Can I do several sympathies at the same time? See bone and other tips!

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Jennifer Sherman

After all, can I do several sympathies at the same time?

When the subject is sympathy, several suggestions are easily found on the internet, from ideas to attract love to how to keep unwanted people away. However, a doubt that many have is whether they can do several sympathies at the same time.

The answer to this question is simple, yes, you can do more than one sympathy at the same time, as long as they are done in the correct and clear way, with the objectives and thoughts very well grounded.

So that you can understand more about this subject, see below explanations on how to perform this without harming your personal and astral life, because everything that is practiced in excess can be harmful to your well-being. In addition, learn more about the basics of sympathies, as well as tips and ideas of sympathies for you.

Understanding the sympathies

It can be said that the sympathy is already part of the lives of most Brazilians. Putting a pepper pot at the entrance of your house, dressing in white for New Year's Eve and even taking a bath in rock salt to remove the evil eye are some of the best known examples.

Maybe you have already performed several types of sympathies in your daily life and without even knowing it. Grandma's little recipes or tips from mothers can indeed be linked to these common rituals that only aim to bring you happiness, regardless of the result of your desire.

Therefore, it is very important to understand how sympathies work and everything they are related to, especially when a person refers not only to his personal desire combined with the right ingredients, but also, the great power of the universe. See below what is a sympathy, its purposes, forms of action and more.

What is a sympathy

In general, it can be said that sympathy has several synonyms such as: inclination, attraction and tendency. This may vary according to the objective and purpose sought by each person.

In Brazilian popular use it can be considered a form of magic or spell, however, with a less negative connotation, not being linked or related to types of practices considered evil.

What purposes can a sympathy have

The sympathies can bring several purposes, such as bringing people together or moving away, remove evil eye, envy and bad thoughts that surround you.

In short, there are sympathies for almost everything that can be desired by the human being, such as, for example, marry, separate, unite, quarrel or appease, bring jobs, open paths, in the end, everything will depend on your final desire and goal to be achieved.

How sympathy works

In a quick and practically silent way, a well done sympathy can generate more than satisfactory effects. When practiced with strong thoughts, it acts directly with spiritual forces and with the movement of the universe.

Everything that is desired can be achieved, but it is necessary to be calm, because this does not mean that the sympathies work miracles or that they can always work. In fact, everything will depend on your state of mind and the intensity you want so much to achieve something.

How long does it take for a sympathy to take effect

Each sympathy can act in a different way. Some generate faster results, others more gradual and some do not even work.

Performing a sympathy is something extremely delicate and spiritual, so if you are not ready to, in fact, obtain the desired results do not do it, because the universe as well as the spiritual forces are able to feel everything, interfering directly in its results.

What is the over-manipulation of energies

When a person works with external energies, even if through sympathies that apparently are considered simple, make no mistake, regardless of the type of sympathy she will be messing with greater forces.

Therefore, be careful when trying to perform several sympathies at once, for it is not the quantity of sympathies performed that will bring you results, but your strength of thought and the way in which you will perform it.

How long to wait to do another one?

This may vary according to your requests and results. The ideal is that before making another sympathy, the first one has already been accomplished, that is, you have already achieved the desired goal. However, if your request is different from the first, you can make a new sympathy.

Even so, the ideal is not to do several at once. Focus on the one that brings you the most security and the one you need the most. Firm your thought and wait, for the universe will certainly return what was asked of you.

What to do if you have done several sympathies

Do not despair, if you have done several sympathies at the same time, wait. If you still do not notice the results after a few days, get rid of all of them and wait for some more time.

Then redo and focus on just one, the one you have the greatest desire to achieve and accomplish it with focused thoughts. Believe me, the external forces and the universe go together to work in harmony.

Tips for a foolproof sympathy

After understanding a little more about the sympathies, how they work and what their power is, you will learn how to make an infallible sympathy. So, check below some special suggestions so that you can have concrete results in your sympathies and can achieve the desired desire.

Concentration on a single desire

When you start a sympathy with a particular goal, focus on a single wish. As irresistible as it may seem to be to ask for several things or even think, it is necessary to have something stronger in your mind.

For your sympathy to be successful, it is more than important that you have concentration and strongly mentalize what you want.

Belief in sympathy

Doing a sympathy does not mean that you believe in it, because this is something that comes from within. So, before you think about performing any kind of ritual, do not doubt even for a second that it may work.

The greatest power of the human being together with the universe is the belief, so believe faithfully in what you are doing and asking, because this can yes determine the final result. And if your sympathy does not work, stop and rethink what you may have done wrong, because a simple thought is enough to annul it.


It is important not to start a sympathy in a sudden decision. However simple it may be, take it seriously. Before starting the ritual separate all the necessary ingredients and know exactly how to perform it.

In addition, you should schedule yourself to do the sympathy in a quiet place where you can actually concentrate on what you want and not be interrupted. Each sympathy has a way to be performed, so do it correctly and always with your mind firmly on what you want.

Individualization of energies

The energy emanated for the sympathy is extremely important so that it can work. So, perform your sympathy alone, in a quiet place and always with great peace of mind.

