Symptoms of mediumship: signs, physical symptoms, how to develop and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the symptoms of mediumship?

Mediumship is a subject that arouses the curiosity of many people. Although mediumship is often considered to be something from another world, it is actually very natural and can even be achieved rationally.

Consequently, many people are mediums, even if they don't know it, and others can become mediums if they are properly trained. As this is a very complex subject, there are a number of factors that influence the field of mediumship.

Therefore, when someone discovers they are psychic, the symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, although some more classic symptoms such as a keen intuition or the ability to communicate with entities are often reported.

This article deals precisely with the subject of mediumship in order to unveil the veil of ignorance that often shrouds the subject.

As you'll see, although mediumship has become more popular with spiritism, more precisely Kardecism, mediumship goes beyond religious barriers, as it is part of the human configuration. Find out more about it below.

Understanding mediumship

Mediumship is a word that arouses many reactions in people, from the deepest curiosity to the most intense fear. But what does this word actually mean? And what is its relationship to Spiritism? Below you will not only find the answers to these questions, but you will also learn about topics closely linked to mediumship. Check it out.

What is mediumship?

Before finding out if you're a medium, it's important to know what mediumship actually is. According to The Gospel According to Spiritism by Allan Kardec, mediumship is a way for human beings to penetrate the secrets of the invisible world.

This ability was given by divinity in the same way that he gave the senses and instruments to understand the perceptible world around them. Furthermore, mediumship can be considered a kind of gift, through which it is possible to exchange relations between the visible and invisible worlds.

It is through the exchange of information and energies between incarnate (living) and discarnate (deceased or never living) beings that humanity can advance in various fields of knowledge, such as the sciences and the arts. Mediumship depends on physical and hereditary characteristics, but is independent of gender.

The relationship between mediumship and spiritism

Mediumship is commonly related to spiritism, since this religious doctrine focuses on awakening in individuals the gift of communicating with the spiritual plane.

One of the most important books for spirit mediums is The Mediums' Book, in which Kardec reveals that this mediumistic faculty does not reveal itself in the same way for everyone. From this definition by Kardec, it is possible to classify people according to the way in which their mediumistic abilities emerge.

The benefits of mediumship

Since mediumship can be considered as an instrument that helps individuals, including in the task of preparing them to help others, there are many benefits that it brings. Among them, it is possible to mention:

- Improved view of the material world and the lessons it brings;

- Access to knowledge brought by disincarnate beings that is essential for self-knowledge and the advancement of humanity;

- Assistance in the process of healing and spiritual indoctrination, helping individuals going through difficulties, bringing comfort;

- Knowledge about another spiritual reality;

- Awareness that you are not alone and that there is a place beyond the limitations of the fleshly plane.

Signs of mediumship

Like any gift, mediumship manifests itself differently according to the individual. Since mediumship can be thought of as a lineage passed down through family ties or even spiritual connections with other lives, each person has a different rhythm for perfecting or acquiring it.

Among the most common signs that someone has a heightened sensitivity to mediumistic matters are the ability to exercise clairvoyance or spiritual hearing, psychophonic or psychographic trance, and high emotional sensitivity.

Clairvoyance or spiritual hearing

Mediums can be clairvoyant (they can see spirits or events) or clairaudient (they have the ability to hear messages from the spiritual plane. Both clairvoyance and clairaudience are very common among them.

Psychophonic or psychographic trance

Another very common ability among mediums is trance, a kind of spiritual ecstasy in which one loses some contact with physical reality. During this trance, there is a change in the medium's state of consciousness and, through this, it is possible to receive messages dictated to them.

In this case, the trance is called psychophonic trance. On the other hand, if, while in trance, the medium takes a piece of paper and pen and uses it as a channel to transmit messages to people, this act is called psychographic trance, since it makes use of psychography (the ability to write messages dictated by entities).

Emotional sensitivity

Mediums are true energy sponges, so they are able to draw different emotions to themselves, as they have a high degree of emotional sensitivity.

For this reason, people with mediumship tend to be easily affected by the mood of others or the energy of the place they are in. They are also very empathetic and can read other people's thoughts very well.

How do you know if you're psychic?

There are several ways to find out if you're psychic, the first of which is the ability to perceive or pick up on the energies of a place. If you have the ability to sense what others are feeling or simply have a very keen intuition, it's possible that you're psychic and don't know it.

In addition, you may experience many other symptoms linked to this powerful gift. Ideally, when you notice any symptoms, you should seek out a suitable spiritual mentor to guide your spiritual journey, after all, there are different types of mediums and each person manifests their gifts in different ways.

Main physical symptoms of mediumship

If you're interested in the subject of mediumship, you've probably already had some kind of experience with it and want to know if what you've experienced can be explained through the eyes of mediumship. Below, you'll see the main physical symptoms that indicate that your mediumship is emerging. Check them out.

