To dream of bat: white, black, pup, flying, biting and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of bat

Although the bat has a bad reputation, being seen as a bad omen, object of witchcraft, occultism and Satanism, to dream with him, in general, indicates that we are on the right path to fight our fears.

However, since we live in an ambiguous world, all things have a double meaning, one that refers to order and another that refers to chaos. Therefore, in some cases, dreaming of bats can be a bad omen.

It can also represent a drastic change in our perception and a turn towards confronting discomfort. This internal movement is one of the meanings taken from the symbolism of the bat, which, when it sleeps, is upside down. To learn more about the meaning of dreaming of this animal, check out the article!

To dream of bat in different forms

The symbols are used as words in a text and thus each dream has a specific message for the dreamer. For its content to be incorporated into our lives, we need to adapt it to our reality. For this, we should consider not only the symbol of the bat, but the other dream elements as well. Check each one below!

To dream that you are a bat

To dream of a bat is a very interesting way of the subconscious communicating that some element of it is analogous to a characteristic of yours. In this way, to dream that you are a bat means that you have to face your fears.

Just like the bat, which faces the night and sleeps during the day, you need to face your inner night, that is, the darkest aspect of you, which within psychoanalysis is called the "Shadow". The only way we can face our shadow is by coupling it to our personality. This process is called "integration". It occurs in such a way that instead of denying this side of ourselves, we take it on.

To dream that you touch a bat

To have a dream in which you lean against a bat indicates that something very dear to you, either for its material or sentimental value, will be lost. This dream, in fact, is the denunciation of a bad feeling that has been cultivated in your interior: materialism.

When we are very afraid of losing some object, and when we reach the point of dreaming of this loss, we are on the path of materialism. This means that we still have alive inside us the desire to have possession over something.

Unfortunately, materialism is not only limited to material attachment to things, but it evolves into utilitarianism, that is: you begin to see the world as either useful or useless. This opens the margin for you to end up using other people.

To dream that you are frightened by a bat

Being frightened by bats is not something so strange, since they are creatures that almost always appear without making the slightest noise. However, the meaning of dreaming of a bat and being frightened indicates that you are running away from something.

As the bat, among other interpretations, can represent your negative side, if you are frightened by it in your dreams, this is an indication that you do not want to come across yourself as you prefer to think you are too good a person.

However, this is one of the key parts of the maturation process: recognizing that you are capable of doing evil if you want to.

To dream that you are not frightened by a bat

When you dream of a bat and are no longer frightened by its presence, you will find the path to maturity. To dream that you are not frightened by this animal is a sign that you have already come to grips with its negative side.

Either you have been exposed to a situation that has caused your negative side to spiral out of control, or you have simply stopped to observe it, for a while. This is the process of integration, where you bring these negative aspects into your social self.

Contrary to popular belief, bringing out the negative side of your being will not turn you into a bad person, quite the opposite. Remember that all the saints, before they became saints, admitted to themselves and to God that they were sinners.

To dream that you have a pet bat

To dream of taming bat is a great sign, because it shows that you are following the right path, the one that will lead you to maturity. The bat is regarded as a being of darkness and taming it means that you have tamed its extinct lows.

Also, having the presence of the bat inside a cage or having it docile is a sign that you have managed to integrate the negative aspects of your soul into your being. You can use them, when necessary, since they are under your command

This process of integration is so important that if you don't do it, unfortunately, you won't even be able to help others. This is because certain situations require you to be more violent than usual.

To dream that you are talking to a bat

A dream in which you converse with a bat carries elements of dialogue and concerns not only the presence of the bat, but how you converse and coexist with it. This dream symbolizes how the integration of your repressed desires into your personality is done.

The worst way to confront your negative side is by trying to battle with its presence and there is only one way to win this war: a peace agreement. This is what dreaming of bat talking and talking to you indicates.

In this way, the process of integration (assuming our negative side) is one of the most important, because without it, we will become eternal slaves of our bad thoughts, and we can even become tyrants.

To dream that you eat bat

To dream of a bat being eaten is an indication that you are going against the grain of maturity. It symbolizes that you want to hide that dark side and are unwilling to deal with the fact that you may be a bad person.

