Understand the lines of the hands: line of life, marriage and others!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know about palmistry?

Quiromancy is a practice that has as its main objective to read the lines of the hands of a person. From this, it can understand and predict certain events in the life of the analyzed individual.

This is a very common practice, especially among gypsies, and should not be performed by anyone without the necessary experience and knowledge to perform the activity.

For the reading to be done correctly, it is necessary that the person responsible has knowledge of the nuances and meanings of the lines in order to understand what is being shown. Curious? See more about Quiromancy below!

Understanding the reading of the lines of the hands

In order to understand Palmistry, it is necessary to have in mind that this type of divination has the purpose of showing the future. However, it is not limited to this, because it also seeks to take the person who has the reading done to a true journey of self-knowledge.

Thus, the person who wants to go through this type of process needs to look for someone who has the necessary knowledge and knows how to apply this practice with skill, so that the analysis is done in the best possible way.

This is a very serious activity and for your results to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary that the Quiromancy is treated with respect and made based on real knowledge. Want to know more about this practice? See below!

Origin and history

The word "Quiromancy" comes from the Greek, however its appearance, it seems, occurred in India. The meaning of the term is quite literal with what it shows in practice, as it comes from "cheirós," which means hands and "manteiós," which means prophecy.

When the two words are joined they form "Quiromancy", which means precisely the combination in which there is a reading of the lines of the hands to understand the future and understand more about the personality of a person who goes through the reading of hands.


The main points taken into consideration in Palmistry are the lines of the hands, which are used as guides to understand details of the life of the person being analyzed.

Thus, the lines of the palms are a way to understand the present, the future and other details regarding the life of a person who is going through the reading. It is worth noting that the purpose is for the analyzed individual to have a little more knowledge about his true self.

Secrets "written" on the palm of your hand

Through the palms of the hands, people who perform this type of practice can understand all the secrets and details about who is being evaluated by palmistry.

Each of the main lines: of life, head and heart lead to a distinct meaning, according to which it is possible to understand deeper details, which are not clearly noticed in the personality of the person or are hidden for the future.

How to do the hand reading?

To perform the reading of hands, the first consideration that must be made is the search for knowledge about the practice. There are several techniques that are adopted to be practiced in Palmistry, from the easiest to the most advanced. For this, there are even specialized courses in teaching the reading.

The reading requires, in addition to knowledge about each of the lines, that the person can have a greater scope to understand and interpret what is being shown to each consulter. Another important factor for practitioners of this technique is that many people have a natural intuition, which facilitates this understanding of the readings.

Predominant elements

Understanding the concepts of palmistry facilitates the process of learning the technique. Therefore, it is necessary to understand some details about it and the means that are adopted for this.

Among the main points for a correct reading, the person responsible must identify which hand will be read. This depends exactly on what the person wants to know about his life and the future. The specialist has the necessary knowledge so that, after this answer, the correct hand is chosen.

After the choice, are taken into account some elements that will guide a better understanding about the person analyzed. In this sense, there are four types of hands that need to be considered for the process. Want to know more about them? See below!

Earth Element

The type of hand that has the representation of the earth element has more square palms and the fingers are short. This can show that the person is honest and very traditional, as well as having a meticulous personality.

In addition, she also has a very practical outlook on life, and is generally quite materialistic and unconnected to intellectual matters. This type of hand can be seen in many musicians.

Fire Element

Hands that have long palms and short fingers are known as hands of the fire element. They show a person full of energy, who has charisma and a great enthusiasm for life.

These people usually occupy positions of leadership, because they have no fear of taking risks and venturing into anything. They love to draw attention and sometimes have dubious and even idiotic behaviors.

Water Element

This type of hand is characterized by longer palms and long fingers, which can even be considered as elegant and slender. In general, they reveal people who have a very large imagination, are sensitive and emotional.

People with this type of hand are dreamy, trustworthy and kind. However, at times they can seem very temperamental.

Air Element

The type of hand linked to the air element is characterized by a more square palm and long fingers. These people are very intelligent, rational, intellectual and very well articulated with the way they speak and act.

