7 prayers of thanksgiving: in gratitude, for children, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why pray a prayer of thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is an extremely important date, especially in North American countries. The tradition, celebrated with emphasis in the United States every Thursday in the month of November, aims at the collective thanksgiving to God.

In other words, families get together in classic lunches where you can't talk about roast turkey, to give thanks and pray for the blessings received throughout the year. However, in other countries like Brazil, there are no customs of celebrating the day.

With that, we invite you to continue reading this article and understand a little more about this important day in the universal calendar. Shall we?

More about Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is one of the most important holidays in the United States, and that surpasses even the end of year festivities. Celebrated in quite emphasis among the inhabitants of the North American country, it is a date that is celebrated since the times of the English colony. To learn more about this day considered sacred by the American people, read on and learn more characteristics.

History and origin

The history of Thanksgiving Day has its supposed beginnings in the year 1621. English settlers from Plymouth were celebrating the end of another corn crop and the end of a very intense winter. Thus, the day has significance of the celebration for the conquest of the American territory and with the union of the settlers to the indigenous people who inhabited the unknown lands.

Although it was widespread in other countries such as England, Thanksgiving Day was officially recorded in a calendar around the year 1863, during the administration of President Abraham Lincoln. The United States, which was colonized by England for almost two centuries, was the country that traditionally followed the celebration of the festive date.

Date of commemoration

Thanksgiving Day is always celebrated every Thursday in the month of November. As the end of the year approaches, families seek to come together to give thanks for the past year and ask for blessings for the coming year.

During the festivities, families prepare special foods such as the classic roast turkey and other delicacies in which bread, assorted potatoes, sweets and the famous pumpkin pie are served. Nowadays, in addition to the home-made festivities, there are celebrations in the streets of the American country with float parades, concerts and special performances in show houses.

Celebrations around the world

Thanksgiving celebrations are quite evident in the United States, as we have already mentioned in the previous topics. However, in countries like Canada, the date is also festively celebrated on another date.

In that country, family reunions, similar to those in the U.S., are traditionally a must. The festivities in Canadian lands are celebrated on Mondays in October.

In England, a curiosity. Despite being the country that introduced Thanksgiving Day to the official calendar of the English nation, there are no celebrations. Every year, the Harvest Festival takes place, which proposes merits for agricultural crops. In the land of Queen Elizabeth, the festival is celebrated on the full moon near autumn.

Christian meaning of thanksgiving

In Christianity, Thanksgiving Day represents giving thanks for the graces achieved and asking for new possibilities of achievements for the coming year. For the Catholic religion, it is necessary to continue and unite Christians, teaching them to keep the faith, give thanks for each goal achieved and especially maintain family unity.

So much so that, in Brazil, the Brazilian Committee of the National Thanksgiving Movement strives to maintain the culture of people's gratitude to God, in a work of more than 15 years. The service seeks to bring people closer to the Christian era and make them accept God in their hearts and serve the church and the country with gratitude.

Complementing and to finish this topic, Thanksgiving Day has as a symbol the food served in the celebrations. As there are many grains in the dishes, such as corn, peas, the traditional cranberry sauce and of course, the turkey, are considered harvest elements, emphasizing the celebration of the English colonists for the agricultural crops.

Prayer of thanksgiving gratitude

There are prayers and psalms for Thanksgiving Day. Being different, but with the same meaning, the prayers consist of the thanksgiving for the achievements of the year that is ending. However, the prayers do not need to be said only on the traditional day of celebration. To know the prayers, keep reading and manifest yourself in your wish of thanks. Ready to know?


The Thanksgiving Day prayer is suitable for giving thanks and asking for new achievements for the coming year. Making prayers a habit, every day is for giving thanks. Holy words are emanated to God in a gesture of praise to obtain blessings and miracles.

In the best of intentions, the person seeks to elevate themselves with their words to God and pray for every step granted in their life. You don't necessarily have to be in the U.S. or use the commemorative date to show your gratitude for everything.


The prayer of gratitude for Thanksgiving expresses the inner feeling that each person has within them. In order to feel praised and well adventure, the devotee uses their faith as a purpose to go about their days.

Among the meanings of the prayer are peace, purity in the hearts and the feeling of total freedom by recognizing spiritual help. For this, surrender yourself in your words. Give thanks for everything. Pray for your family, the house, your work and good living conditions. Open your heart and accept God and Jesus Christ to take care of you.


Let the truth be manifested in me.

I'm grateful for life;

I thank you for the air that enters my lungs and brings me to life;

I am grateful for the sun that warms me;

I express deep gratitude for the water that reaches my home;

I am grateful for each day that brings me a new opportunity to be happy;

I express gratitude for each person who passes through my life;

I am thankful for all the good things that happen in my day;

I express deep gratitude for all the things I have;

I am grateful to have met the people I love;

I am grateful to have met the people I had some disagreement with, because they ended up being teachers of my spiritual and emotional life.

