Angel Samuel: origin, history, sign, celebrations, prayer and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn all about Archangel Samuel!

The Archangel Samuel is the protector of the sign of Aries and the ruler of the planet Mars. His origin lies in the beginning of Creation, that is, this angel is one of the most ancient and appears in important passages of the sacred texts.

He also figures among the Kabbalah angels related to the Tree of Life. Always associated with the energies of strength, courage and combat, Samuel is above all an angel of purification.

His representations bring him holding his famous sword of fire, which destroys evil and restores the spirit, but sometimes he appears with a chalice, symbolizing the retention of the sacred in each human being.

Meeting the Angel Samuel

We will know the origin and the history of the Angel Samuel, also approaching its visual characteristics, symbols, curiosities and zodiacal association. Check it out!

Origin and history

The Angel Samuel is an angelic entity who is part of the order of Archangels, a group in the hierarchy of angels composed of eight celestial beings. Archangels occupy, among other functions, the leadership of choirs of angels.

Samuel is also known as Camael and is considered one of the oldest angels created by God. He plays an important role in the beginnings of mankind, when he was responsible for the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.

This archangel is also a prominent figure in the Jewish tradition. His association with the sign of Aries and the planet Mars reveals his powerful energies for the good fight.

Visual characteristics

What we know about the visual characteristics of Archangel Samuel comes from artists' visions of the sacred texts. This is because the descriptions in the scriptures are succinct and there is no identification by name of the angel who commands the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise.

Some scholars point to this angel as Samuel (or Camael), while others identify him as Jophiel. In any case, the Bible passage mentions that he wielded a flaming sword.

His association with the fury of fire meant that he was often depicted with red, raging hair. His garments are of war, but there are variations where he is depicted holding a chalice.

Main tasks

Linked to the order of Archangels, the attributions of Archangel Samuel are varied, but they are always associated with positions of leadership.

In this sense, this celestial being not only commanded the angelic hordes in the episode of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, but is also sometimes identified as one of the angels who were in charge of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

These performances exemplify the characteristics of Samuel, directed toward the powerful energies of destruction and cleansing. He is an archangel who presides over strength and courage, and it is for this reason that he exerts a regulative influence over the Aryans.

Angel Samuel and the sign of Aries

The Archangel Samuel is the protector of the people born under the sign of Aries. The power of Samuel, therefore, can be understood as a positive influence on the Aryan's temperament. The energies emanated by this angel tend to control aggressiveness and impulses, offering reflection and caution.

In the same way, Samuel's presence accentuates courage and a sense of justice, inspiring Aryans to pursue their goals and dreams in an intense and path-breaking way. The powerful fire spewed by his sword, therefore, has a dual purpose: to purge evil and to kindle essential love in Aryan spirits.

Symbols of the Archangel Samuel

From the sacred scriptures known as the Pentateuch, where the possible appearances of this angel are located, we have gathered the symbolic elements attributed to Samuel. In the episode of the expulsion from Paradise, he is seen wielding a sacred sword that spews fire.

The image of the flaming sword, therefore, is a primary symbol of his purifying power. However, he is also often depicted holding a chalice, which symbolizes life and destiny.

In short, the chalices signify the inner, what is contained within matter. The Archangel Samuel is also linked to the symbologies of the planet Mars, with all its connotations of combat, and to the colour red.

Celebrations of the Angel Samuel

Within the sphere of celebrations of the Catholic Church, there is no specific cult devoted to the veneration of the Angel Samuel, but he is venerated in the Anglican Church. In the tradition of Kabbalah, he is celebrated as the guardian of the sefirá Gueburah, the fifth part, or fruit, of the Tree of Life, related to strength and courage.

In the esoteric line of Umbanda, Samuel is associated with Ogum, being considered the mediator of his pacification vibration. In this sense, he is worshipped in esoteric variants of the cult of Ogum. As for the celebrations not linked to specific religions, this angel is invoked in prayers potentiated by the flame of red candles, preferably on Tuesdays.

Interesting facts about the Angel Samuel

There are several interesting facts surrounding the Archangel Samuel. The Hebrew variation of his name, Khamuel, means "fury of God." However, there are variations that attest that his name means "one who searches for God."

Some scholars of the Hebrew texts locate him as being the angel on the right hand of the Lord. As far as the cabalistic angelic categories or choirs are concerned, this archangel holds the position of leadership of the group of Powers.

As one of the earliest angels created by God, Samuel is believed to have overseen the creation of the animals and to have extended his protection to them. Another little commented upon assignment of Samuel is the charge of social karmas.

Connection with the Archangel Samuel

Check out the most effective ways to achieve a deep connection with Archangel Samuel through knowledge of sympathy, prayer and other information relevant to your devotion.

Devotion to the Angel Samuel

Devotion to the Archangel Samuel finds greater adherents in the sphere of specific traditions, such as the Kabbalistic, but this angel has also received worship within the Anglican Church, where he is celebrated with a feast on September 29 under the title of Sanctus Chamuel.

The esoteric beliefs and the religious syncretism associate him with other systems of knowledge, for example his role as guardian of the sign of Aries and of the planet Mars. In Umbanda, there is an association of the Archangel Samuel with the energies and vibrations of Ogum.

