7 herb pot: what it is for, where to put it, how to care and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know what the 7 herbs pot is for?

The 7 Herbs Vessel serves to clean and protect environments charged with negative energies. In addition, it transmutes bad vibrations, making the environment more pleasant and harmonious.

This special vase takes this name because it contains within it the power of 7 different herbs: basil, rosemary, sword-of-st.-jorge, arruda, guinea, pepper and meadow-nurse, used in various cultures for their energetic powers.

Besides having a unique beauty, which will give a special touch to your home or work environment, the combination of these herbs will ensure greater protection. Together, they work as a real shield against any negativity.

In this article, you'll get tips on its benefits, where to leave it and how to have your vase to protect your home, plus other precious ideas to improve your life.Check it out!

Understanding more about the 7 herbs pot

To understand more about the 7 herbs pot, it is important to know about its use in Umbanda, its benefits and important tips on where to leave it. We have also included a recipe for a powerful 7 herbs bath, to benefit from its energies. Check it out!

What is the 7 herbs pot of Umbanda?

The 7 herbs vase of Umbanda is an arrangement made with seven powerful plants, due to their protective properties. Rosemary, basil, guinea, pepper, rue, sword-of-st. George and with me-ninghem-pod are herbs that are part of the practices of umbandistas, who use them in astral cleansing baths, popularly known as "descarrego".

Although they have been used only as ingredients for unloading baths, nowadays, these herbs are part of the decoration of many environments, because of their beauty and ornamental character. Besides making the environment more beautiful, the herbs transmit positive energies and high vibration, both to the environment and to the people who circulate in it.


The main benefits of the 7 herb pot are:

a) Filtering, neutralizing and fighting all the negative energies of an environment;

b) Transmutation of negative energies, allowing the astral environment to transform positively;

c) Protection against negative entities, such as obsessive spirits and energy vampires;

d) Away from negative or ill-intentioned people, fighting feelings such as envy and evil eye;

e) Efficacy against spells and works against the residents of the house;

(f) Energization of the environment;

g) Embellishment of the area where the vase will stand.

These benefits, of course, are dependent on where you will leave your pot, so you should also analyze that area.

Where to put the vase?

The 7 herb vase can be placed in basically any environment. The only restriction is: the chosen environment needs to have good natural lighting (i.e., it should receive sunlight) and good air circulation and should have an opening to the outside areas of the house or apartment in which it will be.

Following these criteria, the environments that are best suited are places near doors and windows. Sunlight will allow your herbs to live longer, thus ensuring greater protection for the environment. Air circulation is essential for the flow of energy to be guaranteed.

7 Herbs Bath

The bath of 7 herbs is one of the most powerful baths of discharge. To do it, you must follow the following steps:

1) Boil 3 liters of water in a pot.

2) When the water boils, turn off the heat and add to the liquid a handful of basil, rosemary, guinea, rue, a few peppercorns and a small piece of cumin and St. George sword.

3) Cover the pot and let it infuse for about 3 minutes.

4) Strain the herbs and add the infusion to a bucket.

5) Take your hygienic bath.

6) When you finish it, use the herbal infusion to soak your body from the neck down, imagining everything bad going away with the water.

After this step by step, dry yourself without the help of the towel and throw the remains of the strained herbs in a green place. Take this bath, at most, twice a month.

The power of the seven herbs

To better understand the power of the 7 herbs pot, it is important to know the energetic properties and benefits of each of the herbs that are part of it. Therefore, you will see a detailed description of each of them below. Follow!


Basil is a herb ruled by Mars and the fire element. Popularly used in many traditional cuisines around the world, basil has powers linked to love, protection, astral cleansing and prosperity.

Thus, when left in your vase, it will not only ward off negative energies, but also help to keep the good mood of people in the environment, since popular wisdom says that it attracts sympathy between people.

In addition, it is a powerful herb for attracting abundance, helping in business and attracting money wherever it is grown with that intention.


Rosemary is considered the herb of happiness. Ruled by the Sun and the fire element, its benefits are related to wisdom, happiness, protection, purification, healing and even exorcism. Thus, when planted in environments, rosemary sucks up all and any negativity and helps maintain the balance of the place where it grows.

When used as incense, it keeps obsessing spirits away and provides more concentration, being ideal for students preparing for exams or contests. Besides that, rosemary is an herb that promotes healing, especially if the disease is caused by spiritual or energetic issues.

St. George's Sword

The Sword of St. George is a plant originally from Africa. Easily cultivated, due to its resistance to dry weather, it is preferred by many Brazilians, not only because of its easy maintenance, but also for its protective powers.

Therefore, when left in environments, the sword-of-st. George cuts the negative energy like a real sword, dissipating also the envy and the evil eye.

In addition, it assists in purifying the air and is excellent for protecting your home from the effect of electromagnetic fields (EMF), emitted by cell phones, computers and other electronic devices that are harmful. It is an herb ruled by Mars and the fire element.


Rue is undoubtedly one of the most powerful and popular herbs for protection in the country. Originally from the Mediterranean, its protective powers were already known in ancient times by the Romans, who carried it with them to ward off the effects of negative entities, as well as to break the envy.

In Brazil, rue is commonly left near the entrance door, with the same purpose. Its power originates from its elemental regent, fire, and from Mars, the planet named after the Roman god of the same name, regent of war. Therefore, it is excellent to fight invading energies and to guarantee the defense of its users.


Guinea is an herb native to the Americas, whose powers are related to protection against negative energies and bad entities and to combat jealousy. When left in the environment, guinea works as an antenna capturing negative energy: when it comes into contact with this invading vibration, it traps it and neutralizes it.

