Prayer to St. Cosmas and Damian: for protection, to cure illnesses and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Discover the most powerful prayers of St. Cosmas and Damian!

Saint Cosme and Damian are very well known to Brazilians. The celebration of both, held in September and linked to the distribution of sweets, refers to the religious syncretism related to the twins, whose devotion and charity stand out. From them, it is believed that their prayers are powerful in various areas of life.

In addition to prayers, there is the São Cosme e Damião rosary and sympathies that can be made to the saints, with requests that can be understood as abundance. Protection and healing are key words when you think of São Cosme e Damião, due to the occupation they exercised in life. It's not for nothing that they are the patron saints of doctors, although they are also patron saints of other professionals.

The promotion of health and physical, emotional and spiritual healing places doctors as powerful agents of transformation. In the article, check out more information about the twin saints, their history and prayers dedicated to St. Cosmas and Damian!

Getting to know São Cosme e Damião

Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian are always depicted together, just as they spent their lives. Their story is a demonstration of true faith in Jesus Christ, at a time when Christianity was not yet accepted by Roman society. Even though it cost them their lives, the saints left a legacy that teaches generosity and love. Find out more about the twins and their story below!

Origin and history of St. Cosmas and Damian

The brothers Cosme and Damian were born in the region of Asia Minor, where Arab countries are today, in a city believed to be Syria. Born into a noble family around the year 260, the twins dedicated themselves to the study and practice of science and medicine, which allowed them to profoundly transform the lives of the people around them.

As doctors, Cosme and Damian made their work a tool of healing and charity. They cared for sick people and didn't hesitate to offer treatment to those who couldn't afford it. For this reason, the twins and professionals became known for their competence and for promoting health at no cost.

They lived a life dedicated to saving lives, always repeating that they did so in the name of Jesus Christ and his power. For this reason, they ended up being persecuted by those who believed that Cosme and Damian used witchcraft to cure illnesses.

The brothers were arrested and killed, but not on the first attempt. Because of their devotion, which they took everywhere, the twins were protected by angels before they were actually executed in Aegean, Syria.

Characteristics of St. Cosmas and Damian

From the beginning of their contact with other people and animals, the twin saints had altruism as their main characteristic. The exercise of their profession led them to transform medicine into a tool of generosity, without distinction, since they even helped those who needed it most.

Another trait of their personalities was their openness to sharing what they had, as well as their remarkable devotion in the face of the most diverse difficulties.

Image of São Cosme e Damião

The well-known image of Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian refers to the story of the saints themselves. Twins, they are dressed in the same way in their representations, starting with the green tunic, related to health and life, in particular that which conquers death. This passage reminds us that they both went through this experience, as well as having saved many people and animals throughout their lives.

Their medallions symbolize the faith that gave them eternal life, since they died in devotion to Christ. That's why the red cloak represents their suffering, while the white collar highlights the truth and purity that accompanied the twins on their professional and spiritual journey. The boxes, one in each of their hands, symbolize everything that was given to the patients in their lives.

Also common are medicine bottles and palm leaves, which, since ancient civilizations, have referred to victory, peace and eternal life.

What do St. Cosmas and Damian represent?

Symbolically, Saint Cosmas and Damian represent kindness and joy. Especially because of the figure that represents them in Umbanda, they are strongly linked to children, as well as being patrons of doctors, pharmacists and other professionals, such as hairdressers. Above all, they both represent unwavering faith in Jesus Christ, even in the face of persecution.

Why ask St. Cosmas and Damian for help?

Cosme and Damian are known for having performed miracles in their lifetime, and became saints after their death. Asking the twins for help is a way of using faith to make requests, bearing in mind that the saints have always been very charitable. Their way of caring for people and animals in any condition shows that everyone deserves this attention, without any kind of prejudice.

The power of the prayers of St. Cosmas and Damian

Prayers to Saint Cosmas and Damian are noteworthy for the power they represent in relation to health professionals and children. They are very powerful prayers, as they are a way of asking for blessings and protection against various types of ailments and illnesses, since the saints' support mainly reaches those who need it most and have no way of asking.

