Life mission in numerology: how to know, calculate and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

How to know the life mission by numerology?

Do you seem to attract the same problem over and over again or are you continually challenged in one area of your life? Do you know what you are capable of but something is holding you back? Have you ever wondered why some individuals have health problems, poverty or toxic relationships while others do not?

As strange as it may sound, the answers to these and other questions can be obtained using numerology; by calculating the letters of your name and numbers of your birthday.

Numerology indicates the age of your soul and enhances your self-awareness, exposing not only how you express yourself, but also where you generate your innate energy. Learn how this science can help you understand your life mission in the following article.

Numerology and the life mission

The most popular type of numerology used today is based on the teachings of Pythagoras. He established a system that mapped letters onto whole numbers, believing that the physical universe was made of energy vibrations of numbers.

You don't need to be a math expert to understand numerology. All you need is a pen, paper, and a little basic math to start exploring the mysterious qualities of numbers.

Continue with us and learn how to calculate your life mission in a quick and practical way. You will notice that, although the account is simple, it will help you understand and face many issues in your life.

What to do to find out

The goal of Numerology is to discover a secret connection between numbers, living things and physical forces. It must come up with a root number and the best way to start is with your date of birth.

To do this, simply reduce the numerals to a single-digit number by eliminating the equal-digit numerals, which are called master numbers - we'll talk about them later.

The root number, known as the Life Path Number, is comparable to your astrological sun sign, as it indicates your strengths and weaknesses, your abilities, goals, sets the tone for your experiences and the reasons for occurrences in the past, present and future.

Calculate common numbers

Let's assume you were born on January 12, 1990. To determine the Life Path Number, reduce each component of this date to a single digit.

The number twelve is simplified to: 1 + 2 = 3. The month of January, to 0 + 1 = 1. The year, 1990, converted to 1 + 9 + 9 + 0, totals 19. The number 19 is reduced to 1 + 9 = 10, which is then converted to one.

Finally, we combine the shortened date, month, and year numbers (3 + 1 + 1) to get five. So if you were born on January 12, 1990, your Life Path Number is 5.

Calculate master numbers

In Pythagorean numerology - also known as Western numerology, the personal number is determined by decreasing the numbers associated with the name or by adding a person's date of birth. To do this, this figure must be reduced to a sum that produces a number between 1 and 9.

The Master Number is a number whose sum results in a numeral of two equal digits. Numerology scholars usually do not sum Master Numbers to provide only one digit. For them, these numbers possess a great energy that enhances the meaning of the numeral contained in it.

Life Mission 1 to 9

Numerology uses the symbolism of numbers to understand names, events and personalities, bringing important lessons for our existence. Being an important instrument for the process of self-knowledge, it helps us to know if we vibrate positively or negatively in the search for the reasons of our life.

With it, we can discover the events that were part of our past, what our mission is and if we are on the right path to achieve it. Now that you have calculated the Life Path Number, it is time to discover what these numbers tell us. Shall we begin?

Life mission of number 1

In numerology, the number one is associated with progress, with continuous movement. Like Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, it is related to action and the beginning. The number one represents a pioneering attitude, independence and natural leadership ability.

On bad days, he can be dictatorial or arrogant, masking any vulnerability with an exaggerated sense of self importance.

We should remember that although it is the first, it can quickly become the loneliest numeral. However, it is worth pointing out that even the most self-sufficient and sovereign "one" needs the help of friends, family and loves sometime.

Life mission of number 2

The number two is associated with sensitivity, balance and harmony. According to numerology, the vibration of two plays the role of mediator, bringing together discordant elements through compassion, empathy and kindness to create harmony.

The two is associated with psychic powers and intuition, and if it appears as a Life Path or Fate Number, the person will be sensitive to tenuous energy shifts and emotional subtleties.

Because of their sensitivity, the two is conflict-averse and can feel a little devalued. Those with this numeral in their chart should stop seeking external approval and note that the ideal balance is already within them.

Life mission of number 3

Communication is essential to the three. Three symbolizes the result of two united forces, he is the core of creation. He has a strong sense of self-expression, effortlessly presenting unique and innovative ideas through art, writing and prayer.

His work encourages, inspires and uplifts people, and he takes great pleasure in making others happy. With such a vivid imagination, it is essential for the three of him to find quiet periods to reset, refuel and recharge. However, he is known to be irritable, and if he seems misunderstood, he may back down completely.

Life mission of number 4

The four has an earthy energy and is focused on strengthening its roots. It believes strongly in the physical world and understands the need to invest in robust infrastructure to ensure a legacy.

Objective, diligent, and thoughtful; the energy of the four focuses on developing logical structures that can support gradual growth. In addition, he will feel free and inspired to find the confidence to take big risks.

This number can be stubborn and very firm, but can soon become inflexible. The four must learn to let things happen, be more innovative, and remember that rules are there to help, not hinder.

Life mission of number 5

Free-thinking, bold and forward-thinking; the number five is associated with freedom. He is known for his fun-loving, impetuous and exuberant character, which is similar to the energy of Sagittarius in astrology. On the other hand, he can get agitated and irritated from time to time.

