What is the spirit animal of each sign? Check and understand the relationship!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the Shamanic horoscope?

Although little known, the Shamanic Horoscope is one of the most ancient astrological systems in existence. According to Shamanism, the set of spiritual practices of ancestral peoples, each planet is endowed with a living essence. Therefore, since they are alive, it is possible to interact with them through their "medicine".

The word medicine is used in Shamanism to indicate the deep knowledge of the most ancient laws of the Universe. Although it can be used to promote healing, medicine is not used only for that, since in it are the energies capable of restoring harmony through the characteristics mainly of an animal.

According to the Shamanic Horoscope, each one of us has a spiritual animal which is determined according to our sign and birthday. If you want to know more about the 12 spiritual animals which make up this beautiful astrological system, as well as discover which animal is the ruler of your sign, read on!

Understanding more about spirit animals

As we have mentioned, there are 12 spirit animals in Shamanic Horoscopes. But, after all, what are spirit animals? And when did the study of the spirit animal originate? In this initial part you will find answers to this and many other questions about the subject. Check it out!

What are spirit animals?

Spirit animals are the ruling animals of the time of year in which you were born. Each spirit animal is not only connected to the turning of the seasons, but also to a direction and an element, which helps to understand your energy and medicine.

Moreover, through the animals of Shamanic Horoscope, you can understand the paths you should explore to enhance your qualities, mitigate your defects and thus have a more balanced life and be able to evolve.

Each animal also carries with it a journey towards finding the meaning and purpose of your life in this incarnation, both individually and collectively. By knowing your animal, you will be able to make more conscious choices by working with your medicine.

Origin of the study of the animal spirit

The study of the animal spirit originated in the traditions of the different cultures of the Native American peoples. In general, the original peoples of the Americas had a desire to understand the Divine through nature and the elements that composed it (living and non-living).

In this quest, the ancients realized that everything in nature (the rain, the seasons, minerals, plants, animals, etc.) had a great relevance and an essential meaning to understand their role in this life on the Medicine Wheel.

By conceiving of natural cycles as a wheel, native peoples realized that it could be divided into 12 parts, which corresponds to the same number of houses in traditional Western astrology.

The big difference is: instead of signs, Shamanic Horoscope is formed by animal spirits that head the personality and journey of the person in life.

What does the animal spirit reveal about you?

The animal spirits that are associated with the signs reveal someone's innermost characteristic. Because they rule specific times of the year, they are given to each of us at the moment of our birth to inspire strength, love, comfort and energy.

According to Native American ancestral beliefs, an animal spirit has the power to explain a being's spiritual energy, including their innermost and deepest desires. Therefore, they can serve as maps and guides to understanding our role, our mission, and what characteristics we can manifest to be the best version of ourselves.

How many animal guides can you have?

Since our needs, inclinations, desires and aspirations change according to life stage, it is possible to have numerous animal guides throughout life. Although your spirit animal is determined for you by your birth date, animal guides are not.

In this way, it is common for animals to present themselves in your life through coincidences or even that you try to get in touch with a specific animal guide in order to manifest their characteristics in your life.

Spiritual animal of each sign of the zodiac

There are 12 animals in the Shamanic Horoscope. As we will show, each of these animals is linked to specific characteristics which give the signs new nuances and help to determine the personality of each person. Read on to discover the animal which rules your sign and its meaning below!

Aries Spiritual animal: Eagle

Those born between March 21 and April 20 are of the sign of Aries. However, even with the ram being a representative of Aries, the spiritual animal of Aryans is the eagle (or the falcon, depending on tradition). The Eagle is ruled by the element of Fire and finds its nest in the Eastern direction.

People ruled by this animal are not afraid to take risks and are filled with passion and the desire to fly higher. Regardless of the difficulties, the Eagle always remains loyal and will seek with great dedication what he seeks, exploring the skies and the lands until he finds it.

Born leaders, those who have the Eagle as a spirit animal are messengers of the groups. In addition, those born under the influence of the Eagle are naturally direct and see situations clearly. On their negative side, they may seem arrogant or narcissistic, because they usually have too much confidence in what they do.

Taurus' Spiritual animal: Castor

The Beaver is the spirit animal of Taurus, whose zodiac dates occur between April 21 and May 20. The Beaver is the animal ruled by the element Earth, and its home is the Eastern direction. Despite being a small animal, the Beaver is known for its ability to overcome obstacles that come its way.

