Dream with Iemanjá: image of Iemanjá, offering to this orixá and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming with Yemanja

Everyone must have heard once of Iemanjá, who besides being the best known and most worshiped orixá in Brazil, is the goddess of the sea and the waters. She represents femininity, fertility and motherhood. She can be worshipped as a warrior or sorceress, but Iemanjá is always a mother.

This Yorubá goddess has many children, but she does not only take care of them. She is known as the mother of all heads, whenever they sing to improve people's heads, they sing to Yemanjá. There is not a candomblecista that does not have her with him.

Precisely because she cares a little for each practitioner of Afro religion, it is not necessary to have her in front as a mother for her to appear in your dreams, always bringing a message or a necessary sign.

To dream of Yemanja in different situations

Dreams about Yemanja can be very exciting and bring a sense of maternal protection with them. If the mother of water appeared in your dreams, rest assured, she probably has something to say to you. Check out the meanings of dreams with Yemanja in various situations!

To dream of Yemanja entering the sea

To dream of Yemanja entering the sea means that you are a questioning person, who questions everything that you don't see. The mother of water asks you to have more patience and faith in the occult, because many forces are working for you now.

Things will get better and soon all that will remain of this bad time will be the memory. Try to take care of your head, both psychologically and spiritually and get ready for what Iemanjá has for you.

To dream of Yemanja coming out of the sea

To dream of Yemanja coming out of the sea means that your spiritual doubts will soon be clarified, or it may be a warning from the mother of water about your lack of connection with your religiosity.

You are in a period where you are even trying to convince yourself that your life is in order and going the way you would like it to go, but there are many pent-up emotions within you that may come to overwhelm you if you don't find a form of self-control, which may have to do with this lack that faith does in your core.

Try to take care of yourself spiritually, a refuge within a religion can bring you immense comfort for your problems and show you some paths that you had not noticed before. Reflect a little on this if you think it applies to you.

To dream of Yemanja singing

Iemanjá is a goddess known also for her singing. When she is incorporated on land, when she arrives she sings to the children who are present in the environment to bring comfort to those who need a support at the moment and to show everyone that she has arrived so everything will be okay. If you dreamed of her singing, it is a love sign.

You have experienced a complicated breakup and are trying to make up for your absence with other people who have nothing to do with you. Sometimes it is not time to date, but rather recognize yourself as a person and take care of your head. To dream of Yemanja singing is a sign for you to remember your value and not lower your standards for anyone.

To dream of Iemanjá dancing

Dance is a very present rite in Afro-Brazilian religions. In candomblé, for example, each dance is an act that the orixá did when he was alive on earth.

To dream of Yemanja dancing is a sign that you are living a mask to please people, but deep down you want to be yourself. It's about time. The mother of water also asks you to leave the past behind so that you can show who you really are.

To dream of Iemanjá smiling

If you dreamed of Yemanja smiling, it means that you tend to repress your feelings in an attempt to keep them under control. Know that this will not last long, a situation is coming that will take you out of your comfort zone.

To dream of Yemanja smiling is a request that you open yourself more to love and be more accepting of others. This dream also brings you a sense of security and motherhood. Keep in mind that Yemanja is watching over you.

To dream of Yemanja talking to you

If Iemanjá appears in your dreams talking about your life and situation, you need to listen to what the mother of water has to tell you, they are probably things that you can use in your life.

But regardless of the subject she broaches with you, just the image of the mother of water giving you a hand up and talking, means you're about to fulfill your deepest desires.

To dream of Yemanja disappearing

We do not always know the right time to get out of certain toxic and abusive situations. It is very common that we put the other in front of us. So, if you dream of Yemanja disappearing is a sign from the mother of water that you need to value yourself and get out of certain situations so that your life is balanced again. Only then, you will be able to shape your waking life as you wish.

