Learn about the uses and benefits of the stones of each sign of the zodiac!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the stones and crystals of each sign of the zodiac?

The stones and crystals have energies that can relate to the ruling planets, elements and chakras of each sign of the Zodiac, using them correctly can amplify the positive characteristics inherent to it and also balance the challenging energies and characteristics.

Each of the signs has positive patterns and negative tendencies, which can be balanced through the use of crystals that relate to their archetypes and personality dispositions. In this article we will see which are the stones and the energies present in them that can work each sign. Check it out!

Gemstones of the sign of Aries

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, of Fire element and ruler Mars. The energies of leadership and movement are very present in this sign, which because of this can develop anxiety and become impulsive.

The stones of the sign of Aries usually have in common the high mood and vibrations of action and dynamism. On the other hand, they can help combat the harmful energies of this sign, seeking balance, calm and tranquility.


Aquamarine is the stone of courage and like the sign of Aries, it carries the energy of leadership and persistence, encouraging dynamism and drive. However, despite having these action benefits, Aquamarine combats anxiety, discourages judgment and promotes tolerance.

For Aryans specifically, Aquamarine stimulates the mental processes and energies of determination that are already inherent to the sign and helps in the search for balance of the emotions, promoting calm, alleviating fears and activating intuition and sensitivity.


Stone of motivation and creativity, the cornaline brings energies of overcoming, self-confidence and perseverance. It has the benefit of grounding the energies and thoughts, ensuring focus and attention in the present, eliminating feelings of depression and anxiety.

Carnelian helps us understand what moves us, promoting self-confidence, fighting limiting beliefs and bad habits. It also clarifies perceptions and sharpens concentration. It has energies very closely linked to Aries, while stimulating its strengths of dynamism and balancing anxiety and impulsiveness.


One of the stones considered a joker, Amethyst has the power to transmute energies, thus being a great choice for protection amulets, as it transforms harmful energies into love and good vibrations. It is a calming stone, blocks heavy energies from the environment and has strong power of healing and spirituality.

The Amethyst fights all kinds of addiction, as it promotes total control of the mind and concentration, helping in decision making and in the understanding of cause and effect. It also breaks down blocks and limiting beliefs. For the Aryan, the Amethyst helps in more thoughtful and less hasty thinking, as well as calming and stabilizing.


A wisdom stone, Sapphire promotes calm and mental clarity, stimulating concentration and fighting tension. It establishes the balance between body, mind and spirituality, bringing peace of mind and serenity. It also has the benefit of keeping unwanted and harmful thoughts away.

Sapphire alleviates depression, eliminating spiritual confusion and frustration, encouraging emotional expression. It can help the Aryan in the search for balance of their emotions and tranquility in day-to-day life.

Stones of the sign of Taurus

Taurus is a sign ruled by Venus and of earth element, its main characteristics involve materiality and the search for pleasures in all 5 senses. However, Taureans can be stubborn and even conservative on some level.

Taurus stones evoke the pure and transcendental love that is inherent to this sign and develop its positive characteristics, while neutralizing its tendency to inertia, stubbornness and procrastination, putting the Taurus in pursuit of its goals.

Rose Quartz

The Rose Quartz carries the energies of Venus, pure and unconditional love and its manifestations of affection, peace, self-love and esteem. It is a calming stone and provides the opening of the heart chakra, teaching the true essence of love and providing healing of trauma and overcoming feelings such as grief, guilt and anger.

It repels bad vibrations, replacing them with good energies. It strengthens relationships, propitiates the transmutation of harmful feelings and strengthens empathy. For Taureans, this Quartz stimulates the Taurus energies of love and beauty, helping to heal attachments and neediness.


Emerald is a crystal appreciated for its beauty and benefits of unconditional love and balance in relationships. It promotes physical, mental and spiritual balance, inspiring positive attitudes, raising consciousness and intensifying psychic faculties.