In addition to being smart, they have an uncanny ability to build a solid career, as well as raise a family and have a secure relationship and comfortable home. Beavers are attached to themes such as stability, confidence and enthusiasm.

Therefore, those who have this spirit animal are persistent and will hardly give up their plans. They seek to establish foundations and strong bonds and are often concerned about finances. Therefore, they may be considered materialistic and even self-interested. In addition, they have the natural tendency to be more anxious and should be careful not to become addicted to work.

Gemini Spiritual animal: Deer

Gemini natives are born between May 21 and June 20, period ruled by the Deer, the Deer is the spiritual animal ruled by the East and by the Earth element. Those born under the influence of this animal are usually alert and have a questioning nature.

In addition, natives are usually shy and even capricious and need a lot of stimulation and encouragement to complete things. The Deer is a spirit animal that encompasses characteristics such as versatility, sociability and charm.

However, these natives usually do many things at once, as they get bored very easily. They possess great mental ability, and can move lightly and gracefully between different layers and situations in life.

A negative characteristic of this animal is his restlessness and impatience, which makes him very anxious and often unsatisfied. He can be very appreciative of themes such as love, friendship, acceptance and compassion.

Cancer Spiritual Animal: Woodpecker

The Woodpecker is the spirit animal of natives of the sign of Cancer. Ruling the dates of birth between June 21 and July 20, the Woodpecker is ruled by the direction South and by the element Water. Besides embodying the archetype and welcoming of the Great Mother, knowing the right time to offer help, the Woodpecker is devoted to the partner and takes a lot of time choosing the ideal person.

They are sensitive by nature and therefore need to be very careful when relating to others, as they tend to copy the characteristics of the people around them, reneging on their own personality to please others. This is quite evident when they are with a partner.

Woodpeckers are caregivers by nature and can use their intuition to solve problems of any nature. However, they can be quite attached to people and things and can be very clingy, to the point of smothering people who are loved by them.

Spiritual animal of Leo: Salmon

Natives of the sign of Leo are born between July 21 and August 20, a period ruled by the spirit animal Salmon. Also ruled by the element of Fire, Salmon finds its home in the South-Southwest direction. This animal is very haughty and energetic, so its representatives are seen as enthusiastic people driven by their passions.

If your spirit animal is Salmon, it is important that you find your purpose in life as soon as possible. Moreover, Salmon can achieve great things because for them there is nothing good that can't get better. Their natives are therefore ambitious and ardently desire to have recognition for what they do.

Consequently they tend to have very high expectations of others and themselves. They need to be careful that they don't become proud and always want to be the centre of attention. They can also become driven by logic and consequently be cold.

Virgo's Spiritual animal: Bear

The Bear is the spirit animal of Virgo, whose birth dates are between August 21 and September 20. Linked to the Earth element, the Bear is associated with the west direction.

Just like Virgoans, the Bear possesses solidity like a rock. However, those who can break through fear by their appearance will be able to find someone light and loving. If you were born under the influence of this animal, you like hard work, routines and agreements. In addition, you are loyal, dislike drama and are balanced with truth, acceptance and sincerity.

Bears are curious by nature, so they are usually interested in mysteries. However, it is important to be careful that they do not spread the things they discover.

In the North American tradition, the Bear represents practicality that generally requires the imagination. In addition, bears are likely to possess an easier time getting things done in partnership with others than working alone.

Spiritual animal of Libra: Crow

The Raven is the spiritual animal of the sign of Libra, so if you were born between 21 September and 20 October, the Raven is your birth animal. Ruled by the West and the element of Air, the Raven is the most amusing and gentle animal of the Shamanic Horoscope. Therefore, it is usually very popular due to its easy coexistence.

Crows also have more outspoken social skills; however, they are usually, at heart, agitated and indecisive. Another difficulty of the Crow is the common lack of facility to express their criticisms.

Being a charismatic animal, the Crow is excellent at dealing with the public and therefore does well in areas of customer service and sales. You want to find the balance you so much desire, so you need to be careful not to stop loving yourself and not to annul yourself for the sake of others.

Scorpio's Spiritual animal: Snake

The Snake is the spirit animal of the sign of Scorpio. If you were born between October 21 and November 20, that means the Snake is your animal. Ruled by the Northwest direction and the element of Water, she is essentially driven by her emotions and deep desires.