To dream of Yemanja crying

If in your dream Yemanja appeared in tears, it is a sign that you have a very deep wound within your emotional that prevents you from moving forward in some aspects.

To dream of Yemanja crying reveals that there is a person in your life who still cares for you, even if from afar, and probably she is the owner of this emotional wound. Be careful with some attitudes and never forget to preserve yourself.

To dream of Iemanjá calling you

In your dream, if Yemanja was calling you it is because she wants you to pay more attention in this difficult time of life. You have been very inattentive in some specific situation and she wants to ensure that you are cautious for the events that will happen.

However, if you are of or connected to an Afro religion, dreaming of Yemanja calling you may be a warning to take care of yourself within the religion. Follow your intuition and if possible, seek help from a priest.

To dream of Incorporated Yemanja

When you dream of an incorporated Yemanja, be calm! This is a sign of a strong protection. You are under the care of the mother of water. It is a good time to study a little more about religion and about the Orixá who was in your dreams.

But, if you were the person who was incorporating her, seek help from a priest. It could be that the mother of water is wanting you as a son and if it is the case, she may be asking you to initiate yourself in the religion. Listen to what the saint father will tell you and do what is necessary to bring the energy of the mother of water to you.

To dream of Iemanjá embracing you

You have probably been going through some difficult times, where loneliness has taken up residence in your chest. The embrace of Yemanja is so powerful that it can heal unresolved hurts, so dreaming of Yemanja hugging you is a clear message that this time is ending.

If in your dream Iemanjá embraced you, it is because she wants you to know that everything will be okay, the loneliness will go away, but still, you have her on your side.

To dream of Yemanja and other Orixás

If in your dream Yemanja was accompanied by other Orixás, the meaning of the dream changes, depending on the god that accompanied her. Check below some examples.

To dream with Yemanja and Oxum

Oxum and Yemanja are deities that have a lot in common; both are very maternal, both war with their mirror, and both are gods of water. If you are a woman and you dreamed about them this could mean fertility. If your goal is to get pregnant, you can celebrate that a baby will come soon. If not, watch out.

But in general, dreaming of Yemanja and Oxum means that you can continue on your way calmly. Yemanja and Oxum are conspiring to bring good news. Much prosperity is to come.

To dream with Iemanjá and Ogum

Iemanjá is mother of Ogum, the two are always side by side, warring together. In a candomblé party, when Iemanjá is on land, her son is always nearby. If you dream of Iemanjá and Ogum together, the announcement is protection.

You've had some conflicts recently that have destabilized you quite a bit. They are both watching over your dreams and warring against your ills. Rest assured, strengthen your prayers that they are planning your victory.

To dream with Iemanjá and Iansã

Iansã, also nicknamed Oyá by her husband Xangô, is the queen of lightning and a warrior orixá. To dream of Iansã always means changes, but when she appears together with Yemanjá, it means that a great love is coming.

The two yabás ask you to be calm and open to new experiences. That special person is closer than you think.

To dream with Yemanja and Shango

Xangô is king of thunder and god of justice, brother of Ogum and son of Yemanja. When you dream of Yemanja and Xangô he asks you to continue acting the way you think is right, continue being fair and keep your word to the people around you.

These two orixás ask you to be generous with the people around you. When all is right, he and your mother will bring blessings and break your demands.

Other dream interpretations of dreaming of Yemanja

If in your dream you did not see Yemanja, but things that refer to the Mother of water, the meanings change dramatically. Read and understand!

To dream of paying homage to Yemanja

To dream of homage to Yemanja means that you need to value the people around you more, life is very short, and soon she will prove this to you.

You need to modify the view you have of some things. Look for a family member who has drifted away and try to stay more present, organize a day for you to get closer and learn a little about yourselves.

To dream with Yemanja Point

To dream of Yemanja Point reveals that you are in very dark times, but soon you will have emotional clarity. Yemanja asks you to let go of the past and seek to know yourself better. You are in denial about many aspects of your inner self.

