Sexual energy: Tantra, Feng Shui, perfumes, colors and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

How does sexual energy work?

Sexual energy is a creative energy that can be shaped and transformed. It works through the energy that runs in your body and connects you to your soul and the cosmos. The power of sexual energy is immense, to the point that it holds within it the map of your soul and traces of your own consciousness.

Therefore, the energy of sex is considered to be the fullest form of light that pours into your being and defines who you are. Many people use the term sexual energy also to refer to what is known as "sexual tension", that is, the attraction and sexual desire that you may create or be triggered in you by one or more people.

Since sexual energy is linked to creativity and the ability to manifest what you wish to have in life, we have prepared this article for you to work with this powerful energy. In addition, we will also address methods of stimulating your sexual tension through ancient techniques such as Feng Shui and Tantra. Check it out.

Colors to aid sexual energy

When working on sexual energy, sight is undoubtedly one of the most prominent senses. You've probably felt desire for someone just by looking, or had your sexual interest sparked by a gesture or simply an object.

Because of the importance of vision, we will present the effects of colors on sexual energy below for you to use to stimulate it.


Red is the most sensual colour of all. It is intense like fire and brings with it energy like sensuality, passion, intensity and intimacy. In addition, red stimulates the libido, provides more energy and is related to virility and sex.

This is why many places, such as the Red District in Amsterdam, use this color to indicate sex. You should use the color red whenever you want to provoke desire in someone or increase your power of attraction.

Pink and Salmon

Shades such as pink and salmon are used for bringing the feeling of serenity and peace. In addition, they create the atmosphere of romanticism ideal for couples, awakening a soft passion and stimulating the energy of love and bond between them. Prefer pastel shades, because more vibrant tones have more intense energies.


Lilac is an extremely powerful color when it comes to sexual energy. In addition to bringing serenity, it provides a calm energy that cozies up partners. Moreover, this color is believed to be closely linked to sexuality and, therefore, it is commonly used to attract the attention of sexual partners.


Orange is the color of energy and attraction. Its vibration brings joy and stimulates happiness. It should be used to create a more youthful energy and stimulate the senses. In addition, it brings with it the sense of adventure and is therefore ideal to ward off boredom and get out of the routine. In the bedroom, it should be used sparingly so as not to have an adverse effect on sleep.


Yellow is the color linked to loyalty, good luck and happiness. In addition, it represents health and wealth, stimulating the couple's energy. It is extremely indicated to open the communication channel between the couple, so if you need to improve the rapport with your partner, this is the ideal color to use.


Green is the color for those who want to establish bonds and commitments. It is ideal for those who do not like to take risks and who need to cultivate a more generous and solid nature, with a more dependent partner. For this reason, it is associated with security. In addition, green calms, brings well-being and is considered the astral color of Venus, the planet of Love.

Perfumes to aid sexual energy

The sense of smell is one of the gateways to the brain. Through it, with the use of specific aromas, it is possible not only to assist in sexual energy, but also to create an atmosphere conducive to the most pleasurable sexual act.

That's why we've selected seven different perfumes for you to spray in your bedroom or use, to awaken your sexual energy and, of course, your partner's. Check them out.


Amber is a resin with citrus and woody notes reminiscent of the smell of a forest. It is considered a natural tonic, and you can use it to expand your senses during sex or even during foreplay to increase sexual energy and couple bonding.

Its scent is extremely stimulating for men, who tend to have their most primitive instincts activated with this fragrance. You can spray the amber perfume in the bedroom or use it when you want to arouse a man's sexual interest.


Roses have long been associated with love and sex. Ruled by Venus, rose perfume creates a sensual atmosphere, conducive to romance and sex. It is extremely powerful when used to conquer men. But attention: when using your rose perfume, it is important that you choose what type of rose was used. Check it out below:

- Yellow rose: good for improving the rapport of the couple.

- White roses: stimulates peace, should only be used to reduce sexual energy or for a more "basic" sex.