Often misunderstood, you need to go through constant transformations to achieve what you want. In addition, those who are ruled by this animal usually have a mysterious nature. Moreover, it is common to know the ups and downs of life and, for having experienced many things, usually read people well and avoid those who are not in line with their ideals.

Cobras are usually interested in mysteries, having excellent investigative skills. They are excellent at keeping secrets, so they are usually someone to turn to when you need to be taken in and listened to.

Spiritual animal of Sagittarius: Owl

The Owl is the spiritual animal of the sign of Sagittarius, whose birth dates are between November 21 and December 20. Governed by the Northwest direction and the element of Fire, those who are born under the influence of the owl are usually enthusiastic and enigmatic by nature.

Besides loving challenges and having the desire to discover new paths and possibilities, Owls usually think they know it all. Their natives are observant people and therefore check everything around them before acting.

Owls are also adventurous beings who value independence. They are excellent listeners due to the fact that they constantly seek knowledge. Since they are very honest, they usually give very clear and frank opinions. They are also jovial, extroverted and usually seek solutions to re-establish order in their lives.

Capricorn Spiritual animal: Goose

The spirit animal of the sign of Capricorn is the Goose, whose birth dates are between December 21 and January 20. Ruled by the North direction and the earth element, the Goose is an animal that usually gives its all at work, so if this is your spirit animal, you are someone who is hardworking.

Furthermore, it is likely that you do not value refined things very much, for it is a Goose nature to value what is necessarily essential and practical for him. Another characteristic of the Goose is the high degree of selection of friends. In general, he does not usually have many friends.

However, these natives usually keep the few friends they have close for their entire life. Also, the Goose is patient and motivated, having a strategy for almost every moment of the day. They are usually realistic, as they do not like to be disappointed with their own expectations.

Aquarius Spiritual animal: Otter

Those born under the sign of Aquarius, between January 21 and February 20, have the Otter as their spirit animal. Ruled by the element of Air, it finds its direction of power at the North-Northeast point. If the Otter is your spirit animal, you are creative by nature. Also, characteristics like cleverness, instinct, caring and loyalty are part of your personality.

Because the Otter is an unpredictable animal, it is possible that people who deal with you will learn to deal with surprises. Because you have a different outlook from others, often focused on philanthropy and innovation, you may be seen as eccentric. It is also possible that you see life as one big experiment.

Another striking characteristic of the Otter is that he likes to put his plans into practice by getting ideals off the ground. However, if you do not learn to use your medicine properly, you may not be able to manifest your ideas as you would like.

Pisces Spiritual animal: Wolf

The Wolf is the spiritual animal that closes the cycle of the Zodiac, making way for a new beginning. Pisces natives, whose birth date is between February 21 and March 20, are ruled by the Wolf.

Ruled by the element Water and the direction Northeast, the Wolf is a sensitive animal, so if this is your spirit animal, you are an artist by nature. Due to their emotional nature, wolves need to isolate themselves to recharge their energies.

Therefore, it is important that you, sometimes, withdraw to avoid being like a sponge, in which the impressions and emotions of others are retained. The Wolf is a sacred animal that travels between the worlds. Therefore, your natives are usually excellent psychologists or even get involved with the work with the spirituality, as mediums.

Due to their somewhat sociable nature, wolves need to have affectionate bonds with like-minded people, as they value intimate relationships. Being very protective, they usually defend the people they love tooth and nail.

The spirit animal can influence your personality!

Since spirit animals are linked to your life mission and the exact moment you were born, they can influence your personality. Consequently, for you to understand their influence in your life, it is essential that you try to connect with your medicine, as this is how you will establish connection with your wild and ancestral nature.

Remember that in essence, the most important thing in this life is to make connections, so seek to connect whenever possible with the Universe, nature and the world that is present in your social relationships.

Your initial connection to the energy of the Universe is given through the animal of your birth date, which will reflect your qualities, ambitions and your innermost desires, determining who you are.

However, remember that whenever you need to balance yourself, you can turn to the medicines of the other 12 spirit animals of the Zodiac. In this way, you will not only understand your life mission, but you will align yourself with your purpose and with the Universe, having richer and more enlightened experiences, towards evolution!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.