This type of hand also shows a very creative person who is always willing to bring in new ideas. They are very determined and seek to realize their desires and goals with a lot of drive and strength. However, they think too much for anything, which can cause great exhaustion.

Interpreting the lines of the hands

Quiromancy takes into account all aspects of the hands to get a broader view of the personality of the person who undergoes the reading and also to understand how the future of that person will be according to these details.

Thus, the lines of the hands are considered in the process, because they bring with them many evidences and details to understand life in general, which is the goal of this practice in its essence.

Understanding these lines leads to deeper meanings about different areas of life, such as love, health, and work. See below for more details about the hand lines!

Lifeline - Vitality

The lifeline is responsible for determining longevity and the entire path to the end of life. If it is short, this can be understood as a lack of a more present fighting spirit. When longer, it shows a lot of determination.

Other points can also be considered, such as the fact that this line is well demarcated, which shows that the person will have a certain quality of life. When it appears weakly, he will certainly have problematic health issues. This line with interruptions reveals many changes in life.

Headline - Mental energy

The purpose of the head line is to show more about how the person thinks and what they think about certain situations or issues in their life. If this line is going to the moon mount, it reveals creativity.

However, if the line is appearing straight on the palm of the hands, it can reveal a more realistic side and also shows that the person in question is very practical in his way of seeing things and has a very strong aptitude to be productive in his activities.

Heart Line - Love

The heart line speaks more deeply about the emotions of the person analyzed. It addresses issues involving love and romance during the reading. If this line appears curved, towards the index finger, it shows a warm and very expansive person.

But if it appears curved downwards, towards the line of the head, this is a person who is insecure in their relationships in general. When it is shown straight on the palm of the hand, it indicates someone romantic and idealistic. If it is seen deep and short, it reveals a very jealous and passionate person. The long line, finally, reveals a person who wants to conquer and be conquered.

Fate line - Meaning of life

The fate line talks about the perspectives for the person's life; it has to do with luck and what can be achieved by it. It can also reveal about "karma", showing if the individual will have more ease or difficulty to achieve their goals.

If it is well defined, it shows a lot of luck on your side. If it is broken, it may show problems in the course of life, no matter how much effort there is to achieve what you want. In some cases, this line is not even on the palms of the hands. In this scenario, it does not mean that luck will never appear in the person's life, but more difficulties to find it.

Apolo's Line - Success

The Apollo or Sun line runs across the entire palm of the hand and ends at the end of the Apollo hill, which is below the ring finger, pointing directly to wealth, success and happiness in life. This line also signals issues such as luck and opportunities.

By showing well marked, it indicates a person with charisma and able to influence those around him.

Also, if it appears from the life line, it is a successful person, but not based on luck. Starting from the fate line, it shows success in the career. At other points, this line can clearly show the kind of success and achievement obtained by this person and what his efforts to reach that point.

Marriage Row - Relationships

The marriage lines can be seen just below the little finger and grow side by side on the palm of the hand. When they show in a very marked way, they indicate that the person will have a marriage in his destiny. But if they are small, he will live only strong relationships.

The closer to the heart line, the more that line refers to how fast it will happen in someone's life. A long line indicates a happy and long marriage.

If it is curved upwards, it may indicate that the person should not marry in this life. Some details regarding the way this line is shown also indicate that marriage may happen, but it will be somewhat troubled and problematic.

Interpreting the shape of each finger

In order to understand a little more about the details shown by the hands, Quiromancy also takes into account aspects such as the shape of the fingers, their appearance and other important details, which help to have a clear idea in the interpretation.

The shape and spacing of the fingers can help to understand some more points in this practice. These small details can unravel mysteries and also point to other points regarding the personality of the people analyzed.

The size of the fingers shows some personality traits that can be common among people who have the same characteristics, which simplifies even more the reading done by this technique. Do you want to understand more about the importance of fingers in reading the hands? See below!


The thumb has joints which are taken into consideration in the analysis done by Quiromancy. The first, at the base of the finger, can be noted the willpower of the person, while the second and the third, respectively, are associated with the mind and love.