It is the stone of regeneration, the Emerald propitiates the overcoming of challenging moments, as well as eliminates harmful emotions and promotes the search for wisdom and inner knowledge. Like Taurus, the Emerald works in the aspects of love and spirituality, helping in the search for balance of feelings and actions.


Considered a stone of prosperity, Sapphire opens professional paths and stimulates focus. It transmits quietness, calm and tranquility, reducing tension and excessive demands. It is the stone of wisdom, balancing mind, body and spirituality.

Sapphire purifies the energy field attracting good vibrations. For Taureans, Sapphire develops the calm and patience which are already qualities linked to the sign and also combats inaction and stagnation, putting the person in readiness and accentuating the intellect.


Linked to clairvoyance and intuition, the Aquamarine is a stone that eliminates judgments and external energies. When what holds you back is an energy, charge or imposition from others, the Aquamarine unblocks and frees it, expanding self-knowledge and the freedom of full expression of emotions.

It is a very indicated stone for meditations, as it promotes full attention and consciousness raising. It unblocks the laryngeal chakra, favoring communication and expression of feelings that can be hidden by Taureans, transmitting courage, dynamism and self-confidence.

Gemini Stones

Gemini is an Air sign ruled by Mercury. Well-known for their easy communication and keen intelligence, Gemini people are creative, humorous and rational. On the other hand, they can be fickle and lack determination as they are fleeting and sometimes superficial.

The stones of this sign possess the energies of agility and knowledge so well developed in Gemini and carry benefits of commitment and focus, helping to overcome the challenging aspects of Gemini.

Tiger Eye

One of the main stones of protection, Tiger Eye was commonly used in the breaking of curses and used as a talisman because it inhibits psychic attacks. It promotes mental clarity and anchors energies, helps to distinguish the want from the need. It is very beneficial for people who do not know their own value or have distorted self-criticism.

For Gemini people, Tiger Eye promotes grounding, giving more focus on the practical side and helping to fulfill commitments and be less fickle. It also helps to establish and fulfill goals, healing personality disorders and mental ailments, balancing the yin and yang energies.


Agate is a balancing stone, it counterbalances the yin and yang energies, the physical, mental and spiritual planes and the positive and negative forces of the Universe. It stimulates confidence as it favors self-knowledge and self-worth. It is a stone that intensifies mental faculties and brings clarity and deep analytical thinking.

For Gemini, Agate's greatest benefits are in the pursuit of practical thinking and decision making, it promotes spiritual growth and awareness of the collective, embracing Gemini qualities and transmuting their weaknesses into actions, intuition and inner stability.


From solar energy, Citrine acts as a regenerator and purifier. It is a very beneficial stone, activates creativity and dissipates negative energies. It is one of the few stones that do not need to be "cleaned", as it works itself by absorbing, transmuting and dissipating the charges of bad vibrations from environments and people.

Known as the stone of happiness, Citrine manifests and attracts riches, increases self-esteem and self-confidence, and encourages expression. It awakens the inner mind, and for Gemini, can assist in anchoring thoughts and energies, improving concentration and focus, as well as promoting calm and wisdom.


Obsidian is a very powerful stone, it provides deep healing of the soul. It is a favorite among the protective stones, because its shield against negativity is insurmountable. It has the power to ground, strengthening the person who uses it and helping to overcome difficult moments.

It is a stone that eliminates any energetic blockage and relieves tension, stimulates spiritual growth and eliminates limiting beliefs. For the sign of Gemini, Obsidian assists in finding harmful patterns and emotional blockages, bringing clarity to thoughts and grounding the actions and decisions.

Gemstones of the sign of Cancer

Cancer is a sign of water and ruled by the Moon, it is known for its sensitivity and keen intuition, however, people of this sign can victimize easily, having difficulty in taking attitudes that break the low energy pattern.

Cancer stones have characteristics of sensitivity and emotionality that are common to the sign, but they have energy of attitude and energetic healing, giving the Cancerian the necessary tools to achieve their goals with joy and dynamism.