When you learn to recognize your faults, you will simultaneously begin to see your qualities. The mother of water will protect you during this whole uncomfortable process, rest assured.

To dream with Yemanja music

To hear a Yemanja song in a dream indicates that you have been filled with bad feelings, involving hatred, aggression, anger and other negative things in your waking life, feelings that are suppressed and causing you much harm internally.

To dream of a Yemanja song means that it is past time to face them, take all the time you need from now on to think about it and see where you have been going wrong with yourself. Self-knowledge is the key to your next paths.

To dream of a procession of Yemanja

If you dreamed that you were watching a procession of Yemanja passing by, it is a sign that you will go through periods of intense instability. However, they will be short-lived, because the mother of water will break the demands and stay by your side during every second of this moment.

But if when dreaming of Yemanja's procession you accompanied her it is a sign that you are in good health to conquer your goals. Yemanja also states that she is protecting you in your waking life and that you have everything to move forward.

To dream with Yemanja candle

The meaning of dreaming of Yemanja candle is that you have reached a new level in your life, where your current situation is totally different from your past. And this is good, since earlier in your life you had to struggle a lot and were in a very tiring state.

Now you have everything in your hands to be victorious, and to continue with your attitudes will be your best strategy to conquer what you plan. Iemanjá tells you to look for reliable friends and accept their help for the next steps. You have everything to shine.

To dream with Yemanja's party

If you dreamed of a party for Yemanja, it means that you have been very possessive in your relationships, whether they are family or love. To dream of a party for Yemanja shows that you need to urgently work this unstable emotional side to move forward.

There is someone coming, an old friend, who will want the best from you. This is why Yemanja asks you to take care of yourself and be the ideal person for him. This being who is coming will change your love life, and maybe even a little in your financial life if you need money. Work on your feelings so that things work out.

To dream with a Yemanja guide

To dream of a Yemanja guide shows that you are a person who walks in your comfort zone, always walking in groups, never doing anything daring. Maybe because you are afraid of something that happened in your past, maybe because you have always been like this. In any case, Yemanja asks that this change urgently.

You have a brilliance of your own, and as much as you may not believe it you are capable and deserving. Step out of those groups a little and show your true potential to the world. When you make these changes, wonderful news will come into your life, a possibility that will change the way you view your waking life.

To dream with altar of Yemanja

You have some overspending, either by extravagance or by some vices. But understand that at this time when you fight for your own autonomy, some sacrifices need to be made. To dream of the altar of Yemanja is a warning for you to try to cut your spending on parties, drinks, outings, cigarettes. Try to save a little more.

There is something that pushes you into a situation that requires boldness and decision, things that are missing in your waking life.

Iemanjá says that there is no problem when the things we want do not occur according to our plan. Everything is right for her and the mother of water has wonderful things in store for you, just follow the recommendations and everything will be fine.

To dream with an image of Yemanja

If you dreamed of an image of Yemanja, it is as if you were visualizing your future, full of success and positivity. But for this, some changes need to happen urgently, both in the love field, as in the spiritual.

It is necessary that you value yourself more, you are a wonderful and valuable person. Iemanjá appears in your dreams to remind you of this. Probably you have been submitting yourself to situations that hurt you and people that no matter how much you love them, are also not worth it.

Think about it and correct these aspects that the mother of water will open your paths and bring you news and positivity.

To dream of a broken Yemanja image

To dream of a broken Yemanja image is a sign that you have been isolating yourself and leaving your plans aside for uncertain things that are not what they seem to be. Review your goals and the way you have acted in your waking life.

You have the power to spread joy and it's past time to see things that have happened to you with new eyes. Iemanjá says that when you correct your habits of isolating yourself and put your goals into practice, things will be fine again, and even a new love will come along.

But if you're already in a relationship, you may feel that it's been a little lukewarm. When you work on these points, rest assured that your relationship will be filled with romance and good things. You'll be a couple in love again, all it takes is patience and focus.