Thus, this finger is considered in the reading of hands as a very important guide, since it serves to show the main aspects of people, their wishes, thoughts and love.

Index finger

The index finger, if it is slightly twisted and its beginning points to the middle finger, is a sign that the person being analyzed has a very strong tendency to seek what is impossible in life and has little vital energy.

But if the tip of the index finger is facing the thumb, this shows that the person soon fought hard for the unattainable in the beginning of his life. But according to circumstances, he eventually surrendered and understood life, leaving aside his old goals and ideals.

Middle finger

In Palmistry, if the middle finger has a longer joint than the other two joints, this shows that the person has a very strong sensuality within him. If it is shorter than the third, the tip of the finger, in this case, shows a reserved person, with a calm nature.

If the first joint, in which the nail is located is much shorter than the third, this may show that this person has a considerable deviation of character in his actions. And if the middle finger is arched, this may be a clear sign that the person has a propensity to crime.

Ring finger

The ring finger on people who have a good heart and are noble, almost always shows itself in a soft and very beautiful way, which displays these qualities. The way this finger appears shows a lot about the attitudes of the person overall.

So, if this finger has a certain curvature at its tip and does not appear smooth and beautiful, it is possible that the person has a very inconsistent personality and even has a greater aptitude to commit acts of cruelty.

Little finger

If the little finger has its base thicker, this is a sign that the person has a noble origin and certain refinement in their tastes. But if the thickness is constant throughout the finger, it is a sign that the person has good health and integrity.

If a slight curvature of the little finger is noticed, this can be a sign of some defect that is still hidden. In general, such a change can be observed in people who are more melancholic or facing complicated psychological issues.

What are the heaps of hands

Hand mounds are the reliefs noted on the bases of the fingers that are between the thumb and index finger at the bottom and also on the edges of the palms.

These details are also considered in Quiromancy for its analyses, because they can reveal much about facets of character, as well as the psychological and physical state of people.

Uniting these questions with what is revealed through the lines and the fingers, the practitioners of the technique are able to have a much broader and more determined vision regarding the paths that led the analyzed person until there and also what awaits him in his future, because this is a clear objective of the technique. Want to know more about the mounts of the hands? Read in detail below!

Mount of Saturn

The Saturn Mount is known for revealing what is deepest inside people. When it is more prominent on the palms, it can indicate a reserved and contained personality. The person is usually very guarded.

If this hill shows itself in a flattened form in the hands, it reveals that this is a person who has a very great optimism, but also counts on a strong emotional instability in his life, which can cause him several problems, however his mind is always very centered and optimistic.

Mount of Jupiter

The Mount of Jupiter is responsible for showing details regarding the accomplishments of the individual's life. How a person will relate to others that come his way is shown through this mount.

If it is more prominent, it shows a strong leadership ability and willpower. And if it is seen flat, it shows that the person has a very strong self-confidence, but has doubts about the other people around him.

Mount of Venus

The Mount of Venus has a strong connection with issues involving love and sexuality. When it appears high on the palms of the hands it shows that you are a person with a lot of sensuality and that this is something very present in your way of acting. In addition, you will experience great passions.

If this hill appears flat, this reveals that this is a person who will have very complicated problems in this sector, both in their relationships and in their sex life. This person will have to face some very bad issues throughout their life.

Monte do Sol

The Mount of the Sun speaks about the energies of people. If it shows up on the palms of the hands, this is a sign that this is a very dynamic person. But despite this characteristic, they also have a great facility to be distracted and disperse.

If the hill appears flattened, this shows a very apathetic person who has great difficulty adapting to new places and means. It is not easy for this person to change something he already knows in his life.

Mount Mercury

The Mount of Mercury shows a lot about the communication of people. When it appears in a higher form in the hand, it indicates a person who will have a great facility to express himself and who will be able to show himself in a clear way to the world, always being heard by everyone.

But, if the pile appears flat, this can show that this person will go through several complicated situations regarding expression, because they will have great difficulty in being able to defend their ideas and express themselves adequately.