Do not tell other people about your sympathy, this should be something very personal and private. Thus, no one will emanate negative energies for your ritual, because not always people want your good, even if it does not seem so, this comes even in an involuntary way.


Sympathies won't always work, but that doesn't mean that you should disbelieve in this type of belief. Many times, when doing the ritual the person may not be well with themselves and this can affect the expected results.

If any of your sympathies do not work, do not be discouraged, but stop and think about what may have occurred so that it has not had the desired effect. Then, with the thought focused and the spirit calmer, redo your sympathy and talk to the universe, at some point it will answer you.

Demonstration of gratitude

Something that many people forget to add to their rituals is gratitude. It is so common to ask and demand something from the universe that most of the time people end up forgetting that they should also be grateful before even receiving what was asked for.

Regardless of the result achieved, always show gratitude for what you are asking. The universe knows how to work with external forces and knowing how to thank is a beautiful thing to do. Believe me, this gesture will give a new direction to the results of your sympathies.

Some ideas for sympathies!

With the tips on how to make a foolproof sympathy, you can put these teachings into practice because below are some sympathies for you to perform in your day to day, opening their paths and bringing you more inner peace.

The separate sympathies below were chosen so you can see which one best fits your state of mind and your current situation. Remember the previous tips for your sympathies to be even more effective.

Sympathy to strengthen the love

This sympathy is for those who wish to strengthen their love. You will need: pen, paper, a piece of red ribbon, a jar with a lid and honey. With the ingredients separated above, write your name and the name of the person with whom you wish to strengthen your love.

Then, fold the paper tightly and place it inside the pot, pouring honey on top. Close the container and wrap the red ribbon around it. Then, place the pot in the freezer and wait for the expected result.

Sympathy to win back a love

Lost love is something common and the desire to win it back too. And maybe you can still recover it. For this you will need a red candle, a saucer and honey. Take the candle, write the name of the loved one on it (like a scribble even), light it and put honey around. Mentalize your request and wait a few days, the result is very fast and noticeable.

Sympathy to separate couple

If your intention is to separate an undesirable couple, there is a very simple and quick sympathy for you. Take a glass of water, paper, pen and good old rock salt.

Put inside the glass with water enough rock salt, write the name of the couple you want to separate on the paper and sink it in the glass. Then put it inside the freezer and keep it there until the results appear.

Sympathy for work

Many people perform sympathies to succeed at work and if you also crave this, then just follow the tips below.

Prepare a bath to be taken on a nightly basis (preferably from Friday to Saturday) using the following ingredients: rock salt, yellow rose petals, and a bay leaf. Boil everything in a mug of water and pour it over your body during the bath. Mentalize positive thoughts about your work and what you aim to achieve.

Do the bath for three nights in a row. After a few days, you will notice the results and changes in your day to day life, because this sympathy is very effective.

Sympathy to attract money

To be able to attract more money into your life and along with that more financial prosperity, you will need some clove, cinnamon, honey, a piece of paper and pen (set aside a small container to put all this in).

On the paper write the following sentence: "I long for, I wish for prosperity and financial abundance". Put the paper in the jar along with the cloves, cinnamon and honey. Then close it and put it in a place where only you will have access. Then, just wait until the sympathy begins to take effect.

Sympathy to open paths

To perform this sympathy to open your ways, get: a white candle, paper and pen. On paper write: "I wish that the paths to (your full name) are opened and that good things start to happen.

Place the paper under the candle and tap your right foot 3 times repeating the request. Wait for the candle to burn completely and then throw the remains in running water. You will realize how much your paths will open.

Sympathy for prosperity

To bring more prosperity to your life separate the following ingredients: a white rose, a lavender incense and a glass container.

Boil the rose in water and then put the boiled water in a glass, light the incense on the side and mentalize the following sentence: "prosperity and peace, is what I long for my life and for my neighbors. This sympathy is very simple but very effective.

Sympathy for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, but can not, this is the time to do a good sympathy. Separate the following ingredients: chili powder, a glass of water, cloves and lemon.

Put all these ingredients in the glass with water and on a piece of paper write the following sentence: "mouth closed and without hunger, I desire, I long for".

Place the paper inside the cup and leave it inside your freezer. As long as it stays there, your hunger will not return and you will be able to reduce your food intake daily.

Sympathy against envy and evil eye

You can never be too careful, so take a broom and a pinch of rock salt. Place the broom behind the door of your room in the corner and a pinch of rock salt underneath it.

Leave it there for up to 3 days in a row. This sympathy will scare away all the envy and evil eye that has been emanating to you and all your family. You can repeat it once a month in your house to always keep the envy and evil eye away.

How can sympathies help your life?

After understanding a little more about how sympathies work, as well as how to perform some, it is extremely important that you keep in mind the impact they can cause in your life or in the lives of others.

Therefore, when making a sympathy, always be sure of the desired results, besides how they will interfere in your astral plane. Always remember that the sympathies are not miraculous, but a set of forces of the universe that will help you.

If some of your sympathies do not work, do not be discouraged, maybe you are not in a good day and this interfered with your requests. Wait a few days and try again. Always use firm thoughts in what you want.

With this in mind, choose the sympathy that best meets your expectations and start putting into practice, you will certainly be surprised with the results achieved.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.