To dream with offerings to Yemanja

Dreams about the mother of water can be very pleasant and bring a sense of peace when you wake up. Especially when you dream of an offering to Yemanja. This dream means that you need special protection against all who want to see you harm, there is a certain threat against you.

If you focus and concentrate, you can realize that around you there are many wolves in sheep's clothing pretending to be your friends, when in fact they are waiting for the best opportunity to harm you. To dream with offerings to Yemanja is a warning for you to pay attention to this. She will be on your side, but still, will be difficult distances.

To dream with Yemanja's boat

If you dreamed of a Yemanja boat, you are probably not listening to the people around you, out of sheer pride and a feeling that you are enough. Yemanja asks you to understand that as much as we are independent and enough, it is good to have help from other people who care about us. Allow yourself this.

Try to stay close to your family and friends, this is a great time for love and friendship, but it is necessary that you collaborate, staying present and understanding. To dream of Yemanja boat asks you to accept the advice of other people, after all, it is always good the help of reliable people.

To dream that you see Yemanja

To dream that you are seeing Yemanja is a good sign and means that you will have successful moments, full of good luck and that you will have your goals achieved soon. It is necessary that you stand firm and work on your emotional intelligence.

If in your dream she was without interaction with any object, it means that you are with a certain coldness in your thoughts, try to work on it. It is necessary that you have a certain calm and work on your sensitivity to certain situations.

To dream with mermaid Yemanja

Many people associate the image of the goddess with a beautiful mermaid with black hair and golden skin who lives in the sea and appears near the fishing boat to take care of her fishermen. This is one of several ways that portray the mother of all oris.

To dream with the mermaid Yemanja shows that you are being deceived by appearances. Yemanja appears asking you to be twice as careful, some people are conspiring against you, people you trust too much. Be careful.

To dream of paying homage to Yemanja

To dream of a tribute to Yemanja is a warning from the mother of water that you need to be more careful with people who do you harm. This dream shows the obvious need for protection that you are experiencing at this time.

There are negative energies on your path, but with calm and spiritual protection they will not shake you. Your path is ready to be followed, as soon as you get rid of these people. And as for energy, try to light an incense, take a bath of herbs, or even seek guidance from a priest.

To dream of Black Yemanja

Iemanjá is a deity that was once alive, but she will appear in your dream the way you see her. In Candomblé, they worship Iemanjá as a black goddess, and if this is how she appears to you, it is time to look for a temple to take care of yourself. The mother of the salt waters may need to tell you something.

To dream of black Yemanja reveals that there are great things ahead of you, and the mother of water wants to accompany you in every part of the journey. Do not refuse her support, it may be the exact help you need.

To dream of Angry Yemanja

The image of angry Yemanja can bring an obvious interpretation that you have done something that displeases the mother of water. But remember that there are qualities of Yemanja that represent a warrior, and it is common to get confused. Know that she may not necessarily be angry with you, but may be preparing for a war.

With that difference in mind, the mother of water tells you that you are running after a goal that you are not the least bit passionate about. She believes that you shouldn't be chasing after something that you don't truly like.

You need to expose yourself to new interests, to pursue something you really want. This whole situation is draining all your vitality and energy. You need to learn new tastes and expose yourself to other situations to find your balance.

Can dreaming of Yemanja be an important spiritual message?

To dream with Orixás and other entities can have various interpretations, everything depends on what you have been living in your waking life. They can carry some message as described above, or be some kind of spiritual call from the mother of water.

In the first case, interpret your dream well and learn the necessary lessons to follow your plans. If you suspect the second case, the ideal is to confirm it in a game of cowrie shells. If Iemanjá is asking you to take care of yourself in some Afro-Brazilian religion, don't leave it to the last minute.

In any case, now that you know what it means to dream of Yemanja, you can go after a solution to what ails you.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.