What is Energetic Divorce? why perform, Thetahealing and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations on Energetic Divorce

Ending relationships is difficult. Many people find it difficult to let go of a relationship, whether it is a family, romantic or even professional relationship. It is possible that the suffering lasts, that you miss the person, the habits and everything that that relationship brought you.

However, whether it was a positive or negative relationship, you need to overcome it in order to move on. In this sense, energetic divorce is a technique that will help you overcome this barrier and live life fully, leaving the past behind.

The energetic divorce is based on the practice of Thetahealing, a world famous therapy that helps people deal with their emotions and limiting beliefs. Follow this article and learn how to overcome, once and for all, this relationship!

Energetic divorce, soul fragments and energetic cords

Thetahealing includes two techniques that help people who have difficulties with relationship endings: energetic divorce and soul splitting. Through these procedures it is possible to cut the energetic cords between you and the other person and thus free yourself from attachments and dependencies. Read on to learn more!

What is Energetic Divorce

During a separation, it is very likely that the parties will remain attached to each other. Regardless of whether the relationship was good or bad, the connections generated over time are difficult to break and, in many cases, can bring grief.

After all, it is impossible to live well with yourself if your feelings and thoughts remain tied to the other person. In this sense, energetic divorce serves to unbind the energy of these people and release the emotional dependence created during the breakup.

Through the Thetahealing sessions it is possible to annul the energy of the former partner and bring back your energy, aligning your body and mind. Thus, it will be possible to carry on with life in full.

Why get an energetic divorce

Energetic divorce is necessary in relationship terminations. Even if unconsciously, many remain stuck in old dating, marriage, or even family relationships.

This leads to discouragement, difficulty in relating to other people and various other blockages. To deal with this one must resort to energetic divorce and cut the cords that still exist with the former partner.

The fragments of the soul

In relationships it is common for soul fragments to be exchanged. This exchange leads to a feeling of attachment and the need to stay together, even when conditions are not favorable.

This dependency relationship is often realized through the feeling of completeness that a person feels when they are with another person, which is nothing more than the energy of their soul fragment that is with the other person. This is why it is so necessary to collect your fragments when ending a relationship, in order to avoid suffering and dependency.

Ways to lose soul fragments

There are many ways to lose soul fragments and they are not only connected to love relationships. While it is possible to lose fragments in good relationships, abusive or complicated relationships take the most fragments away.

Cases of abuse, death of a loved one, and illness can also collect more soul fragments than usual. So the more intense the relationship, whether positively or negatively, the more soul fragments are lost.

Energy cords

As stated, relationships create connections. These connections are called energetic cords and can be both good and bad. In positive relationships these cords help form a healthy and strong relationship, since you will be intimately sharing your emotions with your partner.

The chakras in which the cords are formed during a love relationship are usually the sexual, solar plexus and heart chakra. However, in troubled relationships negative energies will be exchanged through the cord, affecting both involved.

In addition, these cords are connected to the chakras and thus can end up deregulating them. In this sense, using the Thetahealing techniques of energetic divorce and soul fragment retrieval it is possible to identify the energetic cords and cut them, freeing those involved from this bad connection.

Energetic Divorce Rituals and Thetahealing

Living with a person creates connections that go beyond what we can see. During a separation, it is possible for people to remain connected, which is why the energetic divorce ritual is so necessary.

In this section we will explain in detail how this ritual works and how to direct your gaze towards your feelings through Thetahealing. Follow along!

First Energetic Divorce ritual

To perform the first energetic divorce ritual just separate a container or bag of cloth, rue, salt and something that symbolizes the relationship, either an alliance or photo of the couple.

Put the salt, the rue and the object inside the container or bag and leave it for 40 days. Then, get rid of it in running water, such as a river, sea or waterfall. During these days make prayers asking for their release and also the other person. Use cleaning incense such as rue, rosemary, sage and myrrh. After disposing of the objects, it is interesting to take a bath of rue to finish theprocess.

Second Energetic Divorce ritual

For the second energetic divorce ritual you needed a cup, water, paper, pencil and two bull's eye seeds. The bull's eye seed, also called mucunã, is known for bringing luck and protection.

Put water in the cup, write the name of the person you want to get rid of on the paper and write yours on top. Place the paper in the water and then the two seeds. Let stand for 7 days in a place that is not visible. During this period do daily prayers and light incense for energy cleaning. After 7 days, throw the contents of the cup in running water or in the toilet.

Thetahealing directing the gaze towards feelings

Thetahealing therapy seeks through guided meditation to direct an attentive and conscious look at the feelings. The goal is to understand the root of the feelings, what their origin is and, from there, direct the negative energies towards something positive.

During this analysis the limiting beliefs that accompany the person are identified. Only after a broad observation of oneself and the feelings it will be possible to treat them. Therefore, one of the pillars of Thetahealing is to look at what you feel.

What is Thetahealing, how it came about, benefits and how it works

Thetahealing therapy helps various people deal with limiting beliefs and negative patterns in their lives. Often, people fail to understand where their mental, spiritual and emotional blockages and suffering come from.

Learn what this technique is, how it came about and how it can help you overcome your difficulties and develop in life!

What is Thetahealing

In short, Thetahealing is a compilation of techniques that aim to identify limiting beliefs and transform them. For this, guided meditation and Theta brainwaves are used, aiming to balance the emotions and energies of the individual.