Green Quartz

Known as the stone of health, the Green Quartz has the power to dissolve negative thoughts and feelings, raising the energy of those who use, working the emotional of physical and psychological illnesses. It balances the emotions, giving strength, determination and courage to face life.

For Cancerians, the Green Quartz acts dissipating the energies of victimization and develops the attitude and willingness to solve problems. It also promotes the healing of bad habits and limiting beliefs, relieving the emotional load and ensuring sentimental relief.

Moon Stone

The Moonstone, like the star from which it takes its name, reminds us of the cyclicality of life and is a very indicated stone for new beginnings. It calms the emotions and brings to consciousness what is hidden. It soothes emotional instability and stress. It can also show patterns of harmful emotional behavior and help in combating them.

Because of its strong benefit of balancing feelings, the Moonstone assists the Cancerian in the pursuit of emotional intelligence and neutralizes obsessive and destructive thoughts.


One of the best known stones, Emerald is a stone of self-knowledge, since it provides mental clarity and expands inner knowledge. It promotes physical, mental and spiritual balance, being a great choice for those seeking concentration and positivity.

For Cancerians, Emerald brings focus, strength and facilitates communication and expression of feelings. It can also completely eliminate negative emotions, putting in their place dynamism and courage to face life joyfully and fully.


The Pearl is closely linked to the Moon, because it is a stone of marine origin. Because of this, it represents sensitivity, sentimentality and emotions, subjects discussed by the Moon in astrology and present in its ruled sign, Cancer.

It combats hypertension, stress and psychosomatic diseases, as it helps to balance the emotions. However, one should use the Pearl with care, as it absorbs feelings and if not cleaned frequently, can transmit feelings of sadness and melancholy.

Stones of the sign of Leo

Leo is the sign ruled by the Sun, of fire element. Vanity, self-confidence and leadership are the key words of this sign, and Leo people are usually captivating, determined and authentic. However, they can become selfish and proud.

Leo stones will attract the brightness and solar energies of determination and courage, while they can help counterbalance the negative traits of aggressiveness, ego and authoritarianism.


One of the most sought after prosperity stones, Pyrite is known for its benefits of opening paths and crossing boundaries. It acts as a barrier, blocking negative energies, which also makes it a protective stone. Pyrite combats inertia, increasing self-confidence and promoting mental activity.

It has an energy very closely related to Leo, as it stimulates determination, the pursuit of goals, confidence and self-worth.

Tiger Eye

Since ancient times, Tiger's Eye has been used as a protective stone against psychic attacks, but it goes far beyond an amulet against bad vibes, after all, it has the ability to anchor energies and stimulate analytical and practical thinking.

As in Leo, Tiger Eye works on self-confidence and self-worth. A great attribute of this stone for Leo is to control pride, excessive control and stubbornness. It also has the power to balance yin and yang energies, elevating talents and aptitudes while bringing light to aspects to be improved.


A great transmuter of energies, Amber absorbs negative energies transforming them into positive forces. Actually, Amber is not a stone, but a tree resin that solidified and became a fossil. Because of this, it has a strong connection with the earth and grounds higher energies.

Amber brings stability to life, thus being considered as one of the stones of prosperity. In addition, it stimulates the intellect, promotes positive mental state and creativity. For Leonines, Amber evokes the solar energies of joy and determination, but also promotes tranquility and balance.


A regenerating and energizing stone, Garnet balances the energies of the chakras, and is also considered a stone of protection, since it was believed to predict the approach of danger. It inspires love and devotion and balances sexual energy. It is the stone of commitment.

The garnet has the power to dissipate negative patterns of behavior, increases self-confidence and reduces taboos and shyness. For the sign of Leo, the garnet further elevates energy and neutralizes ego and aggressiveness in relationships.

Gemstones of the sign of Virgo

Virgo is an earth sign, ruled by Mercury. Virgoans are people who value knowledge and are very generous and loyal. However, they can become controlling and too serious as they are critical in essence.

