Reiki with crystals: how it works, benefits, application and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

After all, how does a Reiki session with crystals work?

Reiki Therapy with crystals works through the union of two complementary alternative therapies: Reiki and Crystal Therapy, both used to promote healing through energy rebalancing.

On average, a Reiki session with crystals lasts between 20 and 90 minutes. When you meet the Reiki applicator, it is common for them to do a brief interview with you to let you know your intentions and expectations about the session.

From this initial contact, he will find the most suitable crystals for your needs and will make a therapeutic planning for you to reach your goals in the best possible way.

During the session, you will lie down on a comfortable place such as a stretcher or even a Yoga mat, while the applicator will place crystals on your body. It is also possible for him to touch your skin with the laying on of hands so that the energy is transferred to your body.

For you to familiarize yourself with this therapeutic form, we present in this article the details about how this practice works. In it, you will understand its history, benefits and applications. Check it out.

Understanding more about Reiki with crystals

Reiki is an ancient technique and the use of crystals is as old. Therefore, we present below the history of Reikistral, as it is popularly known the form of Reiki that uses crystals to enhance its healing effects.

Besides knowing the role of crystals, find out the main stones, how they influence the sessions and the estimated price of a session. Check it out.

Origin and history of Reikristal

Reiki originated in Japan. Although it is an ancient technique, today the best known form of healing through Reiki is Usui Reiki, developed by physician Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. Contrary to popular belief, Reiki is not used to heal illnesses indirectly. Rather, it is a complementary approach to promote healing.

In general, it acts to improve the general well-being, while Crystal Therapy, as the name suggests, makes use of crystals to promote healing through energetic balance. When united, Reiki and Crystal Therapy are known as Reikicristal and are practiced to stimulate the natural healing abilities of the body, through the use of crystals and the laying on of hands.

Role of crystals in Reiki therapy

When crystals are added to Reiki therapies, they take on the very important role of assisting the release of mental, spiritual and emotional blockages.

Therefore, during a Reikistral session, it is very common for the Reiki practitioner to ask you to hold a crystal during the treatment or simply position them over your body so that the crystals act directly on the affected area.

Sometimes it is possible that the therapist prefers to leave crystals around your body, forming a kind of grid or energetic mandala to give more energy to your treatment and facilitate the healing process. During this process, it is very common that people who are undergoing treatment feel a calm and peace of mind that will assist in the healing processes.

Does the stone or crystal influence the Reiki session?

Since each crystal has a distinct color, vibration, composition and energy, the stones directly influence the Reiki session.

For example, if you are experiencing any problems caused by anxiety, it is very common for stones such as rose quartz to be used. To combat anxiety, for example, the moonstone would never be used, as it causes mood swings if used inappropriately or exaggeratedly.

In general, there is a specific stone for each situation and that is why it is very important that you talk to your therapist before your first session and after it, because many times the same person reacts differently to the same crystal.

Main stones and crystals used in treatment with Reiki

There are a number of stones and crystals that are commonly used in the treatment with Reiki with crystals. Among them, it is possible to mention:

- Rose Quartz: excellent for balancing the heart chakra and promoting self-esteem.

- Quartz Crystal: ideal for promoting a complete spiritual cleansing.

- Aventurine Green: Commonly used for general healing.

- Amethyst: excellent for calming the mind and transmuting energies.

- Moonstone: ideal for women's treatments.

- Citrine: powerful for healing the solar plexus.

- Aquamarine: indicated to promote peace of mind.

Price of a session and where to do

The price of a Reiki session in Brazil may frighten many people, as it costs, on average, between R$100 and R$250 per session. However, these prices usually fluctuate due to various factors such as the high dollar and sanitary conditions (in the case of the current pandemic, for example).

Although it may seem scary, this price is justified for many reasons, among them: the purchase of crystals (whose prices vary according to the dollar), rent of space, mental and energetic preparation of the therapist, use of music, among others.

To do it, look for holistic or complementary therapy centers in your city. In some cases, the Reiki applicator can do the session at home.