During their time as doctors, they promoted healing through their training and all the knowledge they had acquired during their time in Syria. Prayers to Cosme and Damian were also practiced from this period, showing the power of the prayers and treatments offered by the brothers, always in the name of Jesus Christ and their Christian faith.

Main prayers of St. Cosmas and Damian

As you know, Saint Cosmas and Damian represent healing and treatment without distinction, so prayers to the saints can be made to ask for what ails the soul, and not just the solution to health problems. They are prayers with great power, whose graces can involve not only the person asking, but also those around them. Here are the main ones!

Prayer to St. Cosmas and Damian

The prayer to São Cosme e Damião is powerful and can be said regardless of the day. Its main request is for the blessing of those who work in health. Strengthening faith is another highlight of the prayer, which is very well known and invokes the power of the holy brothers.

Saint Cosme and Damian, who for love of God and neighbor dedicated yourselves to healing the body and soul of your fellow men, bless the doctors and pharmacists, medicate my body in sickness and strengthen my soul against superstition and all evil practices. May your innocence and simplicity accompany and protect all our children.

May the joy of a clear conscience, which has always accompanied you, also rest in my heart. May your protection, Cosme and Damian, keep my heart simple and sincere, so that the words of Jesus may also be useful to me: "Let the little ones come to me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Saint Cosme and Damian, pray for us.

Prayer to St. Cosmas and Damian for love

When you say the prayer of St. Cosmas and Damian, visualize love and good times becoming a reality.

Beloved St. Cosmas and St. Damian, in the name of the Almighty, I seek blessing and love from you. With the ability to renew and regenerate, with the power to annihilate any negative effect of causes arising from the past and present, I beg for the perfect repair of my body and (Name your family members).

Now and always, I hope that the light of the twin saints will be in my heart! Vitalize my home every day, bringing me peace, health and tranquility. Beloved St. Cosmas and St. Damian, I promise that, once I have obtained the grace, I will never forget you! So be it,

Hail St. Cosmas and St. Damian, Amen!

Prayer to St. Cosmas and Damian for protection

To attract blessings and protection, pray the following São Cosme e Damião prayer with faith:

Saint Cosmas and Damian, true friends of friends, true helpers of those who need help, I turn to you with all my strength to ask for help in achieving a true and difficult grace. I ask you, with all my love, with all my affection and with all my humble strength, to help me with your eternal powers as saints.

I'm just asking you to help me with the strength of God, of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the power of the heir Holy Spirit. Help me with this difficult request, which is hard to fulfill.

I know you're helping me, I know I deserve it and I know I'll get through all this because of your powerful and miraculous help. St. Cosmas and Damian, thank you.

Prayer to St. Cosmas and Damian to obtain a grace

The prayer below is powerful for making a special request and seeking grace from the twin saints. Pray it with faith and ask for what you want from the heart, regardless of the difficulty:

Saint Cosmas and Damian, true friends of friends, true helpers of those who need help, I turn to you with all my strength to ask for help in achieving a true and difficult grace. I ask you, with all my love, with all my affection and with all my humble strength, to help me with your eternal powers as saints.

I'm just asking you to help me with the strength of God, of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the power of the heir Holy Spirit. Help me with this difficult request, which is hard to fulfill.

I know you're helping me, I know I deserve it and I know I'll get through all this because of your powerful and miraculous help. St. Cosmas and Damian, thank you.

Prayer of St. Cosmas and Damian for the healing of a sick person

The healing of sick people and animals is the main pillar of the work of São Cosme and Damião during their lifetime. An interesting detail is that the healing was holistic, meaning that the saints cared for patients beyond the physical body. Prayer is powerful and promotes physical, emotional and spiritual healing through faith.

God of goodness and mercy, grant that through the intercession of the most glorious martyrs St. Cosmas and St. Damian, and through the glorious martyrdoms these saints underwent for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, through the cruel torments they suffered on their hands and feet, through the chains with which they were bound, through the sacred sea into which they were thrown, through the Angel of the Lord who saved them from drowning,by the prison in which they were held, by the crosses on which they were crucified, by the stones with which they were stoned, by the fourteen arrows with which they were shot, by the precious blood that flowed from their heads, by their beheading and by the heroic death they died in honor of Jesus the Savior, may we humble sinners attain the glory of heaven.

