9 prayers to calm an urgent person: nervous, anxious and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why pray to calm a person down?

We go through some moments that a superior force is needed to give us relief, and with that, praying for someone to calm down is an act of generosity and love for our neighbor.

The rush of everyday life, makes us go through very stressful moments and who has never experienced such a moment? Whether at work, school, personal life and other reasons, everyone has overflowed and ended up revealing a moment of lack of control.

But did you know that some prayers can calm a person who is going through a conflicting situation and that besides calming, it brings other mental health benefits in seeking spiritual help.

Prayer to calm an agitated and nervous person

We go through some situations that can end up, causing great stress, situations that can interfere with the environment around us.


Prayers are indicated for times when we have tried everything, but did not have an expected result, so we opt for spiritual help and prayer can bring great results by the strength of our faith and commitment to God.

A prayer to calm an agitated and nervous person, should be done very calmly, because two nervous people do not help at all. Therefore, when praying for someone who is agitated, keep calm and have confidence that what you are doing will achieve good results.


An agitated person can have several meanings and several reasons to reach this situation, but it is very important that, the person who is going through this moment should not get carried away and try to keep calm.


Lord, enlighten my eyes that I may see the defects of my soul, and seeing them, not comment on the defects of others. Take sadness from me, but do not give it to anyone else.

Fill my heart with divine faith, that I may always praise your name. Pluck out of me pride and conceit. Make me a truly righteous human being.

Give me hope to overcome all these earthly illusions.

Plant in my heart the seed of unconditional love and help me to make as many people as possible happy to extend their laughing days and shorten their sad nights.

Turn my rivals into companions, my companions into my friends, and my friends into loved ones. Let me not be a lamb before the strong, nor a lion before the weak. Give me, O Lord, the wisdom to forgive, and put away from me the desire for vengeance.

Prayer to calm a person and God touch your heart

We always seek God when we need a greater, with that talking to the Lord is a great help to us and to those who need His intervention.


Talking to God is one of the most beautiful and therapeutic things we can do, through prayer we connect with ourselves and help those who need help.

At this time it is important to be at peace with yourself, and listen to your inner self, and even if it is a ready prayer or a conversation with God, you can be sure that he will listen and help you with whatever is needed.

Whenever you make a prayer, trust that your request will be answered, and have faith before everything. Seek the peace that the person you are asking receives, ask with love in the heart and wisdom that God touches the heart of those in need. Thus, your grace has great chances of being achieved.


God is always by our side and having a conversation with him, is what most calms and brings peace to anyone. He has the meaning of life and if we can trust anyone, it is Him.


Father God, I pray to you today with much faith within my heart and always aware that you are the Lord God of all of us and that you always know what is best for all people. I won't come to complain about my life or the lives of others, I won't make nonsensical requests or anything bad, just something good.

Heavenly Father, today I come to pray not on my behalf, but on behalf of another person. His/her name is (name of person). This person desperately needs Your intercession in his/her life, to calm him/her down, to make him/her a more gentle, more loving and more understanding person.

The powers of heaven and our Lord need to come into your life to soften your stone hard heart. They need to come into your life to truly touch the heart and soul of (person's name) so as to transform all that bitterness, insensitivity and hardness into gentleness, kindness and love.

Nothing is possible without God's good graces and I know that only You can help this person. I know that only You can transform that hard and bitter heart into a good heart, full of love, peace, joy and even much harmony.

I ask you this great favor in the name of (person's name) and I know that you will hear me and grant this my request. amen

Prayer to calm a person to the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, whenever asked, helps those most in need, the faith that moves great conquests.


The Holy Spirit of God, a figure represented in some religions by a person, in others, as a force or energy or as part of the divine trinity, regardless of what representation the Holy Spirit has, helps those who seek it a lot.

The Holy Spirit is symbolically there to help in times of trouble and there is no one better to ask for help if someone is afflicted, stressed or having some other problem. Prayer has great power to reduce anxiety, motivate improvement, make life easier.


In the Catholic religion, the Holy Spirit is part of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. However, in other religions he has several other meanings, but what we need to know is that the Holy Spirit is everywhere and when we ask for help, he is always ready.


Holy Spirit, at this moment I come to say this prayer to calm my heart because I confess, it is very agitated, anxious and sometimes sad because of difficult situations that I go through in my life. Your holy word says that the Holy Spirit, who is the Lord himself, has the role of consoling the hearts.

So, I ask you, Holy Spirit of comfort, come and calm my heart, and make me forget the problems of life that try to bring me down. Come, Holy Spirit! Over my heart, bringing comfort, and making it calm.