The stones of the sign of Virgo carry energies of wisdom and organization, as well as helping to search for the balance between collection and fun.


A stone with extremely calming action, Amazonite has the benefit of protecting from harmful external vibrations, even blocking electromagnetic waves from electronic devices. It helps filter negative thoughts, sharpening mental clarity and intuition.

Amazonite balances the throat and heart chakras, aiding in loving communication. For Virgoans, Amazonite benefits with its energy of calm and tranquility, neutralizing anxiety and excessive demands, making communication and actions lighter and relieving worries and fears.


The Amethyst is a stone of spiritual connection, it transmutes energies and because of this is widely used as a protective amulet, it inhibits psychic attacks and transforms states of sadness and anxiety in tranquility and love. It helps in focus and determination, but also in tranquility and calm, whenever necessary and at the right time.

Amethyst also has the power to control hyperactivity of the mind and its causes, such as insomnia, anxiety and overcharging. Because of this, it is a great stone for Virgoans, who will find balance between mind, body and spirituality with the Amethyst.


The stone of joy, Citrine carries solar energies of happiness, prosperity and determination. As a highly beneficial and positive stone, Citrine revitalizes and energizes all levels of life. It purifies the chakras and protects from external environmental energies.

Citrine, in its prosperity benefits, helps to attract and manifest wealth and success, while increasing self-confidence and self-esteem. For Virgo, Citrine represents the joy and relaxation that needs to be exalted in this sign, at the expense of unbridled seriousness and self-criticism.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is a stone that aligns the chakras, cleanses and aligns the physical, mental and emotional bodies, as well as the ethereal. It inspires courage and determination in all fields of life, stimulates quick thinking and organization, helping to transform plans into actions.

It encourages honesty about ourselves and self-knowledge, and is perfect for Virgoans in their search for balance between reason and emotion over distorted judgment of themselves and others.

Libra stones

Libra is a sign of air, whose ruler is Venus. Libra is easy to socialize, they are loyal and very generous friends, always looking for balance in relationships and decisions. However, because of this excessive caution, Librians can be indecisive and insecure, and can be superficial.

Libra stones have energy of love and beauty and work on the harmony of feelings and balance, enhancing depth in relationships and making right decisions.


One of the most indicated stones for overcoming traumas and difficult moments, Rhodochrosite is one of the stones of love, since it helps to break suffering patterns and can help you find your own love and also your soul mate. It purifies the solar plexus and the base chakras.

Rhodochrosite allows the encounter of repressed feelings and overcoming them. For Librians, it inspires deep and true love, breaking patterns of fear and superficiality.

Green Quartz

By balancing the chakras and feelings, Green Quartz is one of the stones of health, because it eliminates the root of psychosomatic diseases. It is linked to courage and optimism, increases patience, calming the body, mind and heart. It also cures bad habits and dissolves limiting beliefs.

It is a stone of balance, which is why it is so closely related to Libra, as it assists in balancing in all areas of life, but without stagnating, as it gives courage and determination for choices.

Lapis lazuli

A protective stone, Lapis lazuli facilitates contact with spiritual guardians, intensifies psychic faculties and increases personal power. It eliminates stress and promotes tranquility and serenity. It harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fields, promoting balance between them and combating harmful psychic states.

For Librians, Lapis lazuli helps balancing all the fields of life, promotes honesty and integrity, helping the Librian in his reflections and ramblings. Also, it tightens the bonds of friendship, an important point for Libra, evoking depth in relationships.


Opal is a delicate stone that helps us find our true self and express it. It absorbs energies and reflects them back to their source. It is a karmic stone, it teaches about the sowing and reaping cycles of life. It accentuates personality traits and makes us understand our potential.

As it is a stone that stabilizes emotions and has a strong connection with the arts and love, Opal is considered one of the Libra stones, because it helps the natives of this sign to integrate and balance energies, but it should be used with caution or together with other stones to not accentuate fickle traits of the personality.