We implore you, O glorious martyrs St. Cosmas and St. Damian, allow us, through the invocation of your names and the veneration of your holy relics, to be included among the multiplicity and wonders of the instantaneous cures of serious and desperate illnesses that you practiced, as you always did in the name of the Lord, so much so that, for these great miracles, you were made by Holy MotherChurch on the list of saints whose invocation is obligatory for all priests during the celebration of Mass.

In this way, grant us the gift of deserving grace in our requests, and of being effectively assisted by you in our infirmities, both of body and soul, seeking to imitate you faithfully in the virtues of which you were living models.


Pray the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Rosary of St. Cosmas and Damian

When prayed, the rosary to São Cosme and Damião reinforces the power of faith in each individual throughout the process. Above all, it is a rosary that represents the healing of the ills of the body and soul, yet another indication of how much the twins have always cared about truly supporting the faithful. Next, find out more about the procedure of the rosary to São Cosme and Damião and its indications!

Indications and symbolism

The rosary of St. Cosmas and Damian represents a moment of complete devotion to the saints. Like other rosaries, it is indicated to establish a greater connection between the devotee and the holy figures, especially those who seek to deepen their faith. After all, Cosmas and Damian experienced this until the last moments of their lives.

How to pray the rosary of St. Cosmas and Damian

With the rosary in hand, simply light a candle and take an image of São Cosme e Damião to begin the prayers. The sign of the cross and the Creed are made on the crucifix, with the Our Father prayed on the first large bead, the Hail Mary prayed on the first three small beads, and the Glory be prayed on the second large bead. Then, with faith, the request is made.

In the first mystery, it's time to contemplate the birth of the saints and to ask that all families may be holy like theirs. On the large bead, an Our Father is prayed and on the small ones, you should repeat: "Saint Cosmas and Damian, intercede with God for me. Heal my body and soul and may I always say yes to Jesus." Then you should pray a Glory Be to the Father.

In the second mystery, there is an exaltation of the professionalism of the saints, asking for people who carry out the same work. In the third mystery, there is a request for physical and spiritual cures, such as those made by the twins. In the fourth mystery, there is contemplation of the persecution and courage of the brothers and the request for resilience in the face of the difficulties that arise throughout life.

In the fifth and final mystery, the request is for fidelity and devotion to Jesus Christ, even in decisive and difficult moments. The contemplation is for the martyrdom of the twins, a sign of their unshakeable faith. The mysteries mentioned in any rosary are crucial moments in the biblical stories, which act as a starting point for reflection and admiration on the part of the devotees.

Main Saint Cosme and Damian sympathies

In addition to the well-known prayers to Saint Cosmas and Damian, there are popular sympathies that can be made to ask for something special. Healing illnesses is present, as always, but there are other requests that are part of the sympathies spread over time. Do you need the help of the twin saints for protection, money or to move house? Read on and find out how to do each one!

St. Cosmas and Damian sympathy for curing illnesses

To ask São Cosme e Damião for a cure for illnesses, you need a cake. Make the pastry and, once it's baked and cold, decorate it and take it to a garden or square with two bottles of soda and two small candles, one blue and one pink. Light the candles, offer the preparation to São Cosme e Damião and ask for a cure for illnesses. Leave everything in the place and walk away without looking back.

St. Cosmas and Damian sympathy for the protection of children

To protect the children, you will need a few candies. Distribute the candies among needy children and keep one, which should be buried in a pot or garden. The paper candy should be discarded. The sympathy can be repeated every year.

While burying the bullet, repeat: "Saint Cosmas and Damian, bring happiness and protection to all the children in the world, especially those in my family. May they never lack daily bread, clothes to wear and love to protect."

St. Cosmas and Damian sympathy so you don't run out of money

On the day of the saints, separate a metal figurine, 7 honey loaves and two white candles. Light the candles and ask Saint Cosmas and Damian to guarantee you money every day of the year. When the candles have finished burning, put the figurine away and leave it in your wallet until the following year. Take the honey loaves to a square and place them at the base of a plant.