The practice of Thetahealing is not related to any religion or cult and can help solve a variety of problems, from love, financial or professional issues.

How it came about

Thetahealing appeared in 1995 when the creator of the method, Vianna Stibal, was diagnosed with cancer of the femur. After trying countless treatments of traditional and alternative medicine, Vianna, with the help of a physicist, discovered that the meditation that she already used for healing other diseases accessed the Theta brain waves.

Vianna already worked as a massage therapist and naturopath and knew the benefits of meditation in the healing of physical and psychological illnesses. Mother of three children, her desire for healing was enormous and so she decided to apply her intuitive readings in an attempt to cure cancer, which was already in an advanced stage.

Theta brain waves

One of the pillars of Thetahealing is in reaching the Theta brainwaves. All human beings act on five brain frequencies: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma. The Beta frequency is the most common, the one we reach during the performance of tasks and we are in a state of alertness and high reasoning.

In deep meditation or sleep we reach Alpha brainwaves. Delta is present during deep sleep and Gamma is reached at high levels of information processing.

In turn, Theta waves provide the mental state needed to reach the subconscious, emotions and beliefs. Through meditation it is possible to reach this state and create a channel to understand your most complex problems and be able to solve them consciously.

The Benefits of Thetahealing

Several benefits are observed by practitioners of the technique, the main ones are:

- Improvement in interpersonal relationships;

- Detachment from past issues or people;

- Greater mental clarity;

- Increased self-esteem and empowerment;

- Decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety;

- Decrease in physical pain.

How it works

Thetahealing is usually sought by those who have suffered with some problem or discomfort, but everyone can benefit from its practice. After all, its objective is to identify the origins of fears, physical and emotional problems, energetic imbalances and even problems such as depression, anxiety and panic syndrome.

Thetahealing does not replace conventional treatments for physical and psychological ailments, but gives the patient the direction to understand what is really happening to him.

First, therapists, through the questions, find the source of the problems. Then, the therapist proceeds to stimulate the patient's body and mind with Theta waves and commands during the session to begin the process of self-healing.

Limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs are truths that you hold to yourself, consciously or unconsciously, that prevent other beliefs from arising. Generally, these limiting beliefs are created in childhood through trauma or family influences.

In this way, the belief fosters fear and tension, limiting the person and preventing them from achieving their purposes and living a light life. In Thetahealing the therapist uses the technique called "digging" to identify these beliefs and cancel this limitation through commands.

Most common energy patterns

Unconsciously we cultivate patterns of behavior that most often stem from limiting beliefs. The most common energetic patterns are:

- Lack of focus and concentration;

- Financial disorganization;

- Difficulties in relating;

- Difficulties in taking care of health, generating overweight and diseases;

- Anxiety, low self-esteem, sadness and lack of confidence;

- Fear, tension, remorse, guilt and resentment;

- Difficulty in dealing with problems and challenges.

After identifying the negative beliefs and patterns generated by it, it is time to replace them with stimulating beliefs and positive energy patterns.

Thetahealing sessions and questions about healing

Now that you know what Thetahealing is and how it can help you with a variety of issues, including energetic divorce, come find out more information about the sessions and the results!

The Thetahealing Session

During a Thetahealing session you will go through three stages. In the first one, the therapist will conduct a deep meditation for you to reach the Theta waves. Then, he will perform the "digging", that is, he will start the questions to find out what your limiting beliefs, your negative energetic patterns and everything that should be treated.

The whole process is done consciously, without hypnosis. Finally, the therapist will act on the problems encountered, seeking to reverse the negative energies into positive ones through commands. These may be commands to cancel beliefs, to cultivate unconditional love, with healing intentions, to cancel bad feelings, among several others.

It is important to remember that it is only possible to do a Thetahealing session with a professional who has taken courses and specializations. The more courses the therapist has in his curriculum, the more likely he is to be able to work effectively in the Theta waves.

How many sessions are needed

The number of sessions required varies from person to person. After all, you must first identify the problems and only then treat them It is unlikely that a good result will be achieved with less than 4 sessions.

In addition, even though beliefs are automatically eliminated with the therapist's commands, it often takes time for the unconscious mind to understand the change and act accordingly. Nowadays it is possible to do the Thetahealing sessions both in person and remotely through the internet.

Is Thetahealing capable of healing?

Although healing is widely mentioned in Thetahealing, the main goals of the technique are to identify and transform. Healing comes as a consequence, the result of transforming limiting beliefs into ones that are stimulating and positive.

Therefore, it is said that Thetahealing helps people in the process of self-help and self-healing, where you become the protagonist of your emotions and beliefs, directing them towards better attitudes and thoughts.

Is it possible to break unwanted ties through energetic divorce?

Yes, Thetahealing uses several techniques to balance the energies, break limiting beliefs and help overcome fears and traumas. In the case of a separation, whether in a love, family or professional relationship, the energies become unbalanced and it is even possible to lose fragments of the soul in the other person.

Therefore, energetic divorce is able to cut the negative energetic cords between you and the former partner, as well as recover the soul fragments, allowing you to live a free and dependency-free life again.

Moreover, Thetahealing can help in many other causes, since it acts directly on the feelings and energy. Now that you know this technique and its benefits, be sure to look for your evolution and overcome the terminations!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.