Therefore, devotion to Samuel finds wide spaces in the contemporary world, especially among those who celebrate the Kabbalistic angels.

How to ask the Angel Samuel for help?

There are appropriate methods and rituals to receive in maximum potency the positive emanations of the Archangel Samuel, as well as of all the angels. One of them is prayer, which can be performed preferably on Tuesdays, day of the week more prone to the vibrations of the planet Mars.

We suggest the use of a red candle, the color associated with Martian and, consequently, Aryan energies, strongly present in the symbology surrounding Samuel. Being a warm color, which opens the channels of love and strength, the presence of red helps to invoke the protection of this angel. Another way to invoke his intercession is through sympathies.

Sympathy to the Archangel Samuel

In order to invoke the protection of the Archangel Samuel, gather the following items: an image representing an angel (it can be a pendant or a printed image); a white plate, carnation petals or red rose, a red candle and an incense of your preference.

Place the candle in the center of the plate, arranging the petals around it. Break the incense into crumbs and spread on the plate. Place the plate in front of the image of the angel, light the candle and say a prayer asking for his support. After the complete burning of the candle, pour the contents of the plate in running water. This sympathy should be done on Tuesdays.

Prayer to the Archangel Samuel

Archangel Samuel, my zealous guardian, protect me against evil and always inspire me to practice good. Burn with your sword the negative energies and illuminate with your fire my paths. Purify my life. Guide me towards inner balance, bringing me peace and reason for the resolution of my conflicts.

May wisdom be the north of my life, and may your love give me the willingness to fight and the vision to discern good from evil. Archangel Samuel, turn me away from resentment and the desire for revenge. May I have empathy and humility towards my neighbors. Amen.

Influences of the Angel Samuel

We will learn more about the influences that the Archangel Samuel exerts in various traditions, getting in touch with its meaning and religious associations. Check it out!

Angel Samuel in the Bible

In the Bible, the presence of the Archangel Samuel is questioned by some scholars. Some identify him as the angel responsible for expelling Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden after their transgressions of the divine laws. Others, however, argue that the angel in question is not named in this sacred passage, but only described as the angel wielding a sword of fire.

In any case, there are currents of studies that attribute this role to Samuel. According to some research, he would also have participated in the destruction of the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as in the episode involving Moses and the receiving of the Torah.

Angel Samuel in Judaism

In Judaism, angels literally mean "messengers". Thus, it is assumed that the role of the Archangel Samuel in the ancient Hebrew tradition is, first and foremost, to carry and transmit divine messages to humanity.

The Talmud describes the messengers, or angels, as beings of fire, which makes Samuel, with his characteristics linked to this element, a prominent figure.

His name in Hebrew means "one who sees God," or "one who seeks God," and some scholars find in the root of his name the word "heat." He is mentioned in the apocryphal Book of Enoch.

Angel Samuel in Kabbalah

The Hebrew tradition of Kabbalah offers an in-depth look at angels. According to Kabbalists, there are 72 angels responsible for emanating the main divine energies or attributes. They are, in this view, celestial beings who vibrate God's qualities directly to humanity. In Kabbalah, angels are associated with the Sephirotic tree, or Tree of Life.

Each fruit of this tree symbolizes a divine quality and the Archangel Samuel is responsible for the fifth part of the tree, known as Gueburah, the manifestation of strength, power and courage. Furthermore, the Kabbalah situates Samuel as the presiding archangel of the angelic group of the Powers.

Angel Samuel in Umbanda

In Umbanda, the angels are understood as vehicles that transmit vibrations or energies, in association with the orixás, often being considered envoys of these. In this perspective, the Archangel Samuel is related to the power of Ogum, orixá that exerts influence over the sign of Aries. There are currents that also associate Ogum to the Archangel Michael.

Samuel being an angel of justice, a leader combatant of good against evil, the equally warlike figure of Ogum offers a mirroring of the characteristics they have in common. Both have the sword as a symbol, and Ogum is also associated, in syncretism with the Catholic faith, with Saint George.

Angel Samuel in Numerology

In Angelic Numerology, numbers are understood as keys to access the pure and intense energies of the angels. To know the number of an angel is to open the vibrational channels to receive their emanations. In this way, whenever we visualize a number attributed to an angel, whether in reality or in our imagination, we are invoking that angelic presence.

The number associated with the Archangel Samuel is 777. The number 7 is the number of the spirit and, tripled, symbolizes the energy of creation. In other words, it is a powerful number that is a manifestation of divine presence, containing a message of confrontation of evil and triumph of love.

The Archangel Samuel is responsible for the karma of humanity!

The Archangel Samuel, in his warrior glory, protects against evil, but also attacks it. Prepared to fight against negative energies, this angel is responsible for humanity's karma, that is, he is a celestial being who watches over divine justice.

He is in charge of collecting the debts, but also of offering the rewards. The Aryans, his protégés, have their impulsiveness and hostility tempered by Samuel, who aims for balance.

It is important to remember that we accumulate our karma through free will, that is, we can be assisted by the angels, but ultimately we must work for our own development and purification.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.