So a good exercise you can do is to identify the principles of order and chaos in everyday life. All the elements that are in this world are composed of chaos and order. Noticing, analyzing and internalizing these symbols is a good way to get used to the idea that there is always a negative side to everyone.

To dream that you tie up a bat

The act of dreaming of a bat indicates the way we are dealing with our dark side and our "shadow." So, to dream that you are tying up the bat may mean that you are taming this side of you, but not quite.

The psychiatrist Carl Jung used to say: "everything you resist, persists", so, to tie up this negative side of yours is, in the end, to make it even bigger. Therefore, the more you try to hide it, the more it will appear and, when you realize, it will be too late.

Denying your shadow opens the way for the phenomenon of projection to occur, that is, you will project your negative side onto other people. An extreme example of this would be when a murderer only attacks women because he cannot have them.

To dream that you kill a bat

To dream that you are killing a bat indicates that you have decided in fact, to bury your negative side, that is, the side of your mind reserved for those socially and morally repressed desires.

To have taken this path will bring you very bad consequences, since the complete denial of this "shadow" will make you start the process of projection, which is nothing more than when you repudiate, in the other, your own defects.

It is likely that if you do not change the path you are following, you will end up becoming an extremely moral, polite, and unblemished person. However, this is only a mask you wear to hide your darker side.

To dream of bats in different places

All aspects of a dream influence its interpretation. Therefore, we should seek to know the meaning of the place where the dream took place. The main event brings us a symbol and a more direct message, while the details are indicated by the rest of the scenario. Follow and learn more!

To dream of a bat nearby

To dream that there is a bat near you indicates that some danger is approaching. There is probably some situation in your life that is about to get out of control and perhaps you have not yet realized it.

Therefore, it is good that you are always installed in reality, paying attention in your daily life, because then you can avoid possible complicated and even dangerous situations. To dream of bats flying nearby shows you exactly that.

However, it may be a little too late to remedy the situation, so always be aware of your surroundings. That way, you will be able to mitigate the possible risks of any tragedy taking part.

To dream of a distant bat

To have a dream about a bat flying in the distance indicates that something will happen. This something will have an impact, but you will have time to prepare yourself.

This dream is especially important if you own a business, because it may be that times of "lean cows" - that is, scarcity - are coming. However, you can prepare yourself for the hard times.

Besides, even though they are rare, premonitory dreams should not be ignored. The biggest problem is to know when they are premonitory or not. Nevertheless, it is always good to stay alert.

To dream of bat in cave

When we are in a cave, we feel uncomfortable because they are cold, damp and dark, as well as dangerous. Therefore, to dream of a bat inside a cave indicates that you are lost in yourself.

There is an intrinsic desire within everyone to investigate their inner self. This is exactly why self-help books sell so well. However, one of the risks of embarking on this journey alone is that of getting lost.

Getting lost in yourself doesn't mean that you will never find your way back again, but that it will be easy to find it. However, if you seek expert help, you will be able to illuminate that inner cave more easily.

To dream of a bat in the house

Just like the body, the house is also your temple. It is a sacred and very important place and therefore you have to pay extra attention to dreams that involve the home. Therefore, to dream of a bat inside the house is something worrying.

Bats symbolize some negative presence in our lives. When they appear in important places, such as in our homes, rooms or in our work, this is a sign that we are allowing negative energies to enter.

Therefore, if you usually bring many people to your home, be careful. It is interesting that you filter your friendships and keep away from bad influences for you and your family. Remember: your home is your church and your temple.

To dream of a bat hanging upside down

To dream of an upside down bat is an indicator that your life will change direction. The bat, in this case, symbolizes that you will change your mind on important issues or your own way of understanding the world.

It is also a sign that you will find a better life and that you will somehow come into contact with good company.

It may happen that sometimes you lose your bearings in life and start to "butt heads." But if you stick to the practice of goodness, everything will work out.

To dream of bat during the day

To dream of bat during the day comes as a reflection of some decision you have made. Usually, this decision is related to exposing yourself to discomfort, so this dream is analogous to dreaming of fish out of water, for example.

So don't turn back. No matter how uncomfortable your situation is, and no matter how badly you want to return to your comfort-filled past life, don't give up. Deciding to expose yourself to discomfort is one of the best moves you can make in your life.