Stones of the sign of Scorpio

Scorpio is a sign ruled by Pluto, of water element. Scorpios are deep, enigmatic, sensitive people and very faithful to their truth. They can have difficulty balancing energies, being always 8 or 80, and develop feelings like possession and unbridled mistrust.

The Scorpio stones are as full of personality as this sign, they work heavy energies transmuting them, in order to balance and harmonize the feelings and deep emotions of Scorpios.


A stone with numerous benefits, Garnet is energizing and balancing. It purifies the chakras, working energies of enthusiasm and serenity, depending on the need. It is considered a protective stone, as it strengthens the survival instinct and foresees the approach of danger.

It inspires devotion and love, key Scorpio issues. Grenada benefits Scorpios by harmonizing sexual impulses and emotional imbalances. It also breaks harmful vibrational patterns and destructive behaviors. It increases confidence in self and others.


An extremely powerful stone, Malachite absorbs and amplifies energies, both good and bad, and therefore should be used with caution and be cleaned before and after use. It is a protective stone that aligns and activates the chakras, favoring the connection with the spiritual.

It should be placed over the heart to balance and harmonize feelings, as well as to open the heart to unconditional love. For Scorpios, Malachite accentuates patterns of intensity, and aids the expression of emotions and breaks ties of outdated vibrational and behavioral patterns.


Obsidian promotes deep healing of the soul, as it brings up all the hidden or repressed feelings and truths, in order to overcome them. It is one of the most powerful protective stones, as it serves as a shield against negativity. It grounds the energies and connects us with our essence, strengthening in times of difficulty.

It is a very Scorpio stone, as it reveals what is in the darkness and makes us face our shadows and welcome them. It drains personal and environmental stress, eliminating energetic blockages and relieving accumulated tensions. For Scorpios, it accentuates all positive characteristics and evokes compassion and personal strength.


Stone of loyalty and successful love, the Emerald is known for its beauty and prestige among crystals. It has energies of patience and inspiration, ensures the physical, emotional and mental balance and also in relationships. The Emerald eliminates negativity and promotes wisdom and mental clarity.

Emerald is the stone of regeneration and wisdom, it facilitates expression and brings out what was hidden. For Scorpio, its most cherished benefits are balancing emotions, facilitating subtle and non-aggressive communication, combating heavy energies and promoting patience and serenity.

Gemstones of the sign of Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a sign of fire, ruled by Jupiter. It is known as the most cheerful and optimistic of the Zodiac, they love freedom, are friendly and humorous. On the other hand, they can be careless, uncommitted and even a little superficial.

Sagittarius stones work the energies of joy and dynamism and help to harmonize the challenging aspects of the sign, grounding the energies and working the depth of relationships.


Sodalite harmonizes reason and emotion, bringing emotional balance, being a great choice to help control psychic states like anxiety and panic. It connects logic to intuition and activates spiritual perception. It stimulates fidelity to ideals and personal truths. It eliminates mental confusion and encourages the expression of feelings.

This stone awakens logical and objective thinking, causing the liberation of old conditionings and rigid mental dispositions, making possible a new look and a new way of living life. For Sagittarians, Sodalite transmits the necessary calm for states of anxiety and incites the qualities inherent to the sign.


One of the most commonly used stones, Amethyst is a joker for all occasions as it is protective and transmutes energies. It blocks personal and environmental stress and connects us with the spiritual. Amethyst is highly beneficial for the mind as it calms or stimulates depending on the occasion.

For Sagittarius, the Amethyst promotes emotional centering, easing the ups and downs and keeping the native of this sign more balanced in his emotions, reducing impulses.

Smoky Quartz

Strong terrifier of energies, the Smoky Quartz has a strong connection with the Earth and because of that highlights the practical solutions, objectivity and focus. It relieves fear and depression, and can help alleviate suicidal tendencies, because it combats and neutralizes dense energies, transforming them into tranquility and positivity.