The following year, to repeat, leave the used figurine with the honey buns.

St. Cosmas and Damian sympathy for home protection

In September, on the day of Saint Cosmas and Damian, buy two candles and two pacifiers, one pink and one blue. Light the candles and let them burn, asking the twin saints that the pacifiers will attract luck, prosperity and protection to the home. After the candles have burned down, store the pacifiers in a cupboard in the kitchen, hidden away.

Repeat this every year, leaving the pacifiers in a garden with two candies of your choice.

Saint Cosme and Damian sympathy to find a new house to live in

If you're looking for a home, you can use a simple spell that enlists the help of São Cosme e Damião. Just buy a new key and put it in a cardboard dish. Around the key, put 7 honey candies and 7 sighs and ask the twins to help you find a home. Place the items in a square or garden far from your current home and that's it: the spell is done.

Other information about São Cosme e Damião

Saint Cosmas and Damian Day is celebrated on September 26. Known as synonyms for competence, care and joy, they are figures who always took care of people and animals, without distinction. Devotion to the saints arrived in Brazil from Europe and, today, concerns celebrations involving sweets and children. Find out more about the brothers below!

Tips for praying to St. Cosmas and Damian

The main tip for making prayers and sympathies to São Cosme e Damião is to have faith. Valuing the requests and trusting in the help of the twin saints is the first step, as well as respecting any specifications for the day of the week or items to be used. Most of them refer to religious syncretism and the connection between São Cosme e Damião and the Ibejis, from Umbanda.

Veneration and celebrations of St. Cosmas and Damian around the world

Over the centuries, homage to the twin saints has spread throughout the world, probably beginning in the Byzantine Empire, the veneration of St. Cosmas and St. Damian has always been linked to the cures and miracles attributed to the two. Basilicas were the starting point for the celebrations, which reached Europe even before arriving in Brazil, brought by the Portuguese colonizers.

The main temples celebrating the twin doctors are the Convent of the Poor Clares in Madrid, Spain, and the Basilica of Saints Cosme and Damian in Rome, Italy.

Veneration and celebrations of St. Cosmas and Damian in Brazil

The veneration of São Cosme and Damião is very popular in Brazil. On the commemorative date in honor of the saints, the faithful usually give thanks for the graces they have received. The figure of children is very common due to religious syncretism, making the distribution of sweets and bags a gesture that is the symbol of the celebrations to São Cosme and Damião.

People who make requests and prayers, such as women who want to get pregnant, can bring sweets and cakes to centers and parties dedicated to the twins. In Brazil, manifestations to the saints are very popular among Umbandists.

Interesting facts about St. Cosmas and Damian

Saint Cosmas and Damian became known not only for the miracles they performed, but also for treating people and animals without charge. Their faith led them to be persecuted, as many believed that their cures were witchcraft. So, after being captured, it took a few attempts before they both lost their lives, as the angels helped them to survive.

The distribution of sweets and candies is common in Brazil as a form of celebration, since the Ibejis, in Umbanda, are children who like these foods. It is also common for the faithful to take food to African religious centers throughout the country. The commemorative date, although it is September 26 for Catholicism, is celebrated on the following day for Umbanda and Candomblé.

Saint Cosme and Damian are the patron saints of children due to their strong religious syncretism. They are also the saints who protect doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, barbers, hairdressers, tourism experts and colleges that impart health knowledge.

What is the importance of the prayer of St. Cosmas and Damian?

The manifestations of devotion to St. Cosmas and Damian involve seeking the support of two saints who sacrificed themselves in the name of their faith in Jesus Christ. Their generosity and hospitality to those who could not afford medical treatment made them stand out precisely because they enabled transformations in various areas of people's lives, with repercussions on society.

In this way, their prayers can be made with requests that heal problems of the body and soul, ranging from illnesses to buying a house, for example. Valuing all the needs of beings is the central point of faith in the saints. It's no wonder that the twins were committed to offering care to other living beings, such as sick animals that needed treatment.

St. Cosmas and Damian are a reference point for children, medical professionals and all those in need of physical and spiritual healing.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.