Odu 15 Obeogundá: history, orixás, archetypes, negative and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the meaning of Odu 15 Obeogundá?

Odu 15, also known as Obéogundá, is an Odu in the Ifá Oracle, it symbolizes sudden changes that can bring losses along the way. People ruled by this Odu are fearless, do not worry about assessing the risks of situations and are not intimidated. They face any challenger, and often have the marks of their successful battles all over their bodies.

With the influence of Odu 15, these people are dynamic, and can transform this characteristic into a powerful tool for their achievements and problem solving. However, the benefits of these achievements will be taken to those who are around these people, they will feel the benefits indirectly.

In this text you will get to know numerous characteristics related to Odu 15 like, the characteristics of this Odu, its tendencies, the influence on the personality of people with its influence, besides its influence in various areas of the life of these people.

Characteristics of Obeogundá: the Odu number 15

Understand how the characteristics of Obeogundá, the Odu 15, influence the life and destiny of the people ruled by it. Also, learn how these aspects interfere in the way they interact with the world around them.

In this part of the article we will talk a little more about the Odu 15, Obeogundá, know information such as its history, its ruling Orixá, the elements that govern it, which is its cardinal point of reference, the body parts that he rules, their colors, points of vulnerability, the prohibitions for their children and their legends.

History of Odu 15 Obeogundá

The story goes that Ajé, wife of Metonlonfin, chief of all the sorcerers, had a son, who received the name F Aydegun. However, the child grew and did not utter a single word, only cried incessantly. This fact made his father very angry and did not know what to do to solve the child's problem.

One day, his father seeing the child crying as usual, hit him with an ivory stick, at this moment the child stopped crying and said loudly Ogbe. The father then hit him again and the child then said Oyeku, the father continued hitting him and with each hit the child spoke a name, Iwori, Odi, Irosun, Owonrin, Obara, Okanran, Ogunda, Osá, Ika, Oturukpon, Otura, Irete, Oshe and Ofun.

After saying these sixteen names, the father stopped beating and the boy then told what happened. The boy said: "Father, these are the names of my sixteen spiritual sons. I could only announce a name with each blow received, without which I could not hold a conversation without first being struck by your staff, which I shall call Irophah.

It is from this story that one discovers the characteristics of Odu 15, Obeogundá, which brings suffering to its children before achieving success.

ruling orixá

The Ori Orixas that rule Odu 15, Obeogundá, are Ori, the head Orixa of the consulant, Obaluayê and Omulu. The rulership of these Orixas is closely linked to some illnesses and trials sent by this Odu. However, they can be attenuated depending on the Ori that each person has.

In addition, the ruling Orixás of Odu 15 are related to transitions and transmutations, which explains the difficulties faced in the area of health by their tribe. However, precisely because of these characteristics, the recovery from their ailments is quite fast.

Cardinal Points of Odu number 15

The cardinal points used in Umbanda have the function of movement, and the interpretation of how these points of force act, especially in magic, varies according to each in which it is located.

In magic, the power of the cardinal points is used to show direction and also for the making of mandalas and requests for good fortune. Odu 15, Obeogundá, corresponds to the Northwest Cardinal Point.


Odu 15, or Obeogundá Meji, is ruled by two elements, fire over water, where fire has predominance over water. The rulership of these elements shows that this Odu has an initial dynamism, and this eventually turns into a powerful aid.

However, the help brought by this dynamism does not bring benefits directly to the children of this Odu, but to the people around them. Their natives will feel the benefits indirectly by participating in the success of others.

Body parts

Each of the Odu, which are part of the Ifá signs, are responsible for ruling certain parts of the body of their children. Therefore, they are tasked with taking care of and helping to maintain the health of these parts of people's bodies.

In the case of Odu 15, Obeogundá, his responsibility falls on the ears of the children of this Odu, more specifically the Hearing. Thus, whenever there is any problem with this part of the body, his children should ask him for help.


Each of the Odus of Ifá have colors that are aligned with their characteristics and representativeness. In the case of Odu 15, its colors are bright red, black, gray, blue and white.

If it is necessary to color the figure that represents this Odu, the circle that represents the sky would be painted white or blue. The Earth, which is represented by a square, would be painted red, which is the color of Vodum Sakpatá, who is the owner of the Earth.

Vulnerable points

Every Odu, has a relationship with points of the body of their children, these points can usually go through major problems. They are organs that are usually more fragile and more susceptible to becoming ill and need greater care.

In the case of Odu 15, Obeogundá, the bodies of his children are more vulnerable to diseases like Leprosy, Smallpox, Muscular Atrophy, Intestinal Inflammations, Sexual Impotence, Eruptive Fevers and Hepatitis. Therefore, these health points should be better monitored and taken care of.


The children of Odu 15 need to respect some prohibitions, such as eating beans in any preparation, whether peeled, seasoned with palm oil, or the skins and leaves of red beans. In addition, these people are also forbidden to eat chicken meat, pork, antelope or shrimp.

They should also avoid consuming plantains, yams, dende oil, papaya and palm wine. They should not eat anything that is an offering to Dã, Sakpatá and Nana. If, by carelessness, the children of Odu 15 consume any of these foods, they should ask for Agô (forgiveness) and bathe with canjica water.