Smoky Quartz purifies the base chakra, giving fluidity to sexual energy. Its anchoring and concentration benefits are especially important for Sagittarians, balancing and purifying feelings and thoughts, making them more centered.


Agate is a stone that harmonizes yin and yang energies, stabilizing and anchoring volatile energies, transmuting heavy and negative energies. It facilitates mental faculties, promotes self-acceptance and brings light to aspects of the personality that need improvement.

It raises the consciousness of the collective, diminishing the exacerbated ego. For Sagittarius, this stone can help in finding one's own truth, facilitate practicality, and ground the disposition to carelessness and lack of commitment.

Stones of the sign of Capricorn

Capricorn is a sign of the earth element, ruled by Saturn. Capricornians are committed and very determined people, known for their obstinacy when it comes to work and money. Because of this, they can become too rigid and critical, taking life with an unmeasured seriousness.

Capricorn stones have the positive energies of the sign, help in the pursuit of goals and facilitate coexistence and acceptance of self and others.


The stone of personal power, Onyx promotes the centering of energies in search of connection with higher power. It helps us to be masters of our own destiny, ensuring the vigor, constancy and resistance essential for this. It alleviates fears and excessive worries.

It is a stone with Capricornian energy, it assists in the search for a stable life and transmits self-confidence and self-control. For the Capricornian, this stone gets in tune with their goals and assists in achieving them.

Smoky Quartz

The Smoky Quartz is an ideal stone to neutralize disturbed states of mind and balance the base chakras. Eliminates stress and raises vibrations during meditations. Helps to eliminate toxins from the body and harmonize the feelings and emotions.

For containing strong connection with the Earth, the Smoky Quartz has a strong link to the signs of this element, as is the case of Capricorn. For him, this quartz helps in communication and coexistence more smoothly and quietly, promoting calm and control of emotions.

Black Tourmaline

Purifying, Black Tourmaline transforms heavy energy into light vibrations. It is considered a protective stone, forming a protective shield around the body, inhibiting psychic attacks or negative energies. It balances and purifies all chakras, anchors spiritual energy and clears the mind and feelings.

Tourmaline promotes diving and finding ourselves, facilitating self-knowledge. It disperses tension and stress, promotes a more relaxed and confident attitude, which are very important benefits for Capricorn. It stimulates positive thinking and attitude.


The Fluorite stabilizes and purifies the aura, acting against manipulation, psychic attacks and accumulation of feelings and alien energies. It repels negative energies, cleaning and dispersing everything that is not beneficial within us. This stone has the power to connect those who use it with spiritual energies.

Fluorite is associated with progress in several areas and because of this, it is one of the Capricorn stones. It is very positive for the natives of this sign because it acts to dissolve fixed and conservative ideas, favoring the connection and harmonization of the mind and intuition.

Gemstones of the sign of Aquarius

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, and its element is air. Aquarians are sincere, honest, altruistic and sometimes visionary people, but they can acquire the bad habit of opposing or imposing their wills and opinions, which makes coexistence complicated.

Aquarian stones exalt the intelligence and originality inherent in the sign, but they also work by neutralizing the ego and balancing perceptions of self and other.

Lapis lazuli

By working the throat chakra, Lapis lazuli is a stone that facilitates assertive communication, releases stress and transmits serenity and peace. It is a protective stone that recognizes and inhibits psychic attacks and harmonizes the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional levels.

Lapis lazuli favors the consciousness about ourselves, awakening self-knowledge. For Aquarians, this stone helps to express feelings and opinions in a wise and non-imposing way and teaches the importance of knowing how to listen.


Used as a talisman since ancient times, Turquoise has high healing and protective energies. It connects us with spirituality and purifies the soul, balancing the chakras and tuning the physical level to the spiritual. It fosters empathy and promotes the realization of our purposes.