The contemporary world is permeated with comfort, which is very good. But at the same time, it can also end up spoiling you too much. It's much easier, for example, to fall into the sin of lust today than it was years and years ago.

To dream of bat in different situations

The different situations we go through in waking life can be reflected as symbols in dreams. Therefore, each action of the bat in a dream can show us something different. Since its symbolism reflects, in many ways, aspects erased in our being, we should pay close attention to them. Check them out!

To dream of a bat flying

If the focus of your dream is on a bat flying, this shows that you are far from completing the process of formation of your personality. However, you are not like this out of fear, and in fact you even show a certain interest.

Unfortunately, not all people come into contact with good content that helps them in the process of personality maturation. In fact, most people think that maturing is synonymous with getting old.

But today, thanks to the internet, we have more access to this knowledge, so if you dream of bat flying, don't be afraid to research more about personal development literature.

To dream of a bat chasing you

To dream of a bat chasing you brings a very important message. It is a dream that accuses the terrible approach to your darkest thoughts. Probably, you are trying to repress them.

The more you try to repress your negative side, the more it will appear. So imagine trying to sink a piece of Styrofoam in a bowl full of water, but it always escapes and ends up back on the surface. That's exactly what you're doing with your life.

So instead of repressing your negative thoughts, try to take an interest in them. Ask yourself, "what was I feeling when I thought about it?" or "when did I start imagining this situation?" These questions will bring you closer to your inner self.

To dream of a bat attacking

Dreaming of a bat symbolizes a part of your consciousness which is on the border with your unconscious, called the "shadow". Therefore, taking into consideration that you are being attacked by the bat - that is, by this shadow - there is, within you, a battle.

This is the eternal battle between the forces of chaos and order. Everything that exists is under the influence of these two forces. Our challenge is to find the balance between them, focusing neither too much on order nor too much on chaos, because the best way is the middle way.

Therefore, to stop suffering from these attacks of your rebuked desires, you should talk to them and understand their motives. When you have tamed these feelings, you can even use them to your advantage.

To dream of a bat biting

When a bat bites you, it doesn't just do that, it also licks the wound so that the blood doesn't clot and so that it can feed on its victim's blood.

This movement of biting and licking the wound, in the dream, is analogous to a movement already known to human beings: remorse. Remorse happens when, after committing a mistake, we do not forgive ourselves. Therefore, when we are in a state of remorse, we remind ourselves all the time that we made a mistake and that we are evil. Which, in fact, is pure selfishness.

So, in case you have dreamed that a bat bites you, be aware of your mistakes and work to improve yourself.

To dream of a bat biting your hand

The hand is one of the most important parts of the human body, not only for its utility, because we depend on it to do almost everything, but for the symbolism that it evokes. Therefore, when you dream of a bat, you should be attentive.

The hand is the action of man on the world, is the first base of support that we have. It is no accident that when we ask for help from someone, we say: "give me a hand". Therefore, this dream warns that there is someone abusing you and exploiting you. Be doubly careful with the help you ask for, because there are those who charge you, afterwards.

To dream of a bat biting your neck

It is in the neck where we find the jugular veins, which exit directly from the heart. This region of our body, as well as the chest, is very linked to emotion. In this sense, it is very important that we are careful with any dream that involves this region.

To dream of a bat is almost always an indication of some negative force in life, because it is a manifestation of chaos. In other words, to dream of a bat biting your neck means that chaos is taking over your feelings.

Whenever you dream like some manifestation of chaos, you should pay attention to your waking life, because probably there is an imbalance between order and chaos. In this case, it is good practice to start organizing your emotions.

To dream of a bat sucking blood

Blood is life. It is our life force and the fuel with which our body moves. Without blood, we would have no transport of air or nutrients to any part of our body. Therefore, to dream of a bat sucking your blood symbolizes that you are being emotionally abused by someone.

There are many individuals who are "energy vampires". They suck your energy and emotionally abuse you, causing great damage to your life. Be careful and avoid these types of people as much as possible.

To dream of a screaming bat

To dream of a bat screaming is a warning from your subconscious that you should be very careful about the people you put in your life, because not all of them wish you well.

As human beings, we cannot live alone and therefore we must socialize. The problem with socializing, however, is that not all people like us and many are driven by envy.