Main benefits of Reiki therapy with crystals

Before deciding if Reiki Crystal Therapy is right for you, how about reading more about its benefits? In this section, we present the main reasons why Reiki Crystal Therapy is widely practiced around the world. Check it out.

Energetic cleaning

Because it deals with the primordial energy present in all living beings, called 'Ki', Reiki is ideal for promoting energetic cleansing. Aligned with crystals such as quartz crystal, amethyst or even black obsidian, you will leave your Reikristal session energetically renewed and feeling lighter.

Balance and relaxation

Crystals are excellent for promoting more balance and in the Reiki session, it would be no different. By going through at least one session, you will already feel a difference in your vibrational field and will come out of it more balanced and relaxed.

During the sessions, you will be lying down in a comfortable place, listening to relaxing music and feeling the energies vibrating from the crystals into your body. It is a wonderful experience that will directly influence your well-being.

Removal of energetic blockages

Because it deals with Ki energy, Reiki with crystals is equally effective in identifying and removing energetic blockages in your body. This process is essential to promote healing and restore the regenerative abilities of your body since, when there are energetic blockages in it, energetic diseases and physical symptoms can often occur.

Improved immune system

As we have already mentioned, the main function of Reiki with Crystals is not to promote healing itself, but to help your body recover its natural abilities to heal and self-regenerate. Using more technical terms, this process of restoring the healing abilities of the body itself is nothing more than an improvement of the immune system.

For this reason, it is very common for people who undergo Reiki sessions to claim to have been healed through this technique, since it works with the immune system, responsible for the body's natural defenses.

How to apply Reiki with crystals

Although it is more recommended to find a qualified professional to apply Reiki with Crystals on you, we present below tips on how you can apply this powerful technique on yourself. To simplify the process, we will present its applications on the chakras, the power points of your body. Check it out.

Basic Chakra

The base chakra is the first chakra, and is located at the base of the spine, in direct contact with the sacrum. Called Muladhara in sanskrit, it is associated with basic needs such as safety, survival, energy and health.

It influences the legs, the lower back, the hips, the male reproductive system, the urinary tract and the posterior part of the female sexual system. Its blockage causes anxiety, fear and low self-confidence.

Since it is connected to the color red, you should use crystals of this color to align with it. Other colors associated with this chakra are brown, black and scarlet. Example crystals for this chakra are: red aventurine, garnet, hematite, red jasper and smoky quartz.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is the second chakra. Its name in Sanskrit is Svadhishthana. It is located in the lower abdomen, between the two hip bones in the set of sacral vertebrae at the base of the spine.

It influences the female genital organs and the final part of the digestive tract, as well as influencing metabolism and the immune system.

In addition, it influences sexual desire and the production of the stress hormone, cortisol, so if you are stressed it may be a consequence of imbalances in this chakra. The sacral chakra vibrates in orange. Its crystals are: orange calcite, cornaline and imperial topaz.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus is the third primary chakra. Its name in Sanskrit is Manipura and it is located 3 centimeters above the navel, just below the ribs. Due to its location, it is linked to personal identity and is considered the central energy point of the lower body.

The solar plexus also governs the pancreas, liver, stomach, small intestine and gall bladder. When it is out of balance, it generates sadness, depression and lack of motivation.

To balance it, use yellow or golden crystals, colors that are connected to the solar plexus and the sun. Because of this solar association, the solar plexus rules prosperity, self-esteem, motivation and success. Its crystals are: amber, citrine, tiger's eye, pyrite and yellow jasper.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra, whose name in Sanskrit is Anahata. It is located in the center of the chest, near the heart. Consequently, it is associated with love, hope, harmony and compassion. It governs the heart, the thymus gland, the circulatory, respiratory, immune and endocrine systems, besides being associated with the shoulders.

When aligned, it promotes positive emotional states, acting in the maintenance of the body and its feelings, since it is responsible for emotional health and empathy. Its sacred color is green, related to nature, well-being and emotions.

Consequently, its crystals have this color, such as green quartz, watermelon tourmaline, malachite and jade.