It contributes to the balance of emotions and promotes inner calm, removing feelings of selfishness and martyrdom about oneself. Turquoise helps natives of the sign of Aquarius to neutralize their ego, acting and thinking in the collective and raising their consciousness to the spiritual plane.


Extremely calming stone, Aquamarine nourishes and soothes the mind from tribulations, worries and stress. It has the benefit of balancing and harmonizing the energies of the environment and invokes tolerance rather than judgment. It soothes the feeling of overload and conveys cheerfulness, persistence and dynamism.

It is a very beneficial stone for the sign of Aquarius, since it harmonizes relationships, undoes misunderstandings, aids in healthy communication and increases sensitivity. It also activates intuition and promotes the understanding of sentimental states, bringing light to the emotions and understanding of emotions, as well as their expression.


The quartz crystal is a very versatile stone and can amplify and purify energies with ease, as well as increase the power of other stones that are around. It has the power to absorb, store, radiate and regulate energy, being a joker stone for any moment.

It attunes us to spiritual purpose and can be "programmed" for any goal. For Aquarians, Quartz can assist in the search for spirituality and consciousness raising, healing harmful feelings and destructive behaviors.

Gemstones of the sign of Pisces

Pisces is ruled by Mercury and its element is water. Pisces natives are intuitive, sensitive and empathic. Because of this, they can get too caught up in the world of fantasy and forget about themselves and the practicality necessary for day-to-day life.

Pisces stones hold the energies of spirituality, sensitivity while harmonizing the energies in imbalance, bringing the feet to the ground and helping to counterbalance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.


Amethyst is a stone with such sensitivity as to understand which energies are necessary for the moment, whether it is important to calm down and center or focus and energize. A transmuting stone, Amethyst has the power to transform heavy and harmful energies into vibrations of love and tranquility.

For Pisces, Amethyst harmonizes spirituality and practicality, helping in decision making based on intuition which is very sharp in the natives of this sign and makes them less dispersed and puts them in control of rationality.


A great protective stone, Fluorite assists in the perception of external energies and influences. It works by repelling negative energies of all kinds, grounding and integrating spiritual ones. It is also associated with progress in various areas of life, assisting in the structuring of daily life.

For Pisces people, Fluorite extends benefits such as increasing self-esteem and self-confidence in the pursuit of their goals, improving dynamism and focus, dispelling illusions and revealing the truth and also promoting practical thinking and objectivity.

Moon Stone

Highly intuitive, the Moonstone is very effective in calming the emotions. It has the power to bring to light what is hidden in the shadows of the unconscious in order to resolve what is needed. It softens impulses and emotional instabilities and fights psychosomatic illnesses.

It is a stone that possesses the energies of Pisces, such as intuition, empathy and sensitivity. It must be used with caution by the natives of this sign or in conjunction with another stone, so as not to increase illusions and fantasies.


A stone with an affinity for sensitive people, Aquamarine is calming, promoting tranquility at the expense of personal and environmental stress. It serves as an inhibitor of energies and thoughts coming from other people, thus protecting empathic and open-field people.

Because of these benefits, Aquamarine is very suitable for Pisces people, since it neutralizes the energy directed too much towards the other person and protects it from being drained or manipulated. It also clears up confusion and clears thoughts, bringing mental clarity and focus on objectivity.

How the stones of the signs are able to attract good energy?

Stones and crystals have countless benefits that are widespread in crystal therapy and promote the right energies to be worked on in order to exalt our qualities and harmonize challenging energies and aspects. The signs show energetic patterns and tendencies that can be worked on and improved through crystals.

In general, stones work by balancing and exalting aspects of life, protecting and attracting good energies, but their benefits go far beyond that - they can unlock chakras, break harmful beliefs and habits, and even physically heal different parts of the body.

Allying astrological self-knowledge to the vibrations of crystals is a way to break energetic patterns that do not benefit us and put in their place energies of love, tranquility and harmony, always in search of personal and spiritual evolution.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.