Therefore, you should be very careful with your friendships and more than that, you should also be careful who gets to know certain details of your life. With this dream, you should keep these details only to those people who are trustworthy.

Other meanings of dreaming of bat

Among the most impacting aspects of a dream, are included the colors in it. It is not uncommon to see animals or things of our daily life with exuberant and totally different colors. But does our subconscious simply make a mistake, by representing the bat, for example, with another color than the one it has in nature? That's what we will see below!

To dream of a black bat

The most common color of a bat is black, which is what gives it its fearful characteristic, besides being a nocturnal creature that feeds on blood. This black color refers to the absence of light, because black absorbs any kind of luminosity. Therefore, to dream of a black bat represents the archetype of repressed desires.

This absence of reflected light makes the color black almost analogous to deepening, to reflection, to internalizing things that happen in life. The area of our psyche reserved for repressed desires is always represented by blackness, and one of our duties on the path to maturation is precisely to throw light into this dark abyss - that is, to recognize our repressed desires.

To dream of a white bat

In the case of a dream with a white bat, we have a representation of the old story of the wolf that pretends to be a lamb. This animal, because of its color, seems to be a cute and harmless creature, but in reality, it never stopped being a bat.

Therefore, to dream of a white bat is an indication that, among your friends, there are people of interest and usurpers. Therefore, you should pass a filter in friendships, because cutting the tie with people of this strain is something liberating.

When we get rid of people like that, it seems that even our life starts to move, things start to work out and our path even lights up. So don't be afraid to act that way.

To dream of a baby bat

To dream of a young bat indicates that you have small problems that are slowly draining your strength. This may be more common than it seems, because you tend to ignore the small problems of life.

But they usually cause the biggest headaches because they go unnoticed. So, the solution to this problem is rather simple: write down everything you should do and commit yourself to finishing all the tasks as soon as possible. You should finish your days without pending things.

To dream of a dead bat

Having a dream of a dead bat or finding it dead in your dreams is a bad omen, especially for entrepreneurs. Since dreaming of a dead bat represents financial squeeze and loss of money, be very careful when making partnerships or partnerships, as they may be the reason for your downfall.

So start saving a good amount of money, just in case of a crisis. If it is not possible to save, then start looking for other ways to maintain life. This is a time when you will need to reinvent yourself.

To dream of many bats

To dream of many bats is a message coming from your inner self, informing you that because of your efforts to repress the negative part of your psyche, you are creating various other problems.

If you keep running away from your negative thoughts, they will not only continue to haunt you, they will multiply. Unfortunately, this is an aspect of the human mind. When we don't want to think about something, we don't stop thinking about it.

So the presence of these various bats indicates this accumulation of negative thoughts in your head. Organize them and understand each one.

To dream of bat and vampire

The image of the bat-man, the vampire, is already part of a universal imaginary. Practically every culture has its own representation of vampire. Thus, dreaming of bat and vampire can be a way to discharge the accumulation of sexual energies.

The image of the vampire, since the beginning, has always been linked to sensuality and carnal desire. Count Dracula himself was a seductive ladies' man, as well as his 3 wives who also seduce men. So, if you are having problems with your sex life, try to direct your energies to work, as this will eliminate this tension.

To dream of wings of a bat

To dream of a bat's wing indicates that you are feeling uncomfortable and unprotected by a situation. It is time to adapt in order to survive.

The wing is the bat's protection, so it curls up in its wings to sleep. Thus, to dream of bat without wings or only bat wings indicates that you are feeling insecure.

Therefore, it is a good time to create some kind of defense, as this dream shows powerlessness and entrapment. Working out and doing physical activities are great ways to make yourself stronger and safer.

Does dreaming of a bat indicate the need for new habits?

Having a dream about a bat does indicate the need for new habits, especially when it comes to how you are relating to more hidden parts of your psyche. In particular, there is the "shadow," which is the manifestation of everything that is repressed by your social version.

To dream of a bat is often an indication that you are avoiding communication with this part of your psyche. You tend to avoid it because you feel that facing it will be a way of assuming your bad and negative side.

So while that's exactly what you should do, there's no need to be afraid, because admitting you can do bad things will cause those repressed urges to calm down.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.