- Pink roses: excellent for creating an atmosphere of romance, peace and bonding.

- Pink orange or peach: great to increase horniness and stimulate the power of attraction.

- Red rose: indicated for sensuality, sexual intensity and passion.


The camellia perfume is ruled by the Moon. It is excellent to stimulate lust, besides having the power to fulfill desires. It should be sprayed in the couple's bedroom before sex, to ensure more pleasure and stimulate sexual fantasies. It is ideal to be used by female couples.


Lavender is popularly known for its calming aroma and anxiolytic properties. What few know, is that its scent can also be used when you want to work on your sexual energy.

In addition to removing blockages related to the energy of sex, lavender perfume is ideal for establishing bonds and to reconnect with the loved one.


Narcissus perfume is used mainly to stimulate complicity between the couple. It is the ideal perfume to stimulate homosexual male couples, since Narcissus is related to love between equals. It is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, and by the element of water, ruler of the emotions.


Pine has a woody aroma with citrus notes that refer to European coniferous forests. Its perfume is used to stimulate the senses, of men in particular, bringing more power and increasing attraction.


The scent of vanilla is one of the most appreciated in perfumery worldwide, especially due to its aphrodisiac power. In addition, vanilla is excellent to attract women's attention, as it sharpens the senses and awakens sensuality.

Other Feng Shui tips to improve sexual energy

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice based on Taoism, can be used to improve sexual energy. To do this, it is important to check how the place where the couple will spend most time is: the bedroom. Below we indicate how to use the principles of Feng Shui in simple and effective techniques, which consist in changing some elements of your decoration. Check it out.

Painting the room

Many people don't know, but the color of your bedroom walls and bedding directly influences the couple's relationship. For example, white walls and sheets are not indicated, because according to Feng Shui, white is the color of monotony and lack of energy. To improve the couple's rapport, you can bet on the following shades:

- Yellow: excellent for communication, success of the couple and joy.

- Orange: brings joy, energy, vitality and youthful freshness.

- Pink: promotes romantic love, serenity, peace and creates a warm and sensual atmosphere.

- Green: brings security, balance and freshness.

- Red: stimulates passion, improves mood, increases sensuality, sexuality and horniness.

- Violet: stimulates serenity, calm, but should be avoided by psychic people.

Important: the colors yellow, red and orange should not be used to paint all the walls, because they are stimulating colors and this can have consequence on your sleep. Use them in details only or in your bedding.

Pictures and Prints

If you want to create a more provocative, stimulating and inviting environment for sex, you can decorate your room with pictures or prints with themes that refer to sensuality and sexuality.

Naked bodies, silhouettes, or simply parts of the body that stimulate desire as the mouth, breasts, buttocks or even the mark of the underwear can be used as motifs of your room decoration. Another option is images of naked women or men or couples or groups practicing sex.

If you prefer something more discreet, invest in abstract paintings, with stimulating colors like red, or flowers and mushrooms that refer to the female or male genitalia.


Stones and crystals can be used to stimulate your sexual energy. To use them, choose those with red and pink tones, as they stimulate the chakras related to sex and feelings. Some examples of crystals for love and sex are:

- Carnelian: increases sexual desire and gives more energy and potency.

- Geode: represents the receptive person, used to stimulate the penetrated organs.

- Grenade: increases sexual potency and ensures more power.

- Lingam of Shiva: represents the penetrative person, used to stimulate external organs.

- Rose Quartz: ideal for more romantic sex and bonding.


If you wish, you can decorate your room to stimulate sexual energy in it. For example, the color red is ideal for flowers, curtains and sheets. Just remember not to overdo it. To cleanse your room of negative influences, choose flowers like lily and white rose. In addition, violets are excellent for bringing more peace.

Red roses are excellent for stimulating the senses, spicing up the relationship. In your bed, the pink tone is ideal for couples who need to strengthen their bond. In addition, it's important that you choose elements that can stimulate the couple's imagination and incite new and intense experiences.