Laryngeal Chakra

The laryngeal chakra is located in the throat region, near the spine. In Sanskrit, it is known as Vishuddha and is associated with communication. It governs the proper functioning of the mouth, thyroid, ears, arms, teeth, circulatory and respiratory systems and their organs such as lungs and heart.

If you have a fear of public speaking and feel stressed, this chakra may be out of balance. In addition, you may have symptoms such as cough, asthma and cold. To balance it, use blue crystals, the color in which this chakra vibrates. As examples, we have blue quartz, blue calcite, blue cyanite, turquoise, amazonite and aquamarine.

Frontal Chakra

The frontal chakra is the name of the point and power popularly known as the third eye. Located in the frontal region of the body, between the eyebrows, its name in Sanskrit is Ajna. This powerful chakra is associated with clairvoyance, creativity, intuition and inner vision, as it is considered a portal to the energies of other worlds.

The color associated with the third eye is indigo, a color very close to dark blue, but with a different vibration, because it is linked to the mind and the unconscious. The third eye governs the pineal gland, which regulates the circadian rhythm and produces the sleep hormone. To balance it, you can use the following crystals: blue apatite, lapis lazuli, azurite and tanzanite.

Crown chakra

The crown chakra is the seventh and last chakra, being, therefore, the highest. It is the only chakra that is not located in the body itself, but above it, in the region known as crown (or horn). In Sanskrit, this chakra is called Sahastrara and its function is to establish a link between the physical body and the spiritual world.

When it is balanced, this chakra connects us to our mission in this incarnation, as well as connecting us to our spiritual guides. It rules the brain, bringing more clarity. When it is unbalanced, recurring symptoms are sadness, frustration, loneliness and mental imbalance.

Its sacred colors are white and violet. Therefore, the indicated crystals for this chakra are amethyst, white calcite, howlite and selenite.

Other information about the Reiki practice with crystals

So that you can use crystals in your Reiki practices, we have prepared other important information, which will be presented in this section. We have included in it how to program your stones and crystals with Reiki, as well as tips on what else can be energized through Reiki sessions. Check it out.

How to program the stones and crystals with Reiki?

Since each crystal has a specific energy and a single crystal can be used for many purposes, since they have many benefits, it is important to program them to use them correctly.

To program them with Reiki, it is essential that you keep in mind the energy you want to attract or the purpose for using the energies of your chosen crystal. Next, you need to open your mind and heart to tune into your crystal. To do this, find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and take the crystal you want to use.

Next, place your hands on the crystal, palms facing down so that you send energy to the chosen crystal. Then, keep your thoughts aligned with the energy you want to work with.

If you want, for example, to use a rose quartz to awaken self-love, mentalize how to ask for the word "self-love". Keep the focus for about 1 minute and you can already enjoy its energies.

What else can be energized by the practice of Reiki?

In addition to crystals and stones, the practice of Reiki can be performed to energize objects and people. In addition, you can energize plants, animals, environments and even the food of your meals. To energize what you want, you can perform the standard procedure: outstretched hands, with your palms positioned on what you want to energize and your palms directed towards the focus ofenergization.

Meditate for a few minutes and visualize the flow of energy energizing the being or object you are working with. Remember to always be in an appropriate state of mind, so you can use relaxing music and even incense to facilitate the process.

Reiki with crystals is intended to reconfigure the life and health of the patient!

Being a complementary and alternative therapy that unites the principles of two ancient techniques, Reiki with Crystals is an excellent choice to improve and reconfigure the patient's personal life, influencing their health and consequently their quality of life.

By restoring the natural flow of your personal Ki through the crystals, Reikistral will bring a sense of relaxation and well-being almost instantly from the first session.

Consequently, you will feel an improvement in your physical and emotional condition, especially considering that your body's natural abilities to heal itself, i.e. your immune system, will be recovered and enhanced.

In addition, patients report other effects resulting from this technique, such as a feeling of lightness, resulting from the energetic cleansing and removal of energetic blockages, essential for a healthier and more balanced life.

This proves that the combination of these two complementary therapies has numerous benefits and, therefore, should be practiced when you have as a goal a general improvement in life. This way, you will live better and will be more able to achieve everything you want.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.