It is commonly used as an ingredient of "descargo" baths, because of its excellent astral cleansing power. Guinea is also known as amansa-patrão, because it is believed that it was used by slaves to weaken their evil bosses. It is a herb ruled by Mars and the fire element.


Pepper is an herb represented by Mars and the element of fire. Its powers are related to protection, astral cleansing and exorcism. When planted in an environment, pepper absorbs the evil eye and cuts down on envy.

So, to know if your house is being victim of envious people or negative influences, leave a vase of pepper inside. If the pepper dries up, it is a sign that your house is being targeted by negativity, evil eye or even negative entities.

Besides its excellent astral cleaning power, chili peppers can also be used to "spice up" relationships that are in need of rekindling the flame of passion.


The "me-nobody-pod" is one of the favorite plants for astral cleansing. When left at home, this plant ruled by Mars and the fire element serves as an energy filter, sucking all the negative energies from the environment and making a neutralization. It protects against envy and keeps away negative people, when left near the entrance door of the house.

In addition to its powerful benefit against negative energy, the dogwood also aids in purifying the air. This plant is well suited to low-lit locations as it is native to dense tropical forests. However, it is a poisonous plant and should be kept out of reach of children or pets.

How to have a 7 herb pot

By knowing about the individual energies of each herb you'll have in your pot, you'll be ready to learn how to have a 7 herb pot. Read on for tips on how to choose your pot and plants, the best time to plant, and other essential maintenance care!

Choose the vase of your preference

When choosing the pot to plant the 7 herbs, try to use a material that conducts energy, such as clay, wood, cement, glass, stone or even porcelain. Avoid artificial materials, such as plastic, because they do not conduct energy.

It is therefore important to choose a pot that matches the environment you intend to leave it in. Choose between planters or basins, depending on the size of your plants. The depth of the pot is also important: the deeper it is, the more your plants' roots will grow and the more competition there will be between them.

In addition, it is important that it has holes in the bottom, so that the water can be drained, preventing the roots from rotting and your plant from dying.

Choose your plants carefully

When choosing plants for your vase, you need to pay attention to their sizes. You can create beautiful arrangements by arranging them at different depths and using plants of different sizes, but pay attention to their height: plants of very different heights will end up competing for more space and may become disharmonious.

When choosing seedlings, pay attention to their foliage, choosing those with a uniform color. It is also important to choose a standard size for them. Finally, since all plants can grow, leave an even space between them in your pot so that they can grow without too much competition.

Also, don't forget: you'll need a seedling of each of the following herbs: basil, rosemary, St. George's sword, rue, guinea, pepper, and meadow lavender.

Add a substrate to the soil

In order for the plants in your 7-herb pot to grow healthy, it is important that you invest in a good substrate. In gardening stores or large supermarkets, look for substrates for seedlings. Sometimes they are also called black soil, plant soil or soil conditioner. Also, when choosing it, mix it with worm humus, NPK fertilizer or other variants.

Time to plant

When you get your seedlings, you should plant them with their root ball - that part with the rooting soil that is shaped like the black bag you took out. Also, don't break or crush it, so as not to affect the roots. When planting it, make a hole and, after inserting the root ball in it, cover it with substrate.

After that, arrange your herbs according to your personal taste. When all 7 herbs are planted in the pot, don't forget to water them.

Sun exposure and amount of water

Your pot of seven herbs should be left near a window with natural light and ventilation. The Meadowlily and Sword of St. George do not need direct sunlight, but the other herbs do, as they need to produce their essential oils.

Also, to know the right time to water them, do the finger test: insert your finger into the soil. If it comes out dirty and damp, your herbs do not need water. However, if it comes out dry, it is time to water them.

How to care for plants

Whenever possible, check the condition of your plants in the 7 herb pot. Remember to water them constantly and that they need sunlight to survive. It is also important to fertilize them periodically so that they can grow, preferably every 15 days.

Also, in case they are growing disorderly, remember that you can prune them. Pruning may seem cruel, but it is necessary to ensure their longevity and beauty.

Pest and disease control

The control of pests and diseases should happen frequently in your seven-herb pot. Do not use pesticides, because they are poisons and can harm the health of your plants and your own health. In addition, both water in lack and in excess can cause diseases.

Thus, always use organic recipes and, if a plant is very sick, replace it by another one, so as not to infect the others. Also watch out for energetic signs that the plant has received a very heavy load. If they wilt or die out of nowhere, be alert and reinforce their defenses.

Pet and child care

When you have a pot of 7 herbs in your home, you need to be extra careful if you have pets or children in your home. This is because plants such as meadow grass and spade of St. George are toxic.

Therefore, the simple contact of these plants with sensitive skin may cause skin eruptions, irritation, burning and itching. These plants should never come in contact with mucous membranes (mouth, eyes, nose, etc.), because their toxicity can be deadly.

Moreover, if children or pets come into contact with these plants or ingest them accidentally, the danger is even higher. Therefore, leave your pot in a safe place, out of their reach.

The pot of 7 herbs brings protection and good energy!

As you have seen throughout the article, having a pot of 7 herbs in your home or work environment brings protection and good energies. This happens due to the energetic power of herbs, all being governed by the element fire, which represents the energy, purification and renewal, and that will be responsible for driving away all the darkness directed to your home, bringing the necessary light to combat all thebadly.

In addition to making the environments more beautiful, this powerful vase will also improve the quality of life of all who pass through it, since it will act directly on the aura of each one.

Therefore, when acquiring it or making it, don't forget to leave it in a ventilated and sunny place, taking care to maintain it with water, pruning and fertilizing. This way, you will have this energetic tool acting in your life for much longer!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.