King of Swords in Tarot: meaning of the card, in love, health and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card King of Swords mean in Tarot?

The King of Swords talks about experience and intellectual capacity, two aspects that will help the consulent to deal with the problems of the path. The Arcane acts in the sense of helping to influence people around, through the strengthening of oratory.

Thus, this is a card that, although it makes it clear that there are obstacles in the way, helps in understanding the reality around and makes logical reasoning can be used to modify reality, especially due to its power of persuasion. Throughout the article, more details about the King of Swords will be explored. Read on and check it out!

Fundamentals of the King of Swords card

The symbolism of the King and the characteristics of the suit of Swords combine to make up the fundamentals of the King of Swords. Strongly influenced by air, the Arcane has the ability to influence through oratory and exercises its dominance through communication.

Therefore, it is the figure of a ruler who believes in the power of mental energies and in justice. This is something that is present in the iconography of the card, especially through the mountain on which the King of Swords is seated, while commanding his kingdom. Next, the fundamentals of the King of Swords will be exposed. Follow along!


Possessing power derived from the air, the King of Swords exercises his dominance through ideas. He is a ruler with a sharp mind who believes in reason and logic as the means to solve any problem.

His authority is derived from these characteristics, but also from his natural sense of justice, which makes others see him as a wise man and respect his positions on the most varied subjects, making him a natural leader.


The King of Swords is depicted in the Tarot as a figure who appears on top of a mountain. Thus, he has the full view of the situations happening below him and the necessary distance to be able to evaluate what is happening around him.

In some cultures, this animal is a symbol of life and transformations, something that can also be associated with the idea of becoming someone capable of making logical decisions.

The suit of Swords

In Tarot, the suit of Swords is a representation of ideas and intentions. Therefore it speaks about the expression of thought, whether it is transformed into action or communicated to others. Because of this, Swords is also the suit which speaks about culture and attitudes taken for specific purposes.

Therefore, when encountering an Arcane of this suit in the game, the consulter will receive messages of a philosophical nature and about his own intellect or beliefs. In general, they suggest reflections.

Air element

Air is an element associated with the intellect. In the zodiac, it rules the signs of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra, all of which are focused on intelligence, culture and communication. The same pattern is repeated in the Tarot for the King of Swords, and because of this, the air reflects the way the consulter expresses himself.

Thus, this element is also directly linked to social relationships and the way a given person places him/herself in the world, especially through language and contact with others.

Meaning of the card King of Swords

The King of Swords is a card linked to intellectuality. The Minor Arcana suggests that mental processes are the most interesting way for the consulent to achieve his wishes. Therefore, it speaks about self-knowledge and the need to mature.

In addition, the card also evokes an authority figure who can exercise leadership through speech and reason, leading others to understand his point of view and accept his perspective on various facts. The next section will comment in greater detail on the meanings of the Arcane. Check it out!

Maturity and authority

Since its history and iconography, the King of Swords is a card that conveys the idea of authority. He is a born ruler and able to exercise justice through logic, suggesting someone mature. In a Tarot reading, it can work as a representation of the consulter and speak about the importance of communication in their goals.

However, the King of Swords may also represent someone who will emerge to assist you in your progress, acting as a booster of your ideas.

Rigidity and strictness

The figure depicted in the King of Swords makes his rigidity clear. With a firm and detached stance, he makes his decisions based on his observations and his own sense of justice. He can therefore become strict, believing that his perspective outweighs that of everyone around him.

Much of this is directly associated with your ability to strategize and your clarity in organizing your thinking.

Knowledge and intellectuality

The mental processes are extremely important for the King of Swords, both for its suit and its element, both directed to intellectuality. Therefore, this is an Arcane that suggests a search for knowledge, even on an individual and subjective level.

The King of Swords does not find much space to deal with his emotions, since his great focus is on order. The Arcane believes that systematizing events is the best way to solve everyday problems.

King of Swords in love

The consulent who finds the King of Swords in a reading related to love is prone to try to deal with his feelings by rationalizing them. Thus, he will try to understand the reason for feeling the way he does, which can be seen as a problem.

The King of Swords builds a wall around himself to protect himself from his feelings and becomes unreachable in this area of life, generating distancing. To learn more about the behavior of this Arcane in love, continue reading this article!

For committed people

The consulter who is in a relationship and meets the King of Swords should pay special attention to his distanced attitude towards his partner. It can generate coldness and indifference, as he will consider his spouse's questions as inferior to his own, because they are based on emotion and are far from the objectivity with which the King of Swords approaches his problems.

All this can be mistaken for disinterest in the partner and he will not be totally wrong. Therefore, the consulter should reflect if he really wants to be in a relationship.

For singles

Singles who encounter the King of Swords in a Tarot reading will not find positive prospects. This happens because they will be focused on themselves and on self-knowledge, so the openness to a potential partner will be reduced, generating the impression of detachment.

Therefore, even those who are looking for a relationship should think long and hard before getting involved. It is important to remember that there is much more than just the desire for a match involved in building something healthy between two people.

King of Swords at work

Due to its objectivity and practical sense, the King of Swords is extremely positive in Tarot readings which are work orientated. The Arcane reveals that the consulent will be in a good phase and his analytical way of looking at situations will be recognised.