I am grateful for the night that allows me to rest and recharge my energy;

I am grateful for my bed that provides me with a good night's sleep;

I am grateful for all the simple things I have and that without them my life would be very difficult;

Let gratitude fill my being;

Let this energy manifest in my mind and in my heart.

Prayer and prayer of thanksgiving

A prayer and prayer of thanksgiving to thank God and Our Lord for all the merits you have achieved. Although small it is very strong and may be done daily to bless your days. The words are a form of thanksgiving for God's love to humanity. Know below.


With your determinations, thank God for everything. The prayer, even if it's short, is enough for you to understand that, for everything you want and even adding your efforts to obtain, there are universal forces that drive events. And in this case, it's God. So, remember to say thank you in your messages to Him.


Prayer means spiritual cleansing and deep peace. If you need changes for your life, the time is for gratitude, initially. Make prayer a means to live better and peaceful in your days. See that every act you practice, you will be feeling confident and full in the certainty of reaching positive energies.

Let spiritual evolution provide exalting meanings in your life. Bring lightness to your mind and peace of mind in your heart. For the rest, await the events. Have faith, belief and gratitude for life.


We give you thanks, Lord, for all your benefits.

You who live and reign for ever and ever.


Prayer of thanksgiving after communion

This prayer consists of the time after communion. It is considered of great importance because it makes the devotee feel with God in their heart after their prayers. These moments are seen as precious because it refers to the person's sense of benevolence after the religious practice.

In other words, it is to be with the Lord. Have you been with Him today? Take the opportunity to receive communion after knowing the prayer. Follow the reading below.


The prayer of thanksgiving after communion means internal praise. After the person prays, they feel light, full, and have a great sense of well-being. They are seen as the minutes after the intercessions when there is assurance that God and Christ are with us.

Therefore, at each prayer you pray or before you pray it, feel with God. Take a few minutes to be with Him. Feel His presence in each place you are. Reflect that you will never be alone through your prayers.


In its essence, prayer means being with God. It is enjoying every moment of peace after communion. With words spoken based on faith, belief and humility, you feel blessed by every word spoken to heaven. And in the certainty that your prayers have been received, be assured that the first results of your requests will not be long in coming.

Make these moments with God worthwhile. At any moment of the day, take time to pray. However troubled your life may be, it is important to feel confident that your tribulations are governed by the universe. Remember that it is God who provides you with the fuel you need to keep your strength up.


Without haste and in silence, offer your heart for the Lord to rest. God always calls us and it is time to answer him. Invoke his infinite goodness and mercy so that you may be understood and forgiven. If you have wounds, expose them in prayer.

I give you thanks, O Lord, holy Father, eternal and almighty God, because, without any merit on my part, but only by the condescension of your mercy, you have deigned to fill me, a sinner, your unworthy servant, with the sacred Body and precious blood of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

And I ask that this holy communion may not be a motive of punishment for me, but a salutary guarantee of forgiveness. May it be for me an armor of faith, a shield of good will and liberation from my vices.

Extinguish in me concupiscence and evil desires, increase charity and patience, humility and obedience, and all the virtues.

Effectively defend me from the snares of enemies, both visible and invisible.

Entirely pacify all my passions by firmly uniting me to you, one and true God, happy consummation of my destiny.

And I ask you to deign to lead me, a sinner, to that ineffable conviviality in which you, with your Son and the Holy Spirit, are for your saints the true light, full satiety and eternal joy, complete bliss and perfect happiness.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer of thanksgiving

It is time to give thanks. With the prayer of thanks in thanksgiving, believe in the holy goodness and pray for all that has happened. Give thanks for all the good and beneficial times, and also for what was difficult. In difficulties, there are learning opportunities.

And it is at these times that people can grow and evolve spiritually. Acquire wisdom. See ahead for what this prayer can provide you in life.


This prayer is for the time of giving thanks in the transition of thanksgiving. For heaven to be present in the soul, one must live each day and also feel the spiritual plane. After all and according to the sacred traditions, that is where all souls will go and may have eternal life.

For all cases, prayer is welcome. Before praying, mentally gather the solutions you need. Believing in the completion of anything that may take away your peace, think that God is a father and will never abandon you. Be strong to face any challenge and be ready to receive his miraculous blessings.


Through the eyes of the Holy God and Father, keep your kindness and practice of love. Be complacent to everything and feel the beneficial meanings of the words emanating from the heavens. Prayer consists of gratitude for life, which is a great gift to the soul.

If you want to feel the benefits of thanksgiving prayer, open your heart, prepare your mind, and feel the precious moments of being in communion with God through your words.


Lord God,

Thank you for all the graces the Lord has given us. We are grateful for the lives of all the family and friends who are here on this day, and for those who cannot be.

Thank you for the gift of waking up to each new day. Thank you, Lord, for showing us faith and the preciousness of life through the eyes of all those we love. Thank you for the nature that nurtures us and the light of each new tomorrow.

Thank you for every meal the Lord puts on our table, thank you for giving us a roof and a safe home to shelter us and to rest our weary bodies, and thank you for our work, our health, our love and union.