Five has difficulty embracing day-to-day tasks, including professional and interpersonal commitments. This is because he is always looking for new discoveries. He needs to remember that if he pays attention, the most satisfying discovery may be closer than he imagines.

Life mission of number 6

The number six is known for its loving, caring and compassionate qualities. Six is a true healer, able to solve mental and physical problems while helping others with its direct yet gentle approach.

He has a strong sense of duty and is deeply concerned about friends, family, and loves. He has a delicate sensitivity and loving nature that facilitates communication with children and animals. However, his protective energy can become overbearing and domineering at times.

The six must learn to build trust and understanding towards others in order to avoid carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Life mission of number 7

The number seven is known for its analytical and inquisitive abilities. It represents a combination of the energies of the signs of Virgo and Scorpio in astrology: it is extremely precise, but is motivated by inner wisdom rather than tangible reality.

The seven knows how to recognize failure and has a keen eye; his observations promote a shrewd and creative spirit. This number is a perfectionist, for it can detect flaws in any system. It must learn to balance its cynicism with an open mind, after all, not everything will go according to plan, but that is part of the fun.

Life mission of number 8

The number eight is associated with material abundance and financial success in numerology. He is ambitious and focused, and because of his innate charm, he can easily step into leadership roles.

The eight uses broad thinking to extend their horizons, rising to the top quickly and reaching remarkable heights. However, with great power also comes great responsibility.

He is a workaholic and can become very possessive and domineering on his bad days. On the other hand, giving back to the community can help reduce his negative traits. When he uses his prosperity to help others, he finds that nothing is more precious than contributing to something greater.

Life mission of number 9

The number nine represents a soul experienced in numerology, as it is the final digit. As a result, it can easily synthesize enormous amounts of stimuli, psychically connecting the signals to create a unified whole.

Nine's goal is to help people acquire spiritual awareness by reaching their highest state of consciousness. He is not afraid to change and his adaptable personality encourages others to expand their horizons.

This number must continually remind itself to "fix" itself, since it has transcended the physical world in many ways. It must learn to reconcile the abstract with the physical, settling into the encounter of the imagination and with reality.

Life mission of the master figures

As mentioned above, the only time you wouldn't cut the final number is if you hit a number with two repeated digits. They represent a higher version of your root numbers and indicate a lot of learning, achievement or success, but most often in a difficult or high-pressure situation.

Master Numbers, those with two repeated digits, have enormous advantages and disadvantages. According to numerology, they can denote trouble, but they can also represent tremendous power.

However, you can have a productive and rich life if you learn to control the obstacles that these numbers send you. Below, we separate the characteristics, influences and information of some Master Numbers. Check it out!

Life mission of number 11

Master Number 11 amplifies the energy of the number two; its purpose is to use its enhanced psychic powers to heal itself and others.

The intuitive abilities of Master Number 11 are often the result of adversities experienced in life: he has no option but to develop extrasensory abilities. According to numerology, Master Number 11 is associated with spiritual enlightenment, consciousness and philosophical harmony.

The person with this destiny has a strong desire to express their emotions and creative abilities, they are typically inventive individuals. Idealistic, they are mentally powerful people; always ready and disciplined to finish tasks and achieve their goals.

Life mission of number 22

Master Number 22 is also known as the Master Builder. He is driven to develop physical platforms that transcend immediate realities; by fusing the concrete and the ethereal, he cultivates a dynamic long-term legacy.

The abilities of 22 are usually a by-product of early childhood instability which encourages creative thinking. The Master Number 22 is hard-working, creative, reliable and is always on a mission of transformation.

The number 22 is a unique blend of ideals and practicality. It is the number of the goal, but movement is meticulously planned. If you find this symbol in your life, it suggests that your efforts will bear fruit in the future.

Life mission of number 33

With the energy of the number three amplified, a person whose personal number is 33 knows perfectly how to direct their energies and has a natural ability to communicate. Their optimism and inner light can infect those around them.

You never get stuck in a situation and can connect the most disjointed dots to form something new. The six, the sum of this number, denotes a well-balanced individual who can find the good in everything.

When the characteristics of these two numbers are combined, we have a very dynamic individual, with a contagious energy; capable of shaking things up and harmonizing the energies of the people around him/her.

Life mission of number 44

The number 44 is associated with stability, hard work and the benefits that come from it. If this is your personal number, persevere in what you are doing, no matter how hard it is, because results are on the way and won't be long in coming.

The 44 are people who enjoy finding meaning and solutions to all of life's problems; they have a strong sense of justice and are drawn to occupations such as police, science, research and engineering.

His goal is to find ethical solutions to life's problems. However, if this individual uses his energy inappropriately, he tends to steal or take control of other people's ideas.

How can knowing your life mission be helpful?

According to numerology, your birth date and name provide numbers which show the qualities of your personality and areas of success, as well as the problems which prevent you from evolving.

You can begin to overcome these problems and start living a fully empowered life once you understand what they are and accept them as part of your soul's path towards the light. This means living "consciously", taking control of your life as you strive to reach your full potential.

There is no need to be frightened by your difficulties. You chose them before you were born because you knew you needed to grow in these areas. Yet remember that although you inherited these obstacles, you also inherited the power, skill and insight to overcome them throughout your life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.