On the other hand, there is the possibility that the consulent tries to impose his points of view on the people around him, making his sense of leadership take on dictatorial contours. This behavior does not bring positive prospects and should be monitored closely. Below, we will discuss some aspects of the King of Swords at work. Check it out!

For employees

Those who have a job will go through a positive phase after meeting the King of Swords. As this card focuses on the ability to analyze situations and seek objective solutions, this will be transposed to the career and the consulter will live a good phase. But for this, you must learn to contain your will to impose yourself.

As the King of Swords is an Arcane that believes in the superiority of his thinking, there is a chance that the consulent will try to make his will count at any cost, going over other people's heads.

For unemployed persons

The consulent who is looking for a job receives encouraging messages from the King of Swords, but he also receives some warnings. So, in order to find a good job, it will be necessary to invest in improvement in the professional field.

Through this, the consulter will be able to show his wisdom in job interviews and attract the attention of recruiters. However, it is worth noting that showing knowledge is different from adopting a tone of superiority on these occasions.

Financial aspects

The King of Swords denotes wisdom in making financial decisions. The Arcane points to the fact that the consulent will manage his money efficiently, avoiding unnecessary expenses, due to the pondering capacity of this card. Therefore, the consulent will go through a phase of material security.

Thus, the King of Swords also suggests that the time is positive for thinking about new investments and perhaps starting a venture of your own.

Combinations with the King of Swords card

The combinations between the cards influence the message brought by them. Thus, the King of Swords can have its positive meanings enhanced, when associated with other Arcana, or can make the arrogance of the consulent even more apparent.

Among the positive combinations, it is possible to highlight the Jack of Swords, which amplifies the decision power of the arcane. The negative side is represented by the pair formed with the Queen of Wands, which brings messages about love. These and other combinations for the King of Swords will be explored in the next section of the article. Read on to learn more!

Positive combinations

When allied with the Jack of Swords, the King of Swords has his analytical capacity increased, which is a positive aspect. In this way he is able to think even more clearly and make decisions which will lead to the resolution of conflicts present in the life of the consulter.

In addition, another Arcane with which the King of Swords combines well is The Empress. If the consulter is a woman, the pair of cards indicates that she will be able to make good decisions regarding the education of her children.

Negative combinations

Among the negative combinations for the King of Swords, it is possible to highlight the Queen of Wands. The warnings of the pair are about love and indicate that, no matter how much the consulent lowers his guard, his object of affection will not want an involvement.

It is also worth noting that the messages brought by the King of Swords together with the Ace of Cups are not good. They talk about emotions and highlight that the consulter is trying to get closer to someone who prefers to hide his feelings.

A little more about the King of Swords card

There are other factors that influence the Tarot reading, such as the positioning of the cards, which can completely modify the messages of an Arcane. In the case of the King of Swords, when it appears in the inverted position, it suggests tyranny on the part of the consulter.

In addition, the yes or no drawing can also reveal some interesting aspects about the cards present in a reading. The King of Swords is a "yes" card. It has the ability to answer any question the consulter asks. These and other aspects, such as tips and challenges of the card, will be commented on below. Read on!

King of Swords in health

In Tarot readings related to health, the King of Swords appears as a positive card that speaks about habits that should be kept. Thus, the Arcane indicates that having a routine of care, such as a good diet and regular exercise, is the way to avoid problems, including those related to mental health.

The Arcane also points to the need not to look at health, only when some symptom is clearer to the consulent.

Challenges of the King of Spades

The main challenge faced by consulents who find the King of Swords in their reading is to tame their own arrogance. The attitude of believing that your position is always correct and more just than others can end up causing your leadership tone to take on negative contours and, therefore, people will move away.

It is important to remember that one of the characteristics of air is the ability to communicate and to solve the obstacles that arise.

Tips for the moment

An important tip for those who find the King of Swords in their Tarot readings is to take advantage of your communication and analysis skills to solve problems that are already present in your life. The rationality of the Arcane will indicate a path with potential to eradicate conflicts that have been tormenting you.

So, make the most of this ability, because it can help you to trace an interesting future, including in the professional field, which is benefited by the Arcane.

King of Swords in the yes or no draw

In the yes or no draw, the King of Swords can be considered a yes because of its decision making ability. The Arcanum is insightful and seeks to act rationally, so its choices are only made after all the nuances have been properly thought through.

Therefore, only after studying several different angles, the King of Swords makes a decision and this tends to make the consulter who meets him go through a phase of wisdom and opening of paths.

Can the King of Swords card signal a good time to be on the lookout?

The King of Swords indicates a moment of attention to oneself. During this phase it is also important to invest in self-knowledge, especially taking advantage of the great capacity for analysis highlighted by the Arcane.

This happens because once the consulent has more contact with his inner self, he can understand what motivates him in his decisions and, therefore, become even more just. Moreover, this self-analysis tends to decrease the chances of tyranny predicted by the card in the inverted position.

A person who knows themselves better and knows what they are doing to make them move doesn't need to go over the heads of others to prove themselves as a leader.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.