Thank you, God, for always being present in our lives, watching over us and praying for us, guiding us and protecting us.

Thank you, Lord, for all the graces you grant us and for granting us your blessing, today and always. Amen!

Prayer of thanksgiving for children

The kids also have a prayer for Thanksgiving. For the little ones, ask for health and protection. Give thanks for their lives. If they've been working hard, give thanks. After all, they've been healthy enough to get into trouble, and that's priceless.

What matters is that all children are protected in their holy ingenuity and represent love in their lives and to the world. Pray for them by learning the prayer below, check it out.


Prayer is suitable for children. Because they are pure and good-hearted before God, they need intercession for their lives to flow clearly and concisely. They may know how to pray, but they do not know the real content of prayers as adults do.

Ask for protection for your children, nieces and nephews, and any children you have. Jesus said, "Come to me all the little children of the world." So pray at Thanksgiving or daily for protection, care, and strength for your children. Feel that after receiving Communion, God and Christ will be at your side protecting the children.


This prayer means caring for children. Precious, special beings and fruits of the continuation of life, children need to grow up certain that they should know the power of prayer and religiosity.

In other words, the prayer of thanksgiving for children is the most perfect symbol of love and exalts the care and importance of the little ones in the world.


We come together on Thanksgiving Day

To be grateful


To thank you, dear God,

For loving and providing for us


We love you, Lord and Savior,

and praise be to his wonderful name,

Because of the blessings you have given.

We'll never be the same.

Help us to remember

To be grateful every day,

To walk the path that you have made

and praise his holy name.

A man.

Prayer of blessing in thanksgiving

To praise your blessings, there is a prayer of thanksgiving for this intention. Based on the teachings that the prayer proposes, it should be done to ask for your blessings in a new year to come. In the purpose of firming up your thanks for the graces obtained, giving thanks is a merit of your achievements. To learn the prayer, proceed with the text.


Indicated to obtain blessings for the day of thanksgiving, the prayer allows the person to feel welcomed and spiritualized by its words. Among the particular aspects of each person, the prayer consists of promoting well-being and a state of benevolence to the devotee.


At its best, the prayer for blessing in thanksgiving refers to desire. If you seek to accomplish causes or need solutions to help your needs, this prayer may even help you get what you want. But to fortify your desires and see miracles ahead, keep your faith.


It is good to praise the Lord, and to sing praises to your name, O Most High;

To show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night;

Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery; upon the harp with solemn sound.

For thou, O LORD, hast made me glad in thy doings: I will exult in the works of thy hands.

How great are your works, O Lord!

Very deep are your thoughts.

The brutal man does not know, nor does the madman understand this.

When the wicked shall grow up as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity shall flourish, they shall be destroyed for ever.

But you, Lord, are the Most High forever.

For, Lord, behold, thy enemies shall perish; all that work iniquity shall be scattered.

But thou shalt exalt my power as that of the wild ox.

I will be anointed with fresh oil.

Mine eyes shall see my desire upon mine enemies, and mine ears shall hear my desire concerning the evil-doers that rise up against me.

The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree; he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

Those who are planted in the house of the Lord will flourish in the courts of our God.

In old age they shall yet bring forth fruit; they shall be luxuriant and vigorous, to declare that the LORD is upright.

He is my rock and in Him there is no unrighteousness.

Prayer of thanksgiving and victory

To celebrate your victories, just as the English colonists celebrated the end of a good harvest and started the celebrations for thanksgiving, do the same. Celebrate your victories and achievements for the accomplishments you have made. Take advantage of not only Thanksgiving, but also your everyday life to give thanks for your achievements.


Prayer is suitable for giving thanks. When you have achieved what you wanted, not only have your efforts been acknowledged. God has also interceded for you. Therefore, you should always keep in mind that nothing can happen without divine intercession. Remember that even a leaf from a tree does not fall without the intercession of the heavenly Father.


This prayer signifies the answers to your faith. Your requests are fulfilled in what depends on it. To feel relieved and see that every word that emanates is true, it will not take long for you to be graced. Celebrate every achievement, and give fervent thanks.


Lord almighty!

I thank you for allowing

that I had won,

turning me away from this temptation.

Sustain me always in the fight against evil

and allow this victory to encourage me

so that I may always resist the temptations of evil.

I praise You, my God!

And to you, my Guardian Angel,

acknowledged, I appreciate your assistance.

May I, by my efforts and submission to your counsels,

to merit always your salutary protection.

How do you pray a prayer of thanksgiving correctly?

Keep seriousness and respect. Concentrate on what you are going to say. Find a quiet and reserved place. Preferably be alone. The moment calls for attention so that you are sure and firm in what you are going to say. Send your words with faith, kindness and gratitude.

For you to be successful in your prayers of thanksgiving, raise your thoughts in the intention of kindness and optimism. For your prayers to be received and you to become well adventurous with your achievements, have faith. Always ask for intercession from everyone you wish for protection and blessings. Thus, you will feel the truth in your chest and have lightness in your mind.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.