Vibrations and strong impressions

It is very common for mediums, especially sensitive mediums, to feel constant vibrations or to be hit by strong impressions.

Both vibrations and impressions allow them to perceive or receive details about people, animals, plants, objects and even places, so if you often feel them, there are indications that you are psychic.

Palpitation and tachycardia

Another recurring physical symptom is the uncomfortable sensation of palpitation and tachycardia. If you experience these symptoms, it is essential that you seek medical help to rule out the possibility of heart disease.

If you continue to have these symptoms after all the normal tests, you are probably psychic.

Excessive sweating of the hands and armpits

Unless you're in a very hot place or you have an illness or even a high body fat index, excessive sweating in the armpits and hands can be a strong indication that you're psychic. So be aware.

Tingling and chills

Spirits generally affect the temperature of a room when they are active in it, which is why it is very common for mediums to report a tingling sensation in the body and chills that indicate the presence of spirits in the room. One area commonly affected by these sensations is the head and arms.

Redness and burning in the ears and cheeks

The energies of the spirit world can also be revealed in mediums through redness and burning sensations, especially in the ears and cheeks. These are usually the result of attempts to contact the medium.

Lack of energy

Lack of energy and constant tiredness for no apparent reason are also physical symptoms of mediumship. Usually this energy drain is caused by energies in conflict or by entities trying to take advantage of the medium.

In the same way, mediums can have their energies sucked out by people known as psychic vampires.

Feeling faint and vomiting

Mediums can also feel nauseous, with a heavy body, on the verge of fainting, due to conflicting energies or even contact with entities who need to pass on a message through them.

Headaches, neck pain and other muscle pains

If you often suffer from headaches, even after consulting a doctor and checking that there is nothing wrong with your health, it is possible that you are psychic. As well as headaches, pains in the back of the neck and in different muscles of the body are also reported.

Sleep disorders

Do you constantly have trouble sleeping? Did you know that sleep disturbances that can't be explained by other reasons such as anxiety or stress are also strong indicators of mediumship?

This is because it is during sleep that the physical body is most vulnerable. In addition, the night awakens the subconscious mind and so it is easier for these vibrations to be picked up during the night.

Development of phobias

If you have sudden mood swings, especially when entering specific places or dealing with people, you are probably psychic. These interactions can also generate different phobias in you.

Seek help from an appropriate health professional and, if nothing is explained, spirituality will be able to provide the answers you need.

Main types of mediumship

As you've already read in this article, there are several ways in which mediumship is manifested. But what are these main types of mediumship? To get the answer to this question, read on to find out more about their definition and characteristics. Check it out.


Psychographic mediums exercise their gifts mainly through psychography. Psychography is an act of automatic writing, in which the medium receives information from the spiritual plane and transcribes it with the help of their gift. Therefore, psychographic mediums have the ability to receive messages from spirits and transmit them through writing.

Clairvoyant medium

Clairvoyant mediums, on the other hand, are able to see spirits or other entities linked to the plane beyond the material. Clairvoyance, this ability to see beyond the physical plane, can also manifest itself in different ways.

With it, the medium can see people, faces, events that didn't happen, past events or even perceive people's aura or energy field.

Hearing medium

Listening to messages from the spirit world is the task carried out masterfully by the audient medium. The messages received by this type of medium can be quite clear, like the voices of spirits, or simply manifest as a kind of inner voice, as if it were a conversation with their own thoughts.

Healing medium

As the name suggests, healing mediums have the power to heal people. Through their mediumistic gifts, they are able to relieve pain or permanently cure it. They heal exclusively through spiritual energies, without the use of medication, through their gaze, touch or even gestures.

Incorporation medium

Incorporation mediums, also known as psychophonic mediums, have the ability to lend their body as a channel of communication with entities, in a supervised manner. If the medium is psychophonic, they use only their voice to communicate with the spirits or the spirits use their voice to transmit their messages.

Incorporations happen when the energy or presence of a spirit is so intense that it requires a physical body to be manifested, so the medium temporarily gives up their own body for the incorporation to take place. Mediums who incorporate must be experienced and guided by someone qualified in their training.

Further information on mediumship

Mediumship is a very complex subject, and it often manifests itself in childhood in people who have a predisposition to mediumship.

However, as we will show, it is possible to develop mediumship in subsequent stages of development. Learn more about these topics below.

How to identify child mediumship?

Children can be mediums, especially because they are still going through the process of reincarnation, when they are not fully connected to their own physical body.

Since the incarnation process is completed at around the age of 7, it is very common for children to manifest mediumistic abilities or a more intense connection with the spiritual plane.

Children usually manifest their gifts through hearing and sight, which is why it's very common for them to see spirits or have so-called imaginary friends. Some of them can even relate situations that happened to them in other lives as if they were memories of this life, but their parents simply don't recognize them.

