this detail in their birth chart can consider themselves privileged people.

The social life of a person who has the planet Jupiter in the 7th house is very rich and also dynamic. Natives of this planet are very optimistic and are always focused on pursuing a goal, with a positive mind. Another positive factor in relation to these people is that they have well-established ethical principles in life.

Those who have these characteristics in their astrological chart also value freedom, especially freedom of expression. Their way of expressing themselves is very persuasive and appealing, so it is natural that these people are very popular.

Appreciate various areas of knowledge

People who have Jupiter in the 7th house are not intimidated by difficult situations, they can always see something positive in life and an opportunity to learn. Also, the search for knowledge on the part of these individuals is incessant as they are always looking to learn and expand their points of view.

As such, the planet Jupiter can be defined as one that provides expansion in many ways, be it visions, through obtaining knowledge, a higher education, positions of title and influence, among other things - all of which are associated with the planet Jupiter.

Jupiter's influence in the 7th house

Natives with Jupiter in the 7th house are people who have a lot of ease in connecting with others, both in the sentimental aspect and in the professional sphere. In addition, the characteristics of the astrological chart also influence various aspects of his life. Learn more about it below!

Love and sex

When projected in the 7th House, the planet Jupiter manifests in a way that makes the individual with these characteristics believe that other people are always better than him. In the perspective of love and sex, they end up imagining that other people's performance and other relationships are better than his.

Generally speaking, in its most positive form, the people with whom the person with this configuration in the horoscope relates are very beneficial to him or her. Consequently a reciprocal relationship is created. However, in some cases this person chooses to remain single because no one is good enough for him or her.


In general it is possible to define people with Jupiter in the 7th house as deeply health-conscious, but it is always important for people with this configuration in the horoscope to take a break, because they are always looking to learn and develop something.

This can lead to some health problems due to fatigue, both mental and physical. Therefore, it is important that these people take time for themselves so that they can rest and recharge their energy to seek growth again.


Natives with Jupiter in the 7th house tend to value their relationships, as they are able to deal well with people and nurture healthy and non-conflictual relationships. With this in mind, people who have this configuration in their birth chart deal positively with their family.

Therefore, individuals who have the planet Jupiter in the 7th house in their birth chart have very fruitful, happy and healthy family relationships. The effort of the Jupiter native will always be towards the preservation of this state and if possible improvement of this state.


Career is an extremely important factor for individuals with Jupiter in the 7th house. They are extremely dedicated when it comes to personal and professional growth, always seeking to improve their own knowledge in order to be better qualified to perform their duties.

In general, they deal very well with other people in the work environment. They can work both individually and collectively, as both forms offer no problems for individuals with this configuration in their birth chart.

A little more about Jupiter in 7th House

When Jupiter is in the 7th house, the individual presents a series of characteristics. He shows that he is a person who nurtures good relationships and is prosperous in the work environment, besides always trying to learn something new and improve himself. Check out more details about Jupiter in the 7th house!

Jupiter retrograde in the 7th house

In their past lives, these people do not seem to have shone so brightly with regard to married life. They were not so concerned about being faithful to their partner. Money played an important role in the lives of these people. Therefore, they went in search of a rich spouse. However, what happened was the loss of money and blackmail by the person who held the money.

In any case, everything served him as a form of domination, money, law, contracts, social influence. In the present life, this person is again subject to problems in the marriage, besides legal complications. This only happened because this person disrespected or partner.

Jupiter in Solar Revolution in the 7th House

The planet Jupiter in a solar revolution in the 7th house is a sign of happiness in marriage, a good understanding with people and success in legal matters. However, the person with this configuration in the horoscope tends to be afflicted and express less confidence. This is due to the fact that he has committed some abuses related to being overconfident.

It is important to remember that Jupiter is on the cusp of this house in the solar revolution, so he is very dignified, as he occupies the sign of Sagittarius, which designates a person with whom the subject has business in common and who can be a potential partner for him.

Jupiter in 7th House Sinastry

With the presence of the planet Jupiter in the 7th house, the tendency is that the individual's partner feels very comfortable and confident about the commitment he or she has with the person who has this astral configuration.

This happens due to the fact that they believe that there is a relationship of equality between them, and that they cannot see in any way that one is superior to the other, strengthening and facilitating the good relationship.

With this, happy moments take over the whole relationship and show that the union between these people can last a lifetime, besides being prosperous, and that they have a very special talent to live like this.

Famous People with Jupiter in 7th House

People with this position in their birth chart are usually very lucky in things like marriage and their partners are usually benevolent people who can bring a lot of social prestige to the individual. Famous people who have Jupiter in the 7th house include: Marylin Monroe, Christina Aguilera and Ricky Martin.

Is Jupiter in the 7th house a good placement for marriage?

The seventh house is traditionally associated with the zodiac sign Libra and its ruling planet Venus. They govern all partnerships, including marriage. In the birth chart, Jupiter shows where the individual can find his luck and where the flow of energy is which helps him to succeed.

So, when Jupiter is in the seventh house, the individual will have more luck in marriage. Therefore, partnerships are very beneficial in the life of those who have this astrological configuration. In addition, people who have Jupiter in the seventh house marry someone with great wealth in most cases. Therefore, this astrological configuration brings many good opportunities for those who have it.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.