Feng Shui pairs and couples

According to Feng Shui, it is important that the couple's bedroom has symbols that refer to duality or themes such as love, friendship, sincerity, affection and bonding. For example, photos of the couple are always a good choice.

It does not need to be from the wedding only, choose photos that show the companionship and that refer to happy times you lived together. In addition, you can include objects such as pairs of candles (preferably in pink or red), and elements that recall the love as flowers.

Statues of naked couples are also excellent for stimulating sexual energy in the environment. Similarly, animal couples are symbols of luck and togetherness.

Tantra techniques to increase sexual energy

Tantra is a set of practices originating in the East that aim to intensify or reactivate the sexual connection between the couple, through the stimulation of the sense and techniques such as breathing. Learn 5 effective techniques for you to increase your sexual energy and have more pleasure, below.

Take a deep breath

Breathing is the first key to increasing your sexual energies, so try deep breathing so that as the air penetrates your body, you can connect your senses and stimulate them.

As you breathe, focus on the present and be aware of the sounds, smells, aromas and touches of your body with the surface you are against and especially with your partner. Remember that the ideal is to master the technique of full attention and breathing alone and then try to combine it with your partner's.

You will notice that by practicing breathing together, you will increase your intimacy and sexual connection.

Fixed gaze

The eyes are the windows of the soul, and according to the teachings of Tantra, it is through them that the bond can be established. Furthermore, the exchange of glances ensures greater exposure, trust and provides the sense of surrender of the couple.

To practice this technique, look at your own eyes in your reflection in a mirror. Then, establish dialogue with yourself, saying why you like yourself. Besides being a great self-love practice, you'll gain more confidence to do the same looking into your partner's eyes.

Touch sensitivity

Touch is the sense capable of provoking a spontaneous response in the other person's body. When you touch someone, you are entering their world, so they will automatically react to your stimulus. So use this sense to your advantage.

Just as important as touch is sensitivity. It is important to experiment with different intensities, because depending on how you touch someone, you will get different responses. Hugging is an excellent way to find out how much someone likes to be touched.

You can practice touch on yourself: start by performing a self-massage so that, after getting to know your own responses, you can guide the other into your body and also be ready to discover the other's body with your touch.

False until I feel

The "fake it till you feel it" technique is based on the practice of focusing on a specific area of your body until you can feel it, without having to touch it. To practice it, you will need to concentrate hard, in a process similar to meditation. Then, after breathing deeply, think about an area of your body, such as your left foot, for example.

So, try to feel your foot without moving it or touching it, just feel it. Start with the temperature, then focus on more details like the bones, muscles or even the blood pulsing in the area. After practicing with different areas of the body, it is essential that you move on to doing the technique with your erogenous zones and genitals, alone. Finally, do the same with your partner.

No expectations

Finally, the fifth and last technique is not to create expectations about the previous four techniques. It is essential that you practice them in your own time until you are able to refine all your senses. It is equally important that you do not let your more rational side get to you, nor try to mechanize the process.

Just as important as the destination is the journey to it, so relax and make the most of your development, so your practices can shape your experience and your sexual energy.

Is it always possible to improve sexual energy?

Yes. Because it is a vital energy that flows within your being, it is always possible to improve sexual energy. To improve it, you can initially work with yourself, because it is essential that you know your body well, especially if you wish to know the bodies of others.

During this exploration phase, you can practice the exercises presented in this article that originate from Tantra techniques. In addition, another great option is to use various complementary therapies like Crystal Therapy or the principles of Feng Shui to get your sexual energy in flow, as its stagnation is quite problematic.

To improve it, you can also resort to certified therapists or people specialized in the area. Remember that the first step to improvement is to want to improve and then act to manifest it. In this way, you can benefit from this powerful energy and obtain a fuller and more pleasurable life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.