I need your presence in my being, for without you I am nothing, but with you I can do all things. You are the one who strengthens me! I believe, and I declare in the name of Jesus Christ thus: my heart be calm! My heart be calm! My heart receive peace, relief and refreshment! So be it! Amen.

Prayer to calm a person with Psalm 28

Psalm 28 is a psalm of great power to those who seek help through it.


Psalm 28 is suitable for those who need help against their enemies, nowadays we live in days of internal and external struggles and sometimes we need a greater help to get through these difficult times.

This prayer to calm a person, serves to those who have been going through moments and situations of despair and stress and can not get rid of this evil. Thus, when praying the psalm 28 ask God with enough faith and peace in the heart to calm and bring calm to those who need it.


Psalm 28 is attributed to the hardships David went through. David then asks for help against his enemies and God helps him through the difficult times.


I will cry to thee for calm, O LORD: be not slack against me; lest, by thy silence toward me, I be like unto them that go down into the pit.

Hear the voice of my supplications, soothe me when I lift up my hands to your holy oracle.

Draw me not away with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity, who speak peace to their neighbour, but have evil in their hearts.

Blessed be the Lord, for he has heard the voice of my supplications.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; the Lord is the strength of his people and the saving power of his anointed.

Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: calm them, and exalt them for ever.

Prayer to calm a person for times of distress

Feeling this feeling is horrible, for this reason, we have selected a prayer to calm a person in times of distress.


We live in difficult times that sadness, grief, anger, anguish and other bad feelings sometimes take over us at certain times of our lives, but we must not let us get down, and have faith in God that everything will get better. In this way, seeking spiritual help, divine or whatever is of great value.

God is in control of everything, but some situations that arise we are not prepared for and the anguish in our hearts grows and can become greater and worse as time goes by. So, it is always good to pray for calm if you are going through a time like this.

The anguish that we feed in us, only harms our soul and our body. We must take time to reflect and listen to what God has good for us, and it is through prayer that we achieve this.


One of the worst feelings that can be felt is anguish. The tightness in the chest, the urge to cry that has no explanation, are feelings that no one deserves to go through. And the worst thing is that feelings like that, can end up causing in addition to psychological problems, physical problems in the person.


Lord, deliver me from all the bitterness and feelings of rejection that I carry with me. Heal me, Lord. Touch my heart with your merciful hand and heal it, Lord. I know that such feelings of anguish do not come from you: they come from the enemy who tries to make me unhappy, discouraged, because you chose me, just as I chose you, to serve and love.

Send me, then, your holy angels to free me from every anguish and feeling of rejection, just as you sent them to free from prison your apostles who, although unjustly punished, praised you and sang to you with joy and fearlessness. Make me also, in this way, always joyful and grateful, despite the difficulties of each day.

Prayer to calm a person and his heart

We know that some emotions we feel directly in the heart and when referring to the heart we can feel in two ways both in the physical, as in feelings. But we can also count on prayers to calm a person and his heart.


The prayers are of great help and indicated at any time, whether despair, help, joy or thanks. We know that the heart can receive many energies both good and bad and with this, be necessary, a prayer to remove some hurt, anger, negative feeling that is the chest.


As we saw above about anguish, negative feelings are bad for the heart, which receives and absorbs many of the energies we receive. Lack of patience and stress cause serious problems that can become physical, due to the emotional wear and tear that your body suffers, but most of the time you do not notice.


God of infinite mercy, I ask that at this moment touch the heart of (say the person's name), so that this human being can think better about his attitudes, his problems and the way he has been acting.

Lord, calm down (say the name of the person), in the name of the Precious Blood of Jesus. Purify the soul of this person, give patience and serenity to live with more tranquility and understanding. Father of infinite mercy, remove everything that can interfere negatively. Much peace today and always!

Glory be to the name of the Lord!

Prayer to calm a person and give him peace

Living a life of torment should not be easy at all, not feeling the peace that should exist within our hearts, only makes people colder, more distant and who do not find the path of light to live a normal and peaceful life.


People who have some mental disorder, report that in their heads, it is not possible to exist peace and how difficult it must be to live a reality that no matter how hard you fight, you can not find peace at all.

In some cases there is not much to do, just pray for the one who suffers, to find the peace that is within ourselves. Start your prayer, also with a heart full of peace and calm, so that those in need receive good vibrations.


The famous peace of mind is something that we spend our lives seeking, whether with ourselves, our family members, companions, whoever. We are always in search of peace, whether it is spiritual, with society, at work, friendships and the like.

This search for a life of peace can be something out of reality, because we need moments of adrenaline to feel alive.


Father, teach me to be patient. Give me the grace to endure what I cannot change. Help me to bear the fruit of patience in tribulation. Give me the patience to deal with the defects and limitations of others. Give me the wisdom and strength to overcome crises at work, at home, among friends and acquaintances.