It's important to remember that children who show mediumship don't necessarily have to and won't develop their mediumship when they reach adulthood. It can all depend on how their parents guide them on their spiritual journey.

How to develop mediumship?

If you want to develop your mediumship, it's important that you study a lot and practice it as much as you can. Although you don't need to be connected to Spiritism to practice your mediumship, knowing the works of this doctrine can guide your spiritual practice.

Spiritism is a form of Christianity, so if you don't feel connected to this religion, you can seek training in other spiritual or religious disciplines, since mediumship is not exclusive to Spiritism.

It's essential to find someone experienced with whom you can deal with spiritual matters. You can start with Kardecist spiritual centers. Other ways to develop your mediumship are through practices such as yoga, meditation, Tarot reading or even the practice of magic.

How does a séance work?

A mediumistic session is a private meeting with locked doors that takes place once a week in the Spiritist House, always on the same day and at the same time.

In this session, it is essential that silence is achieved so that there is vibrational harmony. It works by choosing a small number of participants who must vibrate harmoniously.

During the meetings, it is not advisable for people to be present who show signs of spiritual obsession, unless the purpose of the session is to indoctrinate the spirit.

One of the main objectives of a séance is to help suffering spirits through the mediums present at the séance. Mediumistic séances should not be confused with spiritual séances, whose objective is quite different.

Taking care of mediumship

Mediumship is a gift that many Spiritists see as a skill, as it helps people in difficulty. It is important, therefore, that it is not used as a means to boost vanity, as it is natural and does not make anyone more or less special.

It's important to avoid using it for selfish purposes, as well as focusing only on the past and future and forgetting about the present. To develop it better, you need to practice it, preferably under the guidance of an experienced medium.

It is also important to avoid telling people that you have some kind of clairvoyance and to be careful with the information you share, as it can cause harm or even problems for people who are not prepared to receive it.

Brazil's and the world's leading mediums

When it comes to mediumship, there are some very important people who have excelled in this field in Brazil and around the world. Among them, we can mention:

- Allan Kardec: pseudonym of Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, Allan was the creator of the spiritist doctrine known as Kardecism. The Spirits' Book and The Mediums' Book are two of his best-selling works.

- Chico Xavier: author of more than 450 books, Chico Xavier is considered one of the most important mediums in Brazil and the world. He was largely responsible for spreading the spiritist doctrine in Brazil and many of his works have been translated into other languages. He died at the age of 92 in Uberaba, Minas Gerais.

- Other well-known names in Brazil are Zíbia Gasparetto, Amauri Pena and Waldo Vieira.

Top books to learn about mediumship

Most of the serious books on the spirit world and mediumship come from the Spiritist doctrine. If you decide to take up mediumship, it is important that you look into this type of literature so that you can develop your gifts properly. Among them, you can turn to:

1) The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec. This book provides answers to many questions related to the spirit world, including topics relevant to mediumship.

2) The Mediums' Book by Allan Kardec.

3) Mechanisms of Mediumship by Chico Xavier, dictated by the spirit André Luiz.

4) Mediumship Challenges and Blessings by Divaldo Pereira Franco, dictated by the spirit Manoel Philomeno de Miranda.

The Spirits' Book

Allan Kardec's The Spirits' Book provides answers to many questions related to the spirit world, including topics relevant to mediumship. It is considered the basic book of the Kardecist doctrine of Spiritism.

The Mediums' Book

Another classic of spiritist literature, Allan Kardec's The Mediums' Book is regarded as a veritable handbook and is useful for anyone seeking to discover the secrets of mediumship.

Mechanisms of Mediumship

Chico Xavier's book Mecanismos da Mediunidade (Mechanisms of Mediumship), dictated by the spirit André Luiz, deals with the association of science and spiritism. As well as giving guidelines for mediums, it teaches them how to understand topics related to physics and philosophy.

Mediumship Challenges and Blessings

Mediumship Challenges and Blessings, by Divaldo Pereira Franco, is a book dictated by the spirit Manoel Philomeno de Miranda. It is a guide with guidelines and general information about mediumship, as well as tips on how to protect yourself from attacks by spirits.

Understand mediumship and identify its symptoms!

Mediumship is a fascinating skill that can be inherited or developed with practice. Like any skill, it requires study and dedication in order to be fully manifested.

As we've shown throughout the article, there are basic symptoms that are commonly reported by people who have mediumship. These can be headaches, insomnia or even chills and redness caused every time there is an energetic conflict between the medium, an object, a place or a discarnate spirit.

In order for you to benefit from this skill, it's important that you study it, because studying it is the main way to identify its symptoms. Use this article as a starting point and go on to obtain information from the list of books indicated in it. If possible, seek help from someone experienced to guide your journey.

And don't forget: there's nothing wrong with being a medium. If this is your path, follow it with an open heart and you'll see how wonderful it is to explore this world through charity and the exercise of your mediumistic abilities!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.