This legend related to Odu 15, tells the story that led to the abolition of human sacrifices to Orunmilá, by Odu Irete Meji. According to the legend, Osu N'layo, had married but could not have children, so she sought guidance from a diviner. He then asked her to offer in sacrifice two goats, two chickens, two raffia cloths and fourteen coins.

The offering was to be made in the early evening in a bush indicated by the diviner. As she was carrying the offering, she fell into a hole and got stuck with her offerings. The next day, she heard a noise and cried out for help. The person passing by was F Aydegun who then asked her to throw the raffia cloths to him.

Tying the two cloths together, Fá Ayedegun made a rope and pulled Osu out of the hole. Taking advantage of the situation he possessed her and then went on his way. She then realized that she was pregnant and after giving birth to a baby girl, she left her with her parents.

In a war, Osu was killed and the girl was captured by the enemy. Some time later, F Aydegun sent his servants to find a human to sacrifice in honor of his Ipori. His servants then took Osum's daughter for sacrifice.

While awaiting the day of being sacrificed, the girl worked at small household chores, and lamented the bad luck of dying without knowing her father. Those nearby asked her who her father was, and she said she was Fá Aydegun.

When F learned who the child was, he sent his servants to bring goats, chickens, pigeons and field mice, and these were his offerings to his Ipori. When he handed them over, he informed them "Here is what you will eat from this day on. You will no longer receive blood or human flesh". And so human sacrifices were eliminated in Ifá's rites.

Ifá Odus have several characteristics that influence the behavior and actions of their natives. Thus, the Odu 15, Obeogundá also has its characteristics and go beyond predictions and rulings of body parts among others.

Below, understand what are the positive and negative trends brought into the lives of the children of Odu 15, and how they interfere in their daily lives.

The positive trends brought by Odu 15 to your native, speak about favor in small business and small profits. However, the chances of achieving success are quite limited, but you will be able to realize your dreams and projects.

Other positive points brought by this Odu are: being able to totally dominate any situation, a love matched, respect, influence and dynamism. Moreover, it will also help these people to receive wealth and prosperity.

As a negative trend, Odu 15 speaks about various health problems brought to those born with this influence, this is because this Odu is ruled by the Orixás Obaluayê and Omulu, who are related to diseases and plagues, but are also part of healing.

Besides health problems, Odu 15 also indicates difficult situations like quarrels, envy, intrigues between relatives, jealousy, lack of luck in business and love adventures that can have a tragic end. It also talks about a time related to violence, including sexual.

Personality of Odu 15 Obeogundá

Odu 15, Obeogundá has very striking personality traits such as the ability to make intrigues, get involved in love adventures, are jealous, envious, despite a dose of dynamism and control of situations.

In this part of the article understand how is the influence of these characteristics in the personality of the children of Odu 15 with regard to sexuality, sensitivity and addictions.


In the sexual area these children of Odu 15, are involved in disputes over women or men, they do not have much sense in their sexual choices and sometimes get involved in adventures that turn out to be quite disastrous.

However, it is necessary to warn people to be careful about how they seek relationships, because the urge for novelty can be a risk, even leading to episodes of violence, both physical and sexual violence.


The children of Odu 15, are not very sensitive, have a dubious personality, rarely state what they want and desire. They need help from other Odus to go through more complicated processes.

They are very unstable, and can get into trouble and fight with others for no reason, and end up regretting it later. They have great empathy for those around them, and are always ready to help anyone who needs it.


People who are born under the influence of Odu 15 go through many heavy situations, which end up causing many organic disturbances that shake the structure of these people, which can lead these people to fall into addictions.

Therefore, it is necessary to seek professional help to face life's difficulties, as well as to share problems with friends and family members you can trust.

Odu 15 in different areas of life

Besides influencing sensitivity, sexuality, addictions and other points of personality of people born on Odu 15, this Odu also interferes in other areas of people's lives. And thus interferes in the way they act.

In this part of the text, understand how is the influence of Odu 15, Obeogundá on your way of loving, working and also the health care needs.

Odu 15 in love

In love relationships, people who have the influence of Odu 15 in their life can be quite happy in love. However, they go through a great struggle to win the people they love, as they end up encountering several competitors on the way.

However, these people often become disillusioned in love relationships, although they are valued and empathetic, these disappointments make them more aggressive because they feel rejected.

Odu 15 at work

The influence of Odu 15 in the area of work causes these people to have unwanted behaviors. They always end up getting involved in fights in the professional environment, often for no apparent reason.

This influence also helps these natives to have small businesses, but the chances of success are rather small. But in the course of time they manage to realize their projects and dreams.

Odu 15 in health

People with the influence of Odu 15 in their lives are in poor health and may develop eye, ear and leg problems, as well as nervous system disorders.

These natives are also vulnerable to smallpox, muscular atrophy, intestinal inflammations, sexual impotence, eruptive fevers, and hepatitis. They can also be afflicted by abscesses, boils, and even leprosy.

Odu 15 Obeogundá is related to problems with intrigues, both with relatives and friends. These people are always being barred by someone, precisely because of the intrigues in which they are involved.

In addition, they are always initiating situations that cause embarrassment, which often leads to arguments and fights that result in moral damages, lawsuits, separations, loss of money and property. Therefore, it is important to seek help to achieve self-control.

In today's text we try to bring as much information about the characteristics and influences that Odu 15, Obeogundá brings to the lives of its natives, we hope it is useful.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.