Lord, grant me boundless patience, free me from all that is anxiety and that leaves me in agitated disharmony. Give me the gift of patience and peace, especially when I am humiliated and lack patience to walk with the other. Give me grace to overcome each and every difficulty we have with the other.

Come, Holy Spirit, pour the gift of forgiveness into my heart so that I can begin again every morning and always be ready to understand and forgive others.

Prayer to calm a person with anxiety and depression

The disease of the century and its companion, every day increases its numbers and show us that we must take care beyond our physical health, mental health is also of extreme importance.


Anxiety and depression can make anyone's life, hell. It is so dangerous that some people end up taking their lives because they think there is no solution to their problems anymore.

Therefore, if you live with someone who has one of these disorders, remember that God is by your side even in the most difficult moments and that prayer is the purest and fastest way to reach God. Keep in mind that your prayer can change someone's path.


It is important that we respect our limits, depression and anxiety, are diseases that must be closely monitored and that presents major changes in the lives of those who suffer from them, so it is considerable that we are aware that these problems, can be solved.


My Lord, my soul is troubled; anguish, fear and panic take hold of me. I know this is because of my lack of faith, lack of abandonment in Your holy hands and not trusting Your infinite power completely. Forgive me, Lord, and increase my faith. Do not look at my misery and my self-centredness.

I know that I am terrified, because I stubbornly insist, out of my misery, on relying only on my miserable human strength, on my methods and my resources. Forgive me, Lord, and save me, O my God. Give me the grace of faith, Lord; give me the grace to trust in the Lord without measure, without looking at the danger, but looking only at You, Lord; help me, O God.

I feel alone and abandoned, and there is no one who can help me but the Lord. I abandon myself in your hands, Lord, in them I place the reins of my life, the direction of my walk, and I leave the results in your hands.

I believe in you, Lord, but increase my faith. I know that the risen Lord walks beside me, but even so I still fear, because I cannot abandon myself entirely into your hands. Help my weakness, Lord, Amen.

Prayer to calm a person to St. Manso

A prayer with a good intention has great power, therefore the prayer of Saint Meek has great results for those who seek him for help.


São Manso, as the name implies, was formerly very sought after to tame the oxen that entered the corral. Later his prayers began to grow and today he is one of the most sought after saints to tame and calm a person.

Pray with faith, be sure of what you are going to ask, because it is a very strong prayer and light a candle to San Manso as a form of gratitude.


Saint Meek is one of the most sought after saints for those who wish to calm someone down, be it emotional instability, or fights between couples. Saint Meek, can through his faith, do great deeds and bring help to those in need.


Saint Meek, I am sorry to bother you at this moment when you must have thousands of requests for help, but I am only doing it because I urgently need to calm someone's heart. We should pray for ourselves, but above all pray for those people we love and that we want to be happy and I know that you will take this into account and that you will help me with your enormous powers.

Saint Meek, I need you to grant help to calm the heart of (say the person's name), he is going through a bad time in his life and all help is needed to get him calmer, more rested and more cheerful.

Saint Meek, grant help to free the heart of (speak the person's name) from all the bad things that try to torment him, from all the people who try to harm him and from all the thoughts that make him discouraged. Make (speak the person's name) happier, more cheerful and let him be free from everything that does him harm.

Keep away from (say the name of the person) all those people who only do him harm, all those people who do not like him and who make him even worse. Thank you for listening to me Saint Manso, thank you.

How to make a prayer to calm a person correctly?

As you begin the prayer, begin by giving thanks for all that God does for you, every new day, a new opportunity that is offered and a new chance to be someone better.

Start with gratitude for the life you have and be proud of your accomplishments. After giving thanks, be humble, acknowledge your mistakes and ask for forgiveness from anyone who has hurt you in any way.

Then have focus and concentration, if it is from the heart any place that you have peace and quiet can be made your prayer. If you can look up to the sky and surrender to the moment.

Make your prayer and always keep in mind that the Lord, knows what is best for us. The request to calm someone should be made from the heart, because you are asking for something for another person.

Normally we seek God only in difficult times, but if possible, always thank and ask for patience from those who seek. Show through your heart and your faith, that you want to help those people who have problems with emotional control and who end up taking their anger out on other people and that does a lot of harm to everyone.

Consequently, every action has a consequence. If we wish good, we receive good, even more so when done from the heart. We have seen that the search for sacred help, done with faith and believing in what is asked for, has great strength and power in our hands.

It is always good to reinforce that besides divine help, seeking medical help should never be ignored. Prayer is a complement, together with medical orientation, so that the improvement that is sought in helping someone can be conquered according to the prayer and desire of the person in becoming someone calmer, and a better human being.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.