Mars Hill

The Mars Hill refers to the courage of people. If it appears protruding in the palms, it can show a person who is very determined and who appears to others as relaxed in his or her way of acting.

If it is flat, it indicates that the person will have an unusual shyness and will count on a great insecurity to be able to face their challenges throughout life because they hardly believe that they will be able to do something of value for the people around them, for example.

Getting to know the special marks

Apart from all the details that can be collected by Quiromancy through the lines of the palms, fingers and mounts, there are also some other points that need to be taken into consideration because they are different and special.

Some marks may appear on the palms of some people's hands and each one of them has a distinct meaning. Thus, along with the other explanations, they make the individual have a much broader view of his past, as well as the present and the future.

These small details are more comprehensive and can favor the interpretations of other aspects, such as lines and hills, for example. Curious to know more about the special signs? See below!


The star sign may appear on the palms of some people's hands and touching a line or hill, favors that aspect and brings a stronger meaning. In each of the places that the star appears, it will favor in some differentiated way.

In general, this sign shows success in areas which can lead to fame and recognition, as well as success in the professional sphere due to originality and creativity. In addition, the person also has a greater strength to overcome obstacles and problems in life.


The crosses transform the meaning of the hills or lines they touch and, in general, show about some points of value, which are further highlighted. Depending on where they touch, they can bring meanings that reveal new paths, possibilities of relationships, disappointments and other deep issues.

This special symbol can also show that there is a need for change in some aspects of the person's life. In some interpretations, it is also seen as a sign of instability and problems, both physical and emotional.


The triangle appears on the palm of the hand and carries several distinct meanings. In most cases, it reveals positive characteristics of the person and its presence can show that he is someone with high intelligence.

The interpretation of this symbol is clearer when noted its relationship with hills and lines, but it can rely on a general meaning that simplifies its importance in hand reading. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the size of the triangle and how it appears to get a more centralized idea of the issue.


The square may also appear as a special symbol between the lines and hills and has its meaning in Chiromancy. Thus, this symbol, when passing through a specific line or hill, causes bad aspects shown by them to be erased.

But in case you touch those mounds or lines directly, the square has the ability to bring more stability to something that may not be as well defined earlier in the reading.


The island symbol may appear in some hands and in the reading done by palmistry indicates that, if it is within a specific line, it may be a clear warning about dangers and sufferings that will be felt by the analysed person.

The island can also be seen as a sign of lack of energy in people's lives and can indicate that changes are about to happen and will divert the whole course of that person's life. Thus, noticing this symbol is a clear warning that the person will experience complicated periods.


The lines of the hands, in general, are responsible for showing some internal problems and Quiromancy, as well as the person responsible for the analysis, has the ability to understand these messages and to interpret them in the way that best fits the person's life.

The problematic aspects that are shown through the lines can both be directed towards psychological issues as well as physical issues, which may be hidden but will come to the surface at some point in life.


The forks speak volumes about the disagreements and incompatibilities a person will have in their life. This is a perspective on more complicated issues, which are shown through the person's daily habits.

It can also have a strong connection with more personal and strong issues, such as family problems and love relationships. In general, this symbol shows some bad and negative aspects in hand reading.


The grids are the several thin lines that can be seen in the reading of the hands. They cross each other and end up forming a figure similar to that of a game of tic-tac-toe, which is why they are called tic-tac-toe.

In general, this special symbol on the hands appears to reveal some aspects related to the person's energy, which can be diffuse. Thus, it is important to consider this vision because it is a reading of something negative and can bring bad consequences.

Reading your hands can reveal your secrets!

The reading of hands made through Quiromancy has the power to reveal the most hidden secrets of people. Through this practice, the details contained in the lines, hills and special symbols have the power to show personal characteristics and where they can lead people throughout life.

An in-depth reading of all the aspects evaluated by the practice can show a lot about a person, things that they would not even imagine. It is necessary to use wisely everything that is said throughout this process, always seeking to encourage positive points and leave behind negative issues.

Thus, this is an important practice for those who wish to know more deeply the details that can influence and change the course of their lives.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.